Values Development.

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 Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Cite different values and their application.

2. Discuss values in the light of one’s own experiences.
3. Conceptualize values and their importance.
4. Discuss common values and their importance to one’s life.

Values are personal perceptions of one’s own future, relatively of the

family, works, friendship, group, community and nation as a whole. They
converge in one culture and form sets of attitudes and behaviors observed
among members. Traditionally, these are practices which have become part and
parcel of our culture.

Values sprout anywhere as living example of one’s culture and tradition. In

the Philippines, values for things held dear are sources of status symbol, like;
wealth, economic status, authority, politics, and even personal ambition. With
these in the background, self-enhancement should be lived and observed with
strong sense of honor and pride.

Our values are behind all our human goals. They are linked with all human
and basic needs. They emerge in the course of time through our exposure to
people and different life conditions. We may be conscious of our values, regularly
reflecting them or, we may be driven by unexpressed and unconscious desires.
We may be motivated by undertakings which offer short term benefits or driven
by momentary desires. Or, we may be purposely choosing the values that propel
our growth. The choices we make determine the quality of the life that we go


There is truth to the experience of moral value as a “call” (“halika”) or

“invitation” which demands a personal response. A face in the bus is already a
call to love that person. When the call of truth or justice or love is addressed to
us, we experience a certain “oughtness’ to give a free and loving response.
Value is like a call to become more of a human person. Sometimes the call of
value is weak, sometimes recurring, oftentimes very strong, but no matter how
strong the call of value, it never takes away my freedom. I can always say “yes”
or “no”. But one thing is clear, if I do not freely and lovingly respond to the call of

value when it knocks at my door, it is not value that is destroyed but I myself; I
have become less of a human person. Moral values make a man, through his
actions, good simply as a human person.


There are many human values that must be subscribed to and translated into
virtues for personal development. They are called the basic values.


A sincere person thinks, acts, and speaks according to the truth. He is one
who will never compromise the truth for the sake of personal convenience. He stands
firm for the truth. He is sincere primarily about himself. He knows his strengths and
limitations, and is able to discern the benefit or harm these can do for himself and


It is another touchtone of character. A simple person reveals himself to others

the way he really is without any complications, and without the mixture of qualities that
show a character other than his own. A simple person is said to be as transparent as a
clear glass, through which one could perceive the true character of a man. He is
coherent. What he thinks, he speaks.


It involves caution. A prudent person knows to weigh things, wait, and act only
when he is sure he is doing the right thing. When in doubt, he consults, because he is
aware of his own limitations.


It means rendering to others their due. A person is just when he is careful about
respecting the rights of others, and knows too, how to claim what rightfully deserves as
a consequence of fulfilling his duties.

Understanding and open-mindedness

A person who is understanding and open-minded recognizes the freedom of

others. He respects their opinions and is uncritical about them when conflicts arise
between them, He is receptive to corrections or criticisms that will help improve him.


It speaks of maturity of character. A serene person maintains his composure

even in times of difficulty. Undaunted by hardships or trials he encounters in life. He
takes these calmly, allowing reason and not passion to rule over his decisions and
actions. He knows how to put his temper under the control of reason.


It means being consistent with your own convictions. Don’t be easily carried
away by trends-wherever the tide flows or the wind blows. You don’t have to pay so
much attention to what people think or say about you. Be determined. Aim for noble
goals and pursue them completion.


It involves a donation of the self to others. Be generous in extending personal

service to others, and never allow self-interest to overshadow such service. Be careful
also in passing judgments regarding the conduct of others.


It is an expression of optimism. Always maintain a positive outlook. Take every

contradiction in life as a challenge, and be convinced that every apparent difficulty or
obstacle that marks the path of life is providentially meant to draw some good.


