Lesson Plan Sem 3

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PAULSAMY Subject Code : MA2211 Sl. No. Unit I 01 DATE LECTURE TOPIC OBJECTIVE Knows the periodic function and Dirichlet conditions To Knows the definition of Fourier series and problems under Fourier series. To prove Euler formula. Problems in the intervals (0,2l) and (0, 2 ). Designation / Department: Professor/ Mathematics Subject Name : Engineering Mathematics - III Year / Sem: II / III TIME REQUIRED MODE MEDIA Cumulative No. of Hours BOOKS (REFERENCE / TEXT) Engineering Mathematics -III 1 Dr.A.Singaravelu, Meenakshi Agency.

Topic : Fourier series 05.07.12 Introduction

Target Period : 50 Minutes Lecture Chalk & Board



About Fourier series

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

03 04

09.07.12 10.07.12

Euler formula To find Fourier series expansion

50 Minutes 50 Minutes

Lecture Lecture

3 4



To find Fourier series expansion



To find Fourier series expansion Half range e x p a n s i o n Half range e x p a n s i o n

Some problems to find expansion in the interval (-l,l) and ( , ) Some Problems under odd and even function in (- , ). To solve problems under Fourier sine series in the interval (0,l) and (0, ). To solve problems under Fourier cosine series in the interval (0,l) and (0, ).

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



Complex or

Problems e under x complex form p o n e n ti a l f o r m o f F o u ri e r s e ri e s

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



RMS value and Parsevals identity

11 12

19.07.12 20.07.12

Harmonic Analysis Revision II Unit I

To knows the RMS value and To find Some Problems under parsevals identity. Problems under Harmonic analysis Tutorial

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board


50 Minutes 50 Minutes

Lecture Lecture

Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

11 12

Part A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define periodic function with examples. When does a function posses a Fourier series expansion interms of trigonometric terms? (or) Write the Fourier coefficients a0, an and bn in (0,2 ). Write the formula for Fourier constants of f(x) in (c, c + 2l). Can tan x be expanded in Fourier series. If so how? If not why? Explain Dirichlets conditions?

6. Find the sum of the Fourier series of f(x) = x, 0 < x < 1 2, 1 < x < 2 , at x = 1. 7. Find the constant term in the Fourier series corresponding to f(x) = cos2x expressed in the interval (- , ). 8. Write a0, an in the expansion x + x3 as a Fourier series in (- , ). 9. Find the constant term in the Fourier series corresponding to f(x) = x - x3 in (- , ). 10. Find the constant term in the Fourier expansion of x2 2, in the range |x| 2.

11. If f(x) = x2 + x is expressed as a Fourier series in the interval (-2, 2) to which value this series converges at x = 2. 12. Find the Fourier constants bn for x sin x in (- , ). 13. Determine the value of an in the Fourier series expansion of f(x) = x3 in - < x < 14. If f(x) = 2x in the interval (0 , 4) then find the value of a2 in the Fourier series expansion. 15. Expand f(x) = 1 in a sine series in 0 < x < . 16. Expand f(x) = x in (0 , 1) as a Fourier sine series. 17. Find the Fourier sine series of f(x) = x in 0 < x < 2. 18. State Parsevals identity for full range expansion of f(x) as Fourier series in (0 , 2l). 19. If the Fourier series corresponding to f(x) = x in the interval (0 , 2 ) is a0 + [an cosnx + bn sinnx] , with out finding the values of a0, an, bn find the value 2 1 2 a0 2 2 of + [a n + b n ]. 2 1 20. Define the RMS value of a function f(x) in (a , b). 21. Define the RMS value of a function f(x) in (c , c + 2l). 22. Define the RMS value of a function f(x) in (0 , 2 ). 23. Find the RMS value of the function f(x) = x in the interval (0 , l). 24. State Parsevals identity for the half range Cosine expansion of f(x) in (0 , l). 25. What do you mean by Harmonic Analysis? PART B 1. Find the Fourier series expansion of period 2l for the function f(x) = ( l x)2 1 in the range (0, 2l). Deduce the sum of the series . n2 1 2. Find the Fourier series for f(x) = x, in 0 x 3 6-x, in 3 x 6. 3. Express f(x) = x sin x as a Fourier series in 0 x 2 . 4. Expand f(x) = x - x2 as a Fourier series in L < x < L. 5. Obtain Fourier series for f(x) of period 2L and defined as follows. f(x) = L + x, in (-L , 0)

