Ministry of Home Affairs: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi

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42 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023

÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi
Fursatganj Airfield, Distt. Amethi (U.P.)-229302 ÷Ê⁄UÃËÿ Áfl◊ÊŸ¬ûÊŸ •ÊÁÕ¸∑§ ÁflÁŸÿÊ◊∑§ ¬˝ÊÁäÊ∑§⁄UáÊ
(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Civil Aviation Government of India
Govt. of India) Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India
A-12026/1/2022-Estb Dated: 30 May, 2023
Admission open for 2023-24 Session Subject: Filling up of posts vacant in Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of
IGRUA with its state-of-the-art facilities inviting applications for AIRCRAFT India (AERA) on deputation basis.
MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING July 2023-24 session. The Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India (AERA) , New Delhi is a statutory
Total Seats GEN SC ST OBC EWS DURATION AGE body set up under the Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India Act, 2008. AERA
30 12 05 02 08 03 03 Years Minimum 17 years proposes to fill the following posts, on deputation basis, for a period of three years from
amongst eligible candidates:
 10+2 (PCM) with 50% Marks aggregate in Mathematics and Physics for General Sl. Post Pre-revised Scale of Pay No. of
category. No. posts
 10+2 (PCM) 45% Marks aggregate in Mathematics and Physics Aggregate for vacant
SC/ST/OBC /EWS categories. 1. Director (Policy & Statistics) PB 4 (Rs. 37400-67000; GP 01
How to Apply: Applications are to be filled online. The application form can be Pay level 13 Rs. 8700)/ Level 13
reached by clicking on Registration Form available on IGRUA website: 2. Under Secretary (Policy & PB 3 (Rs. 15600-39100; GP 03 Statistics) Rs. 6600) / Level 11
Selection: On merit basis. Pay level 11
Help Desk: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 3. Under Secretary PB 3 (Rs. 15600-39100; GP 01
Mobile: 9696230588 (Information Technology) Rs. 6600) / Level 11
Last date of Registration : 30 June 2023 Pay level 11
EN 11/117 4. Bench Officer (Legal) PB 3 (Rs. 15600-39100; GP 01
Pay level 11 Rs. 6600) / Level 11
Government of India 5. Pr. Private Secretary PB 3 (Rs. 15600-39100; GP 01
Pay level 11 Rs. 6600) / Level 11
Ministry of Home Affairs 6. Technical Manager PB 3 (Rs. 15600-39100; GP 01
Directorate General Border Security Force (Information Technology) Rs. 5400)/ Level 10
(Pers Dte - Recruitment Section) Pay level 10
7. Private Secretary PB 2 (Rs. 9300-34800; GP 02
Short Advertisement for Direct Recruitment for the Post of Pay level 8 Rs. 4800) / Level 8
Inspector (Librarian), Group- ‘B’ Post (Non Gazetted-Non 8. Personal Assistant PB 2 (Rs. 9300-34800; GP 02
Ministerial) Combatised in BSF for the vacancy year-2023 Pay level 7 4800)/ Level 7
9· Junior Hindi Translator PB 2 (Rs. 9,300-34,800 GP 01
Online applications are invited from eligible and interested Male and Female Indian
(JHT) Rs. 4200)/ Level 6
citizens for filling up the under mentioned vacancies of Group-'B' (Non Gazetted-Non
Pay level 6
Ministerial) (Combatised) posts in the Border Security Force, Ministry of Home Affairs,
10. Receptionist-cum-Telephone PB 1 (Rs. 5200-20200; GP 01
Government of India through online mode only for the vacancy year-2023.
Operator Rs. 1900)/ Level 2
Post UR EWS OBC SC ST Total Pay Scale Pay level 2
Inspector 2 - - - - 02 Pay Matrix Level-7 Note:- Vacancies are liable to change without notice.
(Librarian) (Rs. 44900-1,42,400/-) 2. Details of qualifications and experience required for each post are appended at
as per 7th CPC Annexure-I. Maximum age limit for appointment to all above posts shall not exceed 56
years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. The pay and allowances shall
be governed by Ministry of Civil Aviation, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority
Employees (number of posts and condition of service) Rules 2011. AERA is not an
a) The applications will be accepted through online mode only. eligible office for allotment/ retention of Govt. accommodation from the General Pool.
b) Last date for acceptance of application will be 30 days from the date of The Authority reserves the right not to fill up the above vacancy.
publication of the advertisement in the Employment News paper. 3. All Ministries/Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory & Autonomous
c) Crucial date for determining the age limit shall be closing date for receipt of online Bodies are requested to forward applications of interested candidates in the prescribed
applications. proforma (Annexure II) in an envelope super scribing the post applied for so as to
d) Vacancies are subject to change (may increase or decrease). BSF reserves the reach The Deputy Chief, Airports Economic Regulatory Authority of India, AERA
right to make changes or cancel or postpone the recruitment without assigning any Building, Administrative Complex, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110003
reason. (Tel No. 011-24695044-47) on or before 28.06.2023 till 5:30 pm along with the
(i) Updated APAR dossiers of the applicant for the last 5 years.
(ii) Vigilance clearance.
Bachelor Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a
(iii) Cadre clearance.
recognized University or Institute. 4. Applications received after the closing date or without the APAR dossiers or
Experience otherwise found incomplete will not be considered. While forwarding the applications,
Two years' professional experience in a library under the Central Government or State it may be verified and certified that the particulars furnished by the applicant are correct.
Government or autonomous or statutory organization or public sector undertaking or It may also be confirmed that in the event of selection for appointment, the applicant
University or recognized research or educational institution. concerned shall be relieved of his/her duties to join AERA. The Authority reserves the
Desirable: right not to fill up any or all the above vacancies. The eligibility of candidate with respect
(i) Master Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a to qualification and experience shall be ascertained as on last date for submission of
recognized University or Institute. application.
(ii) Diploma in Computer Applications from a recognized University or Institute. 5. This may please be given wide circulation in the various units/offices under your
Note: Candidates not in possession of requisite educational qualification certificate or control. Details of the vacancies and the prescribed proforma can also be downloaded
from AERA website
appearing in the examination/awaiting result/not in possession of certificate need not to
(Col. Manu Sooden)
3. AGE: Male and female candidates Not exceeding 30 years. (Relaxable for Ph: 24695044-47 (Extn. 220)
Government servants upto five years in accordance with the instructions or order CBC 03112/12/0003/2324 EN 11/121
issued by the Central Government).
Note- Crucial date for determine the age limit in each case shall be closing date (iii) the minimum standard in so far as it relates to chest measurement may be relaxed
of receipt of online application. However relaxation in upper age limit is available to from 81 cms and expanded 86 cms to 77 cms and expanded 82 cms for Adivasis.
different categories and Central Government servants as per instructions/order issued Relaxation for Female candidate
by the Central Govt. from time to time. (i) For candidates belonging to Hill area of Garhwal, Kumaon, - 155 Cms
4. PHYSICAL STANDARD TEST (PST) Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimies.
The minimum requirement for the candidates are as under :- Leh and Laddakh, Kashmir Valley and North Eastern States
Measurement Male Female (ii) For Tribals or Adivasis including Mizos and Nagas - 154 Cms
Height 167.5 Cms. 157 Cms. 5. Candidates are advised to login to to view detailed
advertisement and for submission of online application forms which will be available on
Chest 81 Cms (Unexpanded) Not applicable
BSF website after publication of advertisement in Employment News/Rozgar
86 Cms (Expanded)
Weight Corresponding to Height Corresponding to Height 6. Any further information/notification in this regard will be available on the BSF Website
Note: only. Hence, candidates are advised to visit BSF website from time to time.
Relaxation for Male candidate (Amar Bir Singh)
The minimum standards in so far as it relates to height may be:- Commandant (Rectt)
(i) relaxed from 167.5 cms to 165 cms in the case of those having martial traditions
such as Gorkhas, Garhwalies, Kumaonis, Dogras and Marathas; Dated, the 26 May' 2023
(ii) relaxed from 167.5 cms to 165 cms for Adivasis; CBC 19110/11/0041/2324 EN 11/110
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 43

Aryabhatta Research
Institute of Observational
Sciences (ARIES)
(An Autonomous Institute under Department
of Science and Technology, Govt. of India)
Manora Peak, Nainital- 263001, Uttarakhand

ARIES has a continuous series of opportunities for

faculty positions against sanctioned and available
vacant scientific positions and accepts
applications throughout the year. In this round,
applications are invited for following positions:
Name of the Post No. of Pay Level (As per
Post Pay Matrix of 7th Pay
Scientist 'D' 01 Level-12
Scientist 'C' 02 Level- 11

How To Apply: The last date of submitting of the

online application is 01st July, 2023 up to 23:59
Hrs. Only online applications are accepted
faculty-positions. The applicants already working
in Govt./Semi-Govt./PSU/Autonomous Institutions
should apply either through proper channel or
shall bring NOC from their office/department at the
time of appearing in the interview/interaction
meeting. The candidates are advised to visit
regularly ARIES website for further
EN 11/106
EN 11/56 (Registrar)

