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Neelamangalam, Kallakurichi-606202




1. State Dirichlet’s condition for a function to be expanded as a Fourier series.
2. Find the Fourier constants bn for xsinx in (-p, p)
3. State the Parseval’s identity for the half-range cosine expansion of f(x) in (0, 1).
4. State Dirichlets condition for a function to be expanded as a fourier series
5. Find the constant a0 of the Fourier series for function f(x) = x in 0 £ x £ 2p.
6. Find bn in the expansion of x2 as a Fourier series in (-p,p).
7. Write the Fourier sine series of k in (0,p).
8. Write parseval’s theorem on Fourier constants.
9. Define root mean square value of a function.
10. If f(x) = x2 in -p £ x £ p.find the RMS value of f(x) is p4/5 say true or false.
11. Find the cosine series for f(x) = 1, 0 £ x £ a/2.
-1, a/2 < x < a.
12. Find the RMS value of the function f(x) = x in (0, 1).
13. If f(x) = |x| expanded as a Fourier series in -p < x < p. Find a0.
14. Is a function f(x) = 1+2x/p, -p < x < 0.
1-2x/p, 0 < x < p. Is odd . say true or false.
15. Find the constant a0 of the Fourier series for the function f(x) = x cos x , -p < x < p
1.(i)Find the Fourier series expansion of a periodic function f(x) of period 2l defined by
f(x) = l+x , -l<x£0
l –x , 0£ x£ l Deduce that å 1/(2n-1)2= p2/8
(ii) Find half range sine series of f(x)= xcosx in (0, p)
2.(i)Expand f(x)=xsinx as a Fourier series in( -p,p)
(ii)Obtain the half range cosine series for f(x)= (x-2)2 in the interval 0<x<2
3.(i) Obtain the Fourier series for f(x)=1+x+x2 in (-p.p).Deduce that 1/12+1/22+1/32+……=p2/6
(ii)Obtain the constant form and the first harmonic in the Fourier series expansion for f(x)
where f(x) is given by the following
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
F(x) 18.0 18.7 17.6 15.0 11.6 8.3 6.0 5.3 6.4 9.0 12.4 15.7

4.(i) Obtain Fourier series for f(x) =l-x, 0<x < l

= 0 , l< x < 2l
(ii)Determine the fourier series for the function f(x) = px, 0 £ x £ 1
p(2-x), 1£ x £ 2
5.(i)Find the fourier series for the function f(x) = 1 in ( 0, p)
2 in (p, 2p)
(ii)find the fourier series for f(x) = 0 , -1 < x < 0
l, 0 < x < 1 and f(x+2) = f(x).
6. (i)Obtain the sine series for the function f(x) = x, 0 < x < l/2
l-x, l/2 < x < l
(ii) Find the fourier expansion of period 2p for the function y = f(x) which is defined in
(0, 2p) by means of table of values given below: find the series upto third harmonic
X 0 p/3 2p/3 p 4p/3 5p/3 2p
Y 1.0 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.0

7.(i) Find the fourier series for f(x) = |cos x| in the interval (-p, p).
(ii)Obtain the half range cosine series for f(x) = x in ( 0, p).
8.(i)Find the fourier series for f(x) = x2 in -p<x<p
Hence show that 1/14 + 1/24 + 1/34+ …….. = p2/90
(ii)Find the fourier series as far as the second harmonic to represent the function given in the
following data
0 1 2 3 4 5

F(x) 9 18 24 28 26 20
1. If F(s)=F[f(x)] prove that F[f(x-a)]=eias F(s).
2. Find the sine transform of e-x.
3. P.T F[f(ax)] = 1/a F(s/a).
4. Prove modulation theorem F{f(x)cosax]=1/2 [F(s+a)+F(s-a)].
5. If F(s)=F[f(x)] then prove that F[xf(x)]=(-1)d/dsF(s).
6. Find Fourier cosine transform of e-ax.
7. Find Fourier sine transform of 1/x.
8. State Fourier integral theorem.
9. If Fs(s) is the Fourier sine transform show that Fs[f(x)cosax]=1/2[Fs(s+a)+Fs(s-a)].
10. Find the F.S.T of f(x) = {x, 0 £ x £ p
0, x > p
11.P.T. Fc[f(ax)] = 1 / a Fc(s /a )
12. Write the Fourier transforms pair.
13. Define Fourier cosine & inverse cosine transform.
14. Define Fourier sine& inverse sine transform.