L x in (0 , L) . Hence deduce that

1 12

1 32

1 52

+. =

2 . 8

6. Find the Fourier series for f(x) = -K, - < x < 0 K, 0 < x < . Hence deduce that 1 1 1 1 - + - +. = . 3 5 7 4 sin x sin 2 x sin 3 x x( 2 x 2 ) 7. Prove that for - < x < , = 3 + - 1 23 33 12 2x 8. Obtain the Fourier series expansion of f(x) given by f(x) = 1+ , - x 2x 1, 0 x and hence 1 1 1 2 deduce that 2 + 2 + 2 +. = . 8 1 3 5 9. Find the Fourier series for f(x) = |cos x| in the interval (- , ). Obtain the sine series for the function f(x) = x, in 0 x
l -x, in

l 2

l x l 2 10. Find the half range sine series of f(x) = 1 x in (0 , 1). 11. Find the half range sine series for f(x) = x ( - x) in (0 , ). 1 1 1 3 Deduce that 3 - 3 + 3 -. = . 32 1 3 5 12. Obtain a half range cosine series of the function f(x) = kx, in 0 x < l 2

k( l -x), in

l x l. 2

13. Find a cosine series for the function f(x) = x,

in 0 x <

- x, in
14. 15. 16.

x<. 2
2 2 2 + - ... 1.3 3.5 5.7

Obtain the Fourier expansion of x sin x as a cosine series in (0, ) and hence deduce the value of 1 +

Find the complex form of Fourier series f(x) = cos ax in - < x < . Find the complex form of Fourier series f(x) = e k + x in - < x < . 17. Find the Fourier series for f(x) = x2 in - < x < . Hence show that 1 1 1 4 + 4 + 4 +. = . 90 14 2 3 nx 18. If for 0 < x < l , the function f(x) has the expansion f(x) = bn sin , show that l n =1

[ f ( x)] dx = 2 [b
2 0

2 1

2 + b2 + ......]


The following table gives the variation of a periodic function over the period T. T 5T 6 f(x) 1.98 -0.25 1.98 2x Show that f(x) = 0.75 + 0.37 cos + 1.004 sin , where = . T Find the Fourier series as far as the second harmonic to represent the function given in the following data. T 6 1.3 T 3 1.05 T 2 1.3 2T 3 -0.88 x f(x) 0 9 1 18 2 24 3 28 4 26 5 20 x 0



1. Obtain the constant term and the first harmonic in the Fourier seriews expansion for f(x) where f(x) is given in the following data. x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 f(x) 18.0 18.7 17.6 15.0 11.6 8.3 6.0 5.3 6.4 9.0 12.4 15.7 TEXT BOOKS: 1.Grewal. B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics , 40th edition, Khanna Publications, Delhi, (2007). REFERENCES: 1.Bali N.P and Manish Goyal, , Text Book of Engineering Mathematics , 7th edition,Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd.,(2007). 2.Ramana B.V, Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi, (2007). 3.Glyn james, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition, Pearson Education,(2007). 4. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 8th edition, Wiley india, (2007).

RENGANAYAGI VARATHARAJ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS LESSON PLAN Name of the Faculty: K.SUBHA Subject Code : MA2211 Sl. No. Unit I1 DATE LECTURE TOPIC OBJECTIVE Designation / Department: Lecturer / Mathematics Subject Name : Engineering Mathematics - III TIME REQUIRED MODE MEDIA Year / Sem: I / III BOOKS (REFERENC E / TEXT) Engineering Mathematics -III 50 Minutes Lecture Chalk & Board 1 Dr.A.Singara velu, Meenakshi Agency.