⁄UÊc≈˛UËÿ ◊ÊŸfl •ÁäÊ∑§Ê⁄U •ÊÿÊª

National Human Rights Commission
◊ÊŸfl •ÁäÊ∑§Ê⁄U ÷flŸ, é‹ÊÚ∑§-‚Ë, ¡Ë.¬Ë.•Ê. ∑§ÊÚêå‹Ä‚, •Ê߸.∞Ÿ.∞., Ÿß¸ ÁŒÀ‹Ë-110023
Manav Adhikar Bhawan, Block - C, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023 (INDIA)
Fax: 91-011-24651329
E-Mail: [email protected], Website:
Deputation Vacancy Notice No. 02/2023
Applications are invited for filling up following vacancies on deputation (including short-term contract)
basis in National Human Rights Commission:-
S. No. Name of posts Pay Scale notified/adopted by the Number
Commission of posts
1 Joint Registrar Pay Matrix Level-13 (Rs. 123100-215900) 01
2 Librarian/Documentation Officer Pay Matrix Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) 01
3 Sr. Accounts Officer Pay Matrix Level-9* (Rs. 53100-167800) 01
4 Dy. Superintendent of Police Pay Matrix Level-9* (Rs. 53100-167800) 02
5 Section Officer Pay Matrix Level-8* (Rs. 47600-151100) 02
6 Private Secretary Pay Matrix Level-8* (Rs. 47600-151100) 04
7 Assistant Accounts Officer Pay Matrix Level-7 (Rs. 44900-142400) 02
EN 11/122
8 Inspector Pay Matrix Level-7* (Rs. 44900-142400) 14
9 Programmer Assistant Pay Matrix Level-6 (Rs. 35400-112400) 03 2. Detailed eligibility and other term & conditions of above said posts
10 Accountant Pay Matrix Level-6 (Rs. 35400-112400) 01 and Proforma of application is available in the Commission's website
11 Junior Accountant Pay Matrix Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) 02
12 Upper Division Clerk Pay Matrix Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) 01 3. The applications of eligible candidates be sent to Under
13 Assistant Librarian Pay Matrix Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) 01 Secretary (Estt.), National Human Rights Commission, Manav
Adhikar Bhawan, 'C' Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi -
14 Steno Grade 'D' Pay Matrix Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) 04
110023 latest by 45 days from the date of publication of the
15 Constable Pay Matrix Level-3 (Rs. 21700-69100) 01
advertisement in Employment News in the prescribed format as at
*Note: There is pay discrepancies to the posts of Dy. Superintendent of Police, Section Officer, Private
Annexure-I alongwith all requisite documents i.e. attested
Secretary & Inspector in the National Human Rights Commission, proposed for filling up on deputation
photocopies of last 05 years APARs, Integrity Certificate,
basis. The candidates will not claim for the existing pay scale as a matter of right on selection to the
respective posts on deputation basis. It will be as per decision of the Government/NHRC. DE/Vigilance Clearance & details of major/minor punishment if any
(i) The number of posts advertised may vary. etc.
(ii) If a candidate applies for more than one post, separate applications should be submitted for each post. (Barjesh Kumania)
(iii) The published vacancy notice can be cancelled/withdrawn by the Commission at any time without Under Secretary (Estt.)
assigning any reason. CBC 53101/11/0003/2324 EN 11/124
44 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023
No. A-12015/1/2012-Estt.
Government of India
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force
National Centre (Ministry of Home Affairs)
for Disease Govt. of India
(Directorate General of
Health Services) Advertisement published in Employment News of 08-14 October, 2022 for recruitment to the post of Head Constable (Dresser Veterinary)
22- Sham Nath Marg in ITB Police is hereby amended partially due to increase in vacancies as given below due to administrative reasons :-
Name of Post In Place of Read as
Vacancy Circular
Subject: NCDC, Delhi- Filling Total Gender UR EWS OBC SC ST Total Total Gender UR EWS OBC SC ST Total
up of one post of Junior
Vacancies Vacancies
Translation Officer (Pre-
viously Junior Hindi Head Constable 40 Male 14 03 09 05 03 34 48 Male 16 04 11 07 04 42
Translator) (Group ‘B’ Non-
Gazetted) in the Level-6 of the (Education & Stress Female 03 00 02 01 00 06 Female 03 00 02 01 00 06
Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
by transfer on deputation/
transfer basis-Reg. 2. Other contents of this advertisement shall remain unaltered.
Applications are invited from the
suitable candidates for filling up DIG (Recruitment)
of one post of Junior Translation
CBC 19143/11/0017/2324 EN 11/112
Officer (Previously Junior Hindi
Translator) (Group ‘B’ Non-
Gazetted) in the Level-6 of the
Pay Matrix (Rs. 35400-112400)
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force
at National Centre for Disease (Ministry of Home Affairs)
Control, 22- Sham Nath Marg,
Govt. of India
Delhi-110054, by the method of
basis. The period of deputation AND CONSTABLE (TELECOMMUNICATION) IN ITBP
shall ordinarily not exceed 3
Advertisement published in Employment News of 12-18 November, 2022 for recruitment to the post of Head Constable
years. The appointment on
deputation, pay and deputation (Telecommunication) and Constable (Telecommunication) in ITB Police is hereby amended partially due to increase in vacancies as
(duty) allowances will be given below due to administrative reasons:-.
regulated in accordance with Name of Post In Place of Read as
terms and conditions contained
in the DOPT O.M. No.2/29/91- Total Gender UR EWS OBC SC ST Total Total Gender UR EWS OBC SC ST Total
Estt. (Pay II) dated 05.01.1994, Vacancies Vacancies
as amended from time to time.
Head Constable 126 Male 34 10 44 15 04 107 324 Male 99 27 88 41 20 275
The detailed regarding essential
qualification and other terms & (Telecommunication) Female 06 02 08 02 01 19 Female 18 05 16 07 03 49
conditions of the post may be Constable 167 Male 58 14 38 21 11 142 176 Male 62 16 41 21 11 151
viewed on the (Telecommunication) Female 10 02 07 04 02 25 Female 10 02 07 04 02 25
2. The applications of the 2. Other contents of this advertisement shall remain unaltered.
eligible candidates, in the
DIG (Recruitment)
prescribed proforma may be
forwarded to the Director, CBC 19143/11/0019/2324 EN 11/111
National Centre for Disease
Control, 22-Sham Nath Marg,
Delhi-110054 within two
months from the date of issue
of this circular. While
forwarding the applications, the
following information/certificate
in respect of the applicants may
also be furnished:-
(i) Integrity Certificate.
(ii) Vigilance Clearance
(iii) Attested photocopies of
APARs for the last five years.
3. Applications of the
candidates, who cannot be
relieved immediately, need not
be forwarded. The selected
candidates will not be permitted
to withdraw his/her candidature
(G. J. Jayalakshmi)
Administrative Officer
CBC 17129/12/0005/2324
EN 11/109 EN 11/8

÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Government of India No. of vacancy : 03* (three)

∑¥§º˝Ëÿ ∑ΧÁ· ◊‡ÊËŸ⁄UË ¬˝Á‡ÊˇÊáÊ ∞fl¢ ¬⁄UˡÊáÊ ‚¢SÕÊŸ Group of Pay & Pay level: Group 'B' (NG), Ministerial level-6 (Rs.35400-
112400) in the pay matrix.
Central Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute *Two posts are for English Stenographer and one post is for Hindi
≈˛ÒUÄ≈U⁄U Ÿª⁄U, ’ÈŒŸË (◊.¬˝.) /Tractor Nagar, P.O., Budni (M.P.) 466445 Stenographer only.
Website:, Email: [email protected], Tel: 07564-299003 Complete data about eligibility, terms & conditions are available on the
GSTIN: 23AAAGC0890H1ZS Institutes website:,,
No.3-3/2021-Estt. Date: 16.05.2023
Application in the prescribed proforma with complete details should be
(Advertisement No. CFMTTI/01/2023) forwarded through proper channel to Director, Govt. of India, Central Farm
Applications are invited from eligible candidates belonging to Officers of Central or Machinery Training & Testing Institute, Tractor Nagar, Budni (M.P.)-
State Government or Union Territory Administrations for filling up following post by 466445 within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement
deputation including short-term contract basis. in the Employment News.
1. Name of Post : Stenographer Grade-l EN 11/85
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 45