∫ ∫
15. IF e = 0 s sin sx dx/ s +1 then S.T 0 xsin nx dx /(1+x2) = p / 2 e-x


1. Find Fourier transform of f(x) if f(x)={1-|x| , |x|<1

0 , |x|>1 and deduce that

0 (sint / t) 4dt=p/3.

2. Evaluate 0 dx/(x2+a2)(x2+b2) using Fourier transform.

3. Find the Fourier transform of f(x)={1-x2,|x|£ 1

0 ,|x|>1 and hence prove that

∫ sin s−s cos s s 3π
0 s3 cos 2 ds=16 .
− x2 a 2
4. Find cosine transform ofe .
5. Find the Fourier transform of f(x) if f(x)={1,|x|<a
0 |x|>a>0 deduce that
∞ ∞
∫ ∫
0 sint/t dt =p/2 and 0 (sint/t)2dt=p/2.
6. Show that the Fourier transform of f(x)={a2-x2,|x|<a
sin s−s cos s
0 ,|x|>a is 2Ö2/p s3

∫ sin t−t cos t
Hence deduce that 0 t3 dt=p/4.Using Parseval’s identity show that

∫ sin t−t cos t
0 ( t3 )2dt=p/15.
7. find Fourier sine transform of f(x)= { x ,0<x<1
2-x, 1<x<2
0 , x>2
8. find the Fourier transform of f(x) given f(x)={ 1 , |x| < 2
0 , |x| > 2. and hence deduce that

∞ ∞
∫ ∫
0 (sinx/x)dx & 0 (sinx/x)2dx.

9. Find the fourier sine and cosine transform of e-x & hence find the fourier sine transform
of xe-x.
10. Express the function f(x)= { 1 for |x|£ 1
0 for |x|>1 as a fourier integral hence evaluate
∞ ∞
∫ ∫
0 (sinlcoslx/l)dl and find the value of 0 (sinl¤l)dl.

11.Find Fourier integral of the function f(x)= e-ax. Show that

0 (lsinlx)/l2+a2dl=p/2e-ax.
Find the Fourier transform of e-x2/2.
∞ ∞
∫ ∫
11. Using parseval’s identity calculate (i) 0 dx/(a +x ) (ii) 0 x2dx/(a2+x2)2
2 2 2
1. Find the PDE of the planes having equal intercepts on x & y axis
2. Form PDE by eliminating the arbitrary function from f(z2-xy,x\z)=0
3. Form the PDE by eliminating a and b from z=(x2+a2)(y2+b2)
4. Find singular integral of the PDE z=px+qy+p2-q2.
5. Eliminate the arbitrary function f from z=f(xy\z)&form pde
6. Obtain PDE by eliminating arbitrary constants a&b from (x-a)2+(y-b)2+z2=1
7. Find the solution of px2+qy2= z2
8. Solve p2+q2=m2
9. Find the complete integral of p+q=pq
2 2
∂2 z ∂z ∂ z
Find general solution of 4 ∂ x -12 ∂ x ∂ y +9¶ ∂ y =0

11. Solve (D2-3DD’+2D’2)Z =0

∂3 z
∂ z ∂ z ∂ z3

2 2 3
Solve ∂ x -2 ∂ x ∂ y +4 ∂ x ∂ y +8 ∂ y = 0

1 (i) Form pde by eliminating f & j from z = f(y) + j (x+y+z)
(ii) Solve (D2-2DD’)z =e 2x +x3y
2 (i) Find the complete integral of p+q = x+y
(ii)Solve y2p – xyq = x(z-2y)
3 (i) Solve x(y-z) p+y(z-x)q =z(x-y)
(ii) (D3-7DD’2-6D’3)z= sin (x+2y)+e (2x+y)
4 (i) Solve (3z – 4y)p+(4x-2z)q= 2y-3x
(ii) Solve (D2+4DD’-5D’2)z=e 2x-y+sin(2x-y)
5 (i)Solve (y-z)p-(2x+y)q =2x+z
(ii)Solve z2=1+p2+q2
6 (i) Form the pde by eliminating the arbitrary functions f&g in z= x2f(y)+y2g(x)
(ii) Solve (D2-DD’-20D’2)z=e 5x+y+sin (4x-y)
7 (i) Find singular solution of z= px+qy+Ö 1+p2+q2
(ii)Solve (D2-DD’-30D’2)y = xy+e 6x+y
8 (i) Solve (y-xz)p+(yz-x)q =(x+y)(x-y)
(ii)Form pde by eliminating arbitrary function f & g from z = f(x3+2y)+g(x3-2y).
1. Classify the following the PDE.