Cumulative No. of Hours

Topic : Fourier Transforms To know Definitions for Fourier integral transform and complex form of Fourier integrals. To solve Problems based on Fourier sine and cosine integrals. To know Definition and properties

Target Period :






Fourier sine and cosine integrals Fourier transform

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board Chalk & Board



50 Minutes




Fourier transform Convolution of two functions in Fourier transform Parsevals identity Fourier sine and c o s i n e tr a n s f o r m s



06 07

30.07.12 31.07.12

To solve Problems based on Fourier transform To solve Problems based on convolution theorem. To solve problems based on Parsevals identity. To know definition for Fourier sine and cosine transform.

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes 50 Minutes

Lecture Lecture

Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

6 7




Properties of F o u ri e r s i n e a n d c o s i n e tr a n s f o r m s

To know the properties of Fourier sine and cosine transform.

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board


Inversion f o r m u l a Fourier sine tr a n s f o r m Revision I Unit I Revision II Unit I To solve problems based on Fourier sine transform To solve problems based on Fourier cosine transform. Chalk & Board



50 Minutes




50 Minutes


Chalk & Board


11 12

06.08.12 07.08.12

Tutorial Tutorial

50 Minutes 50 Minutes

Lecture Lecture

Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

11 12

PART A 1. State Fourier integral theorem. 2. Show that f(x) = 1, 0 < x < can not be represented by a Fourier integral. 3. Define Fourier transform pair. (or) Define Fourier transform and its inverse transform. 4. If Fourier transform of f(x) = F(s) then what is Fourier transform of f(ax). 5. Find the Fourier transform of f(x) = 1 for |x| < a 0 for |x| > a > 0 6. What is the Fourier cosine transform of a function. Write down the Fourier cosine transform pair of formulae. 7. Find the Fourier cosine transform of f(x) = cos x if 0 < x < a 0 if x a


8. Find the Fourier cosine transform of e-x. 9. Find the Fourier cosine transform of e-3x. 10. Find the Fourier sine transform of e-x. 11. Find the Fourier sine transform of e-3x. 12. Find the Fourier sine transform of 3e-2x. 1 13. Find the Fourier sine transform of . x -ax -ax 14. Find Fc[xe ] and Fs[xe ]. 1 15. Prove that Fc[f(x)cosax] = [f(s+a) + f(s-a)] where Fc denote the Fourier cosine 2 transform of f(x). 17. IF F(s) is the Fourier transform of f(x), then show that the Fourier transform of eiaxf(x) is F(s+a). x2 x2 18. Given that e- 2 is self reciprocal under Fourier cosine transform, find Fourier Sine transform of x e- 2 . 1 s 19. If Fc(s) is the Fourier cosine transform of f(x). prove that the Fourier cosine transform of f(ax) is Fc( ). a a 20. If F(s) is the Fourier transform of f(x), then find the Fourier transform of f(x-a). 21. If Fs(s) is the Fourier sine transform of f(x), 1 Show that Fs[f(x)cosax] = [Fs(s+a) + Fs(s-a)]. 2 n 22. Find F[x f(x)] in terms of Fourier transform of f(x). d n F ( x) 23. Find F[ ]in terms of Fourier transform of f(x). dx n 24. State the Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms. 25. State Parsevals identity for Fourier transform. PART B 1. Show that the Fourier transform of f(x)= a2-x2, |x|< a 0, |x| > a is


2 sin ax as cos as 2 . Hence deduce that s3

sin t t cos t dt = . 3 4 t 0

( sin t t cos t ) Using Parsevals identity show that . dt = 3 15 t 0 2. Find the Fourier transform of f(x) = 1 x2, |x| < 1 0 , |x| > 1. sin s s cos s s 3 cos ds = Hence prove that . 3 2 16 s 0
3. Find the Fourier transform of f(x) = 1 , |x| < a 0, |x| > a > 0. sin t sin t 2 dt = ) dt = . Hence deduce that (i) (ii) ( t 2 t 2 0 0 4. Find the Fourier transform of f(x) = 1-|x|, |x| < 1 0 , |x| > 1. sin t 2 sin t 4 ) dt = and ( ) dt = . Hence deduce that ( t 2 t 3 0 0 5. Find the Fourier cosine and sine transform of the function f(x) = e-ax , a > 0. dx 6. Evaluate 2 2 2 , if a > 0 using parsevals identity. 0 (a + x )