NAVAL ARMAMENT DEPOT - MUMBAI Administrative Commandant, Station Headquarters

Ayodhya Cantt. (UP) 224001
REQUIREMENT OF GENERAL DUTY MEDICAL Advertisement for Recruitment of Civil Defence Employees
OFFICER ON CONTRACT BASIS AT NAD 1. Applications from Indian National eligible candidates invited for Direct Recruitment of Defence Civilian
TROMBAY (MUMBAI) Employees at Station Headquarters, Ayodhya Cantonment (UP)-224001 by Ordinary/Registered/Speed
Post. Trade wise vacancies alongwith other qualitative requirements are given below:-
(REF. NO. BA/3957/T/MO/23-24)
Ser Post Vacancy Category Age Educational Qualification Pay Scale
No. limit & Level
1. Applications are invited by the Chief General
Manager, Naval Armament Depot, Mumbai (on behalf (a) Lower 01 (One) Unreserved 18-25 (i) 12th pass or equivalent from Rs. 19900/-
Divisional years recognized Board or University. to Rs. 63200/-
of Headquarters, Western Naval Command) for the Clk (LDC) (ii) English Typing @35 wpm on (Level-II)
post of General Duty Medical Officer, purely on computer. OR
contract basis, for a period of one year from the date of Hindi Typing @ 30 wpm on
contract. Contract may be extended upto one year computer (35 words per minute
depending upon the availability of regular doctors and 30 words per minute
corresponding to 10500-9000 Key
through direct recruitment. As and when regular doctor depression per hour on an
is positioned such hiring of services will be short average of 05 key depressions
closed. for each word.
2. Description of services required :- (a) Range 01 (One) Unreserved 18-25 10th class pass or equivalent Rs.18000/-
Name of Post : General Duty Medical Officer Chowkidar years from recognized Board. to Rs.56900/-
No. of Vacancies : 01 (One) (Male) Tangible Qualitative requirement (Level-I)
(a) 01 (One) Kilometer run and
Qualification required : Minimum MBBS degree from
physical endurance test.
recognised university and valid registration. (b) Basic marching & saluting
Remuneration : Rs. 75, 000/- per month (all inclusive) trade with one year's experience.
Place of work : Naval Armament Depot, Sion- Note: Age relaxation
Trombay Road, Trombay, Near Mankhurd Railway (a) Vacancies are unreserved. Hence, age relaxation is not applicable to EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PWD
Station, Mumbai-400088 (Maharashtra) candidates.
(b) ESM -Three years relaxation after deduction of military service rendered from actual age as on the
Hours of Work : 0830 hrs to 1700 hrs. on 1st, 3rd and
crucial date.
5th week of the month. 2. Post mentioned above is All India Transfer Liability and Field Service Liability Rules.
0830 hrs. to 1730 hrs. on 2nd and 4th week of the 3. Candidates will forward application properly sealed in an envelope alongwith two self-addressed
month. envelopes affixed with stamp of Rs.30/- and two self attested passport size photographs to
3. Reporting Authority- The doctor will report to the ADMINISTRATIVE COMMANDANT, STATION HEADQUARTERS, AYODHYA CANTT (UP) 224001.
Courier of Registered application will not be accepted. Candidates are requested to super scribe the
General Manager, Naval Armament Depot, Trombay
words "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF -----------------" on the top of envelope while sending the
(Mumbai) for services mentioned in Para 2(a) above. application form.
4. Nature of duties - To provide medical cover to 4. Last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement
employees of NAD, Trombay for any injury which may in the Employment News.
occur while carrying out following operations and 5. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date of receipt of application.
6. Photocopy of the following documents/ certificates to be attached alongwith application duly self-
arrange for AME of the employees :
(a) Accidents while handling of boxes loaded with (a) Four (04) passport size photographs self-attested one pasted on the right corner of application and
ammunition and other stores. one on acknowledgement card and two attached with application form.
(b) Accidental explosion of explosive while working on (b) Certificate of proof of date of birth.
it. (c) Educational Certificate.
(d) Current Employment Exchange Registration Card, if held.
(c) Electrical hazard due to power supply related test
(e) Caste Certificate where applicable.
equipment . (f) Character certificate issued by Police Authority /School/College.
(d) Injury while working on the machines and handling (h) Certificate of proof of residence.
of metal parts j) Any other documents in support of information furnished in application.
(e) Eye injury due to welding and handling of 7. Incomplete/ illegible/ineligible application will be deemed invalid and rejected without intimation to the
candidate. Only eligible candidate will be called for examination.
8. To reduce the number of candidates for written examination for one category of post, screening of
(f) Respiratory trouble due to chemicals used in application will be carried out based on the percentage of marks obtained in the Examination mandated
surface treatment process. as essential QR
(g) Accidents involving material handling equipment. 9. It is clear that merely fulfilling the basic essential qualifications requirements does not automatically
(h) Working at NAD, Karanja jetty in the hot sun entitle a person to be called for Test / Interview. The selection will be made strictly on the merit basis. The
decision of appointing authority regarding selection/rejection will be final.
during summer.
10. It is also made clear that number of posts/vacancies is tentative and recruitment process can be
(j) High pressure air, 200 kg/cm2 is used in all guided cancelled/suspended/terminated fully or partially by the appointing authority at any stage due to
weapon workshops. Use of such high pressure air administrative or any other reasons.
increases risk of accident. 11. The following tests will be conducted on dates intimated later at Station Headquarters,
(k) Risk from the high pressure hydraulic fire hydrant Ayodhya Cantt (UP) :-
(a) Written Test (b) Skill Test/ Trade Test/Practical Test for respective trade.
network which is in place in the depot which is
12. Examination paper (Objective Multiple Choice Type) and their distribution-
charged upto 7 bar pressure.
Paper Subject No. of Marks Duration of
(I) High pressure hydraulic system for external Questions Examination
pressure testing of systems. Paper- I General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 25
5. Procedure to Apply : Application to be made on Paper-II General Awareness 25 25
plain paper with full details of Name, Address, Contact
Paper- Ill General English 25 25 02 Hours
No., Email ID, Qualification, Experience, Registration
Paper- IV Numerical Aptitude 25 25
number and copies of supporting documents to be
13. Written test will be in objective form for 02 hours and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong
attached. answer.
6. Last Date: Applications should reach The Chief 14. The candidates should keep in mind the following points:-
General Manager, Naval Armament Depot, Gun (a) The decision of appointing authority regarding selection/ rejection will be final.
Gate, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai - 400 023, on or (b) Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidates. No enquiry or correspondence will be
before 15/06/2023. Interview date will be entertained.
(c) Station Headquarters, Ayodhya Cantonment (UP) shall not be responsible for any postal delay/ failure.
(d) No extra weightage will be given for additional/extra/higher qualification for recruitment.
7. For any queries : Shri. Avijit Acharya, Deputy (e) No board / lodging/TA/DA or any type of allowance will be provided for the said test.
General Manager (f) Station Headquarter, Ayodhya Cantonment (UP) will not be responsible for any injury which may occur
Contact : NAD, Trombay (Tel: 022- 25075701) during the written/skill/trade/physical test.
CBC 10702/11/0010/2324 EN 11/115 15. Application is required on A4 Paper only. Continued on page 46
46 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023

EN 11/95

Government of India

Ministry of Jal Shakti

Department of Water Resources
River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA) is a Statutory Body set
up by the Central Government in exercise of the powers
conferred by Section 8 (1) of the National Dam Safety Act, 2021.
The Authority shall discharge such functions as per the Second
Schedule of the Act as may be necessary to implement the
policy, guidelines and standards evolved by the National
Committee on Dam Safety for proper surveillance, inspection
and maintenance of specified dams and for such purposes. The
National Dam Safety Authority has it's headquarter at New
2. Applications are invited from eligible and suitable officers for filling
up one post of Chairman, National Dam Safety Authority, New Delhi
in the Pay Matrix Level-15 (Rs.182200-224100/-) on deputation
(including short-term contract) basis.
3. Details of the post, eligibility conditions etc. are available at; and Applications (in
triplicate) complete in all respects of suitable and eligible officers
EN 11/107 and who can be spared immediately in the event of selection may be
Continued from page 45
sent through proper channel to:- The Deputy Secretary (Estt.IV),
Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga
APPLICATION FORM Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Room No. 626, Shram
To, Shakti Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001 and by email at
The Administrative Commandant Affix recent [email protected] & [email protected] within a period of 45 days
Station Headquarters passport size from the date of issue/publishing of this Advertisement in the
Ayodhya Cantonment (UP)-224001 photograph Employment News.
1. Post applied for (fill only one post) : _______________________________ duly self 5. Advance copies of application or application received after
2. Full Name of the candidate (in BLOCK letter) attested the prescribed period or not accompanied with the requisite
(a) (In Hindi) ___________________ (b) (In English) __________________ information/ documents are liable to be rejected.
3. Father's / Husband's Name (in BLOCK letter):_________________________ (Subrata K. Basu)
4. Mother's Name (in BLOCK letter): ________________________________ Deputy Secretary
5. Date of Birth _____ DD_____ MM ______YYYY (attach copy of birth certificate) *The English version shall always prevaiI in case of any
6. Gender: __________ Nationality: __________________Religion: ______________ discrepancy or inconsistency between English version and its
7. Age as on last date prescribed for receipt of application: ______ Year______ Month _____Days Hindi translation.
8. Address for Correspondence: EN 11/94
House No:__________ Street/ Village ____________Post Office____________ Tehsil________

