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A Guide For Writing Mathematics Portfolio

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

How to write a good Mathematics Portfolio?
Desy Kristianti


[email protected]

A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio Contents


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 The Purpose of the Portfolio ................................................................................................................... 4 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Type I Mathematical Investigation....................................................................................................... 6 Type II Mathematical Modelling .......................................................................................................... 7 Internal Assessment Criteria ................................................................................................................... 8 Criterion A: use of notation and terminology ..................................................................................... 8 Criterion B: communication ................................................................................................................ 9 Criterion C: mathematical process.................................................................................................... 10 Type Imathematical investigation: searching for patterns ....................................................... 10 Type IImathematical modelling: developing a model ............................................................... 11 Criterion D: results ............................................................................................................................ 12 Type Imathematical investigation: generalization .................................................................... 12 Type IImathematical modelling: interpretation ........................................................................ 13 Criterion E: use of technology........................................................................................................... 14 Criterion F: quality of work ............................................................................................................... 15 Personal Tips ......................................................................................................................................... 16 Cover Page ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Header and Footer ............................................................................................................................ 16 Formatting ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Body .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Calculator .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Graphing Software ............................................................................................................................ 19 References ............................................................................................................................................ 20

[email protected]

Page 2

A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio Introduction


Every student must produce a portfolio containing two pieces of work completed during the course. Each piece of work in the portfolio is internally assessed by the teacher against criteria that are related to the objectives of the mathematics course. A sample of student portfolios from each school is then externally moderated to ensure uniformity of standards. The portfolio is worth 20% of the total score for the mathematics course. Each task in a portfolio is assigned by the teacher. The tasks must be based on different areas of the course and represent two types of task: mathematical investigation (type I) and mathematical modelling (type II). The definitions of the different types of task can be found on pages 6 and 7. Students must submit a portfolio containing two pieces of work, and it is recommended that teachers set more than two tasks. The portfolio must consist of two pieces of work assigned by the teacher and completed by the student during the course. Each piece of student work contained in the portfolio must be based on: an area of the syllabus one of the two types of tasks o o type Imathematical investigation type IImathematical modelling.

The level of sophistication of the students mathematical work should be similar to that contained in the syllabus. It is not intended that additional topics are taught to students to enable them to complete a particular task. Each portfolio must contain two pieces of student work, each of the two types of task: the portfolio must contain one type I and one type II piece of work.

[email protected]

Page 3

A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio The Purpose of the Portfolio


The purpose of the portfolio is to provide students with opportunities to be rewarded for mathematics carried out under ordinary conditions, that is, without the time limitations and pressure associated with written examinations. Consequently, the emphasis should be on good mathematical writing and thoughtful reflection. The portfolio is also intended to provide students with opportunities to increase their understanding of mathematical concepts and processes. It is hoped that, by doing portfolio work, students benefit from these mathematical activities and find them both stimulating and rewarding. The specific purposes of portfolio work are to: develop students personal insight into the nature of mathematics and to develop their ability to ask their own questions about mathematics provide opportunities for students to complete extended pieces of mathematical work without the time constraints of an examination enable students to develop individual skills and techniques, and to allow them to experience the satisfaction of applying mathematical processes on their own provide students with the opportunity to experience for themselves the beauty, power and usefulness of mathematics provide students with the opportunity to discover, use and appreciate the power of a calculator or computer as a tool for doing mathematics enable students to develop the qualities of patience and persistence, and to reflect on the significance of the results they obtain provide opportunities for students to show, with confidence, what they know and what they can do.

[email protected]

Page 4

A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio Objectives


The portfolio is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBO. Assessment criteria have been developed to relate to the objectives of the mathematics HL course. In developing these criteria, particular attention has been paid to the objectives listed here since these cannot be easily addressed by means of timed, written examinations. Where appropriate in the portfolio, students are expected to: know and use appropriate notation and terminology organize and present information and data in tabular, graphical and/or diagrammatic forms recognize patterns and structures in a variety of situations, and make generalizations demonstrate an understanding of and the appropriate use of mathematical modelling recognize and demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of mathematics use appropriate technological devices as mathematical tools.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio Type I Mathematical Investigation


While many teachers incorporate a problem-solving approach into their classroom practice, students also should be given the opportunity formally to carry out investigative work. The mathematical investigation is intended to highlight that: the idea of investigation is fundamental to the study of mathematics investigation work often leads to an appreciation of how mathematics can be applied to solve problems in a broad range of fields the discovery aspect of investigation work deepens understanding and provides intrinsic motivation during the process of investigation, students acquire mathematical knowledge, problemsolving techniques, a knowledge of fundamental concepts and an increase in selfconfidence.