7. Evaluate 8. Evaluate

x2 (a 2 + x 2 ) 2 dx , if a > 0 using parsevals identity. 0


dx , if a, b > 0 using parsevals identity. + a )( x 2 + b 2 )



x2 dx , if a, b > 0 using parsevals identity. 9. Evaluate 2 ( x + a 2 )( x 2 + b 2 ) 0 dx , using Transform method. + 1)( x 2 + 4) 0 11. Find the Fourier cosine and sine transform of f(x) = xe-ax. e ax 12. Find the Fourier cosine transform of f(x) = . x e ax 13. Find the Fourier sine transform of f(x) = . x 2 14. Find the Fourier cosine transform of f(x) = e x . 2 2 2 2 15. Find the Fourier cosine transform of e a x , a > 0 and hence deduce that sine transform of x e a x . 10. Evaluate


ex 16. Show that the Fourier sine transform of x is self reciprocal. 2 17. Find the Fourier sine and cosine transform of e-x also find the Fourier sine transform of 18. State and prove Convolution theorem in Fourier transform. ASSIGMENT TOPICS: 1.Find the Fourier transform of f(x) = a- |x|, |x| < a 0, |x| > a > 0. sin t 2 ) dt = . Deduce that (i) ( t 2 0 TEXT BOOKS: 1.Grewal. B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics , 40th edition, Khanna Publications, Delhi, (2007). REFERENCES: x 1 . 2 and Fourier cosine transform of 1+ x 1+ x2


1.Bali N.P and Manish Goyal, , Text Book of Engineering Mathematics , 7th edition,Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd.,(2007). 2.Ramana B.V, Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi, (2007). 3.Glyn james, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition, Pearson Education,(2007). 4. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 8th edition, Wiley india, (2007).

RENGANAYAGI VARATHARAJ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS LESSON PLAN Name of the Faculty: Dr.S.Paulsamy, K.Subha, N.Ananthan Subject Code : MA2111 Designation / Department: Professor/Lecturer/ Lecturer / Mathematics Subject Name: Engineering Mathematics -II Year / Sem: I / II


Sl. No. Unit I11






MEDIA Target Period :

Cumulative No. of Hours

BOOKS (REFERENCE / TEXT) Engineering Mathematics -II





Topic :ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS To know the properties of Complex Arithmetic 07.02.12 Variables Operations and limit to the functions To know the Continuity of a Function and Functions of a some 08.02.12 Complex problems for Variables that Continuity functions To know the The necessary Cauchy condition for Riemann 14.02.12 f(z) to be equations and analytic to find some problems 15.02.12 Cauchy Using Cauchy Riemann Riemann Equations equations to find some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

1 Dr.A.Singaravelu, Meenakshi Agency.

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board




06 07

22.02.12 28.02.12

To know the sufficient conditions and Sufficient Polar form of condition of f(z) Cauchy to be analytic Riemann equations and to find some problems To know some Properties of properties and analytic using to find functions some problems Constructions of To know the a Milne n Thomson a method and l using some y problems ti c f u n c ti o n s

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes 50 Minutes

Lecture Lecture

Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

6 7


Harmonic F u n c ti o n s Conformal M a p p i n g s Bilinear T r a n s f o r m a ti o n Revision I Unit I To know the Harmonic functions and using some problems



50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



To know what is Conformal mapping and using Transformatio ns to find some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



To known what is bilinear transformation s and to find some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board