I. Pagkamaka-Diyos

1. Faith in Almighty in Action

Participants may choose to integrate the value of Faith in God in their subject
areas/lessons, in their family life through the arrangement of stronger faith practices in
the home (e.g. praying before having meals, praying of the rosary, encouraging children
to develop a habit of prayer and reflection especially when faced with moral
discernment), and, in their daily lives by always attributing one’s efforts to God and
making Him a part of the choices and decisions that one makes.

Personal Resolution

Considering the significance of prayer in my life and in my country’s history, I am more

fully aware of the things I can accomplish when I live a life of faith. I have in me the
desire to do the right things, make moral decisions, and work to the best of my God-
given gifts. I shall strive to hold my moral ground when I am confronted with things that
undermine my values and those which may injure the well being of others.

My faith is a gift that strengths me in times of crisis and helps me arrive at conscientious
decisions. I am aware of its manifold benefits and I shall strive to nurture this gift
through prayer and reflection. I also understand that my faith in God can bring me to
appreciate myself, my family, friends and colleagues, my job and my people better.
Thus, I will do my best to be a discerning individual with God as my source of wisdom in
everything that I do. With my resolve to be a better person, I can go further by putting
my faith into action. I shall live a life that is based on the right values and serve as an
inspiration to others who may be struggling to strengthen their own faith in God.
 I have the gift of Faith in God;
 The gift of Faith in God in me needs to be nurtured;
 My lie is strengthened by my faith in God;
 A strong faith in God, coupled with other important values, will improve my life
and those of others.


Participants may choose to integrate the value of Respect for Life in their
subject areas/lessons, in their family life through a deeper personal reflection and
consciousness of practices in the home (e.g. instilling of disciple, recognition of the
uniqueness and worth of each member; role modeling of parents so that their children
may grow with dignity and right values; and in stressing the importance of health and
personal development and in their daily lives and communities by always recognizing
the dignity of others and appreciating the value of the life of every person. Participants

may choose to make a personal pledge to consciously uphold life in every circumstance
and shun violence as a means of achieving an end.

Life is precious, it has to be developed and protected;

 I am responsible for taking care of my body and to be mindful of how I affect the
health of others around me because I am aware that it is through my body that I
am able to appreciate my gift of life;
 Recognizing the dignity of others is a way of respecting life in itself;
 I am responsible for the rights of others as they are mine;
 Any form of violence to the sanctity of life is wrong.


Some examples of how students may cultivate and encourage the value of
Order in their area of concern:

1. Develop a good set of study habits and zealously follow them though
2. Develop your organization skills and train yourself to always practice good
grooming and gentlemanly / lady-like conduct.
3. Learn to manage your resources, studies and extra-curricular activities
well. Learn to identify your priorities. Remember that your main priority as
a student is to study well and work towards developing and perfecting your
talents and gifts.
4. Follow and respect rules and regulations in and outside the school. Know
that the rules are meant to keep things in order so that you may be
properly formed into a good citizen and person of worth.

Personal Resolution

As a good citizen, understand that the value of order is important in your quest
to improve yourself as a person and as a citizen. You shall strive to arrange your life in
a certain way that will allow you to be a more productive citizen. You shall inspire others
by your example to live peaceful and more meaningful lives by living the value of order


Students may go into a period of personal reflection as to how they value the
work hard and have the right values and attitudes towards their works and dealings.
Students may also opt to evaluate their actual work attitudes, motivations and priorities.
This will allow them to direct themselves towards performing their work with a sounder
disposition, clearer understanding of their priorities and more meaningful motivations.

Teachers may inculcate the value of work-hard work, honest work and quality work in
their students by being more affirming, inspiring and appreciative of their students’
efforts toward achieving quality result in their schoolwork. Community leaders may
develop a more positive outlook and attitude towards the value of work among their
peers and subordinates by highlighting the importance of each other’s unique
community function or assignments as well as the integral role each plays in the
success of community undertakings.

