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"A Research Proposal Submitted In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Award Of
The Ordinary Diploma In Economic Development In The Department Of Economic Studies Of
The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy"

The undersigned certifies that she has read and hereby recommends for acceptance by the
Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy the dissertation entitled that “Influence of Digital
Marketing on Performance of Banking Industry in Zanzibar. A Case Of People’s Bank Of
Zanzibar.” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ordinary Diploma in Economic
Development, Department of Economic Studies of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy.







I, KHAMIS, MPAJI ALI, do hereby declare that this Research Proposal is the work of my own
and that to the best of my knowledge it has never been submitted for similar course or equivalent
in any University.








TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................iii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................................v

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem....................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives of the study........................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General Objective.............................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives............................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research questions..............................................................................................................................4
1.5 Significance of the study......................................................................................................................4
1.6 Scope of the Study...............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5

LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................5

2.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Theoretical Overview..........................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Key terms..........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Theories guiding the study..................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 McLuhan’s Media and Growth of Commercial Banks..................................................................6
2.2.2 Industrial Organization Economics Theory...................................................................................7
2.3 Conceptual Framework.......................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................9

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................9

3.0 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Research Design...................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Area of the Study.................................................................................................................................9

3.3 Research Approach.............................................................................................................................9
3.4 Sampling Procedure..........................................................................................................................10
3.4.1 Sampling Techniques......................................................................................................................10
3.4.2 Sample Size.....................................................................................................................................10
3.5 Data Collection...................................................................................................................................10
3.6 Validity and Reliability.....................................................................................................................10
3.7 Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................................11
3.8 Ethical Considerations......................................................................................................................11


MNMA: Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy

SEO: Search Engines Optimization

SMEs: Small and Medium Enterprises

SPSS: Statistical Package for Social Sciences



1.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the problem and its context. It composes the background to the research
problem, statement of the research problem; objectives of the study, study questions, significance
of the study and at the end explain the scope of the study. The chapter describes important
aspects to be considered in each section mentioned.

1.1 Background of the study

Most businesses aim at growing, both in terms of market size and assets. Due to higher
competition, customers are to be retained and attracted for businesses to remain profitable.
According to Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick (2013), the marketing concept is based on the basic
principle that its implementation helps in business performance. Also marketing is not an
abstract concept, but rather an acid test to the impact that its use has important corporate indices
such as profitability and market share. Hence, small and medium enterprises as business entities
need to grow to ensure survival and be able to compete in the market.

Over years, the concept of marketing has evolved from the production concept, then the product
concept. This was followed by the selling concept which holds that consumers, if left alone, will
not adequately buy an organization’s products. This concept evolved to the marketing concept
that has been practiced for many years, and currently, companies have embraced the holistic
marketing concept which is based on the development, design, and implementation of marketing
programs, processes, and activities that recognize their breadth and interdependencies (Kotler &
Keller, 2012). The growth of internet and digital channels has made marketing grow in leaps and
bounds in terms of customer reach, the speed with which it reaches the customer, and how the
company interacts with them.

Digital marketing is growing among global businesses with the recent means of marketing the
product of the company being social media. This has resulted in marketing between employees
for creativity and interactive sessions. Digital marketing, according to Smith,P.R.& Taylor,J.
(004) is marketing that uses electronic equipment (computers) such as personal computers, smart

phones, cell phones, and game consoles to involve stakeholders in the process. Digital marketing
methods have the capacity to copy many elements of marketing communications and traditional
media channels, thus enabling the marketing mix to be extended. Digital campaigns are more
particular and are an aspect of the communications marketing mix. The boundaries, however
there are blurred as digital technology is not just a means of communication, but also a
distribution technique. The technology's flexibility means it's extremely complicated (Jobber &
Ellis-Chadwick, 2013).