50 Minutes


Chalk & Board





Revision II Unit I


50 Minutes


Chalk & Board


PART A 1.State the Cauchy Riemann equation in polar coordinates. 2.Give an example that the Cauchy Riemann equation are necessary but not sufficient for a function to be analytic.. 3.State the sufficient condition for the function f(z) to be analytic. 4.If w = ez, find dw/dz using complex variable. 5. Choose the correct answer, w = f(z) is analytic function of z,then------------. 6. The function f(z) = u+iv is analytic only if ---------7. Show that the function f(z) = z z is not analytic at z = 0. 8. State the necessary and sufficient condition for f(z) to be analytic. 9. Verify whether w = sin xcos hy+ i cos x sin hy is analytic or not. 10. The function f(z) = xy is not regular at the origin. 11. The function w = log z is analytic every where in the complex plane. 12. A certain function u(x,y) can be the real part of an analytic function if----------. 13. If Cauchy Riemann equation are satisfied by real and imagionary parts of a complex function f(z) then f(z) should be analytic. 14. Write down the necessary condition for w = f(z) = f(rei) to be analytic. 15. State two properties of analytic function. 16. Show that the function x4-6x2y2+y4 is harmonic. 17. Examine whether the function xy2 can be real part of an analytic function. 18. Define Mobius transformation. 19. Define isogonal transformation. 20. What is invariant point in a mapping? PART B 1 .a. Find the analytic function f(z) whose real part is u(x,y) = 3x2y+2x2 y3 2y2 b. Find the bilinear transformation that maps 1,i,-1 of the z- plane onto 0,1, of the w plane. 2 .a. Find the image of 1 < x < 2 under the mapping w = 1/z. b. If u+v = (x-y)(x2+4xy+y2) and f(z) = u+iv, find f(z) interms of z. 3.a. Show that the transformation w = z-i/ 1-iz maps (i) the interior of the circle z1 = on to the lower half of the w- plane and (ii) the upper half of the z-plane on to the interior of the circle w 1 =. b. Find the analytic function u+iv, if u = (x-y)(x2+4xy+y2). Also find the conjugate harmonic function v. 4. a. Find the image of the hyperpola x2-y2 = 1 under the transformation w = 1 / z. b. Prove that the transformation w = z / 1-z maps the upper half of z plane onto the upper half of w-plane. What is the image of z1= under


this transformation?. ASSIGMENT TOPICS: 1. If a,b, are the two fixed points of a bilinear transformation, show that it can be written in the form, w-a/w-b = K(z-a/z-b), K is Constant, a b. 2. If f(z) is a regular function of z, prove that (2/x2 + 2/y2) f(z)2 = 4f(z)2. TEXT BOOKS: 1.Bali N.P and Manish Goyal, , Text Book of Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition,Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd.,(2008). 2.Grewal. B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics , 40th edition,Khanna Publications, Delhi, (2007). REFERENCES: 1.Ramana B.V, Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi, (2007). 2.Glyn james, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition, Pearson Education,(2007). 3. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 7th edition, Wiley india, (2007). 2.Jain R.K and Iyengar S.R.K, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition,Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.,(2007).


RENGANAYAGI VARATHARAJ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS LESSON PLAN Name of the Faculty: Dr.S.Paulsamy, K.Subha, N.Ananthan Subject Code : MA2111 Designation / Department:Professor/Lecturer/ Lecturer / Mathematics Subject Name: Engineering Mathematics- II Year / Sem: I / II Cumulative No. of Hours BOOKS (REFERENC E / TEXT) Engineering Mathematics -II Dr.A.Singara velu, Meenakshi Agency.

Sl. No.