Personal Resolution

I am person who has been endowed with gifts that allow me to continually work
for a better life. I shall continually strive to develop my talents and gifts and learn to be
self-reliant. I am productive member of society and I do my share in improving the
quality of life of the people I serve and those whom I indirectly affect. I believe in the
value and benefit of hard work, quality work and honest work. Hence, I shall strive to
always use sound moral principles in my dealings and apply my God-given gifts in my
work and settle for nothing less than excellent results. I am a discerning individual
whose priorities are motivated by an unwavering faith and conviction in doing what is
moral, honest and just.


Students may choose to evaluate their own family life more deeply. They can
specifically look into how their own family cultivates love, understanding and mutual
respect. They can also assess and appraise their role in the family and devise ways to
become better family members.

Personal Resolution

My family is great source of strength and inspiration and I understand that in

the midst of a harsh world, it is constantly confronted with things that tend to destroy its
values and sense of unity. I also know that my family is fragile. An uncaring, unloving
and irresponsible child can easily destroy it; the temptations presented by a world
obsessed with material gratification and convenience can just as easily obliterate its
values and virtues; and that my own complacency and indecision to be better family
member can lead to the destruction of unity, harmony and the prospect of prosperity for
my family. I shall make it a point to spend quality time with my family, enjoying the
beauty of the love, unity and faith that bind us as we face the challenges of the world

I hereby make a personal promise to be a loving and responsible family

member and work towards strengthening the bonds that unite my family. I shall strive to
be responsible in my studies and in my role as a member of my family. I shall give my

elders due respect and appreciate their sacrifices by exhibiting hard work in my tasks. I
shall be prudent in my ways and discerning when I face the realities of the world. I shall
honor my parents and elders in their old age and continue to be inspired by their
example. As a person, I shall be an advocate of life and vanguard of its preservation. I
shall resist any proposal or intent that potentially undermines the sanctity and value of
the family.

 The family is constantly challenged by the demands, trends and ills of the world.
Every person should strive to defend and preserve it;
 The family is a person’s best refuge, source of love and good values in a world
constantly assailed by immortality, violence and materialism;
 Every member of the family has a role to play, the duty and right to give and
receive love respect;
 The strength of the family lies in its values and the commitment of its members to
responsibility, hard work and morality.

II. Pagkamakatao


The students may be encouraged to evaluate the way they regard and express
the value of love with the people around them (family, elders, friends, ordinary people,
etc.) in their own respective capacities, encourage participants to perform little acts of
love and by being a good example of generosity, genuine concern, compassion and
integrity to their fellowmen. The participants may also be reminded of the benefits of our
people’s love for freedom and democracy and how such love never fails to unite our
people and work against injustice and tyranny as proven by our own history at EDSA.
As the acts of loving starts with a person’s commitment to his personal resolution and
personal evaluation, the participants may be encouraged to reflect on their daily acts
and how they affect the lives of the people around them in the course of performing their

Personal Resolution

I am mindful of the fact that my life is made more meaningful by the value of
love. I shall not be a believer of violence, unkindness and greed. I shall make every
effort to avoid resources that tend to harm others or cause them undue inconvenience. I
shall appreciate my fellowmen and recognize the beauty that each of them bears. I shall
be vanguard of truth, justice and democracy because I love my country and fellowmen. I
shall act on my personal resolution to perform acts of kindness and compassion as
testament of my commitment to be a loving person for others.

 From love springs other values that draw the best of every person;
 When people love, people start resorting to violence, thus, curing the ills that
violence causes to our nations;

 When people love, they are able to form more harmonious communities where
everyone shares the prospect for progress and personal growth;
 When people love, they become happier and develop a sense of moral and civic


Students may be discouraged to be responsible for their freedom. Thus, they

should learn to develop more mature notion of freedom. That is, that real freedom is one
that does not allow itself to be used to further one’s vested interest or impede others
from practicing their own freedom. Instead, every person should perceive freedom as
one that allows him to be responsible, conscientious and charitable so that trough it he
may grow to be a better citizen and person for others. They will also have to be more
vigilant of how their freedom and that of others are treated and upheld by society. They
constantly remind themselves that “freedom suppressed somewhere is freedom
suppressed anywhere”. In this aspect for freedom to be reality in our nation and not just
merely a dream, every citizen must be a “keeper” of others’ freedom. It is only through
mutual respect and regard that people will get to appreciate their own freedom and that
of others. To be truly free, each one of us should strive to be well informed of issues
that are crucial to the defense and preservative of freedom. We can only act on a cause
of freedom by not remaining complacent to relevant issues but rather, become
enlightened by his own knowledge and emboldened to fight for freedom as our heroes
and martyrs did during their lifetime.

