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llushed skln warm Lo Louch

AfLer 4 hrs Cf nurslng lnLervenLlons Lhe paLlenL wlll malnLaln core LemperaLure wlLhln normal range

MonlLor hearL raLe and rhyLhm uysrhyLhmlas and LCC changes are common due Lo elecLrolyLe
lmbalance and dehydraLlon and dlrecL effecL of hyperLhermla on blood and cardlac Llssues
8ecord all sources of fluld loss such as urlne vomlLlng and dlarrhea Lo monlLor or poLenLlaLes fluld and
elecLrolyLe loses
romoLe surface coollng by means of Lepld sponge baLh 1o decrease LemperaLure by means Lhrough
evaporaLlon and conducLlon
Wrap exLremlLles wlLh coLLon blankeLs 1o mlnlmlze shlverlng
rovlde supplemenLal oxygen 1o offseL lncreased oxygen demands and consumpLlon
AdmlnlsLer replacemenL flulds and elecLrolyLes 1o supporL clrculaLlng volume and Llssue perfuslon
MalnLaln bed resL 1o reduce meLabollc demands and oxygen consumpLlon
rovlde hlgh calorle dleL Lube feedlngs or parenLeral nuLrlLlon 1o lncreased meLabollc demands
AdmlnlsLer anLlpyreLlcs orally or recLally as prescrlbed by Lhe physlclan 1o faclllLaLe fasL recovery
What is a seizure?
1he braln ls Lhe cenLer LhaL conLrols and regulaLes all volunLary and lnvolunLary responses ln Lhe body lL
conslsLs of nerve cells LhaL normally communlcaLe wlLh each oLher Lhrough elecLrlcal acLlvlLy

A selzure occurs when parL(s) of Lhe braln recelves a bursL of abnormal elecLrlcal slgnals LhaL Lemporarlly
lnLerrupLs normal elecLrlcal braln funcLlon
What causes a seizure?
A child may experience one or many seizures. While the exact cause oI the seizure may not be
known, the more common seizures are caused by the Iollowing:
O in newborns and inIants:
4 birth trauma
4 congenital (present at birth) problems
4 Iever /inIection
4 metabolic or chemical imbalances in the body
O in children, adolescents, and young adults:
4 alcohol or drugs
4 trauma to the head or brain injury
4 inIection
4 congenital conditions
4 genetic Iactors
4 unknown reasons
O other possible causes oI seizures may include:
4 brain tumor
4 neurological problems
4 drug withdrawal
4 medications
What are the symptoms of a seizure?
%he child may have varying degrees oI symptoms depending upon the type oI seizure. %he
Iollowing are general symptoms oI a seizure or warning signs that your child may be
experiencing seizures. Symptoms or warning signs may include:
O staring
O jerking movements oI the arms and legs
O stiIIening oI the body
O loss oI consciousness
O breathing problems or breathing stops
O loss oI bowel or bladder control
O Ialling suddenly Ior no apparent reason
O not responding to noise or words Ior brieI periods
O appearing conIused or in a haze
O sleepiness and irritable upon waking in the morning
O nodding the head
O periods oI rapid eye blinking and staring
e|zures are dlsLurbances ln normal braln funcLlon resulLlng from abnormal elecLrlcal dlscharges ln Lhe
braln whlch can cause loss of consclousness unconLrolled body movemenLs changes ln behavlors and
sensaLlon and changes ln Lhe auLonomlc sysLem Ma[orlLy of selzures happen wlLhln Lhe flrsL years of

SLudenL nurses' CommunlLy
nu8SlnC CA8L LAn
Su8!LC1lvL8lgla na lang nanglnlg ang anak ko" (
Suddenly my daughLer sLarLed shaklng unconLrollably)

as verballzed by Lhe moLherC8!LC1lvL
laclal grlmace

v/S Laken as follows1 373 1108 208 120/90
8lsk for Lrauma relaLed Lo loss of large muscle coordlnaLlon
Selzures are dlsLurbances ln normal braln funcLlon resulLlng from abnormal elecLrlcal dlscharges ln Lhe
braln whlch can cause loss of consclousness unconLrolled body movemenLs changes ln behavlors and
sensaLlon and changes ln Lhe auLonomlc sysLem Ma[orlLy of selzures happen wlLhln Lhe flrsL years of
AfLer 8 hours of nurslng lnLervenLlons Lhe paLlenL wlll demonsLraLe behavlors llfesLyle changes Lo
reduce rlsk facLors and proLecL self from ln[ury
Lxplore wlLh Lhe paLlenL Lhe varlous sLlmull LhaL may preclplLaLe selzure acLlvlLy Lack of sleep flashlng
llghLs and prolonged Lelevlslon vlewlng may lncrease braln acLlvlLy LhaL may cause poLenLlal selzure
ulscuss selzure warnlng slgns and usual selzure paLLern Lnables Lhe paLlenL Lo proLecL self from ln[ury
keep padded slde ralls up wlLh bed ln Lhe lowesL poslLlon Mlnlmlzes ln[ury should selzure occur whlle
paLlenL ls ln bed
LvaluaLe need for proLecLlve head gear use of helmeL may provlde added proLecLlon for lndlvlduals
durlng aura or selzure acLlvlLy

MalnLaln sLrlcL bed resL lf prodromal slgns or aura experlenced aLlenL may feel resLless Lo ambulaLe or
even defecaLe durlng aural phase LhaL lnadverLenLly removlng self from safe envlronmenL and easy
1urn head Lo slde or sucLlon alrway as lndlcaLed Pelp malnLaln alrway and reduces rlsk of oral Lrauma
buL should noL be forced or lnserLed when LeeLh are clenched because denLal or sofLLlssue may
Cradle head place on sofL area or asslsL Lo floor lf ouL of bed CenLle guldlng of exLremlLles reduces rlsk
of physlcal ln[ury when paLlenL lacks volunLary muscle conLrol
8eorlenL paLlenL followlng selzure acLlvlLy aLlenL may be confused dlsorlenLed afLer selzure and need
help Lo regaln conLrol and allevlaLe anxleLy
AdmlnlsLer medlcaLlons as lndlcaLed Speclflc drug Lherapy depends on selzure Lype wlLh some paLlenLs
requlrlng polyLherapy or frequenL medlcaLlons ad[usLmenL

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