Mahatma Gandhi Ya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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महामा गांधी अंतररा

ीय िहदी िविवालय, वधा

› Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha

(laln }kjk ikfjr vf/kfu;e 1997] Øekad 3 ds varxZr LFkkfir dsna hz ; fo'ofon~;ky;)
(A Central University Established by Parliament by Act No 3 of 1997)
Phone/Fax No. 07152-255707
No. MGAHV/06/2010 DT. 06.12.2010
Applications are invited for filling up the following Non-teaching posts.
Post Post Name Department Category No. of
Code Post
1 Finance Officer 37400-67000 GP 10000 Gen 01
2 Director, Distance 37400-67000 GP 10000 Gen 01
3 Deputy Finance Officer 15600-39100 GP 7600 OBC 01
4 Regional Director, 15600-39100 GP 7600 OBC 01
Distance Education
5 Editor 15600-39100 GP 7600 Gen 01
6 Assistant Editor 15600-39100 GP 5400 OBC 01
7 Assistant Engineer 9300-34800 GP 4600 Gen 01
(On Deputation)
8 Personal Assistant 9300-34800 GP 4200 Gen 02
9 Technical Assistant 5200-20200 GP 2800 Computer (1 OBC, 1 PH/PD*) 06
Mass Media (1 Gen)
Library (1 SC, 1 ST)
Film Studies (1 SC)

Details of Education Qualification, Experience, Application form etc. can be downloaded from the
University website . Last Date for submission of application is 31.01.2011
upto 6:00 p.m.. The application should be sent to the Deputy Registrar (Estt. & Admn.), Mahatma
Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhi Hills, Umari, Wardha- 442001

िनद शानुसार आपको सूिचत िकया जाता है िक, उ) िव*ापन िन+न समाचार पऽ िव*ािपत
िकया जाए। १) ए+पॉयम2ट यूज २) युिन5हरिसटी यूज ३) टाई+स ऑफ इं डीया, नई िद<ली ४)
भाःकर, नागपूर

उपकुलसिचव, ःथापना
ौी अिमत िवास
(Established by Parliament by Act No. 3 of 1997)
Gandhi Hill, Umari, Wardha- 442001 (Maharashtra)
Ph. (07152) 255707; Fax (07152) 230903
Website :

Employment Notice No.: MGAHV/06/2010

Applications are invited for filling up the following Non-teaching posts. Name of posts, pay scales and
qualifications are shown vide Annexure-1 (Non-teaching Posts).

Non-teaching Posts
Post Post Name Pay Scale and grade pay Category No. of
Code Post
1 Finance Officer 37400-67000 GP 10000 Gen 01
2 Director, Distance Education 37400-67000 GP 10000 Gen 01
3 Deputy Finance Officer 15600-39100 GP 7600 OBC 01
4 Regional Director, Distance Education 15600-39100 GP 7600 OBC 01
5 Editor 15600-39100 GP 7600 Gen 01
6 Assistant Editor 15600-39100 GP 5400 OBC 01
7 Assistant Engineer 9300-34800 GP 4600 Gen 01
(On Deputation)
8 Personal Assistant 9300-34800 GP 4200 Gen 02
9 Technical Assistant 5200-20200 GP 2800 1 Gen, 06
Computer (1 OBC, 1 PH/PD*) 1 OBC,
Mass Media (1 Gen) 2 SC,
Library (1 SC, 1 ST) 1 ST,
Film Studies (1 SC) 1 PH/PD*
*PH (PD/OH) – PD & PB category will not be available, candidates belonging to OH (Orthopedically
handicapped) will be considered.

Annexure-1 (Non-teaching Posts)

Post Post Name Category No. of Essential Qualifications

Code Post
1 Finance Officer Gen 01 A Master's Degree with at least 55% of
the marks or its equivalent grade of 'B' in
the UGC 7 point scale along with
(i) at least 15 years of experience as
Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.7000
and above or with 8 years of service in
the AGP of Rs.8000 and above including
as Associate Professor along with
experience in educational administration.
(ii) Comparable experience in research
establishment and/or other institutions of
higher education, or
(iii) 15 years of administrative experience,
of which 8 years shall be as Deputy
Registrar or an equivalent post


1. Well versed in the University System.

2 Knowledge of Hindi reading /writing/
2 Director, Distance Education Gen 01 1) Good academic record with a doctorate
degree or equivalent published work in
Education/Continuing Education. In
addition to this candidate shall also
possess at least 55% of marks or an
equivalent grade of B in the 7 point
scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E
and F at the Masters Degree Level.
2) Fifteen years of experience of teaching
and/or Educational Administration
and/or research excluding the period
spent for obtaining the research
degrees and has made some mark in
the area of scholarship as evidenced by
quality of publications, contribution to
educational innovation, degree of
courses and curricula.
Note: The appointment for the
position will be made on tenure of 5
years with a provision of renewal of
appointment for the further terms of
5 years, if necessary.