Personal Resolution

As a citizen, I believe that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and

responsibility on my part. I recognize its importance and the ultimate sacrifices that my
ancestors gave to secure it so that I may enjoy its fruits during my lifetime. I shall carry
my freedom with dignity and responsibility, ever mindful that my own freedom does not
trample those of others. I hereby pledge to defend freedom boldly and unwaveringly so
that I may be able to share its legacy to future generations. I shall make myself an
informed individual so that I may remain vigilant of the way freedom in my country is
treated. Lastly, I shall honor my country’s heroes and martyrs by doing my utmost to be
a citizen of worth so that I may truly set my country and myself free from the bondage of
immortality, injustice and complacency.


Participants may be encouraged to reflect on how they have cultivated the

value of peace in their families, work and dealings, as well as in the manner by which
they tackle issues that affect them. They may also be inspired to take a more conscious
effort to highlight the value of peace in their lives by establishing order in their affairs
and having the will to stick by it amidst challenges of resorting to what is convenient
though contrary to the value of peace. They may be encouraged further to review their

stand on certain issues that may be cited as worth pondering: the War on Terror, the
Oakwood Mutiny, the Mindanao Insurgency, the Government’s Campaign Against
Corruption, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Personal Resolution

I am a person of peace, a builder of harmony among my fellowmen. I recognize

my own obligation as a person and citizen and do my best to fulfill them. I shall not
make unreasonable demands on others and myself. I am aware of my rights and that of
my fellowmen. As I am ardent in the preservation of my rights and well being, I am
further resolved to preserve the rights and well being of the people around me. I shall
strive to foster in me the value of peace in all my personal endeavors so that I may able
to promote harmony and friendship in my community. I abhor all violence. I further
understand that the value of peace may only be present in my life of order so I can
cultivate and reap the value of peace.


Some examples of how students may cultivate and encourage the value of
Truth in their area of concern:

1. Preparing well for school in terms of accomplishing assignments and

2. Never considering cheating as an option.
3. Enthusiastically and sincerely performing one’s tasks and role as a student
guided by a sound and prudent set of priorities.

Personal Resolution

I am a person of integrity and the truths strengthen my character. I shall always

recognizes its value and thus be truthful in all my dealings. I see myself as a defender of
truth. Hence, I shall not participate in any activity (corruption, deceit, etc.) that runs
contrary to this special role. I shall be steadfast in my faith that in the good fight for
righteousness, the Truth will set me free and it will always prevail.


Participants may put the value of justice into action in their lives by nurturing an
attitude of vigilance and understanding of situations that tend to undermine justice in
their relationships and in the community. They may develop a renewed consciousness
of being mindful of the rights and dignity of others and maintain a high level of respect
for every individual. They may further promote the value of social justice by seeking
ways of reaching out of those who may less fortunate in life (through volunteer or

charitable works) and give them justice by helping them live with dignity and with a
renewed hope so that a justice system that is just, loving and secure will not remains as
a mere dream of the oppressed, but, a reality to be enjoyed by all.

Personal Resolution

I recognize the inherent right of every person to live in dignity and liberty,
secure from oppression and any form of abuse. As a good citizen, I shall be ever
mindful that I do not trample the rights and dignity of others and further ensure my
fellowmen of my vigilance in the protection of their rights. I shall be fair and charitable in
all my dealings. I shall do my best to help others whose lives may be unjustly affected
by the times and by practices that undermine their dignity as persons. I shall continue to
have faith in the value of justice and act conscientiously in seeking and rendering it.

