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Ithaca College Teacher Education Program Standards

Rev. 2/17/2010

Eight standards serve as the specific goals of the Ithaca College teacher education program and are intended to weave their way through all that we do. These standards, in addition to embracing INTASC* standards, encompass New York State learning standards and regulations and include: Standard 1 - Content Knowledge: Ithaca College teaching professionals demonstrate a rich, thorough understanding of the content and skill knowledge, theories, and issues comprising their disciplines. Standard 2 - Planning and Instruction/Implementation: Ithaca College teaching professionals are able to plan and implement effective, developmentally appropriate lessons and curricula based upon sound principles of content knowledge and skill development. Standard 3 - Positive Learning Environment: Ithaca College teaching professionals create safe and motivational learning environments that encourage all students to become actively involved. Standard 4 - Diversity: Ithaca College teaching professionals respect and possess knowledge of diversity in its many forms and know how to use this competence to develop relationships, instruction, schools, classrooms, communities and experiences that help all students achieve to their fullest potential and function effectively and respectfully in a diverse world. Standard 5 - Technology: Ithaca College teaching professionals are able to effectively utilize technology to enhance student learning and professional growth and development. Standard 6 - Assessment: Ithaca College teaching professionals demonstrate the ability to develop and utilize a variety of assessment tools and techniques designed to evaluate student learning and performance, provide feedback, and shape future lesson planning, programs, and curricula. Standard 7 - Collaboration and Outreach: Ithaca College teaching professionals foster positive relationships with a variety of target groups (e.g. students, families, colleagues, local community members, etc.) in order to promote and enhance the teaching and learning environment. Standard 8 - Professional Development: Ithaca College teaching professionals engage in reflective practice and continually seek to improve their knowledge base and effectiveness as teachers, make positive contributions to the culture of their fields, and demonstrate the dispositions of an emerging professional. *INTASC=Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium

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