∂2 u ∂2 u
2∂ x =∂ y

2. Classify the following PDE.

∂2 u ∂u ∂u
∂ x ∂ y = ∂ x ∂ y + xy
3. Classify the following second order PDE
∂2 u ∂2 u ∂ u ∂u ∂u
4 ∂ x + 4 ∂ x ∂ y + ∂ y – 6 ∂ x - 8 ∂ y – 16u = 0.

∂2 u ∂2 u ∂u ∂u
(b) ∂ x + ∂ x ∂ y =( ∂ x )2 +( ∂ y )2

4. Classify the following PDE

y2uxx – 2xyuxy + x2uyy + 2ux – 3u = 0.
5. Classify the following PDE y2uxx – uyy + ux + uy + 7 = 0
6. What conditions are assumed in deriving the one dimensional wave equation?
7. Write the one dimensional wave equation.
∂2 u ∂2 u
2 2
8. What are the different solution of ∂ t = c2 ∂ x
9. Explain the term steady state.
10. State the assumption made in the derivation one dimensional wave equation.
∂2 u ∂2 u
2 2
11. The PDE of a vibrating string is ∂ t = c2 ∂ x what is c2 ?
∂u ∂2 u
12. Give three possible solution of the equation ∂t = a2 ∂ x
13. Write the solution of one dimensional heat flow equation, when the time derivative is
14. State the two dimensional heat equation.
15. Obtain the one dimensional heat flow equation from two dimensional heat flow
equation for unsteady case.

1. If a string of length ‘l’ is initially at rest in its equilibrium position and each of its points
∂y πx
is given the velocity ( ∂t )t=0 = v0 sin ( l ) , 0 < x < l. Determine the displacement

function y(x,t).
2. A bar, 10cm long, with insulated sides, has its ends A and B kept at 20°c and 40°c
respectively until steady state conditions prevail. The temperature at A is then suddenly
raised to 50°c and at the same instant that at B is lowered to 10°c. Find the subsequent
temperature at any point of the bar at any time.
3. A tightly stretched string with fixed end points x = 0 and x = l is initially at rest in its
equilibrium position. If it is set vibrating giving each point a velocity lx(l-x) y(x,t) =
1 πx πx
8ll3/p4a S n sin n l sin na l .
∂u ∂2 u
4. Solve the problem of heat conduction in a rod given that (i) ∂t = a2 ∂ x (ii) u is finite
as t ® µ (ii) ¶u/¶x = 0 for x = 0, and x = l, t > 0 (iv) u = lx - x2, for t = 0, 0£x£l
5. A string is stretched and fastened to two points x = 0 and x = l apart, motion is started by
displacing the string into the form y = k(lx – x2) from which its is released at time t = 0.
Find the displacement of any point on the string at a distance of x from one end at time t.
6. A string is tightly stretched and its ends are fastened at two points x = 0 and x = l. The
midpoint of the string is displaced transversely through a small distance ‘b’ and the string
is released from rest in that position. Find an expression for the transverse displacement
of the string at any time during the subsequent motion.
∂u ∂2 u
7. Solve the equation ∂t = a2 ∂ x subject to the boundary conditions u(0,t)= 0 , u (l,t) =
0, u(x,0) = x.
8. A rod of length l has its ends A and B kept at 0°c and 100°c until steady state condition
prevail. If the temperature at B is reduced suddenly to 0°c and kept so while that of A is
maintained, find the temperature u(x,t) at a distance x from A and at a time t.
1.Find Z[an/n!] in Z-transform.
2.Find Z[e-iat] using Z-transform.
3.State and prove initial value theorem on Z-transform.
4.State final value theorem on Z-transform.
5.Find Z[(n+1)(n+2)].
6.Find Z(nan).
7.Find Z(an).
8.Prove that Z(n)=Z/(z-1)2.

9.Find Z(1/n).
10.Find Z(sinat)
11. Find Z transform of (n-1)2
12. State the convolution theorem for Z transform.
13. State the shifting theorem on Z transforfm
Part B
11.Find Z-transform of (i) e-3(t+T)
(ii) u(n)cos np/2.
12.Find Z-transform of (i) etcosh2t (ii)1/n(n+1)
13.Find (i)Z(n2).
(ii) cosnq (iii) sinnq
14.Find Z-1[Z3/(Z-1)2(Z-2)]
15. Solve the difference equation y(n)+3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=0,n³2,given that y(0)=3,
y(1)= -2.
16.Using convolution theorem evaluate Z-1[Z2/(Z-1)(Z-3)]
17. Solve the difference equation y(k+2)-4y(k+1)+4y(k)=0,where y(0)=1,y(1)=0.
18.State and prove second shifting theorem in Z-transform.

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