III. Pagkamaka-bayan


Some examples of how the value of unity may be cultivated and encouraged:

1. Be united with the nation.

Listen and / or read the news. Make a unified stand with the rest of the country
especially with regards to issues that affect the rights of our people, protection
of justice and the fight against the various social ills that beset our country.

2. Be united with your people.

Know your people’s plight. Know what impedes their progress and happiness.
In your own ways, give them hope and make them understand that you are
there for them in any way you can, as a responsible and loving countryman.

3. Be united with your local community.

Have a more active and dynamic involvement in your community. Be faithful
advocate of good values and civic duty.

4. Be united with your organization of Work.

Share in the mission of your organization by being a competent worker who
constantly aims for excellence. Be a dynamic and productive worker and share
in the success of your organization.

5. Be united with your family.

Be a loving and faithful family member. Look at your responsibilities with hope
and enthusiasm. Look after your family and ensure that it is strengthened only
with the right and good values.

Personal Resolution

As a citizen, I recognize my role to foster unity among my fellowmen. I

believe that I am an integral member of my country and that I can contribute to its
success, answering the call for every Filipino to be united especially at this time when
our country is assailed by my ills. I shall stand by my countrymen in the defense of
peace and justice and further commits myself to be united in the goal of our leaders to
build a country based on good values, integrity and peace and real freedom from
poverty, graft corruption, injustice and violence.


1. Treat your classmates kindly and fairly. Don’t bully those who are weak
among you. When confronted with such a temptation, reflect by putting
yourself on the other person’s place. Be charitable instead to those who are
less-fortunate than you are. Let the weakness of others be you inspiration to
help and serve them so that they feel adequate and blessed by your loved
and concern for them.

2. Learn to judge every person based on his / her own uniqueness and
giftedness. Know that no one is perfect but that each one has the capacity
to feel and the ability to love. Be patient with people and be able to
appreciate the beauty in each one. If you live in this principle, you are bound
to experience the joys of the true friendship and harmony with the people
around you.

3. Encourage others to live out the value of equality by being a good and
consistent example to them. Teach others to be fair and discerning in their
judgments, decisions, and actions.

Personal Resolution

I believe that all men are created equal. I further believe that every person
has the right to be treated fairly for the interest of love and justice. I therefore pledge to
refrain from judging people subjectively. I shall treat everyone with respect as part of
their inherent gift of dignity as persons. I shall be more charitable in my thoughts and
deeds so that I may not trample the rights and dignity of my fellowmen. I promise to be
of service to everyone, especially the less-fortunate, the poor, abused and abandoned
so that they may share in the promise of a brighter future. I shall act conscientiously and
decisively to protect each person’s right to equality which is most essential in
establishing a community of happy, loving, caring and peaceful people.


1. Develop a conscious habit of abiding by rules and regulations
starting with those in school and your home.
2. Seek to understand fully the laws and roles of the government
as well as your own role as a citizen.
3. Be a good example for your friends and family by being law-
abiding and by respecting the work of the government.

Personal Resolution

I believe that the laws and the government are meant to serve my own
interests as a citizen. I shall seek ways to understand the laws more so that I may be
able to follow them more knowingly. I shall also strive to understand the government
and its functions so that I can contribute to their efforts of improving the lives of our
countrymen. In my own capacity as a citizen I shall always be law-abiding. I shall not
allow my values to be compromised by illegal acts and practices. I shall strive to take
more critical stand in making a decision to follow laws and appreciate the work of
government. I shall perform my patriotic duty of always maintaining a sense of respect
for her duly constituted right and authority to promote order and peace for the sake of all


Some examples of how students may cultivate and encourage the value of
Patriotism in their area of concern:

1. Love your country. Be vigilant and ready to defend it from internal and
external threats.
2. Patronize your country and her works. In the dawn of globalization, do
not disregard your country’s products and good works. Be proud of what
your country produces and support these in the midst of formidable
foreign commercial competition.
3. Uphold and live good values so that you may serve as an inspiration to
your fellowmen to strive to become good citizens themselves.
4. Be proud of your personal and national identity. Be proud of your
heritage. Learn and understand your history.
5. Be a vigilant and proactive citizen. Be informed of the issues affecting
your country.
6. Be a law-abiding citizen. Respect and uphold the constitution and all the
other laws of the land.
7. Do simple acts of service to your fellowmen.
8. Be a good worker and make your country proud. Perform your duties as
you should and with a high level of competence, aiming always for

9. Be kind and compassionate to others who may not be as fortunate as
you are in terms of material wealth. Share your blessings with your
10. In your undertakings, bear in mind the integrity and welfare of your
country. Do not go into undertakings that tend to go against national
11. Carry yourself as a Filipino with dignity and pride. Do not be dissuaded
by material temptations. Know that it is a person’s integrity that sets him
apart from other men.
12. Be a responsible voter. Choose according to your conscience as well as
candidates’ personal values and integrity.
13. Be true to yourself and faithful to your family and country.

Personal Resolution

I am a Filipino, proud and true. I honor my heritage and take pride in my

commitment to be a good citizen in my daily life. I shall, from hereon, dedicate myself to
perform simple acts of heroism that will have the positive effects in the lives of my
countrymen. I shall always be mindful of my country’s interest in my dealings; that I may
not harm her by going into affairs on illegal activities. I shall strive to be vigilant so that I
may fulfill my duty as a citizen in upholding her laws, preserving her dignity and
promoting her welfare.


Some examples of how students may cultivate and encourage the value of
patriotism in their area of concern:

1. Learn to think beyond yourself. In the conduct of your decision and

action, consider the effects to your family members, friends and
classmate’s teachers, and people around you.
2. Lean to reach out to the many people who are not fortunate as you are.
Develop compassion and concern towards them. Be inspired to move
into action by helping them in any way you can through simple acts of
charity, kindness and sincere understanding.
3. Be ready to render volunteer service in times of emergencies, disaster
and occasions when your gifts as a youth may be required in helping
other people.
4. Actively participate in immersion, outreach and social exposure activities
so that you can be informed of the plight of people around you and so
that you can initiate actions that may benefit them.

Personal Resolution

I understand that I live in a community of people sharing in the same

pursuit for happiness and dream for peace. I promise to be more charitable and
concerned for the welfare of my fellowmen in the course of life. I shall do my best to
work along the principle of serving interest of the common good before serving my own.
By this truly heroic act, I hope to inspire others to develop in themselves as well a
genuine concern and love for others so that we may all truly live in a world of love,
harmony, understanding, and progress. I shall steadfastly remain vigilant and dedicated
to the preservation and promotion of the common good and shall foster this value in my
own lifetimes.

IV- Pagkama-kalikasan


Some examples of how students may cultivate and encourage the value of
the Concern for the Environment in their area of concern:

1. Develop a more conscious and consistent habit of keeping your

surroundings clean as well as using environmental resources such as
water and electricity wisely and prudently.
2. Have a deeper understanding of the dire state of the environment and in
your own capacity contribute to the work of preserving it.

Personal Resolution

I am a steward of creation. I understand that my very existence and that of

generations after me are threatened by the destruction of the environment. I pledge to
be more discerning individual by using all environmental resources properly and
prudently. I shall develop a conscious effort to preserve and protect the environment
from further degradation. I shall treat the environment as though it were my own
masterpiece, giving great care and priding myself of its wonders and beauty. I shall ever
be thankful of the grace of God and the dedication of people in their work to ensure that
my family and I have clean air to breath, clean water to drink, clean oceans to launch
adventures and above all, a life that’s healthy and a future worthy to be shared to the
next generations.

Source: NSTP Handbook (revised 2007), RAIN XI


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