Unit 1V 01



Topic : COMPLEX INTEGRATION To know the Properties of some complex 03.04.12 properties and integrals to find some problems To know the statement of Cauchys Cauchys 04.04.12 Integral integral theorem theorem and to find some problems 10.04.12 Cauchys Some integral formula problems using to find Cauchys Integral formula for derivatives

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board










To know some important results and Taylor Series using to find some problems To know the Laurents Series Laurents Series expantions and to find some problems To know types of singularities Singularities and using to find some problems Residue at a To know P definitions for o Residue and l Pole and using e to find some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

50 Minutes





Cauchys R e s i d u e t h e o r e m

To know the Statement of Cauchys Residue theorem and using to find some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board




Evaluation of i n t e g r a l s u s i n g R a s i d u e t h e o r e m

Some problems using to find Residue Theorem

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board


Real definite i n t e g r a l s b y c o n t o u r i n t e g r a ti o n Revision I Unit I Revision II Unit I



To know the Definition for Definite integral and Contour integrations and using to find some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board


11 12

15.05.12 16.05.12

Tutorial Tutorial

50 Minutes 50 Minutes

Lecture Lecture

Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

11 12


PART - A 1.What is the value of 3z2+7z+1/ z+1 if C is z =over the region C. 2. State Cauchys Integral Formula. 3. Find the value of z / z2-1 where C is z = over the region C. 4. State Cauchys Integral Formula. 5. The integral value of (x2 iy) dz along the path y = x is 1/6(5-i) and the limits from 0 to 1+i say true or false?. 6. Find the Laurents expansion of f(z) = 1/ z(1-z)2 in z1< . 7. Expand cos z in a Taylors series at z = / 4. 8. Expand the function sin z / z- about z = 9. Laurents series expansion of f(z) over a given annular is not unique, say true or false?. 10. Expand 1 / z-2 at z = 1 as a Taylors series. 11. What are the poles of cot z? 12. Define essential singular point of f(z)?. 13. Find the zeros of z3-1 / z3+1 14. If f(z) = 1 / z2+1 is analytic everywhere except ---------15. For a simple pole at z = a the residue of f(z) at z = a, where f(z) = P(z) / Q(z) is --------16. Evaluate cos z / z-1 dz where C is z1.5 = over the region C. 17. The residue at the pole of the function z / z2 +1 are equal. 18. If f(a) = z2+1 / z-a dz where C is the ellipse x2 + 4y2 = 4, then the value of f(1) is ----------------, over the region C. 19. State the function f(z) and the region contour to evaluate the integral x sin x / x4 + a4 dx, and the limits from 0 to . 20. Express d / 1+ a cos as a contour integral around the circle z1 = ,and the limits from 0 to 2. PART B 1.Evaluate dx / (x2+a2)3, a > 0, using contour integrtion, and the limits from 0 to . 2.Evaluate d / 2+ cos , and the limits from 0 to 2. 3. Expand 1 / (z-1)(z-2) in Laurents series valid for z1> and 1< z 2 > . 4.Evaluate d / a+b cos where a>b by contour integration, and the limits from 0 to 2. 5.Using residue calculus prove that d / 5+3 cos = / 2 and the limits from 0 to . ASSIGMENT TOPICS: 1.Evaluate x2dx / (x2+a2)(x2+b2) using contour integration, where a > b> , and the limits from -to . 2.Evaluate d / 2-cos and the limits from 0 to 2.


TEXT BOOKS: 1.Bali N.P and Manish Goyal, , Text Book of Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition,Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd.,(2008). 2.Grewal. B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics , 40th edition,Khanna Publications, Delhi, (2007). REFERENCES: 1.Ramana B.V, Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi, (2007). 2.Glyn james, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition, Pearson Education,(2007). 3. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 7th edition, Wiley india, (2007). 2.Jain R.K and Iyengar S.R.K, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition,Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.,(2007).

RENGANAYAGI VARATHARAJ COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS LESSON PLAN Name of the Faculty:Dr. S.Paulsamy, K.Subha, N.Ananthan Subject Code : MA2111 Designation / Department:Professor/Lecturer/ Lecturer / Mathematics Subject Name : Engineering Mathematics -II Year / Sem: I / II Cumulative No. of Hours BOOKS (REFERENC E / TEXT)

Sl. No.








