Ministry of Home Affairs: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi
Ministry of Home Affairs: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi
Ministry of Home Affairs: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi
Aryabhatta Research
Institute of Observational
Sciences (ARIES)
(An Autonomous Institute under Department
of Science and Technology, Govt. of India)
Manora Peak, Nainital- 263001, Uttarakhand
EN 11/95
Government of India
District___________________ State ________________ Pin Code______________
Permanent Address (attach photocopy of domicile certificate duly self attested):-
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10. Caste Gen/OBC/SC/ST __________________ (Attach certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC) Govt. of India)
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Ser Qualification Name of Name of Board/ Percentage of Marks Obtained
No. School/College University (upto two decimal, example 50.60) Advt. No.: IITJ/O(E-II)/2023-24/Non-Academic-Staff/53
Recruitment for various Non-teaching positions
Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for
various Non-teaching positions. Submission of online
1. I undertake that above information furnished is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. If at any
stage, it is found that information furnished is wrong or important relevant Information was hidden then my application will start on 28th May, 2023 and will close on 17th
candidature will be cancelled immediately without any notice. If, I am holding any post then my service June, 2023.
will be terminated immediately without notice.
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2. I can be transferred anywhere in India and I am ready to serve at the posted place willingly and without
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3. I am aware and I have no objection that number of vacancies advertised for which I have applied can at Institute website -
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CBC 10622/11/0007/2324 EN 11/108 CBC 21305/12/0002/2324 EN 11/120
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 47
Employment News Government of India
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY)
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Subject : Empanelment as Translators and Proof Readers in the Employment of India (UIDAI)
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Employment News, Publications Division (DPD) Ministry of Information and
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weekly Employment News in English and Rozgar Samachar in Hindi and Urdu invites on deputation (Foreign Service term basis) in UIDAI, Delhi & Data
applications from eligible and willing persons for expansion of panel of Translators and Center Manesar.
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translator. CBC 54103/12/0012/2324 EN 11/77
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48 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023
Recruitment Notice
For the Post of Constable (Executive)
LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: 29.06.2023 M.B. Road, Near Batra Hospital, New Delhi-110062
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is an Autonomous Organization under the ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/2023
Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. ICMR is Indian Council of Philosophical Research is a
dealing with biomedical / health research in various areas, in collaboration with national / renowned research institute engaging research in
international agencies, through its Headquarters at New Delhi and 27 Institutes / Centres and Philosophy. It is an Autonomous Organization under
the Ministry of Education fully funded by the
a large number of field stations, situated across the country.
Government of India. The Council invites application
ICMR invites online applications, from Indian Citizens including persons of Indian Origin #, up
for the following post:
to 29th June, 2023 till 5:30 PM to fill up the Vacancy of Additional Director General at ICMR
1. Post : Programme Officer
Hqrs. New Delhi, in Level 15 of Pay Matrix (Rs.182200-224100) (7th CPC Scale) and usual
No. of posts : 01
allowances as admissible to ICMR employees for appointment under Direct Recruitment:- Category : SC-01
# Subject to production of "Certificate of Eligibility" as issued by Govt. of India. Method of Recruitment : 01 post by direct recruitment
Essential Qualifications & Experience*: failing which by transfer on deputation.
Essential Qualifications Essential Experience*
Pay scale : Level- 10 of Pay Matrix Rs. 56,100-
MD/MS or equivalent degree 17 years Including:
*Reservation will not apply if the post(s) is/are
recognised by MCl/NMC 05 Years in a managerial filled up by transfer on deputation.
OR position and has handled R&D For detailed information, please see the website
Qualifications MBBS or equivalent degree projects independently (viz. The application completed in all respects
& Experience recognized by MCl/NMC, with MPH PI or Co-PI of Scientific Studies, in the prescribed format available on the Council's
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OR Centres/Institutes/Laboratories)
to reach lCPR Delhi Office before 5.00 P.M. on last
date. Last date of receipt of duly filled up
M.Sc or MBBS or equivalent degree, and
application will be 45 calendar days from the date
recognised by MCI /NMC, with Ph.D 03 Years regular service in the
of publication of advertisement in Employment
from a recognised University in a Pay Matrix level-14 or
subject as given in Annexure-I. equivalent as amended from Director (A&F) ICPR
time to time. New Delhi - 110062
Initial appointment will be for duration of 3 years or till superannuation, CBC 21202/12/0001/2324 EN 11/119
1. Ph.D will be considered as 4 years' experience (irrespective of the duration taken to complete
the degree).