District___________________ State ________________ Pin Code______________
Permanent Address (attach photocopy of domicile certificate duly self attested):-
Indian Institute of
House No:__________ Street/ Village ____________Post Office____________ Tehsil________
District___________________ State ________________ Pin Code______________________
Technology Jodhpur
Aadhar No.______________ Mob No.________________ E-mail ID: ____________________ (An Institute of National Importance, Ministry of Education,
10. Caste Gen/OBC/SC/ST __________________ (Attach certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC) Govt. of India)
11. Educational Qualification:________ ( Attach self-attested mark sheets of all education qualification)
NH 62, Nagaur Road, Karwar, Jodhpur, Rajasthan-342030
Ser Qualification Name of Name of Board/ Percentage of Marks Obtained
No. School/College University (upto two decimal, example 50.60) Advt. No.: IITJ/O(E-II)/2023-24/Non-Academic-Staff/53
Recruitment for various Non-teaching positions
Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for
various Non-teaching positions. Submission of online
1. I undertake that above information furnished is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. If at any
stage, it is found that information furnished is wrong or important relevant Information was hidden then my application will start on 28th May, 2023 and will close on 17th
candidature will be cancelled immediately without any notice. If, I am holding any post then my service June, 2023.
will be terminated immediately without notice.
Hardcopy of application need not be sent.
2. I can be transferred anywhere in India and I am ready to serve at the posted place willingly and without
any condition. Detailed advertisement and online application form is available
3. I am aware and I have no objection that number of vacancies advertised for which I have applied can at Institute website -
be abolished/decreased/increased without any notice before declaration of final result.
(Full signature of the applicant)
CBC 10622/11/0007/2324 EN 11/108 CBC 21305/12/0002/2324 EN 11/120
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 47
Employment News Government of India
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY)
Soochna Bhawan, CGO Complex
New Delhi-110003 Unique Identification Authority
Subject : Empanelment as Translators and Proof Readers in the Employment of India (UIDAI)
News Headquarters for Employment News (English) and Rozgar Samachar
4th Floor, Bangla Sahib Road, Behind Kali Mandir
(Hindi) and Rozgar Samachar (Urdu) on casual assignment basis.
Gole Market, New Delhi - 110001
Employment News, Publications Division (DPD) Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting, Soochna Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-3 which publishes the career Vacancy circular for filling up the post of Director and Director (Technology)
weekly Employment News in English and Rozgar Samachar in Hindi and Urdu invites on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) in UIDAI, Delhi & Data
applications from eligible and willing persons for expansion of panel of Translators and Center Manesar.
Proof Readers, to work on casual assignment basis. UIDAI, invites application for filling up (i) 02 posts of Director and (ii) 01 post of
The applications of eligible candidates in prescribed proforma (Annexure-1) Director (Technology) on deputation (Foreign Service terms basis) at Delhi and
should reach the following address by 26.06.2023 (5:00 PM) Data Center Manesar.
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Soochna Bhawan, New Delhi, CGO Complex, respect is 17.07.2023. Application may also be sent through mail on email id:
Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110003 [email protected]. Since this vacancy is to be filled up on deputation
Qualifications and Experience required for Translators and Proof Readers basis, private candidates are not eligible.
(I) Qualifications required for Translators : Application received after the last date or otherwise found incomplete shall not be
Essential: considered. Further details may be obtained from the website
(i) Degree in any discipline from a recognised University or equivalent.
Director (HR)
(ii) The Candidate should have studied Hindi/English/Urdu up to 12th standard.
However the educational qualification, which is only indicative, will not be the Now Aadhaar Enrollment & Updation Facilities can also be availed
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experience of source language and target language as required for good Call 1947
translator. CBC 54103/12/0012/2324 EN 11/77
(iii) Proficiency in typing and online work is necessary.
(i) The Candidate should have at least 3 years experience of translation from Government of India, Ministry of Defence
English to Hindi or Urdu language and vice-versa in any Publishing Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)
House/Newspaper/News agency/Electronic media house etc.
Directorate of Personnel, DRDO Headquarters
(II) Qualifications required for Proof Readers :
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E-mail: [email protected]
language applied for, in a Govt./Private Media house/ Newspaper/News agency.
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JOB REQUIRMENTS reliance in critical defence technologies and systems, while equipping our armed
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1. Procedure for empanelment: After scrutiny of qualification and experience a. DRDO Chair 3 2 B.Tech/ Aeronautics, Armaments,
related documents, a list of suitable candidates will be prepared, who may be b. DRDO B.E./M.Sc. Combat Vehicles, Commu-
called for a proficiency test by Selection Committee. Distinguished 6 3 nication Engg., Computer
The Committee, on the basis of qualification, work experience, proficiency and Fellows Sc./IT, Electronics, Life
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General Terms and Conditions Note For detailed advertisement containing qualification, discipline, application
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2. The empanelled candidate will not be entitled to claim any kind of extension in CBC 10301/11/0027/2324 EN 11/103
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3. No other facilities except the fixed rates will be payable to the engaged Educational Qualification# (with Marks / % / Grade obtained*
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Additional relevant information, if
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any in support of your suitability for
8. No TA/DA would be admissible for attending proficiency test/personal interaction
the said engagement, attach a
and for joining duty or after completion of the assignment.
separate sheet, if necessary
9. Candidates residing in Delhi/NCR will be preferred.
10. Panel will be subject to periodic revision and addition/modification/deletion will Qualification/ Experience in IT*
be done depending upon the requirement of the office and availability of more Name of Reference from Reputed
suitable candidates at any point of time. clients of Delhi/NCR
Annexure-I * Attach self certified copies of the documents. Originals will be checked at the time of
PROFORMA FOR EMPLOYMENT NEWS proficiency test / Personal interaction.
Expansion of panel of Casual assignees in Employment News, Publications # Educational Qualification and Experience should be supported by documentary
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Assignment Applied for (Tick any one) I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true and correct to the best
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Name in Full (Block Letter) terms & conditions for engagement of Editor.
Date of Birth (Signature of the candidate)
Complete residential address with phone Passport Size Place: __________________
number, mobile no and e-mail address Photograph Date: ___________________
Nationality WEN/11A
48 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023

Recruitment Notice
For the Post of Constable (Executive)

Item(s) Timeline 6. Physical Efficiency & Measurement Test (PE&MT):-

Opening date for submission of online applications 01.06.2023 The first measurement of a candidate would be his/her height and chest. Candidates
not fulfilling the height and chest criteria would be rejected forthwith. Only candidates
Closing date for submission of online applications 22.06.2023
fulfilling these criteria would be allowed to proceed further in PE&MT as per following
(till 11:59 PM)
Tentative Date of Written exam 23.07.2023
Physical endurance Tests
1. Invitation of Applications:-
Race Distance Qualifying Parameter in minutes as per age
Online applications are invited for direct recruitment of 700 Temporary posts of
(Qualifying (In metres)
Constable (Executive) of Group C in the pay scale of Central Pay Level-3 (Revised) as
per 7th CPC plus allowances through URL mentioned on the website of Chandigarh only) 18-30 >30-35 years >35-40 years >40-45 years
Police i.e. from 01.06.2023 to 22.06.2023 till 11:59 Male 1600m 6¼ minutes 7 minutes 7¾ minutes 10 minutes
P.M. Thereafter website link will be disabled. candidates (375 sec.) (420 sec.) (465 sec.) (600 sec.)
2. Details of Posts:- Female 800m 4¼ minutes 5 minutes 5¾ minutes 6½
Male Female ESM Total candidates (255 sec.) (300 sec.) (345 sec.) (390 sec.)
UR 178 101 45 324 Long Jump: Distance Qualifying Parameter in Metres as per age
OBC 104 60 21 185 (Qualifying (In metres) 18-30 >30-35 >35-40 >40-45
in (3) years years years
SC 72 40 18 130
EWS 39 22 - 61
Male 3.95m 3.95m 3.80m 3.65m 3.50m
Total 393 223 84 700 candidates
* The above 700 vacancies include 23 backlog vacancies of different categories. Female 2.74m 2.74m 2.60m 2.45m 2.30m
3. Eligibility Standards for these posts are as under:- candidates
(i) Age as on 20.05.2023:
High Jump: Height Qualifying Parameter in Metres as per age
18-25 years (General Category)
(Qualifying (In metres) 18-30 >30-35 >35-40 >40-45
18-28 years (OBC Category)
in (3) years years years
18-30 years (SC Category)
Age Relaxation:-
a) Relaxable up to the maximum age of 45 years for Ex-servicemen as on the cut-off Male 1.14m 1.14m 1.10m 1.05m 1.00m
date prescribed for the recruitment i.e. 20.05.2023 candidates
b) Upto seven years relaxation for Chandigarh Home Guard Volunteers provided they are Female 0.90m 0.90m 0.85m 0.80m 0.75m
working/ on roll continuously for the last 2 years or more, as on 20.05.2023. as under:- candidates
i) 2 years relaxation for those with a service of 2 years. Measurements Male Female
ii) 3 years relaxation for those with a service of 3 years. Tests
iii) 4 years relaxation for those with a service of 4 years. Height (in cm) 170 cm 157.5 cm
iv) 5 years relaxation for those with a service of 5 years.
v) 6 years relaxation for those with a service of 6 years. Relaxable for the following:
vi) 7 years relaxation for those with a service of 7 years. Residents of notified Hill Areas: by 5 cm: 165 cm 152.5 cm
c) Relaxation for wards of working or retired or deceased (except dismissed, Wards of Police Personnel (WPP) by 5 cm: 165 cm 152.5 cm
compulsory retired or removed from service) Chandigarh Police employees as under: Chest: (In cm) Unexpanded-Expanded 84-88 cm N/A
i) 2 years relaxation for wards of Serving and retired (living or deceased) Relaxable for the following:
employees Residents of notified Hill Areas: by 5 cm: 79-83 cm N/A
ii) 3 years relaxation for wards of those who died in service Wards of Police Personnel (WPP) by 5 cm: 79-83 cm N/A
d) Departmental candidates of Chandigarh Police upto 40 years as on 20.5.2023 * Wards of Police Personnel can avail only one relaxation, either of height or of chest
(ii) Minimum Educational Qualification: 10 + 2 or equivalent in addition to the relaxation in age. Such relaxation shell be admissible to a limit of two
*For Ex-Servicemen, 10+2 or Certificates awarded in the Defence Services which are children for any police personnel household.
recognised as equivalent to 10+2. All candidates shall be subjected to a dope test before PE&MT.
(iii) Driving Skills:- Possession of a valid driving license to drive both, two-wheelers 7. General Instructions / Guidelines for Online Filling of Application Form
and four-wheel vehicles, is mandatory for male candidates of all categories as on the a. Apply online well in advance without waiting for last date of submission of online
date of submission of online application. application form.
(iv) Computer Skills:- Candidates should have basic knowledge of computer skills b. Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling the
from any recognized institute in line of GOI/MHA No. 25019/01/2018-PM-II dated 5th Online Application Form and check all the particulars filled up in application form to
November 2018 and Chandigarh Administration Home Department No. 10385-H III (I) ensure the correctness of information.
2018/23703 Dated 14.11.2018. c. The candidate should fill all details while filling the Online Application Form.
4. APPLICATION FEES: After applying online, Application No. and Password will be generated and sent
Un-Reserved & OBC Rs. 1000/- through email. Take print out of the Application no. and password screen for future
SC & EWS Rs. 800/- reference of your application status.
d. The final submission of Application form will only be after payment of the fee
Ex-Serviceman Exempted
through Recruitment Portal.
NOTE: Collection charges or processing fee charged by the bank, payable by the
e. Candidate shall be considered only against the category against which he had
candidates, shall be in addition to application fee as above payable to Chandigarh applied. Any change of category after submission of application form shall not be
Police. permitted.
5. Criteria for Selection, Examination & Syllabus:- f. No request for change of any particular field on the application form shall be
5.1. Written Test:- All candidates (including ex-servicemen) shall be put through a entertained by the Department, after final submission of application.
OMR Sheet-based written test which shall carry 100 marks. The questions shall be g. No offline application form or copy or downloaded application form will be accepted
multiple choice objective types and will carry one mark for every correct answer and a by the Chandigarh Police Department.
negative marking of 0.25 for every wrong answer. The question paper for the Written h. Candidates who do not fulfill the qualifications/eligibility conditions on cutoff date
Test shall be in Hindi, English and Punjabi. Each candidate will be given the test paper for recruitment, their application shall not be accepted by the online application
only in the language selected by the candidate during the application process. Change system. All the Certificates relating to educational qualification/eligibility conditions,
of medium will not be permitted. etc. will be determined with regard to cut off date for recruitment i.e. 20.05.2023.
5.2 Cut off marks for written test/CBT/OMR:- unless otherwise specified.
The minimum qualifying cut-off marks in the written exam/CBT/OMR for each category i. Incomplete form in any respect shall be summarily rejected.
shall be as follows:- j. The decision of the Recruitment Board in all matters relating to acceptance or
rejection of an application, eligibility/suitability of the candidates, mode and criteria
General Candidates 40%
for selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. No inquiry or
SC Candidates 35%
correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
OBC Candidates 35%
k. If on verification at any stage starting from submitting application form till
Ex-Servicemen Candidates 30%
appointment, it is found that any candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility
5.3 Bonus Marks: Incentives to NCC Certificate holders will be granted at the following condition or it is found that the information furnished is false or incorrect, his/her
scales as per the instructions of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs issued vide candidature will be cancelled and he/she will also be liable to be criminally
letter No.IV/16011/25/2020-CSR-II dated 20.04.2020:- prosecuted. This is irrespective of whether the candidate was benefitted by
NCC "C' Certificate 5% of the maximum marks of the examination. furnishing the false or incorrect information in his/ her application. Even after
NCC "B" Certificate 3% of the maximum marks of the examination. appointment at any later stage if it is found that any information furnished by any
candidate is incorrect, he/she shall be liable to be prosecuted legally.
NCC "A" Certificate 2% of the maximum marks of the examination. l. The Department reserves the right to call upon any candidate personally along with
Height:- printed copy of the application form with original certificates and photocopy of self
Male candidates having height 183 cm or above. 02 attested certificates along with Photo, Identity Proof i.e. Identity Card/Driving
License/Passport/Voter Card/Pan Card/Aadhaar Card etc. at any stage of the
Female candidates have height 165 cm or above 02 Recruitment.
For Hill Areas candidates:- For details of eligibility criteria, selection process and other such details, refer
>Male candidates having height 178 cm or above 02 the standing Order No. 46/2023 for recruitment of Constables (Executive)
>Female candidates have height 160 cm or above 02 Continued on page 49
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 49
Continued from page 48
available on the website of
Chandigarh Police http://
Detailed procdure for filling of
online application form shall
be available on the link given
on Chandigarh Police website
http://chandigarhpolice., at the time of opening
of online application form i.e.
Note : 1) Number of posts/
category mentioned above is
tentative and may vary at the
time of appointment.
2) DGP, Chandigarh Police
reserves the right to change any
condition/criteria or cancelled
the recruitment process without
assigning any reason.
EN 11/127 EN 11/96
50 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023

