Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
b. Understand how relationships can be discussed through various pieces of art forms. (Critical) d. Demonstrate the characteristics of the tools, materials and techniques of various two-and-three dimensional media for intentional effects in original artworks. (Productive)
Enduring Understandings (Big ideas communicated succinctly) Music can be filled with emotion making it a good resource for expression. Essential Questions (Lead with ECS) A. Does music make people feel different? B Can music have meaning? C Who listens to music? Student objectives/learning outcomes (Scaffold these in increasingly complex order based upon Bloom hyperlink here) Students will: I (e.) Students can use a variety of mediums and tools to illicit
II (b.) Relationships do not always have to be represented through
literal interpretation.
Performance Tasks (Real life assessments of this learning in the students worlds) Image created based on a song choice that related to their chosen relationship.
Other Evidence (Supportive details) Individual discussion based on drawing and the song chosen
Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning Activities (Education Neuroscientific Learning Cycle: Sense luscious, Reflective, Analytical, Motor, and so on) Day 1 Before students enter class have dramatic music playing (along the lines of Flight of the Bumble Bee). When the students sit down, ask them if the music makes them feel a certain way? Do this with 2 additional music clips, each time ask the emotions they convey. At this point the teacher will explain that the songs they brought in are the songs their next project will be based on. The teacher will explain and demonstrate that there are many different ways to translate sounds to imagery using markers and colored pencils. Teacher will do a quick demonstration of this by choosing one of the example clips and draw along to it while the song is playing. Teacher will point out the use of different lines and colors being used and how they represent the song. Students will begin working with their song playing at either a very low volume or with a head set. The students that do not have a method for music playing will be provided something. If any student forgets to bring in a song they will be provided a song as well. While students are working the teacher will walk around the room making sure the students are able to get a good start on the project Day 2 Students will have another work day. Teacher will be walking around making sure students stay on track and be there to answer any questions they may have. Day 3 Last work day. Teacher will go around and speak individually to each student regarding their work. Evaluation one complete image -demonstrates knowledge of line, shape and color is representative of the chosen song
Song contains appropriate language and content Discussion -Student was able to talk about work - Student was able to explain decisions that were made