All investigations develop from an initial problem, the starting point. The problem must be clearly stated and contain no ambiguity. In addition, the problem should: provide a challenge and the opportunity for creativity contain multi-solution paths, that is, contain the potential for students to choose different courses of action from a range of options.

Essential skills to be assessed Producing a strategy Generating data Recognizing patterns or structures Searching for further cases Forming a general statement Testing a general statement Justifying a general statement Appropriate use of technology

[email protected]

Page 6

A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio Type II Mathematical Modelling


Problem solving usually elicits a process-oriented approach, whereas mathematical modelling requires an experimental approach. By considering different alternatives, students can use modelling to arrive at a specific conclusion, from which the problem can be solved. To focus on the actual process of modelling, the assessment should concentrate on the appropriateness of the model selected in relation to the given situation, and on a critical interpretation of the results of the model in the real-world situation chosen. Mathematical modelling involves the following skills. Translating the real-world problem into mathematics Constructing a model Solving the problem Interpreting the solution in the real-world situation (that is, by the modification or amplification of the problem) Recognizing that different models may be used to solve the same problem Comparing different models Identifying ranges of validity of the models Identifying the possible limits of technology Manipulating data

Essential skills to be assessed Identifying the problem variables Constructing relationships between these variables Manipulating data relevant to the problem Estimating the values of parameters within the model that cannot be measured or calculated from the data Evaluating the usefulness of the model Communicating the entire process Appropriate use of technology

[email protected]

Page 7

A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio Internal Assessment Criteria

Criterion A: use of notation and terminology
Achievement Level 0 1 2 Descriptor The student does not use appropriate notation and terminology. The student uses some appropriate notation and/or terminology.


The student uses appropriate notation and terminology in a consistent manner and does so throughout the work.

Tasks will probably be set before students are aware of the notation and/or terminology to be used. Therefore the key idea behind this criterion is to assess how well the students use of terminology describes the context. Teachers should provide an appropriate level of background knowledge in the form of notes given to students at the time the task is set. Correct mathematical notation is required, but it can be accompanied by calculator notation, particularly when students are substantiating their use of technology. This criterion addresses appropriate use of mathematical symbols (for example, use of instead of = and proper vector notation). Word processing a document does not increase the level of achievement for this criterion or for criterion B. Students should take care to write in appropriate mathematical symbols by hand if the word processing software does not supply them. Calculator or computer notation should not be used. Notation such as x ^ 2 or ABS(x) should not be used and such use will be penalised. A single shortcoming would not preclude the awarding of level 2. Terminology may depend on the task. In the case of type I (mathematical investigation) activities, terminology may include terms devised by the candidate (for example, slide, shift, and so on), provided that such terms reasonably reflect the appropriate mathematical concept.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Criterion B: communication
Achievement Level 0 1 Descriptor


The student neither provides explanations nor uses appropriate forms of representation (for example, symbols, tables, graphs and/or diagrams). The student attempts to provide explanations or uses some appropriate forms of representation (for example, symbols, tables, graphs and/or diagrams). The student provides adequate explanations or arguments, and communicates them using appropriate forms of representation (for example, symbols, tables, graphs, and/or diagrams). The student provides complete, coherent explanations or arguments, and communicates them clearly using appropriate forms of representation (for example, symbols, tables, graphs, and/or diagrams).

This criterion also assesses how coherent the work is. The work can achieve a good mark if the reader does not need to refer to the wording used to set the task. In other words, the task can be marked independently. Level 2 cannot be achieved if the student only writes down mathematical computations without explanation. Graphs, tables and diagrams should accompany the work in the appropriate place and not be attached to the end of the document. Graphs must be correctly labelled and must be neatly drawn on graph paper. Graphs generated by a computer program or a calculator screen dump are acceptable providing that all items are correctly labelled, even if the labels are written in by hand. Colour keying the graphs can increase clarity of communication. If in reading a candidates work the teacher has to pause to clarify where a result came from or how it was achieved, this generally indicates flawed communication. Computer or calculator output may need clarification. Graphs generated by calculator or computer should present the variables and labels appropriate to the task. Handwritten labels may need to be added to screen dumps or printouts if the software does not provide for custom labels. A single shortcoming would not preclude the awarding of level 3.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Criterion C: mathematical process Type Imathematical investigation: searching for patterns
Achievement Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 Descriptor The student does not attempt to use a mathematical strategy. The student uses a mathematical strategy to produce data. The student organizes the data generated.