The modern fitness programmes claim that the body requires

sufficient aerobic activities. This is true for the younger generation,
sportspersons and athletes.
As a matter of fact, dynamic Yogasanas are more all round than most
of the aerobic exercises. The only problem is that these Yogasanas
are not in vogue. The fact is also that people are not aware of them.
Basically even for each static asana, there is already an element of
dynamism involved, beginning from the starting point upto the
posture, staying in the posture making external and internal
corrections (pose and repose) and there is also a returning to the
starting point. All the actions are done rhythmically, gracefully,
consciously with full awareness keeping aesthetic balance all the
What is to be understood here under this topic of dynamic Yoga is
the shift from the starting point (Tadasan, Shirshasan and Dandasan)
to a pose and back without staying in the pose and repeating it a
number of times.
Obviously, there are no jerks involved nor any form of unnatural
movements and the breath is never held at anytime.
This builds up all round coordination, flexibility, strength and
endurance. Interestingly, the energy loss is kept at a minimum and
thus, they are suitable for warming up before matches or events. All
the muscle groups can be warmed up without exceeding the lactic
acid limit (for warming up) of the blood.
Where groups are involved one can design a Yogasana circuit
training programme. It is an allround form of exercise.
It is absolutely essential to know the correct method in static poses
before trying the dynamic versions.
The popular Suryanamaskar cycle also falls under this category of
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 51

Igniting Startup Synergies

India's G20 Presidency Sparks an Era of Innovation
Dr. Neeraj Sinha, Garima Ujjainia, Naman Agarwal a "Global Startup Hub." The five task forces of Startup20