In addition, digital technologies are becoming increasingly important in the definition of many
industries of financial activity. Due to the elevated rates of interconnectivity, the Internet was
contrasted with the wheel and the aircraft in terms of its capacity to affect the future development
of company and society. Consequently, the internet has provided many firms an incentive to
rethink the role of technology, and results already show the magnitude of its worldwide effect
(Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2013). Digital channels can also provide methods and means to
personalize media content; clients can generate or shape the form of brand the internet has
provided many firms an incentive to rethink the role of technology, and results already show the
magnitude of its worldwide effect (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2013). Digital channels can also
provide methods and means to personalize media content; clients can generate or shape the form
of brand communication through the use of digital channels, such as through stating their
channel and content preference.

Therefore, digital technology is seen to affect business models, the type of marketing instruments
and media that all communication organizations need to be able to deliver. Therefore, a
significant move has been made away from traditional communication instruments and media
and companies are looking for ways in which service suppliers can articulate their digital
marketing plans properly Digital Property Group (2014).This shift in emphasis shows that
marketers should expect customers and how they can use the technology to accomplish their
marketing objectives.

The background of this study will show that digital marketing likely to contribute positively to a
firm’s performance. For that matter, it has compelled the researcher to make critical analysis of
the influence of digital marketing on performanceof banking industry, taking People’s Bank of
Zanzibar as the case.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
In spite of the benefit of digital marketing to the organizations and businesses in general, it’s not
clear what the influence of digital marketing is on the performance of banks. Several scholars
have sought to investigate the role of digital marketing on the business performance. Some of the
international studies conducted include; Corbett.(2014) investigated strategic marketing and
business performance. Oke, (2015) studied electronic marketing and SMEs performance, studied
the effects of electronic marketing on sales performance. Dumpe,M. (2015) examined the
impact of digital marketing on business performance of SMEs in Nigeria. Krum, W.E. (2018)
analyzed the impact of digital marketing on the performance of flowers exporting firms, while
Abed,A.& Sahar ,S. (2010) did a study on impact of digital marketing on customer service. None
of these studies focused on the influence of digital marketing on performance of banking
industry. Thus, the assessment of the influence of digital marketing on performance of banking
industry is considered among the most important justifications of the current study. The study
expanded the body of knowledge by providing findings on the influence of the digital marketing
on performance of banking industry with special focus on the People’s Bank of Zanzibar.

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.3.1 General Objective
Generally the study sought to assess the influence of digital marketing on performance of
banking industry in Zanzibar.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

i. To determine the influence of social media marketing on the performance of the banking

ii. To evaluate the usage of mobile phone marketing on the performance of the banking industry.

iii. To analyze the use of web solutions lead into the performance of the banking industry

1.4 Research questions

The study will be guided by the following research questions;

i. What is the influence of social media on the performance of banking industry?

ii. Does the web solution lead into the performance of banking industry?

iii. To what extent does mobile phone marketing influence the performance of banking industry?

1.5 Significance of the study

The study is of relevance to market researchers and policy makers who would want to know
changes and trends in marketing. This would enable them to advise their clients accurately in
order to adopt the most effective marketing mix.However, the study is significant to policy
makers in government and other institutions who would want to know how to improve business
opportunities for the Banking sector and other companies. With this the government would
provide an enabling environment with regards to policies, regulation and Information
Technology Infrastructures guiding digital marketing.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study assessed the influence of digital marketing on performance of banking industry; the
study will be restricted to People’s Bank of Zanzibar. This study will determine the influence of
social media marketing, analyzed whether the use of web solutions and examined the usage of
mobile phone marketing on the performance of the banking industry. The targeted population for
this study will be staff of People’s Bank of Zanzibar.


