Peer Pressure Among Adolescents: A Study With Reference To Perceived Parenting Style

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International Indexed & Refferred Research Journal, October 2012, ISSN 0975-3486, RNI- RAJBAL 2009/30097: VoL IV *ISSUE- 37

Research PaperPsychology

Peer Pressure Among Adolescents: A Study With Reference to Perceived Parenting Style
October,2012 A B S T R A C T
To explore parenting style has any effect on peer pressure experienced by adolescents. The participants were 240 undergraduate students in Rajkot city during the 2011-2012 academic years. The measures of the parenting style and peer pressure scale. The result demonstrated that peer pressure is highest on adolescents having authoritarian parenting style followed by adolescents having neglectful, permissive and authoritative parenting style. Mital N. Vekaria

* Vekaria Mital N.

* Ph.D. Running in Department of Psychology, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Introduction Parents play a crucial role in direct relation to children's behavior and well-being. During childhood the family environment constitutes the basic social ecology in which the child's behavior is manifested, learned, encouraged or suppressed (Dishion and Patterson 2006). Adolescence has been described as a phase of life beginning in biology and ending in society (Petersen,1988). Indeed, adolescence may be defined as the period within the life span when most of a person's biological, cognitive, psychological, and social characteristics are changing from what is typically considered child-like to what is considered adult-like (Lerner & Spanier,1980). For the adolescent, this period is a dramatic challenge, one requiring adjustment to changes in the self, in the family, and in the peer group. Diana Baumrind found what she considered to be the four basic elements that could help shape successful parenting:responsiveness vs. unresponsiveness and demanding vs.undemanding. Maccoby and Martin(1983) expanded the parenting styles to four: 1.The authoritative parenting is the most common and considered most successful style. It is demo cratic parenting style. These parents' holds high expectations, provide explanations for rules, and create an environment of warmth and caring for their children. 2.Authoritarian parenting is a restrictive, punitive style in which parents advise the child to follow their directions and to respect their work and effort. 3.Permissive parenting parents decide to give lots of freedom and hope to their children they will do what is best. 4. Neglectful parenting is low in warmth and control, are generally not involved in their child's life, are disengaged, undemanding, low in responsiveness, and do not set limits.

Agrawal and Balyan(2011) examined the effect of parenting style and living environment on approach coping strategies; and examined the effect of parenting style and living environment on avoidance coping strategies. Results showed that parenting style and living environment affect the ways of coping in adolescents. During adolescence, less time is spent with parents and family and more time is spent with friends, who act as an important source of social support (Brown & Klute,2006). According to Erik Erikson, adolescence is the age in which people must set up an identity to escape identity diffusion and confusion. At this age, adolescents give much importance to their friends who have a power over them. This phenomenon is called "peer pressure." Tope(2011) that parents and teachers may provide adequate guidance to adolescents to help them understand how the friends can positively or negatively influence their academic performance. Akhtar, Aziz(2011) investigate the finding of the study were the parent pressure effect positively and peer pressure effects negatively the academic achievement of students and especially female university students. No effect of peer and parent pressure was found on the achievement of male students. The parent's pressure has positive effect on the academic achievement of business administration students. Boujlaleb(2006) said that "peers have a more powerful influence on adolescents as compared to families". Research Objectives To study whether parenting style has any effect on peer pressure experienced by adolescents. Sample The present study was conducted on a sample of 240 under-graduate students in the different collages in Rajkot city during the 2011-2012 academic years. Instruments



International Indexed & Refferred Research Journal, October 2012, ISSN 0975-3486, RNI- RAJBAL 2009/30097: VoL IV *ISSUE- 37

Parenting style: Family Environment Scale(FES) Dodia's Gujarati version(1999) of indian adaptation of Moos & Moos(1974) Family Environment scale used. In this study only one subscale measuring control used. there are 9 statements. It is a five point scale. The scale has both positive and negative statements. Family Relationship Inventory(FRI) Family Relationship Inventory(FRI) developed by Sheri and Sinha(1987) was used. But in this study only 30 statements related to parental acceptance were used. This is two point scale having 'yes' and 'No' alternative. In this questionnar High score means high level of acceptance by parents. Peer Pressure Scale Peer pressure scale new developed by Andrew & Hatch(1999). The 22 items of peer pressure. It is a self report 5 point likert scale. The score 1 represent the option 'strongly disagree' while option 5 on the scale represent the category 'strongly agree.' Results and discussion: Table-1 Means,standard deviations,and F values of Peer pressure with reference to Parenting style (N=240) Parenting style N Mean SD F Authoritative 74 48.24 15.30 10.70** Authoritarian 46 65.72 15.78 Permissive 65 51.77 18.40 Neglectful 55 56.80 19.05

Keeping in view the objectives of the present study obtained data were analyzed using mean and ANOVA. The F-value is 10.70 which is statistically significant at 0.01 level. Hence, there was a significant impact of parenting style on peer pressure. Thus, it can be concluded that peer pressure is highest on adolescents having authoritarian parenting style followed by adolescents having neglectful, permissive and authoritative parenting style. Dornbusch,(1987) found that authoritarian and permissive parenting styles were negatively associated with peer pressure, whereas the authoritative parenting style was positively associated with peer pressure. Peer pressure is one of the most dangerous aspects of adolescence to which teenagers are exposed. Consequently, parents should care more about their adolescents until they overcome this critical age. They should be helpful to their children and they should talk to them as friends not as authoritative parents because adolescents are convinced more when they are with an open-minded person who shows both understandability and kindness. Otherwise, adolescents will encounter crisis and will hide them in their psychology and as explained by Lawrence Kohlberg, and these disorders will appear lately with more psychotraumatic troubles.

1 Baumrind, D.(1991).Parenting styles and adolescent development. In J.Brooks Gunn, R.Lerner,&A.C.Petersen, The ency clopedia of adolescence(pp.746-758). 2 Maheta Rakesh(2009).Big Five Factors of Personality Among Adolescents: The Role of Parenting styles unpublished M.Phil.Thisis, department of psychology: saurashtra university,Rajkot. 3 4



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