Reading Habits of Faculty Members of Science Departmets of H.N.G.U, Patan: A Study
Reading Habits of Faculty Members of Science Departmets of H.N.G.U, Patan: A Study
Reading Habits of Faculty Members of Science Departmets of H.N.G.U, Patan: A Study
* Diptiben V.Patel
Introduction Reading is primarily an intellectual activity and reading habit is a sort of attribute of a human being. Habit is a product of learning; however reading is an art of interpreting the printed tools and written words. It is important for the professional staff of library to know about the reading habits and information needs of the clientele being served. Reading habit has been an area of active interest among the librarians and information scientists. Meaning of Reading Habits The reading habit has one of the most powerful lasting influence in promotion of ones personal development in particular and social in general. The factors affecting the readings habits are: nature of a reader, needs of a reader, nature of information required educational qualifications of a reader, cost of reading material, availability of reading material and way of interaction of users and information. The present article is a questionnaire based study of the reading habits of faculty members of science department of H.N.G.University at Patan. In order to carry out the study, a questionnaire was designed for the faculty members of science department of H.N.G.University at Patan.
Objectives The following were the specific objectives of the study: 1. To identify the kind of literature being read by the faculty members. 2. To find out the aim of reading. 3. To study the frequency and extent of the use of the library by the faculty members. 4. To find out the adequacy or otherwise of the li brary collection. 5. To find out whether the manpower is well equipped to provide the services to the faculty members. Researcg Methodology a) Method Survey method was adopted to col lect the related information. b) Sample 53 randomly selected respondents out of three categories viz., Profes sors, Readers and Lecturers. c) Tool A self prepared questionnaire was used as tool. Data Analysis and Interpretation Faculty wise distribution of respondents Out of the total population, one-third members of was taken as sample. Out of the sample population of 53, only 47 Table-1 Faculty wise distribution of faculty members (88.6%) members responded. Department Professor Readers Lecturer Total Per (%) Library meeting the general reading needs of the faculty Architect 2 3 2 7 13.21 members. In 31% cases, the University library is able Biotechnology 3 4 2 9 16.98 to fulfill the information requirement of faculty memChemistry 5 4 2 1 1 20.75 Mathematics 2 2 2 6 11.32 bers and an equal number of faculty members are mainPhysics 7 6 2 1 5 28.30 taining a personal collection. The laboratories of the Pharmaceuticals 3 2 5 9.43 faculty members (23%) are also having a good collec22 21 10 53 tion of information sources in their discipline (Table2).
International Indexed & Refferred Research Journal, October 2012, ISSN 0975-3486, RNI- RAJBAL 2009/30097: VoL IV *ISSUE- 37
Sources of information The faculty members read scientific informaReaders Lecturer Total % tion sources in order to meet their professional obli13 6 32 31 gations and read general information sources for rec5 2 15 15 reation, general knowledge, etc. General reading is a 11 4 32 31 Department Library 14 7 3 24 23 clear indication of reading as a habit as it is not being done out of compulsion. Magazines and newspapers Frequency of the library visits 22% of the faculty members were able to visit are the most preferred general reading material of the the library every day. However, majority of the fac- faculty members (Table-5). Table-5 Material for general reading ulty members (46%) visit the library once a week. 28% General Reading Professor Readers Lecturer Total % of the faculty members visit the library once in a fortMaterial 17 11 2 30 14.93 night and just 4% faculty members visit the library Fictions Non-Fiction 18 17 11 46 22.89 more than once a day (Table 3).
Table-2 Libraries meeting need of faculty members Source Professors University Library 13 Outside Library 8 Personal Library 17 the general and technical Table-3 Frequency of library visits Frequency of Professors Total % library visits Fortnightly 3 7 Weekly 10 7 Almost Daily 6 3 More than once 2 0 in a day Readers 3 4 1 0 Lecturer 13 21 10 24 28 46 22 46 Newspaper Magazines Other
28 28 8 17 18 8 9 8 1 54 26.87 54 26.87 17 8.46 201
Opinion about the library services and collection 57% respondents gives good and 36% rated average. Only 2% rated the services as excellent (Table-6).
Table-6 Opinion about the library services and collec-
Maximum number of faculty members (60%) read for ti on Professor Readers Lecturer Total % meeting their professional obligations of teaching and Opinion 1 0 0 1 2 research. The second largest category of the faculty Excellent Good 15 8 4 27 57 members (27%) were reading to keep themselves up to Average 4 10 3 17 36 date in their field. It was found that 13% were reading Not Satisfied 1 1 0 2 4 47 for the sake of recreation (Table 4). Conclusion Table-4 Purpose of Reading The present study on the reading habits of Purpose Professor Readers Lecturer Total % To meet teaching 21 16 7 44 60 the faculty at the science department of H.N.G.Uni., and research Patan shows that the university library and personal requirements For recreation 3 5 1 9 13 collections are the major source of information and To be knowled9 8 3 20 27 the most important purpose of reading by the faculty geable 73 members is to meet the teaching and research requirements.
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