2.0 Introduction

This chapter will concern with a review of applicable literature. It deals with both theoretical as
well as empirical literature. In terms of empirical literature, the study shall focus on earlier
studies on the same topic, their findings and their influence of digital marketing on performance
of banking industry.
2.1 Theoretical Overview
The theoretical overview is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study.
The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research
problem under study exists (Abend& Gabriel, 2008). This section reviews the theories that the
researcher considers relevant to the study. It reviews the theory of Evaluation, Comparative
approach theory and Industrial Organization Economics Theory.
2.1.1 Key terms
Digital marketing is a term used to define the integrated marketing services used for internet
customer attraction, engagement and conversion. Digital marketing uses several channels such as
content marketing, influencer marketing; SEO, social media and online advertising to assist
companies connect with clients and discover marketing programs efficiency in real time
Fred.Bengtsson et al(2007).
Social Media: It is all about managing a brand’s image across multiple social channels including
Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and many others. Over the past few years, this form has
become very common, mature and complicated Duncan et al (1993)
Online Advertising: This includes the advertising process on other websites. You can buy a
banner space on the popular website, for example, and pay the website owner the same amount
The Internet: can be described as a virtual computerized network, enabling simple access to the
global operating huge and unlimited quantity of data and communication channels. In its
interconnected networks it uses standardized communication protocols Chen,et Al (2007).
Banking: This relates to saving, sending and receiving money from a financial institution,
especially a bank. It improves security in the deposits of clients (Kimberly, 2018).

Mobile banking:This relates to the use of mobile phones in economic operations. It is a service
that allows clients to access their bank accounts and improve financial transactions with mobile
phones or other cellular devices Monseau,E.(2015).

Performance:Can be described as the sum of the job impacts because they provide the greatest
connection with the strategic goals of the organization, the satisfaction of the customer and the
financial contributions Hall.Europe.Foux,G. (2006).
2.2 Theories guiding the study
2.2.1 McLuhan’s Media and Growth of Commercial Banks
McLuhan is a philosopher and educator from Canada, the author of the popular quote "the press
is the message" Andrew,P.(2005). He asserted that media and media like digital marketing itself
will transform individuals and society rather than its real content. The actual messages people
communicate on the new media won't be any different; the interactivity and frequency of new
patterns of communication will forever change our behavior. Consequently, the impacts of the
media on society are far higher than their content. Belch, G.E & Belch,M.A. (2004) divides
media into cool and warm media. The former requires a viewer to make an effort and participate
in understanding the content, such as television, seminars, or cartoons; the latter enhance one
sense, so viewers don't have to make a lot of effort, such as movies, radio, and photography. If
digital marketing uses McLuhan's arguments, that social media will transform consumers not
because of their content, but because of the mode of communication it entails, then the objectives
of digital marketing are fully accomplished because of their agenda to reach audiences. Twitter,
for instance, is merely a micro-blogging service with a 140 character limit. Theoretically, a blog
service allows you to conduct all of the Twitter tasks. It is exactly this limiting factor; however,
that has made Twitter more agile and real-time. Many breaking news stories have been
distributed through Twitter, such as the Sichuan earthquake in China and the 2008 Mumbai
terrorist attack Fill,C. (1999). As business managers and customers who use digital marketing
extensively, it is essential to understand the changes in behaviour created by the use of fresh
digital platforms and social media services and to adopt an acceptable approach towards these
techniques and behaviour. This theory helps to understand the effect of social media marketing
on the performance of banking sector.
2.2.2 Industrial Organization Economics Theory
According to Scherer (1980), economics theory of industrial organization deals with
organizational features in order to compete in a specified sector, organizational position relative
to its rivals; the amount or quality of organizational assets of strategic importance for
organizational efficiency. According to Dumps ,M.(2015) organizations use industrial economic

theory in favor of their organizational strategy and results to affect the market structure. Bell,J.&
Loans,S.(2010) claims that organizational characteristics within and within sector help
organizations achieve above-average profitability efficiency. Variables include growth strategies,
organizational capital intensity, and advertising intensity among others for organizations. Shows
that industry performance is measured by asset returns. Technology, job quality or service
effectiveness are component of the industrial economies used by organizations to improve
2.3 Conceptual Framework
Conceptual framework of this study will explains relationship between independent variables

and dependent variable. Independent variables in this study are web solution, social media and

mobile phones. Dependent variable of this study is banking industry performance.

Figure2.1: Conceptual Framework.