The student attempts to analyse data to enable the formulation of a general statement. The student successfully analyses the correct data to enable the formulation of a general statement. The student tests the validity of the general statement by considering further examples.

A student can only achieve level 3 if the amount of data generated is sufficient to warrant an analysis. This criterion assesses the process of formulating the statement. A student achieves level 4 if everything is ready to produce the statement. The correctness of the statement is assessed by criterion D. If a student gives a proof of the correct statement, no further cases need be investigated in order to award level 5.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Type IImathematical modelling: developing a model
Achievement Level 0 1 2 Descriptor


The student does not define variables, parameters or constraints of the task. The student defines some variables, parameters or constraints of the task. The student defines variables, parameters and constraints of the task and attempts to create a mathematical model. The student correctly analyses variables, parameters and constraints of the task to enable the formulation of a mathematical model that is relevant to the task and consistent with the level of the course. The student considers how well the model fits the data. The student applies the model to other situations.

3 4 5

At achievement level 5, applying the model to other situations could include, for example, a change of parameter or more data. Any form of definition of variables, parameters or constraints (informal/implied) is acceptable, for example, labelling a graph or table, or noting domain and range.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Criterion D: results Type Imathematical investigation: generalization
Achievement Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 Descriptor


The student does not produce any general statement consistent with the patterns and/or structures generated. The student attempts to produce a general statement that is consistent with the patterns and/or structures generated. The student correctly produces a general statement that is consistent with the patterns and/or structures generated. The student expresses the correct general statement in appropriate mathematical terminology. The student correctly states the scope or limitations of the general statement. The student gives a correct, formal proof (Mathematics HL) or informal justification (Mathematics SL) of the general statement.

A student who gives a correct formal proof of the general statement that does not take into account scope or limitations would achieve level 4. It is important to note the difference between a (that is, any) general statement in level 2 and the general statement in level 3.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Type IImathematical modelling: interpretation
Achievement Level 0 1 2 3 4 Descriptor The student has not arrived at any results. The student has arrived at some results.


The student has not interpreted the reasonableness of the results of the model in the context of the task. The student has attempted to interpret the reasonableness of the results of the model in the context of the task, to the appropriate degree of accuracy. The student has correctly interpreted the reasonableness of the results of the model in the context of the task, to the appropriate degree of accuracy. The student has correctly and critically interpreted the reasonableness of the results of the model in the context of the task, to include possible limitations and modifications of the results, to the appropriate degree of accuracy.

Appropriate degree of accuracy means appropriate in the context of the task.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Criterion E: use of technology
Achievement Level 0 1 2 3 Descriptor The student uses a calculator or computer for only routine calculations.


The student attempts to use a calculator or computer in a manner that could enhance the development of the task. The student makes limited use of a calculator or computer in a manner that enhances the development of the task. The student makes full and resourceful use of a calculator or computer in a manner that significantly enhances the development of the task.

The emphasis in this criterion is on the contribution of the technology to the mathematical development of the task rather than to the presentation or communication. The level of calculator or computer technology varies from school to school. Therefore teachers should state the level of the technology that is available to their students. While printed output is not required, some statement confirming appropriate use of technology (from the teacher or student) is necessary. Using a computer and/or a GDC to generate graphs or tables may not significantly contribute to the development of the task, and therefore may not merit more than level 1.

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Criterion F: quality of work
Achievement Level 0 1 2 Descriptor The student has shown a poor quality of work. The student has shown a satisfactory quality of work. The student has shown an outstanding quality of work.


Students who satisfy all the requirements correctly achieve level 1. For a student to achieve level 2, work must show precision, insight and a sophisticated level of mathematical understanding. Level 2 should only be awarded if the work presented is beyond ordinary expectations, that is, if the teacher takes a pause to admire the quality of such work. Only a totally inadequate response would receive level 0.

[email protected]

Page 15

A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio Personal Tips

Cover Page
Unless this is set by your school, I recommend that your cover page includes: School Name School Crest, if available Subject & Level Portfolio Type Portfolio Title Candidate Name Candidate Number Examination Session (e.g. Mathematics HL) (e.g. Portfolio Type I) (e.g. Patterns Within Systems of Linear Equations) (e.g. Desy Kristianti) (e.g. 001863-002) (e.g. May 2012) (e.g. Sekolah Tiara Bangsa ACS)


Header and Footer

I recommend that your Header includes: Candidate Name Candidate Number Subject & Level Portfolio Type & Title (e.g. Desy Kristianti) (e.g. 001863-002) (e.g. Mathematics HL) (e.g. Portfolio Type I Patterns Within Systems of Linear Equations)