1. Well versed in the University System.
2 Knowledge of Hindi reading /writing/
3 Deputy Finance Officer OBC 01 Master’s Degree with at least 55% of
marks or its equivalent grade of B in the
UGC seven point scale, along with
(i) Nine Years’ of experience as Assistant
Professor in the AGP of Rs 6000 and
above with experience in educational
administration, or
(ii) Comparable experience in research
establishment and/or other institutions of
higher education, or
(iii) 5 years’ of administrative experience
as Assistant Registrar or in an equivalent

1. Knowledge of Hindi reading/writing/
2. Experience of University system will be
4 Regional Director, Distance OBC 01 1) Good academic record with a doctorate
Education degree or equivalent published work in
Education/Continuing Education. In
addition to this candidate shall also
possess at least 55% of marks or an
equivalent grade of B in the 7 point
scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E
and F at the Masters Degree Level.
2) Five years of experience of teaching
and/or Educational Administration
and/or research excluding the period
spent for obtaining the research
degrees and has made some mark in
the area of scholarship as evidenced by
quality of publications, contribution to
educational innovation, degree of
courses and curricula.
Note: This post will not be at par
with Academic Staff

1. Well versed in the University System.
2 Knowledge of Hindi reading /writing/
5 Editor Gen 01 A Master’s Degree with good academic
record. Five years' experience of literary
Knowledge of Hindi
reading/writing/speaking is essential.
6 Assistant Editor OBC 01 A Master’s Degree with good academic
record. Three years' experience of literary
Knowledge of Hindi reading/writing/
speaking is essential.
7 Assistant Engineer Gen 01 A degree in Civil Engineering with 5 years
(On Deputation) experience of supervising Civil works in
Central/State University/Offices.

Knowledge of Hindi reading/writing/

speaking is essential.
8 Personal Assistant Gen 02 1) A Bachelor’s Degree with:
i) Typing Speed 30 wpm in Hindi OR 40
wpm English
ii) Stenography Speed 100 wpm in Hindi
OR 120 wpm in English
2) 5 years experience as a stenographer
in the scale of pay of Rs. 4000-100-6000

Knowledge of Hindi reading/ writing/

speaking is essential
9 Technical Assistant 1 Gen, 06
1 OBC, Computer
Computer (1 OBC, 1 PH/PD*) 2 SC, A Bachelor’s Degree with
Mass Media (1 Gen) 1 ST, Diploma/Certificate in Computer
Library (1 SC, 1 ST) 1 PH/PD* Application/Information Technology
Film Studies (1 SC) Mass Media
Bachelor Degree in Electronics &
Communication Engg. OR Bachelor’s
Degree with Diploma in Electronics &
Communication Engg
A Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science
with Diploma in Computer Application.
Film Studies
A Bachelor’s Degree with
Diploma/Certificate in Film Studies/Film

Knowledge of Hindi
reading/writing/speaking is essential.
Important Instructions:
1. Due to administrative reasons the advertisement no. MGAHV/01/2007,
MGAHV/03/2007, MGAHV/01/2008 and MGAHV/02/2010 in which the post of
'Technical Assistant' was published in various news papers and University
website may be treated as cancelled (only for the post of Technical Assistant).

2. Age limit as on last date of advertisement-

a) for the post code No. 1 as per UGC norms
b) for the post code No. 2 & 4 not more than 55 years
c) for the post code No. 3 & 5 not more than 45 years
d) for the post code No. 6 & 7 not more than 40 years
e) for the post code No. 8 & 9 not more than 35 years

3. All applicants must fulfill the essential qualifications of the post and other conditions
stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying
that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts.

4. Mere conformity to the job requirement will not entitle a candidate to be called for
interview. The University reserves the right to reject the application without assigning any
reason and to raise the standard of specifications to restrict the number candidates to be
called for interview. The recruitment process can be cancelled/suspended/terminated
without assigning any reasons. The decision of the University will be final and no appeal
will be entertained.

5. Application that are not in conformity with the requirement indicated in this advertisement,
incomplete applications and those received after the last date also, applications not
accompanied with requisite demand draft will not be entertained.

6. Candidates belonging to General/OBC Category should furnish crossed Demand Draft for
Rs 500/- in favour of Finance Officer, MGAHV payable at Wardha from any
Nationalized Bank. (Fee deposited will not be returned under any circumstances)

7. No fee is to be paid by the SC/ST/Physically handicapped candidates and in service

candidates of MGAHV, Wardha.

8. Separate Application along with application Fee should be submitted for each post applied

9. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PH will be given as per the Govt. of India norms.

10. SC/ST/OBC category candidates should submit Caste Certificate (attested copy) in the
proforma prescribed by the Govt. of India.

11. A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, from 55% to 50% of marks at the master’s level for
the SC/ST Category (for all posts).

12. A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D. degree
holders who have passed their Master’s degree prior to 19th Sept. 1991.

13. B in the Seven Point Scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F shall be regarded as
equivalent of 55% where the grading system is followed.

14. Candidates selected will be on probation for a period of one year for group A post & two
years for others.

15. The employees of Central/State Govt./PSUs/Corporations etc. must apply through proper
channel in the prescribed form and should submit NOC at the time of interview.

16. If any time before or after of the selection of a candidate, it is found that any information
is false or suppressed, his selection will be liable to be cancelled.

17. Educational Qualification shall be considered as on closing date.

18. Applicants will be required to enclose attested copies of the certificates of their educational
qualifications, experience etc.

19. The University will not be responsible for postal delay, if any.

20. No T.A./D.A. will be paid to the Gen/OBC candidates. Outstation SC/ST candidates called
for interview will be paid 2nd Class (sleeper class) Railway fare from the place of
duty/residence to Wardha (MS) and back by the shortest route.

21. The Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha reserves the right to
fill up the post or increase/decrease the number of posts at the time of selection and make
appointments accordingly or even to cancel the whole process of recruitment without
assigning any reasons thereof.

22. Applicants shall apply on the prescribed application form of this University only, which is
available on University website

23. The Application should be sent to the Deputy Registrar (Establishment), Mahatma Gandhi
Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Post- Manas Mandir, Gandhi Hill, Umari, Wardha-
442001 (Maharashtra) by Speed-Post or Registered Post. The application received after last
date, incomplete application, not duly singed, not enclosed prescribed fee, not enclosed
attested copies of the certificates/education qualification/experience and not in prescribed
proforma will not be considered. Applicant must write the post name & post code on

24. Canvassing directly or indirectly will be treated as disqualification.

25. Last Date for submission of application: up to 5:00 P.M. 31.01.2011.


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