June Tee NTH Edgewood Park

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Juneteenth marks the day on June 19, 1865 when union soldiers landed at Galveston and reported that
the civil war was over and slavery had ended. The Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves had
been in effect since January 1, 1863, but word did not reach Texas for more than two years. Juneteenth
was declared an official state holiday in Texas in 1980.

Date- June 18th 2011-Time-1:00-5:00 PM- Place- Edgewood Park

Event Schedule
1:00 – Registration, food tickets and face painting.

2:00-Opening Ceremony- Proclamation reading by City official followed by, the reenactment of
Abraham Lincoln reading the Emancipation Proclamation. (stage)

2:30-Witness the reenactment of slaves working hard in the field when word finally arrives by
messenger that they are free!!! (SWANA Drama)

2:45- Join us for an outside funeral service as we say our long awaited good-byes to Mr. Shackles and
Mr. Chains. (SWANA Drama)

3:00- Grief Release - Releasing whatever is holding you back and moving forward….

3:15- New Beginnings Garden-Everybody is encouraged to enter into the garden and plant their single
seed of hope for a better future.

3:30- You are cordially invited to an old fashioned broom jumping wedding ceremony,
bring your washboards harmonicas and tambourines. (SWANA Drama)

3:45- An old fashioned outside classroom where true values were once taught.

PLUS-Witness 40 Acres and a Mule

Food, Music, line dancing, pie eating contest, Horseshoe, Face Painting, storytelling, African dance,
tug of rope, spoon & egg race, Sack Racing, Arts and Crafts,
raffle, poetry open mic and more…
Anyone who would like to help Sponsor, Volunteer or just be a part of this National Event please
contact us: [email protected] or 203-891-7055

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