T he demand for global governance has intensified,

necessitating a concerted effort to tackle the intricate
challenges of the contemporary world. A multitude of
are working collaboratively to reach a consensus that will
have a profound impact on the global startup ecosystem:
Foundations and Alliances: This task force focuses
issues that were previously contained within local, on establishing consensus-based definitions and
regional, or national boundaries have transcended these terminology for startups across G20 nations.
confines and now exert a global impact, resonating Furthermore, it aims to compile a handbook for startups,
across the realms of economy, society, and politics. In strengthening the foundation of Startup20. Additionally,
light of mounting apprehensions regarding stability, the task force seeks to develop a framework for fostering
security, education, healthcare, and even our very global partnerships and promoting cross-country
existence, the establishment of intergovernmental collaboration among stakeholders within the G20 startup
organisations capable of facilitating complex interactions ecosystem.
has become an imperative. In response to these Finance: The finance task force concentrates on
pressing crises, the Group of Twenty (G20) nations formulating policies and frameworks that facilitate startup
emerged. financing and create a supportive environment by
The Group of Twenty, commonly known as the G20, providing networking opportunities and launching
was established with the aim of addressing urgent global platforms.
economic concerns. Consisting of 19 nations and the Inclusiveness and Sustainability: These two task
European Union, the G20 represents a significant forces are dedicated to establishing mechanisms that
portion, accounting for approximately 85 percent, of the Nevertheless, startups have emerged as the new expedite the growth of startups addressing significant
world's gross product. Moreover, these nations propellant for the economic engine of society. As India gaps in the Sustainable Development Goals. They will
encompass three-quarters of global trade and are home sets its sights on becoming the global hub for startups in focus on areas of common interest to all countries, as
to two-thirds of the world's population. As a result, the the future, Startup20 has rightfully been launched as an well as groups requiring special attention, such as
decisions made within the G20 wield significant influence Engagement Group under the G20 presidency of India women entrepreneurs and individuals with disabilities.
in effecting reforms on both national and multinational Through the recently launched Startup20 Engagement
for the year 2023. The group aims to establish a global
scales. Group, India aims to contribute to the development of an
framework for fostering collaborations among startups,
Presently, India proudly occupies the esteemed 18th inclusive framework that supports innovative startups
corporations, investors, innovation agencies, and
Presidency of the G20 nations, embracing a profound through strategic cooperation among G20 countries.
ecosystem enablers. The ultimate objective of Startup20
theme encapsulated by the Sanskrit phrase 'fl‚ÈäÊÒfl While each G20 country nurtures its own startup
is to craft a global narrative that champions startups and
∑ȧ≈ÈUê’∑§◊' - "One Earth  One Family  One Future". This ecosystem internally, the group will collaborate to enable
fosters mutual synergies.
evocative theme endeavours to foster a shared and startup financing models and foster co-creation,
Startup20: The Youngest Member of the G20
interconnected understanding of our collective humanity. particularly in globally significant sectors.
The G20 was originally established as a "crisis
Throughout its term at the helm, India aspires to exhibit Consensus and Collaboration
committee" with the primary objective of addressing the
its invaluable experiences, knowledge, and models as Start-ups are crucial to the global economy. They
financial and economic crises of the late 90s. However,
exemplars, poised to guide and inspire other nations, create employment opportunities, revolutionise
once the immediate crisis was mitigated, the G20
particularly those on the path of development. The industries, and promote technological advancements.
evolved into a global steering committee. Each
priorities set forth by India within the G20 framework will The World Economic Forum indicates that start-ups are
presidency of the G20 involves consultations among
be thoughtfully shaped in close collaboration with G20 responsible for generating about 70% of all new jobs in
member nations and invited countries, with input from
partners and nations united in their pursuit of innovative several economies. In order to build consensus, the
various engagement groups within the G20 Nations.
solutions to global problems. In this pursuit, it is believed Startup20 Engagement will work towards creating a
These consultations are a collaborative effort among the
that startups shall emerge as a substantive remedy, playbook that can help start-ups to navigate through the
participating countries and their representatives.
ensuring a comprehensive and action-oriented outcome start-up jungle, focusing on pillars of Inclusion,
Currently, there are 11 official participation groups,
for India's Presidency of the G20 this year. Sustainability, Finance, and Alliances.
namely Business20, Civil20, Labour20, Parliament20,
India and the Culture of Startups The group has held two deliberations - the Inception
Science20, Startup20, Think20, Urban20, Women20,
Meeting in Hyderabad, Telangana (27th to 29th January
Over time, startups have assumed a pivotal role in and Youth20, which provide inspiration for these
2023) and Sikkim Sabha in Gangtok, Sikkim (18th to
assessing and nurturing a society's spirit of innovation. consultations. Among them, Business20 is the oldest
19th March 2023).
Embarking on entrepreneurial ventures is no longer affiliated group, while Startup20 is the most recent
The Inception Meeting in Hyderabad served as a
regarded as taboo; rather, it is seen as a manifestation of addition.
precursor to establishing the agenda for the Startup20
talent and courage. The startup culture has proven its Startup20 aims to foster synergy within the global
Engagement Group during the Presidency. Over 200
agility in promptly responding to market and societal startup ecosystem and promote collaboration across
participants from 24 countries (including G20 and invitee
demands. sectors such as education, finance, energy,
countries) took part in the conference. The primary focus
A startup refers to a company that leverages novel sustainability, agriculture, and technology. The
of the meeting was to introduce the task forces and their
technologies to conceive, develop, produce, and market discussions within the Startup20 Engagement group will
objectives to a larger audience. The representatives
new products, services, or systems. Typically operating primarily focus on cooperation through the task forces: shared their feedback during the discussions held. The
within a broader business landscape, startups aim to Foundation, Alliance, Finance, Inclusion, and Sikkim Sabha, which was an extension of the Inception
create solutions that exert a significant impact on society, Sustainability. Each working group or task force is led by Meeting, saw the participation of sixteen G20 countries.
fostering both progress and socio-economic change. a chair and co-chairs, who guide the discussions and During this meeting, the discussions centred around the
Owing to their innovative nature, these startups become work towards achieving consensus within the group. The task forces, where delegates discussed and deliberated
generators of employment, thereby bolstering the chair and co-chairs represent G20 countries and work on policy objectives, recommendations, actions, and
workforce and contributing to a stronger economy. A together during their tenure to identify relevant needs outcomes. These discussions were held in multiple
thriving economy, in turn, fuels the growth of cities, and develop solutions for the global startup ecosystem. rounds with diverse representation and documented
regions, and the entire nation. The Path to Progress through a series of feedback to build the final consensus.
To foster a culture of startups in India, the Government Startups have emerged as catalysts for economic India's G20 Presidency aims to bring consensus
of India has undertaken various programmes, with revitalisation, restructuring, and expansion, fuelled by among its member countries through honest
notable examples including 'Standup India.' Launched by creativity. They are paving the way for a decentralised conversation. While the larger group of G20 will focus on
the Honourable Prime Minister in August 2015, this yet collective future, tailored to the unique requirements building agreements on social protection, financial
initiative seeks to assist startups with bank financing, and evolving values of each nation. The global startup inclusion, digital economy, health and technology,
ignite entrepreneurial spirit among young Indians, industry, valued at approximately £3 trillion within a world sustainability, and growth; the engagement groups will
establish a conducive framework for new businesses to economy of roughly £90 trillion, is experiencing rapid work towards taking this to the people, making it a Jan
thrive, and position the country as an ideal destination for growth. The pandemic has underscored the importance Bhagidari Movement.
startups. Furthermore, in 2016, the Government of India of startups in driving innovation to navigate the swiftly The Conclusion
established the Atal Innovation Mission, a flagship changing global landscape, saving lives, and restoring The following steps of the Startup20 Engagement
programme under NITI Aayog, to instill an ethos of economic well-being. Moreover, startups are increasingly Group will focus on finalising the Policy Communique
innovation and entrepreneurship in the country's youth. providing platforms and technologies that facilitate cross- after incorporating the feedback from discussions and
The Atal Innovation Mission supports innovators at every border collaboration and innovation, aiding economies in deliberations during these meetings, and after achieving
stage, with over 10,000 Atal Tinker Labs established in achieving their Sustainable Development Goals. As a consensus from the G20 Nations. The Engagement
Indian schools, along with 68 Atal Incubation Centres result, startups play a vital role in generating Group will focus on creating standard definitions and
and 14 Atal Community Innovation Centres dedicated to employment, fostering technological advancement, terminologies to be used in a collaborative start-up
nurturing young entrepreneurs and assisting startups in driving long-term growth, and managing crises on a ecosystem of G20 Nations and setting up institutional
their establishment. AIM has been at the forefront of global scale. mechanisms for the start-up ecosystems across G20
promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the India has emerged as the world's third-largest startup nations to form desired alliances from Foundation and
country, impacting approximately 7.5 million students, ecosystem, boasting 108 unicorns and over 98,000 Alliance Task Forces. The Finance task force will enable
supporting over 3,000 startups, and building a network of recognised startups. The launch of Startup20 during
over 5,000 mentors. India's current G20 Presidency aims to position India as Continued on page 52
52 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023

Indian Council of Medical Research Indian Council of Philosophical

V.Ramalingaswami Bhavan, New Delhi Research (ICPR)
Advt.No.ICMRHQ/AddlDG/01/2023- Pers. Darshan Bhawan, 36, Tuglakabad
VACANCY CIRCULAR Institutional Area

LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: 29.06.2023 M.B. Road, Near Batra Hospital, New Delhi-110062

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is an Autonomous Organization under the ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/2023
Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. ICMR is Indian Council of Philosophical Research is a
dealing with biomedical / health research in various areas, in collaboration with national / renowned research institute engaging research in
international agencies, through its Headquarters at New Delhi and 27 Institutes / Centres and Philosophy. It is an Autonomous Organization under
the Ministry of Education fully funded by the
a large number of field stations, situated across the country.
Government of India. The Council invites application
ICMR invites online applications, from Indian Citizens including persons of Indian Origin #, up
for the following post:
to 29th June, 2023 till 5:30 PM to fill up the Vacancy of Additional Director General at ICMR
1. Post : Programme Officer
Hqrs. New Delhi, in Level 15 of Pay Matrix (Rs.182200-224100) (7th CPC Scale) and usual
No. of posts : 01
allowances as admissible to ICMR employees for appointment under Direct Recruitment:- Category : SC-01
# Subject to production of "Certificate of Eligibility" as issued by Govt. of India. Method of Recruitment : 01 post by direct recruitment
Essential Qualifications & Experience*: failing which by transfer on deputation.
Essential Qualifications Essential Experience*
Pay scale : Level- 10 of Pay Matrix Rs. 56,100-
MD/MS or equivalent degree 17 years Including:
*Reservation will not apply if the post(s) is/are
recognised by MCl/NMC  05 Years in a managerial filled up by transfer on deputation.
OR position and has handled R&D For detailed information, please see the website
Qualifications MBBS or equivalent degree projects independently (viz. The application completed in all respects
& Experience recognized by MCl/NMC, with MPH PI or Co-PI of Scientific Studies, in the prescribed format available on the Council's
from a recognised University. Head of Research Groups/ website may be submitted only by registered post so as
OR Centres/Institutes/Laboratories)
to reach lCPR Delhi Office before 5.00 P.M. on last
date. Last date of receipt of duly filled up
M.Sc or MBBS or equivalent degree, and
application will be 45 calendar days from the date
recognised by MCI /NMC, with Ph.D  03 Years regular service in the
of publication of advertisement in Employment
from a recognised University in a Pay Matrix level-14 or
subject as given in Annexure-I. equivalent as amended from Director (A&F) ICPR
time to time. New Delhi - 110062
Initial appointment will be for duration of 3 years or till superannuation, CBC 21202/12/0001/2324 EN 11/119

whichever is earlier. A second term for maximum of 2 years or till super-

Tenure of annuation, whichever is earlier, may be considered by a review committee,
appointment subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria as per Recruitment Rules. During
this tenure, if the incumbent is from ICMR, he/she will hold lien on his/ her
substantive post at ICMR.

1. Ph.D will be considered as 4 years' experience (irrespective of the duration taken to complete
the degree).
2. MD/MS or equivalent to be considered as 3 years' experience.
3. MVSc will be considered as 2 years' experience
4. MPH/M.Tech/ME will not be considered as any experience.
5. Experience in Research & Development related to Biomedical Sciences in Govt./Public
Sector/Private Institutions will be admissible.
For detailed advertisement, please visit ICMR website at
Assistant Director-General (Admn.)
CBC 17152/12/0005/2324 EN 11/72