2. MD/MS or equivalent to be considered as 3 years' experience.
3. MVSc will be considered as 2 years' experience
4. MPH/M.Tech/ME will not be considered as any experience.
5. Experience in Research & Development related to Biomedical Sciences in Govt./Public
Sector/Private Institutions will be admissible.
For detailed advertisement, please visit ICMR website at
Assistant Director-General (Admn.)
CBC 17152/12/0005/2324 EN 11/72
Continued from page 51 build and sustain a global narrative to helm of the Group of Twenty, under its
support start-ups and make them part of chairmanship, the emphasis will be
Igniting Startup Synergies, India's G20 Presidency ... our collective future through inclusive and placed on fostering cooperative dialogue
a global flow of capital within the G20 the G20 nations will be compiled and diverse partnerships. and consensus, with a profound focus on
Start-up network by promoting presented. Additionally, as a result of the While initially established as a crisis human-centric globalisation. The words of
investments and creating an investment above interactions, several publications management committee for an ailing the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
mechanism that all can use. To make on guidelines, best practices, global economy, the G20 has evolved into resonate with optimism and determi-
start-ups more inclusive and sustainable, frameworks, and strategic a vital platform dedicated to fostering nation- "India's G20 Presidency shall
Startup20 will encourage a set of recommendations will also be received. worldwide economic expansion and embody a steadfast commitment to
mechanisms to accelerate start-ups Furthermore, India also aspires to create stability. Through individual follow-up and healing, harmony, and hope."
addressing critical SDG gaps or a 'Global Innovation Centre' which can engagement groups, aspirations are (Dr Neeraj Sinha, is Senior Adviser,
representing groups whose inclusion carry out such activities and deliver the shared, objectives are discussed, and NITI Aayog. Garima Ujjainia is Young
requires particular focus (e.g., women results of this commitment. Through the recommendations are formulated based Professional, Atal Innovation Mission,
entrepreneurs) as a whole. G20 Presidency, India envisions bringing on the outcomes achieved. Each NITI Aayog. Naman Agrawal is
Through this Engagement Group, the spirit of One Earth, One Family, One presidency brings forth its own distinct Specialist, NITI Aayog. They can be
official policy statements capturing the Future to the world. In the same spirit, the narrative, shaping the direction of this reached at [email protected])
generally accepted recommendations of Startup20 Engagement Group aspires to esteemed assembly. As India takes the Views expressed are personal.
Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023 53
54 Employment News 10 - 16 June 2023
ISSUE DATED 27 May - 2 June 2023
Employment News
Question of the Week
The Prime Minister, in a recent episode of his ‘Mann ki Baat’,
programme talked about the importance of museums in
preserving the past and making the young generation better
acquainted with their heritage. Which museum in India have
you found unique, and with what new learning takeaway?
Entries may be sent to [email protected] latest by
21/6/2023 in English/ Hindi/ Urdu and should be of 200 to 250
words. Entrants must clearly mention their Name, Age, Full
Address, Email ID and Contact No. The entry adjudged best will
be published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar (issue
dated 1 - 7 July 2023) and will be eligible for a three-month free
subscription of Yojana/ Kurukshetra/ Ajkal as per the winner's
Employment News
R. Chidambaranathan Employment News
General Manager 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan
C.G.O Complex
Ambrish B. Kishore
Lodhi Road
Senior Editor New Delhi-110003
Shikha Baraily, Editor Circulation:
[email protected]
Ikra Khan, Editor (Advt.)
Advertisement :
EN 11/49 D.K.C. Hrudhainath [email protected]
Joint Director (Production) Grievance :
these sensors illuminate a of collecting various forms of [email protected]
Continued from page 32 Sanjay Kumar Pandey
signalling device. The successful data. Smart fabric garments Editorial : 011-24369443
Beyond the Stadium ... operation of this technology possess an array of applications, Assistant Director (Prod.) Advertisement : 011-24369429/30
relies on the transmission of a from monitoring an athlete's Tele Fax : 011-24369430
football, VAR enables match small electrical current heart rate to recording muscle Abhishek Chaturvedi
officials to review critical Circulation : 011-24365610
throughout the length of the movements and calculating
decisions, aiding referees in Editor (Circulation) Accounts (Advt.) : 011-24369419
costume. calorie expenditure.
assessing and determining Smart Watch: Smartwatches These are just a few examples
potential infractions. This
reassessment has proven
have become increasingly of the vast array of technologies DISCLAIMER
ubiquitous. They range from
decisive in influencing impacting the sporting The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in Employment
basic models for casual athletes
disciplinary measures imposed landscape. With each passing News are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the
to state-of-the-art devices
on teams. designed to monitor elite day, the industry strives to government or the organisations they work for.
