Tma1-Eex4332 - 2021
Tma1-Eex4332 - 2021
Tma1-Eex4332 - 2021
a. Briefly describe the economic and technical factors which are directly involved in
deciding electricity transmission and distribution voltage levels.
b. A load variation through-out a day of a certain consumer metered at 400/230 kV, 50
Hz is shown in Table Q1.
Table Q1
0000-0700 0700-1300 1300-1800 1800-2400
Total Load
25 40 41 20
Lighting Lighting Load
Lighting Load + Lighting Load +
Load only only
15 kW induction 20 kW induction
motor load motor load
operating at 0.8 p.f operating at 0.9 p.f.
i. Draw the daily load curve and determine the load factor of the above
ii. What is the maximum demand?
iii. What is the applicable tariff structure for this consumer?
iv. Determine the monthly electricity bill of this consumer.
v. Calculate the size of the capacitance/phase need to be installed between 0700-
1300 hrs to improve the power factor to 0.95. Capacitors are star-connected.
Note: A month consist of 30 days
Tariff rates offered from Ceylon Electricity Board is given in page 2 [25 Marks]
a. Draw and explain the phosor diagram of an ideal transformer in load situation.
b. An ideal transformer having 90 turns on the primary and 2250 turns on the
secondary is connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz source. The load across the secondary
draws a current of 2 A at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. Calculate,
i. the effective value of the primary current
ii. the instantaneous current in the primary when the instantaneous current
in the secondary is 100 mA.
iii. the peak flux linked by the secondary winding
iv. draw the phasor diagram
EEX4332 –TMA01 Academic Year 2020/2021
c. A large transformer shown in figure Q2 has an 80% tap and the supply voltage
E1 is 300 V. If a 3.6 kW load is connected across the secondary, calculate ;
i. the secondary voltage and current
ii. the currents that flow in all winding sections
iii. the relative size of the conductors on windings BC and CA [25 Marks]
I1 B
I2 C
I1- I2 E2
Figure Q2
a. Explain how a voltage is induced in the secondary winding of the transformer.
b. A single phase 10 kVA, 2200/220 V, 50 Hz transformer is subjected to the following
two tests and, results are obtained as follows.
EEX4332 –TMA01 Academic Year 2020/2021
c. What are the wiring regulations applicable to Sri Lanka? Briefly discuss the
emergence of these regulations and standards
d. Briefly explain the parameters which affects the degree of danger in case of an
electric shock for a human being.
[20 Marks]
Tariff rates offered from the utility for Q#1
Customer Category I- 1
This rate shall apply to supplies at each individual point of supply delivered and
metered at 400/230 Volt nominal and where the contract demand is less than or equal
to 42 kVA.
Customer Category I- 2
This rate shall apply to supplies at each individual point of supply delivered and
metered at 400/230 Volt nominal and where the contract demand exceeds 42 kVA.
Customer Category I- 3
This rate shall apply to supplies at each individual point of supply delivered and
metered at 11,000 Volt nominal and above.
Fixed adjustment
Energy charge Charge
Customer Charge charge
(LKR/kWh) per
Category (LKR/ (% of
month) Energy
Peak Off-Peak Day
(1830hr- (2230hr- (0530hr-
2230hr) 0530hr) 1830hr)
Consumption/month <301- 10.80
I-1 Consumption/month >300- 12.20 600 0