Unit V






Topic : LAPLACE TRANSFORM Know that Laplace Conditions for definition and existence of some 02.04.12 Laplace problems transforms based on exponential orderand sine, cosine method Know that the linear property 04.04.12 Linear Property definition and solve some problems Know that First shifting First Shifting 09.04.12 theorem and Theorem solve some problems Know that Second Second Shifting shifting 11.04.12 Theorem theorem and solve some problems 12.04.12 Laplace Know that the transforms of derivative and Derivatives And integral integrals theorem, Dirac delta function and solve some problems

Engineering Mathematics -II 50 Minutes Lecture Chalk & Board 1 Dr.A.Singara velu, Meenakshi Agency. 2

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board




Laplace Transform of periodic functions The Inverse l a p l a c e tr a n s f o r m Convolution

Know that the periodic functions and solve some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



Know that some formula for inverse Laplace transform and solve some problems

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



Know that T Convolution h theorem and e using some o problems r e m

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board




Initial value P r o b l e m a n d F i n a l V a l u e T h e o r e m

Solve some problems based on initial value problem and final value theorem

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board




Laplace T r a n s f o r m s f o r d if f e r e n ti a l e q u a ti o n s

Solve some problems based on differential equations

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board



Simultaneous D if f e r e n ti a l E q u a ti o n s Revision I Unit I Revision II Unit I



Solve some problems based on simultaneous differential equations

50 Minutes


Chalk & Board


12 13 PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

02.05.12 03.05.12

Tutorial Tutorial

50 Minutes 50 Minutes

Lecture Lecture

Chalk & Board Chalk & Board

12 13

If L(sin at / t) = cot -1 (s / a) then sin at / t dt = ---------, and the limits from 0 to . Say true or false L[t(f(t)] = Lf(t) / s L[f(t)] = (s) then L[f (t/2)] = 2(2s). Find the Laplace transform of cos3t / t. Find the Laplace transform sin wt. Find L[sin t]. If L [f (t)] = s2-s+1 / (2s+1)2(s-1), applying the change of scale property shown that L [f (2t)] = s2-2s+1 / 4(s+1)2(s-2). L (u (t-a)) = ------------ (or) Give the Laplace transform of unit step function.


9. Find the Laplace transform of Dirac Delta Function. 10. If f(t) = e-2t sin2t, find L[f(t)] 11. L[f(t)] = 1/ s(s+1) = f(s) find f(0) and f(). 12. Find L-1(1 / s2+4s+4). 13. Find L[cos t / t] 14. Find the inverse transform of tan-1s. 15. Find L-1[1 / s4-1] 16. Find L-1(1 / s2(s2+81)). 17. Find L-1(e-s / s2) 18. Solve the integral equation. 19. Solve y+ ydt = t2+2t and the limits from 0 to t. 20. Show that [1*1*1**1] n times = tn-1 / (n-1)!. PART B 1. Solve the initial value problem. y 3y+2y = 4t, y(0) = 1, y(0) = -1. 2. Using convolution theorem, find L-1[s / (s2+1)2(s2+4)]. 3.a. Find L(e-2t t sin2t), b. find L-1[tan-1(2 / s2)] 4. Using convolution theorem find the inverse Laplace transform of 1 / (s2+4)2. 5. Find L-1(s/ s4+4a4). ASSIGMENT TOPICS: 1 Find the Laplace transform of the following triangular wave function given by f(t) = { t, 0 t and 2-t, t 2 f(t+2) = f(t). 2.Verify initial and final value theorems for the function f(t) = 1+e-t(sin t + cos t). TEXT BOOKS: 1.Bali N.P and Manish Goyal, , Text Book of Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition,Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd.,(2008). 2.Grewal. B.S, Higher Engineering Mathematics , 40th edition,Khanna Publications, Delhi, (2007). REFERENCES:


1.Ramana B.V, Higher Engineering Mathematics ,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company,New Delhi, (2007). 2.Glyn james, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition, Pearson Education,(2007). 3. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 7th edition, Wiley india, (2007). 2.Jain R.K and Iyengar S.R.K, Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 3rd edition,Narosa Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.,(2007).


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