Continued from page 51 build and sustain a global narrative to helm of the Group of Twenty, under its
support start-ups and make them part of chairmanship, the emphasis will be
Igniting Startup Synergies, India's G20 Presidency ... our collective future through inclusive and placed on fostering cooperative dialogue
a global flow of capital within the G20 the G20 nations will be compiled and diverse partnerships. and consensus, with a profound focus on
Start-up network by promoting presented. Additionally, as a result of the While initially established as a crisis human-centric globalisation. The words of
investments and creating an investment above interactions, several publications management committee for an ailing the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
mechanism that all can use. To make on guidelines, best practices, global economy, the G20 has evolved into resonate with optimism and determi-
start-ups more inclusive and sustainable, frameworks, and strategic a vital platform dedicated to fostering nation- "India's G20 Presidency shall
Startup20 will encourage a set of recommendations will also be received. worldwide economic expansion and embody a steadfast commitment to
mechanisms to accelerate start-ups Furthermore, India also aspires to create stability. Through individual follow-up and healing, harmony, and hope."
addressing critical SDG gaps or a 'Global Innovation Centre' which can engagement groups, aspirations are (Dr Neeraj Sinha, is Senior Adviser,
representing groups whose inclusion carry out such activities and deliver the shared, objectives are discussed, and NITI Aayog. Garima Ujjainia is Young
requires particular focus (e.g., women results of this commitment. Through the recommendations are formulated based Professional, Atal Innovation Mission,
entrepreneurs) as a whole. G20 Presidency, India envisions bringing on the outcomes achieved. Each NITI Aayog. Naman Agrawal is
Through this Engagement Group, the spirit of One Earth, One Family, One presidency brings forth its own distinct Specialist, NITI Aayog. They can be
official policy statements capturing the Future to the world. In the same spirit, the narrative, shaping the direction of this reached at [email protected])
generally accepted recommendations of Startup20 Engagement Group aspires to esteemed assembly. As India takes the Views expressed are personal.
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 53
54 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023

Investments to Improve the Quality of Life in Smart Cities

EN EXPLAINS Sustainable Habitat, AMRUT
2.0, Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0
through institutional streng-
thening, knowledge dissemi-
and Smart Cities Mission), as nation, partnerships, building
T he Union Cabinet recently
approved City Investments
to Innovate, Integrate and
well as contributing positively to
India's Intended Nationally
capacity, research and develop-
ment to support scale up across
Determined Contributions all States and Cities.
Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0). CITIIS The funding for CITIIS 2.0
2.0 is a program conceived by (INDCs) and Conference of the
would include a loan of Rs.1,760
the Ministry of Housing and Parties (COP26) commitments.
crore (EUR 200 million) from
Urban Affairs (MoHUA) in CITIIS 2.0 has three major
AFD and KfW (EUR 100 million
partnership with the French components: each) and a technical assistance
Development Agency (FDA), Component 1: Financial and grant of Rs.106 cr. (EUR 12
adopting technology for program planning and street design, etc.),
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau and a pool of transversal experts technical support for developing million) from the EU.
(KfW), the European Union (EU), CITIIS was launched as a (EY, TERI and AECOM). projects focused on building Smart Cities Mission
and National Institute of Urban climate resilience, adaptation Smart Cities Mission is an
complementary instrument to Component 2: CITIIS
Affairs (NIUA). The program will and mitigation in up to 18 Smart urban renewal and retrofitting
India's Smart Cities Mission partnered with the Government
run for a period of four years, Cities through selection of programme launched by the
(SCM), to assist Indian cities in of Odisha to strengthen its
i.e., from 2023 till 2027. implementing urban
Cities are engines of growth infrastructure projects that are
for the economy of every nation. integrated, innovation-driven,
With increasing urbanisation, and sustainable. The program
urban areas are expected to promotes social inclusion,
house a good percentage of innovation, resilience and
India's population and contribute environmental sustainability in
significantly to India's GDP by projects and has demonstrated
2030. This requires compreh- the effectiveness of localising
ensive development of physical, sustainability efforts.
institutional, social and CITIIS 1.0
economic infrastructure. All are Under CITIIS 1.0, twelve
important in improving the projects on four thematic areas
quality of life and attracting of urban development- Public
people and investments to the Open Spaces, Sustainable
City, setting in motion a virtuous Mobility, Social and Organi-
cycle of growth and sational Innovation in Low-
development. Development of income Settlements, and Urban
Smart Cities is a step in that e-Governance and ICT were part
direction. of this innovative program.

municipal institutions. A competitively selected projects Government of India to develop

promoting circular economy with smart cities and make them
dedicated three-member team
citizen friendly and sustainable.
was placed in the State Urban focus on integrated waste
In the approach to the Smart
Development Department to management. Cities Mission, the objective is to
manage the activities under this Component 2: All States and promote cities that provide core
component. UTs will be eligible for support on infrastructure and give a decent
Component 3: Promoted demand basis. The States will be quality of life to its citizens, a
integrated urban management at provided support to (a) set- clean and sustainable
the national level through up/strengthen their existing State environment and application of
activities undertaken by NIUA, climate centres/climate cells/ 'Smart' Solutions. The focus is
which was the Program equivalents (b) create State and on sustainable and inclusive
Management Unit (PMU) for
CITIIS 1.0. The learnings gained
from the 12 projects and
capacity-building measures
under CITIIS 1.0 were captured
What is CITIIS? CITIIS 1.0 consisted of three and disseminated to amplify the
CITIIS is the main component components at city, state, and positive impacts of the program
of the 'Supporting Smart Cities national levels: and make it a significant
Mission for a more Inclusive and Component 1: Assisted 12 contributor to the urban sector in
Sustainable Urban Development Smart Cities in India, which were India, and beyond.
in India,' initiative launched by chosen by a rigorous challenge This has resulted in the
the Ministry of Housing and process, to develop and mainstreaming of innovative,
Urban Affairs (MoHUA), implement innovation-driven and integrated and sustainable urban
Government of India in 2018. sustainable urban infrastructure development practices through a
The program envisages to projects. These cities were unique challenge-driven
support competitively selected Amritsar, Dehradun, Surat, financing model based on the
projects promoting circular Ujjain, Agartala, Hubballi- principles of competitive and
economy with a focus on Dharwad, Bhubaneswar, Kochi, cooperative federalism. A 'CITIIS city-level Climate Data development and the idea is to
integrated waste management at Puducherry, Visakhapatnam, Management Platform' was also Observatories (c) facilitate look at compact areas, create a
the city level, climate-oriented Amravati and Chennai. Each city designed as a dedicated urban climate-data driven planning, replicable model which will act
reform actions at the state level, received financial assistance in project management tool that develop climate action plans and like a lighthouse to other aspiring
and institutional strengthening the form of a grant and technical (d) build capacities of municipal cities. It is meant to set examples
can be scaled and replicated for
and knowledge dissemination at assistance through a three-tier functionaries. To achieve these that can be replicated both within
all urban development projects.
the national level. This model comprising an objectives, the PMU at NIUA will and outside the Smart City,
assistance focuses on international mentor (six global coordinate provision of technical catalysing the creation of similar
CITIIS 2.0 aims to leverage
strengthening institutions by mentors from India, France, assistance and strategic support Smart Cities in various regions
and scale up the learnings and
committing resources to Singapore, Kenya, and the to State Governments. and parts of the country.
successes of CITIIS 1.0. CITIIS
systematic planning (maturation USA), a domestic expert (six Component 3: Interventions Compiled by: Annesha
2.0 will supplement the climate
phase) before implementation, domestic experts from diverse actions of Government of India at all three levels; Centre, State Banerjee & Anuja Bhardwajan
by developing results-based areas of expertise like through its ongoing national and City to further climate Source: PIB/
monitoring frameworks and by conservation architecture, urban programs (National Mission on governance in urban India in/citiis.
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 55

ISSUE DATED 27 May - 2 June 2023

Question: The Government recently launched a mobile

application, called “Meri LiFE” (My Life) to catalyze youth
action for climate change. This app is inspired by the concept
of Mission LiFE, envisioned by the Prime Minister at COP 26,
which emphasizes mindful and deliberate utilization. With the
level of digital penetration in India, how do you think such apps
will help in the country-wide adoption of Mission LiFE?
Debangana Bagchi
Meri LiFE is a mobile application which is inspired by the concept
of LiFE, envisioned by the Prime minister at COP26, helps us a
sustainable life style instead of mindless and wasteful consumption.
Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) mainly focuses on
bringing about behavioural changes in individuals through simple
easy to do actions.
With the digital penetration in India through Meri LiFE app, it will
help in creating structured way to track the progress being done
regarding Mission LiFE. It will guide the users to participate in series
of life related tasks under the following 5 themes - save energy, save
water, reduce single use plastic, sustainable food system and adopt
healthy lifestyle. This will provide a gamified experience among the
users which will maximize the motivation and engagement regarding
sustainable use of environment. They will also learn new things
which they can share with their friends, family members, neighbours
etc. Many will be inspired after watching the activities and will also
try to to adopt the same.
Through simple actions in daily lives large climate impact can be
achieved if we start awareness for saving the environment through
ways like using the Meri LiFE app. If the Mission LiFE is adopted
country wide and we will able to spread the awareness about
conservation and protection of environment.

