Professional Ethics

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Greetings to you my young friends!

We have to congratulate and thank the organizers of this seminar for including the topic on Professional
Ethics and Social Graces. This means that they are truly committed to support and guide you to correct living in
order to be happy. All men seek happiness. All want to be happy, but not all know how to find happiness. In the
words of Spinoza, “the road to happiness must indeed be difficult, since it is seldom discovered. To Confucius,
man’s perfection is achieved in social life and that is what professional ethics and social graces is all about.

One road to happiness is the teaching profession. The teaching profession is one of the oldest
professions..I like to think of teaching as a mission requiring the same dedication that we find among religious
groups. It is not just a means of livelihood but a life of service, it is a “mission” and it’s a beautiful mission.

However, in the process of carrying out this mission, we often find ourselves short of our ideals, ethics
and social graces. In order to validate our positions as teachers, we should think and do what is expected of us as a
teacher. To do what is within the standards of morality. Morality and ethics are words that are often used

We have our Code of Ethics for Teachers and Schools Officials (based on RA 7836 Phil. Teacher’s
Professionalization Act.), which we expect to follow in order to live correctly. You have taken this in some of your
subjects, but we need to strengthen them by taking those moral vitamins as supplementation.

Ethics by the way means correct living. Social graces on the other hand, is a social virtue called etiquette.
Etiquette is a suitable gesture and useful act done in deference to people in various occasions, which makes life
more pleasant for others and consequently, yourself too. Thus, the social machinery runs smoothly. What then
must be remembered regarding the practice of etiquette? First, a person is measured not by what one has but by
what he is… From this viewpoint, a peasant maybe considered more educated than a graduate of an upper school
depending on his manners, action and speech in a particular setting.


The true professional strives to be:

1. Dynamic..eager to learn, grow, change and develop. According to Newton Baker, a US statesman..”The
man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.”
2. RESPONSIBLE…feels accountable for work; makes good use of time, systematizes, or organizes, seeks
feedback, follows-up.
Kitch Ortego wrote that Filipinos are habitual late-comers , that is tardiness is in their genes. Agree of
disagree…Correct! Benjamin Franklin admonished “Remember that time is money” Shakespeare on the
other hand advised “It is better to be three hours too soon than a minute late.”
Time…deals in punctuality. Not just being on time, but using time profitably. Lets then develop the social
grace of being on time. Filipino time is being on time.
3. ETHICAL/VIRTUOUS…has moral uprightness, practice the virtues of charity, humility, industry, justice and
Honesty or uprightness, this is the common understanding for integrity, It is wholeness that accepts no
breakage. If it’s a little bit cracked, It’s not whole anymore. Someone who steals, no matter how little is a
thing. In the same way, when a person cheats, the person remains a cheater. It’s contrary to logic and
ethics for a cheat to claim honesty and uprightness. No one is allowed to steal a little or cheat a little.
Cheating becomes more unacceptable if a cheater ahs advance education. These were times when
parents would never serve food bought by stolen money to their children. Those days of virtue are some
but we can replace the glory that was Greece and the Grandem that was Rome. Hence, their seminar.
Keeping promises is also listed as a requirement in being a person of integrity. When you borrow
money, return the amount or the date you promised to pay. Between very close friends, often times the
lender will tell the borrower to just pay when he is able. But even so, do not abuse your friendship. Be
thankful for precious accommodation but try your best to pay as soon as possible so that if this happens
again in the future, your friend will not have second thoughts.
The same is true, to return ASAP things you have borrowed. As much as possible, refrain form
borrowing things too much from your colleagues.
Humility _ Lao Tzu said “ Be not the first in the world”. Avoid boasting or having the “I”, “Me” & “Myself”
complex or disease. The greater you are, the more humble you showed behave. I remember has a father
taught his son..”Look at those rice stalks, the one’s having right grains are bowed down, while that have
small grains are standing proud but empty. We should not misunderstand humility. Being humble does
not mean suppression of one’s personal attribute or an object self-depreciation. It does not mean to say
that a beautiful woman would call herself “ugly” or an intelligent man calling himself “stupid”. This is false
Humility is a virtue and virtue must be built on truth. Remember, the Virgin Mary, the
Magnificent, openly declared “henceforth, all generation shall call me blessed,.”
JUSTICE.. Regulates the will with regards to the right of others. We should give others what is due them. It
is the golden rule in action. If all men observe the golden rule, there will be no conflict. On the contrary,
there will be peace and harmony among man in society.
1. The true professional practices ethics and virtues.
Professionalism is not just a matter oftitle or position. Rather, it is a reflection of one’s attitudes,
dynamism, responsibility and willingness to practice virtues. How do we know if we are virtuous?
If we practice/exercise good moral habits e.g diligence, honesty sincerity, justice, fortitude etc.
over and over again throughout life. (If you’re honest just once, you are not virtuous). It takes
practice, practice, practice. Just like anything else, it will soon become a habit and we become
happy.. Socrates spent his life persuading everymen that he must look himself and seed virtue
and wisdom before he looks to his private interests. Hence, his maxim “Know thyself”
2. A Professional Makes full use of the Intellect and Will.
A teacher should make the best preparation and strive to broaden their professional efficiency to enhance
the prestige of the profession. The most normal ambition for us is to keep moving up higher and higher
until we get to the peak from which we can serve and do as much good to many people. Study your
lessons before going to class. You should be a teacher to be remembered because you’ve taught your
students well, not a teacher to be forgiven because you’ve been inadequate in your teaching.
3. A Professional Acquires and continually Recommits himself/herself to positive Work Attitudes.

