Csschool Evaluation

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Artifact #1: School Board Formal Evaluation

I’ve included this artifact as it demonstrates my current effectiveness as an educator.

This evaluation was done by the principal at my school in June 2018, so it is current and

relevant. It shows that I already use many of the strategies and ethics that are so important in

teaching. It speaks to ‘student, staff and community relations, interpersonal and teamwork skills,

professional knowledge and skills, as well as communication skills and personal management’.

The principal at my school gave a very positive report that will be an asset to my portfolio. It

speaks not only to my teaching skills, but interpersonal skills, and the fact that I build good

home/school connections with the families that I work with. As I plan to apply to this same

school board after graduating, it will benefit to have a good report from a current principal that is

also employed in one of the board schools. This principal has seen lessons and activities that I

have planned and implemented, first hand.

Therefore, this may be the most important piece in this section as it demonstrates that I have a

supervisor who already sees in me the skills needed to be an effective teacher.

InTASC Standards

1(b) The teacher creates developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account

individual learners’ strengths, interests, and needs and that enables each learner to advance and

accelerate his/her learning.

2(a) The teacher designs, adapts, and delivers instruction to address each student’s

diverse learning strengths and needs and creates opportunities for students to demonstrate their

learning in different ways.

10(c) The teacher engages collaboratively in the schoolwide effort to build a shared

vision and supportive culture, identify common goals, and monitor and evaluate progress toward

those goals.

CAEP Claims

1.2 Providers ensure that candidates use research and evidence to develop an understanding of

the teaching profession and use both to measure their P-12 students’ progress and their own

professional practice

New York State Code of Ethics for Educators

Principle 2 states “Educators create, support, and maintain challenging learning

environments for all. Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning.

They know the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address

differences. Educators develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of

human development and learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They

advocate for necessary resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and

maintain clear standards of behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying the

habits of mind and work necessary to develop and apply knowledge while simultaneously

displaying a curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to become active,

inquisitive, and discerning individuals who reflect upon and monitor their own learning.

Ethical Standards by the Ontario College of Teachers

‘Care’ which states “The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and

insight for developing students’ potential. Members express their commitment to students’ well-

being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice”.
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

1. Maintaining challenging expectations for individuals with exceptionalities to develop

the highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways that respect their

dignity, culture, language, and background.

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