Fencing Costume: Given the athletes' performance with innovate further, improving The contents of the advertisements published in the Employment News
fast-paced nature of fencing, exceptional accuracy. These athlete performance and belong to the organisation or their representatives. Candidates must satisfy
relying solely on judges' visual watches measure vital statistics spectator experiences through
themselves about the accuracy of the contents and their implications before
acuity to determine match such as heart rate, calorie applying. The Employment News is in no way responsible for any liability
the incorporation of cutting-edge
outcomes would invariably expenditure, step count, and arising out of the contents/texts of these advertisements.
introduce inaccuracies. To technology.
even blood oxygen levels.
mitigate this, intelligent sensors Smart Fabric: Another (The author is a content writer IMPORTANT NOTICE
have been incorporated into foils groundbreaking technology that for a leading Delhi-based news We take utmost care in publishing results of the various competitive
and swords, capable of detecting propels the sporting realm portal. She can be reached at examinations conducted by the UPSC, SSC, Railway Recruitment Boards etc.
the impact of each strike on forward is smart fabric, a material [email protected]) Candidates are however advised to check with official notification/gazette.
opponents. Upon activation, interwoven with sensors capable Views expressed are personal. Employment News will not be responsible for any inadvertent printing error.
DELHI POSTAL REGD. NO. DL(S)-01/3557/2023-25 U(C)108/2023-25 (Licensed to Post without Prepayment) RNI 28728/1976 Delhi RMS, Delhi-110006 Date of Posting: 3,4.6.2023 - Printed on 2.6.2023
Air Surcharge 20p for Srinagar, Leh, Kalimpong, Imphal, Dimapur, Agartala, Duliajan, Karimganj, Chabua, Diphu, Dibrugarh, Tezpur, Haillakandi, Mariani, Jorhat, Shillong, Digboi, Silchar, Port Blair
News Digest
NATIONAL uations. The External Affairs Minister said, India undertook the Voice of the Global
India and Nepal to Foster Infrastructure Development, Connectivity and South Exercise to place several issues before the G20. He said, India urge that
People-to-People Ties BRICS gives it a particular consideration and promote the economic decentralisa-
PM Shri Narendra tion that is so essential to political democratisation. Mr Jaishankar said, all nations
Modi and PM of must take resolute measures against the menace of terrorism including its financ-
Nepal Shri Pushpa ing and propaganda.
Kamal Dahal had Supply Chain Agreement in Detroit is Expected to Bring Immense Benefits
bilateral talks in for Indian Manufacturing Sector
Hyderabad House The negotiations for the Supply
in New Delhi on Chains (Pillar-II) Agreement
June 1 where during the second in-person
seven important Indo-Pacific Economic Frame-
MOUs in various work (IPEF) ministerial meeting
sectors were in Detroit, is expected to bring
signed between several benefits to India includ-
two neighbours. Both the Prime Ministers jointly inaugurated the integrated check ing shifting of production
posts at Rupaidiha in India and Nepalgunj in Nepal, built with India's assistance. centres in key goods and critical
The two leaders also unveiled the integrated check posts at Sunauli in India and sectors. It is also anticipated to
Bhairahawa in Nepal. They jointly unveiled the e-plaque of the Kurtha-Bijalpura give a boost to Aatmanirbhar
section of the Railway. Both leaders jointly flag off the Indian Railway cargo train Bharat, PLI schemes and mobilisation of investments. Moreover, this supply chain
from Bathnaha in Bihar to Nepal Custom yard. PM Modi and his Nepalese coun- related development may also lead to deeper integration of India in the global
terpart Dahal jointly set into motion the Gorakhpur-New Butwal substation 400 KV supply and value chains especially Indian MSMEs. Hosted by the US, it is said that
cross-border transmission line being built by a JV of PGCIL and NEA. The two upon implementation, this supply chain agreement is expected to bring in a number
leaders laid the foundation stone of Phase II of the Motihari-Amlekhgunj Oil of goods to India and the other IPEF partner countries. Earlier, Union Minister for
Pipeline between India and Nepal, extending up to Chitwan in Nepal. The Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal virtually participated in the ministerial
exchange of seven agreements between India and Nepal will foster infrastructure meeting of the second IPEF.