Attitude is what makes a man do or not do to actualize his potential. How you react when you get rejected
or offended will be determined by your attitude. You have a choice on how to deal with it. You can run fro
it, drown it with a glass of alcohol, or maybe you want to face it, deal with it, rise above it.
The choice you make will depend upon your attitude.

We should develop the right attitude for our work. They will make the difference between failure
and success, between difficult life and happy living. Don’t keep watch on your time piece. Its the attitude
that carries you forward regardless of obstacles. Your attitude is how you view people, things and
circumstances. Have a positive attitude. Look at the brighter side of life.

4. The Professional Exercise Leadership which Serves and Guides Others. Acquires and Implement effective
Communication Skills which transmit truth in an Atmosphere of Sincerity and trust, understands the
authentic use of authority.
Teachers may mistakenly equate true authority with power and suppression, and they often
equate discipline with punishment. The Typically autocratic educator consistently criticizes, ridicules,
shames, belittles commands, discourages, threatens, intimidates, screams, shouts, neglects to explain and
even use violence.
These methods contradict the end goals of authority and discipline.
You should also be tactful. Say the right thing at the right place and at the right proper time. Be
careful with yur criticism in order not to hurt the feelings of your students and colleagues. Realize that no
matter how impoverished and lowly an individual is, she has personality that must be respected. Criticize
privately and appreciate publicly.
Don’t speak ill of others. See to it that any weakness or shortcomings which you discovered
should not be divulged to others. Don’t be aloff. Bear in mind that “He who exalts himself shall be
humbled and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.”
Don’t be pretentious. Neither should you be arrogant. Don’t pretend to know everything (all
knowing). Don’t insist in what you know because some of it might already be impractical, if not obsolete.
The teacher is a person in authority. But the teacher should understand the authentic use of
authority. Today, the teacher cannot administer corporal punishment to mischievous and errant students.
This is prohibited by the civil code of the Phil. and the “Code of Ethics for Teachers.
As I have said in my opening salvo a while ago that the teaching profession is a mission. If you
don’t love holding a chalk and eraser, dare not be a teacher. If you don’t love brushing elbows with all
kinds of people, dare not to enter it. If you crave for fame, glory and wealth the teaching profession is not
for you.
Confucius, the great teacher made teaching his mission. He described himself as an insatiable
student, and unwearied teacher, this and nothing more.
5. The teacher/administrator derives satisfaction and joy.
The joy of a teacher is having shared his students his nuggets of wisdom. In the words of Henry
Vanyke “ He lights many candles which in later years will shine back to cheer him.” This is his
reward. Personally, I consider my being a teacher a blessing.
6. He/She serves others by acts in their best interest and inspiring their talents and potentials.
Don’t underestimate any of your students/pupils. Instead, tap their talents and potentials and
provide them with opportunities. Give chance for everybody. Don’t forget that a persons
greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. If your students did a good job, clap for him.
Don’t forget to commend whatever praise worthy accomplishment or improvement has made.
So with your colleagues. It’s commendable to give compliments e.g. manner of dressing,
arranging her hair, for the attractive arrangement of the furniture. Words of appreciation make
the impossible become possible. Anyone who knows he is appreciated is ready to sacrifice for the
happiness of a friend.
7. He develops himself/herself totally.
We are called upon to develops our gifts in pursuit of a mission in life. We all have talents but we
should use and develop them for the service of the nation and for the glory of God. The productions of
the perfect man as envisioned by Confucius means the full flowering and fruition of the human
personality. We develop the moral, physical, emotional, social, political and economic aspects of our
personality. Don’t only be interested in academic but also athletics, the arts etc.
Building ourselves means eliminating our weaknesses and developing our strengthens. This starts
with analysis, understanding and appreciation of these strengths and weaknesses. “The unexamined life is
not worth living” in the words of Socrates.
We must take a good look at ourselves objectively. We must not only view ourselves as a lover
viewing a loved one, but also a judge capable of a harsh verdict. We must not be self-flagellating but
neither can we offer to be defensive.
8. He/She fulfills God’s Commandments to Achieve human perfection, to sanctify self, the work itself and
We need to go back to having basic values. We must have a crush course of God’s Ten
Commandments. No “ifs” and “buts” about them. Moses laws are clear. The best and purest character of
the world are the readers of God’s word. Romans 8:29 says that we should “conform” to the image of His
son”. A verse in the bible which tells us to be an epitome of God’s grace as an instrument is morality by
sharing others what we know that depends upon the likeness of the lord, one thing that is righteous.
9. The Professional Contributes to nation-bldg and Cultural Heritage.
We are a nation In big trouble. We are slowly sinking beneath the waves. We desperately need a
band of teachers who can rescue us with their selflessness and dedication. What we need more than
anything else are teachers of indomitable character. Teachers that contribute to personal , family,
community and national growth. Teachers that have the work ethics in order to serve the common good
of society.
10. Professionals set the example.
An ounce of example is worth a ton of preachment. We need to bear witness with our example.
We cannot preach what we do not practice. We want to preach what we are at least struggling to
practice. Leadership by example. Reconcile what your say with what you do. If you talk about courtesy
you should be the first one to be courteous. There are countless people whom we forget to say “thank
you”. Always say “please” “may I” and “thank You” for every little service even if done by the tricycle
driver, janitor, guard, a student hard of passing, or your lavandera. Let’s remember, that there’s no
better teacher than example. Always remember that manners are never passé, for manners make it the
May I close by teaching you this song which I learned from my mother when I was still 4 years
old. But I will now passed it on to you .
‘Hearts like doors
are opened with ease
with very very little keys

But don’t forget the three of these

“May I”, “Thank You” and :If you Please”
E. Albano Baldonado

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