 Brand Awareness 7
 Brand Loyalty
 Customer Relationship
 Profitability
 Data Handling  Raising Profile
 Video Technology  Customer Engagement
 Mass Communication


 Connectivity
 Brand images
 Search engines


3.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the methodology, which will be used to conduct the study. It further
describes the area of the study, research approach, population, sample, sampling techniques and
source of data and data analysis and the validity and reliability of the study used.
3.1 Research Design
Research design relates to the overview, plan or system used to provide responses to the issue of
study. It indicates the inquiry plan and structure. As case study, this study will use descriptive
research design. Descriptive research relates to a scientific research method in which information
are gathered and analysed to define the present circumstances, terms or interactions related to a
Bhattacharya issue (2009). This research employed descriptive research design because the
nature of this study is to evaluate and describe the effect of digital marketing tools on
performance of banking industry.
3.2 Area of the Study
The study is to will be conducted at Zanzibar, specifically at People’s Bank of Zanzibar. The
reason behind this selection is that People’s Bank of Zanzibar is among the Tanzanian banks
which has adopted digital marketing and want to know what digital marketing method to use and
how potential customers can be reached and be able to enhance the performance of the bank. The
target population comprised a total of 50 employees which will be drawn from all departments of
People’s Bank of Zanzibar.
3.3 Research Approach
A research approach is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine the relevance of the research purpose with economy in procedure
(Kothari 2002).This study will be purely quantitative study because numerical data will be
collected, for it is objective by collecting primary and secondary data and using numerical data to
reach the conclusion through statistical proof. Also this study will use quantitative approach
because the study tested the variable and hypothesis of this study. The researcher used
questionnaires to collect data.

3.4 Sampling Procedure
3.4.1 Sampling Techniques
As for this study, simple random sampling technique will be adopted. The main reason for this
selection is that simple random sampling method provides equal opportunity to chosen people in
the target population or sample, and thus data bias is well prevented as data is accounted for by
each person.
3.4.2 Sample Size
The determination of sample size is a common task for many organizational researchers.
Appropriate and adequate sample sizes influence the quality and accuracy of research. On the
basis of the study, a sample size of 20 employees from all departments People’s Bank of

3.5 Data Collection

This study utilized primary and secondary data, primary data will collected using structured
questionnaires while the secondary data will obtained from a review of literature that pertains to
digital marketing on performance of banking industry. The questions in the questionnaire
(appendix I) will based on a Likert type scale so as to measure the degree and extent of the
different variables that will be under study. The questionnaire(appendix I) will divided into two
parts namely: Section A which included the demographic information of the respondents,
Section B which examined the effectiveness of the usage of digital marketing (Social media,
SEO, Websites/ blogs and display adverts) and Section C which investigated the effectiveness of
digital marketing on performance of banking industry (Brand recognition, volume of sales,
market share and customer engagement and loyalty) on banking industry in Zanzibar . These
questionnaires will administered using the drop and pick method.
3.6 Validity and Reliability
Reliability relates to the accuracy of measurement, according to Walliman and Nicholas (2001),
and is commonly evaluated using the test-retest reliability technique. The investigator ensured
the instrument's reliability by undertaking a small pilot survey to evaluate the questionnaire's
reliability and validity. Sample of questions will be administered to some bank officials for the
aim of determining any errors, response time spent, any clarification required, difficulties in
interpreting words.

According to Chittenden,L.& Rettie,R.(2003)0 the degree to which the sample of test products
reflects the material that the test is intended to evaluate is validity. This study used content
validity as a measure of the extent to which data collected using a particular tool represents a
particular domain or content of a particular concept. Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) argue that
the usual method for evaluating the validity of a measure's content is to use a professional or
specialist in a specific sector. The investigator sought views of specialists in the field of study to
assess the validity of the research tools. This facilitated the needed overhaul and modification of
the study tool to improve validity.
3.7 Data Analysis
This study employed regression analysis in order to establish the effectiveness of digital
marketing on performance of banking industry of Zanzibar.Additionally, the study employed
descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and frequency so as to find out
the marketing performance of banking industry in Zanzibar. This study used a linear regression
model to quantify the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.Further
relationship between the variable will performed using version 25 of the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) program, through which cross-tabulations and correlations between and
among appropriate factors will be performed to allow further interpretation of the information.
3.8 Ethical Considerations
Not only is ethical consideration important in research, but it is also necessary to ensure that
participants are treated with dignity and respect during the study. (Saunders, 2009) claims that
ethical consideration, such as voluntary involvement, no damage to respondents, anonymity and
confidentiality, and the avoidance of deception, are very essential to consider in the research.
The following ethical consideration will adhered during this research; the investigator requested
approval to obtain information from People’s Bank of Zanzibar Tanzania, considerations will be
applied to techniques for collecting information, presenting and interpreting the results, and
citations as well as referencing.