Employment News
Question of the Week
The Prime Minister, in a recent episode of his ‘Mann ki Baat’,
programme talked about the importance of museums in
preserving the past and making the young generation better
acquainted with their heritage. Which museum in India have
you found unique, and with what new learning takeaway?
Entries may be sent to [email protected] latest by
21/6/2023 in English/ Hindi/ Urdu and should be of 200 to 250
words. Entrants must clearly mention their Name, Age, Full
Address, Email ID and Contact No. The entry adjudged best will
be published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar (issue
dated 1 - 7 July 2023) and will be eligible for a three-month free
subscription of Yojana/ Kurukshetra/ Ajkal as per the winner's

Employment News
R. Chidambaranathan Employment News
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Ikra Khan, Editor (Advt.)
Advertisement :
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Joint Director (Production) Grievance :
these sensors illuminate a of collecting various forms of [email protected]
Continued from page 32 Sanjay Kumar Pandey
signalling device. The successful data. Smart fabric garments Editorial : 011-24369443
Beyond the Stadium ... operation of this technology possess an array of applications, Assistant Director (Prod.) Advertisement : 011-24369429/30
relies on the transmission of a from monitoring an athlete's Tele Fax : 011-24369430
football, VAR enables match small electrical current heart rate to recording muscle Abhishek Chaturvedi
officials to review critical Circulation : 011-24365610
throughout the length of the movements and calculating
decisions, aiding referees in Editor (Circulation) Accounts (Advt.) : 011-24369419
costume. calorie expenditure.
assessing and determining Smart Watch: Smartwatches These are just a few examples
potential infractions. This
reassessment has proven
have become increasingly of the vast array of technologies DISCLAIMER
ubiquitous. They range from
decisive in influencing impacting the sporting The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in Employment
basic models for casual athletes
disciplinary measures imposed landscape. With each passing News are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the
to state-of-the-art devices
on teams. designed to monitor elite day, the industry strives to government or the organisations they work for.
Fencing Costume: Given the athletes' performance with innovate further, improving The contents of the advertisements published in the Employment News
fast-paced nature of fencing, exceptional accuracy. These athlete performance and belong to the organisation or their representatives. Candidates must satisfy
relying solely on judges' visual watches measure vital statistics spectator experiences through
themselves about the accuracy of the contents and their implications before
acuity to determine match such as heart rate, calorie applying. The Employment News is in no way responsible for any liability
the incorporation of cutting-edge
outcomes would invariably expenditure, step count, and arising out of the contents/texts of these advertisements.
introduce inaccuracies. To technology.
even blood oxygen levels.
mitigate this, intelligent sensors Smart Fabric: Another (The author is a content writer IMPORTANT NOTICE
have been incorporated into foils groundbreaking technology that for a leading Delhi-based news We take utmost care in publishing results of the various competitive
and swords, capable of detecting propels the sporting realm portal. She can be reached at examinations conducted by the UPSC, SSC, Railway Recruitment Boards etc.
the impact of each strike on forward is smart fabric, a material [email protected]) Candidates are however advised to check with official notification/gazette.
opponents. Upon activation, interwoven with sensors capable Views expressed are personal. Employment News will not be responsible for any inadvertent printing error.
DELHI POSTAL REGD. NO. DL(S)-01/3557/2023-25 U(C)108/2023-25 (Licensed to Post without Prepayment) RNI 28728/1976 Delhi RMS, Delhi-110006 Date of Posting: 3,4.6.2023 - Printed on 2.6.2023

Air Surcharge 20p for Srinagar, Leh, Kalimpong, Imphal, Dimapur, Agartala, Duliajan, Karimganj, Chabua, Diphu, Dibrugarh, Tezpur, Haillakandi, Mariani, Jorhat, Shillong, Digboi, Silchar, Port Blair

56 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023

News Digest
NATIONAL uations. The External Affairs Minister said, India undertook the Voice of the Global
 India and Nepal to Foster Infrastructure Development, Connectivity and South Exercise to place several issues before the G20. He said, India urge that
People-to-People Ties BRICS gives it a particular consideration and promote the economic decentralisa-
PM Shri Narendra tion that is so essential to political democratisation. Mr Jaishankar said, all nations
Modi and PM of must take resolute measures against the menace of terrorism including its financ-
Nepal Shri Pushpa ing and propaganda.
Kamal Dahal had  Supply Chain Agreement in Detroit is Expected to Bring Immense Benefits
bilateral talks in for Indian Manufacturing Sector
Hyderabad House The negotiations for the Supply
in New Delhi on Chains (Pillar-II) Agreement
June 1 where during the second in-person
seven important Indo-Pacific Economic Frame-
MOUs in various work (IPEF) ministerial meeting
sectors were in Detroit, is expected to bring
signed between several benefits to India includ-
two neighbours. Both the Prime Ministers jointly inaugurated the integrated check ing shifting of production
posts at Rupaidiha in India and Nepalgunj in Nepal, built with India's assistance. centres in key goods and critical
The two leaders also unveiled the integrated check posts at Sunauli in India and sectors. It is also anticipated to
Bhairahawa in Nepal. They jointly unveiled the e-plaque of the Kurtha-Bijalpura give a boost to Aatmanirbhar
section of the Railway. Both leaders jointly flag off the Indian Railway cargo train Bharat, PLI schemes and mobilisation of investments. Moreover, this supply chain
from Bathnaha in Bihar to Nepal Custom yard. PM Modi and his Nepalese coun- related development may also lead to deeper integration of India in the global
terpart Dahal jointly set into motion the Gorakhpur-New Butwal substation 400 KV supply and value chains especially Indian MSMEs. Hosted by the US, it is said that
cross-border transmission line being built by a JV of PGCIL and NEA. The two upon implementation, this supply chain agreement is expected to bring in a number
leaders laid the foundation stone of Phase II of the Motihari-Amlekhgunj Oil of goods to India and the other IPEF partner countries. Earlier, Union Minister for
Pipeline between India and Nepal, extending up to Chitwan in Nepal. The Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal virtually participated in the ministerial
exchange of seven agreements between India and Nepal will foster infrastructure meeting of the second IPEF.
development, connectivity and people-to-people ties. ECONOMY
 Cabinet Approves CITIIS 2.0 from 2023 to 2027 with a Focus on Circular  UPI Hits Record 9 Billion Transactions Worth 14 Lakh Crore Rupees
The Unified Payments Interface
The Union Cabinet has approved the City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and (UPI) registered record nine billion
Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0), a programme conceived by the Ministry of Housing and transactions last month amounting
Urban Affairs in partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD), Kredi- to over 14 lakh crore rupees.
tanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the European Union (EU) and National Institute of According to the National Pay-
Urban Affairs (NIUA). The programme will run for a period of four years, starting ments Corporation of India NPCI,
from 2023 till 2027. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi chaired the meeting. This UPI recorded a total of 9.41 billion
ambitious programme envisages to support competitively selected projects pro- transactions in May 2023. UPI had
moting circular economy with focus on integrated waste management at the city recorded 8 billion transactions in
level, climate-oriented reform actions at the state level, besides institutional January this year, followed by 7.5
strengthening and knowledge dissemination at the national level. billion in February, 8.7 billion in
 World's Largest Grain Storage Plan in Cooperative Sector March, and 8.89 billion in April. In
The Union Cabinet has approved the constitution and empowerment of an Inter Financial Year 2022-23, the payment system processed a total of 83 billion trans-
Ministerial Committee (IMC) for facilitation of the "World's Largest Grain Storage actions, amounting to a value of 139 lakh crore rupees. India's homegrown pay-
Plan in Cooperative Sector". It would be possible by converging various schemes ments system Unified Payments Interface is one of the globally accepted payment
of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, systems and has emerged as a trusted payment mode ever since its launch in
Food and Public Distribution and Ministry of Food Processing Industries. The 2016.
meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Ministry of Coopera-  PM SVANidhi Mobile App to Ease Loan Process and Provide Information for
tion will implement a pilot project in at least 10 selected districts of different states Street Vendors
in the country in order to ensure time bound and uniform implementation of the Union Housing and Urban Affairs
Plan in a professional manner. The pilot would provide valuable insights into the Minister Shri Hardeep Singh Puri
various regional requirements of the project, the learnings from which will be suit- launched a PM SVANidhi mobile
ably incorporated for the country-wide implementation of the Plan. app for Street Vendors, to ease
 India Conducts Successful Training Launch of Agni-1 Ballistic Missile the loan application process and
India conducted a successful training launch provide various information to
of a Medium-Range Ballistic Missile, Agni-1 them regarding the scheme. He
from APJ Abdul Kalam Island in Odisha on commended the Prime Minster
June 1. The launch was carried out by the Street Vendor's AtmaNirbhar
Strategic Forces Command. Defence Min- Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme on
istry said, the missile is a proven system, its three years completion. Addressing an event in New Delhi, the Minister stated
capable of striking targets with a very high that PM SVANidhi Yojana is witnessing one of the fastest roll-outs of government
degree of precision. The user training launch schemes. He further stated that it has led to an unparalleled wave of financial inclu-
successfully validated all operational and sion and digital literacy in cities and towns that has provided dignity and stability to
technical parameters of the missile. Street Vendors. The scheme aims to restore self-employment, self-sustenance,
and self-confidence among street vendors. The scheme has also empowered
INTERNATIONAL COVID-19-affected street vendors to resume their livelihood.
 External Affairs Minister Urges BRICS Countries to Make Sincere Efforts to
Reform UN Security Council and Combat Terrorism SPORTS
External Affairs Minister Shri S. Jaishankar has called upon the BRICS nations to  In Hockey, India Lifts Men's Junior Asia Cup for Fourth Time, Defeating Pak-
demonstrate their sincerity in reforming multilateral institutions including that of the istan in Oman
United Nations Security Council. Addressing the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting In Hockey, India defeated arch-rivals Pakistan, 2-1 in a thrilling final match to clinch
at Capetown in South Africa on the title of Men's Junior Asia Cup at Salalah in Oman last night. This was India's
June 1, Shri Jaishankar said, the fourth title at Men's Junior Asia Cup,
global environment today, having won it previously in 2004, 2008
demands that the BRICS nations and 2015. With the title win, India has
approach the key contemporary become the most successful country in
issues seriously, constructively the history of the tournament. Pakistan
and collectively. He said, the gath-
are the second-most successful team in
ering must send out a strong
the tournament with three titles but their
message that the world is multipo-
last win came 27 years ago in 1996.
lar, that it is rebalancing, and that
old ways cannot address new sit-
(Source: AIR/PIB)

Printed & Published by Anupama Bhatnagar, Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at D B Corp. Ltd, Plot No. 42-43, Sector-29,
Phase-II, Panipat, (Haryana)-132 103. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Senior Editor - Ambrish B. Kishore

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