I recommend that your Footer includes: Page number in Page X of Y format (Page 3 of 20)

(Note that your cover page is not included in the page number)

I recommend that you have the following formatting: Font Font Size Font Colour Line Spacing Alignment : Times New Roman or Arial : 12 or 11 respectively : Black (Automatic) : 1.5 lines : Justified =2 )

All variables and constants typed using the Equation feature in Ms. Word (e.g. The portfolio should be printed in colour

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

I recommend you to do the following in your introduction:


Define some terms where appropriate (e.g. define Stellar Numbers). If you do not come up with the definitions by yourself, citations should be included as footnotes. Introduce the problem in the task Briefly describe what your portfolio is all about Mention the purpose of the portfolio Name the software or program(s) that you are going to use Include a logo of all the software or program(s) used (e.g. Figure 1)

Figure 1 Autograph

I recommend you to do the following in your portfolio: Answer all the questions in the order of how the questions are presented in the task sheet. However, do not write your portfolio in question-answer form. There should be a nice flow throughout your portfolio. Define relevant variables clearly. Usually or . If and you are asked to put in different values of , try all possible kind of constants such as: o o o o o o o o Integers Fractions Surds Logarithm Pi Trig functions Eulers number Complex number (e.g. 12, 0, 23) e.g. , , , 10 , ln 4

e.g. 2,

e.g. log 8.5 , e.g. 2 , , 7.3

(sin 2 , tan 100 , 2 cos 45 , cot 35) e.g. , . . , 6.8

7, 3.8 + 4

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

Explain what you are going to do before performing a calculation


Show all the relevant steps for calculations. Any calculation performed should be shown. Calculate everything using your calculator except for rudimentary calculations (e.g. use calculator to find the inverse of a matrix but do not use calculator to calculate 2+3) If you are using a calculator, put a screenshot showing just the part showing the mathematics. You do not need the program interface. These figures should be big enough that it is readable by unaided eyes but not too big. Use mathematical notations and terminologies where appropriate (e.g. arithmetic sequence, discriminant, augmented matrix, asymptote, infinity, etc.) Use a graphing software to plot graphs Use different colours if you plot more than one function on the same set of axes. Indicate clearly which function is which colour. Legends should be put on the same page with the graph. Put the graph and the caption on the same page. If you need to rotate the graph, rotate the caption too so that the examiner know how they should see the graph. Do not describe step by step how to plot the graph using your graphing software. Instructions on how you got the graphs you got are not necessary, as what the examiners are focusing on is your mathematical process, not the tools you used for the process. Just describe briefly what you are doing with that software. If you are asked to develop a model function, develop any of the following: o o o o o o Linear Quadratic Cubic Exponential Logarithmic Sinusoidal

Write in third person. Do not use I, YOU and WE. Go the extra mile, if possible A good portfolio should be 16-28 pages long

I recommend you to do the following towards the end of your portfolio: Tell them that this is the end of your investigation Conclude your answers in 1-3 sentences Mention the software or program(s) used in bullet points

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio

I recommend you to use any of the following software or program(s): TI-Nspire Student Software


(http://education.ti.com/calculators/downloads/US/Software/ detail?id=6768)

Any Graphic Display Calculator that you have

Graphing Software
I recommend you to use any of the following graphing software or program(s): Autograph GeoGebra TI-Nspire Student Software Wolfram Mathematica Microsoft Excel Winplot Graphmatica (http://math.exeter.edu/rparris/winplot.html) (http://www8.pair.com/ksoft/) (http://www.autograph-maths.com/) (http://www.geogebra.org) (http://education.ti.com/calculators/downloads/US/Software/ detail?id=6768) (http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/features/)

Some other graphing software or programs you could possibly use: GraphCalc Graphing Calculator 3D Logger Pro Maxima Fung-Calc (Linux only) Graph Graphical Analysis (http://www.graphcalc.com) (http://calculator.runiter.com/graphing-calculator/) (http://www.vernier.com/soft/lp.html) (http://maxima.sourceforge.net) (http://fung-calc.sourceforge.net) (http://www.padowan.dk/graph/) (http://www.vernier.com/soft/ga.html)

[email protected]

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A Guide for Writing Mathematics Portfolio


All the information from pages 3-15 is gathered from the official IBDP Mathematics HL Internal Assessment Criteria and IBDP Mathematics HL Guide 2008.

Some of the information about graphing software is gathered from various threads in IBSurvival.

The rest of the information is gathered from my Mathematics HL teachers suggestions, some IBSurvival members suggestions, my own knowledge and my own experiences.

Desy Kristianti [email protected]

[email protected]

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