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This questionnaire is aimed at facilitating the research on “Influence of the digital marketing on
performance of banking industry Zanzibar case study people bank of Zanzibar (PBZ)” your
response will be highly appreciated.


1. What is your gender?

a) Male [ ]

b) Female [ ]

2. What is your age?

a) 18-25 Years [ ]

b) 26-35 Years [ ]

c) 36-45 Years [ ]

d) Above 46 Years [ ]

3. What is your educational background?

a) Primary level [ ]

b) Secondary Level [ ]

c) Bachelor degree / Advance diploma [ ]

d) Master degree [ ]

4. How long have you been employed in your organization?

a) Less than 1 Year [ ]

b) 2-5 Years [ ]

c) 6-10 Years [ ]

d) Above 15 Years [ ]

6. How long has people’s bank of Zanzibar been in business?

a) Less than 1 Year [ ]

b) 2-5 Years [ ]

c) 6-10 Years [ ]

d) Above 15 Years [ ]

7. How many employees does people’s bank of Zanzibar have?

a) 0 to 4 [ ]

b) 5 to 49 [ ]

c) 50 to 99 [ ]

d) Above 100 [ ]

8. What is the annual turnover of people’s bank of Zanzibar?

a) 100, 000 – 500,000 [ ]

b) 501, 000 – 1,000,000 [ ]

c) 1,001,000 – 5,000, 000[ ]

d) Above 5,000,000 [ ]


In the scale of 5=Strongly Disagree, 4=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 2=Agree, 1=Strongly Agree, to

what extent have Digital Marketing Performance been effective in your Company?

Social Media 1 2 3 4 5
Social Media has increased customer engagement
Social Media has improved complaint resolution with customers
Social Media has improved the experience and satisfaction of
Social Media usage has led to increased sales
Social Media usage has enabled access to new markets and customers
Social Media usage has led to increased brand recognition
Social Media has increased customer loyalty

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 1 2 3 4 5
SEO has increased the number of unique visitors to our website
SEO has increased the number of clicks on our adverts
SEO has increased the number of unique visitors to our social media
SEO has enabled access to new markets and customers
SEO has improved our brand recognition
SEO has increased our market share
Websites/Blogs 1 2 3 4 5
Websites / Blogs have increased our sales volumes
Websites / Blogs have increased our market share
Websites / Blogs have enabled access to new markets and customers
Websites / Blogs have increased the number of clicks on our display
Websites / Blogs have increased the number of unique visitors to our
social media pages
Websites / Blogs have increased brand recognition
Websites / Blogs have improved customer experience and customer
Display Adverts 1 2 3 4 5
Display adverts have increased the number of unique visitors to our
Display adverts have increased the number or unique visitors to our
Social Media pages
Display adverts have increased our sales volumes
Display adverts have increased our market share
Display adverts have enabled access to new markets and customers
Display adverts have increased our brand recognition

In the scale of 5=Strongly Disagree, 4=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 2=Agree, 1=Strongly Agree, to

what extent has Digital Marketing Affected the Performance of Banking Industry your

1 2 3 4 5
Digital Marketing has increased customer loyalty
Digital Marketing has increased brand awareness and recognition
Digital Marketing has increased website traffic
Digital Marketing usage has led to increased sales
Digital Marketing usage has enabled access to new markets and

Digital Marketing usage has led to increased customer engagement
and satisfaction
Digital Marketing has improved the efficiency and effectiveness of
marketing campaigns


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