Calculations On Loading & Haulage
Calculations On Loading & Haulage
Calculations On Loading & Haulage
= 1,656 cycles/day
Required material.
Dipper Size =
=0.252 or 25.2%
Carying Capacity of Discrete Unit
Theoretical Productivity
The tons/kg or cubic yards/cubic meters
per hour produced by an operating unit if
no delays were encountered. This
indicates 100% potential, which is rarely,
if ever achieved.
Tons =
Bank yd3 per hr, bcy/hr =
Loading Time
There are several methods for determining
the no. of shovel, dragline, or loader
passes per load and the resulting load
Weight per yd3 of material (loose) = weight
in bank x swell factor
No. of tons per pass = bucket capacity(yd3 or m3) x
fill factor x loose weight per yd3 or m3
No. of passes per load = rate capacity of haulage
unit (tons or kg) per pass
Load time (min) = no. pf passes x excavator cycle
time (min)
Travel time can be calculated by:
Travel Time(min) =
Travel Time(min) =
e.g. An operator is determining which of the
two possible haul roads should be used:
1. The first alternative is a level roadway, 6000
ft long with a rolling resistance factor of 120
lb/ton and a coefficient of traction of 0.45.
2. The second alternative is a 3,000 ft roadway
with a 5% adverse grade on the haul, and a
rolling resistance factor of 200 lb/ton and
coefficient traction of 0.40.
The hauling unit is an off-highway truck with a
gross vehicle weight of 130,000 lb; with
81,000 lb on the rear wheels when loaded to
rated capacity.
Alternative 1:
Rolling Resistance Factor = 120 lb/ton
= 6%(20 lb/ton =1 %)
Grade resistance in Haul =0%
Grade resistance on return = 0%
Effective Grade on Haul = 6% + 0% = 6%
Effective Grade on Return = 6% + 0% = 6%
a.) Gross vehicle weight = 130,000 lb
Power Required = 130,000 lb x 6% = 7,800lb
Power Available = 8,000lb at 16 mph
Power Usable = 81,000 x 0.45 = 36,450lb
Vehicle will be able to haul under the given conditions:
b.) haul time 4.70 min
return time + 2.40 min
TOTAL 7.10 min
Alternative 1:
Rolling Resistance Factor = 200 lb/ton
= 10%(20 lb/ton =1 %)
Grade resistance in Haul =5%
Grade resistance on return = -5%
Effective Grade on Haul = 10% + 5% = 15%
Effective Grade on Return = 10% - 5% = 6%
a.) Gross vehicle weight = 130,000 lb
Power Required = 130,000 lb x 15% = 19,500lb
Power Available = 20,000lb at 7 mph
Power Usable = 81,000 x 0.40 = 32,400lb
Vehicle will be able to haul under the given conditions:
b.) haul time 5.50 min
return time + 1.30 min
TOTAL 7.10 min
Discrete Unit Haulers with Fixed Paths
Productivity =
Dragline Calculations
The dragline reach factor is the horizontal
distance between the bench crest and the
spoil pile peak.
Reach Factor =
Stacking Height = h – D
e.g. Consider an operation with the
following parameters:
=1:3 (highwall slope)
= 1.25:1 (spoil pile slope)
D = 90 ft (overburden depth)
S = 25% (swell factor)
W = 120 ft (pit width)
T = 5 ft (coal thickness)
t = 0 ft (spoil pile touches the coal)
1st calculation is to find the dragline reach
= 140.63 + 30 + 30
RF = 200.63 ft
2nd calculation is to find the stacking
Stacking height = h – D
h= = 131. 50 ft