development, connectivity and people-to-people ties. ECONOMY
Cabinet Approves CITIIS 2.0 from 2023 to 2027 with a Focus on Circular UPI Hits Record 9 Billion Transactions Worth 14 Lakh Crore Rupees
The Unified Payments Interface
The Union Cabinet has approved the City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and (UPI) registered record nine billion
Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0), a programme conceived by the Ministry of Housing and transactions last month amounting
Urban Affairs in partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD), Kredi- to over 14 lakh crore rupees.
tanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), the European Union (EU) and National Institute of According to the National Pay-
Urban Affairs (NIUA). The programme will run for a period of four years, starting ments Corporation of India NPCI,
from 2023 till 2027. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi chaired the meeting. This UPI recorded a total of 9.41 billion
ambitious programme envisages to support competitively selected projects pro- transactions in May 2023. UPI had
moting circular economy with focus on integrated waste management at the city recorded 8 billion transactions in
level, climate-oriented reform actions at the state level, besides institutional January this year, followed by 7.5
strengthening and knowledge dissemination at the national level. billion in February, 8.7 billion in
World's Largest Grain Storage Plan in Cooperative Sector March, and 8.89 billion in April. In
The Union Cabinet has approved the constitution and empowerment of an Inter Financial Year 2022-23, the payment system processed a total of 83 billion trans-
Ministerial Committee (IMC) for facilitation of the "World's Largest Grain Storage actions, amounting to a value of 139 lakh crore rupees. India's homegrown pay-
Plan in Cooperative Sector". It would be possible by converging various schemes ments system Unified Payments Interface is one of the globally accepted payment
of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, systems and has emerged as a trusted payment mode ever since its launch in
Food and Public Distribution and Ministry of Food Processing Industries. The 2016.
meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Ministry of Coopera- PM SVANidhi Mobile App to Ease Loan Process and Provide Information for
tion will implement a pilot project in at least 10 selected districts of different states Street Vendors
in the country in order to ensure time bound and uniform implementation of the Union Housing and Urban Affairs
Plan in a professional manner. The pilot would provide valuable insights into the Minister Shri Hardeep Singh Puri
various regional requirements of the project, the learnings from which will be suit- launched a PM SVANidhi mobile
ably incorporated for the country-wide implementation of the Plan. app for Street Vendors, to ease
India Conducts Successful Training Launch of Agni-1 Ballistic Missile the loan application process and
India conducted a successful training launch provide various information to
of a Medium-Range Ballistic Missile, Agni-1 them regarding the scheme. He
from APJ Abdul Kalam Island in Odisha on commended the Prime Minster
June 1. The launch was carried out by the Street Vendor's AtmaNirbhar
Strategic Forces Command. Defence Min- Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) Scheme on
istry said, the missile is a proven system, its three years completion. Addressing an event in New Delhi, the Minister stated
capable of striking targets with a very high that PM SVANidhi Yojana is witnessing one of the fastest roll-outs of government
degree of precision. The user training launch schemes. He further stated that it has led to an unparalleled wave of financial inclu-
successfully validated all operational and sion and digital literacy in cities and towns that has provided dignity and stability to
technical parameters of the missile. Street Vendors. The scheme aims to restore self-employment, self-sustenance,
and self-confidence among street vendors. The scheme has also empowered
INTERNATIONAL COVID-19-affected street vendors to resume their livelihood.
External Affairs Minister Urges BRICS Countries to Make Sincere Efforts to
Reform UN Security Council and Combat Terrorism SPORTS
External Affairs Minister Shri S. Jaishankar has called upon the BRICS nations to In Hockey, India Lifts Men's Junior Asia Cup for Fourth Time, Defeating Pak-
demonstrate their sincerity in reforming multilateral institutions including that of the istan in Oman
United Nations Security Council. Addressing the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting In Hockey, India defeated arch-rivals Pakistan, 2-1 in a thrilling final match to clinch
at Capetown in South Africa on the title of Men's Junior Asia Cup at Salalah in Oman last night. This was India's
June 1, Shri Jaishankar said, the fourth title at Men's Junior Asia Cup,
global environment today, having won it previously in 2004, 2008
demands that the BRICS nations and 2015. With the title win, India has
approach the key contemporary become the most successful country in
issues seriously, constructively the history of the tournament. Pakistan
and collectively. He said, the gath-
are the second-most successful team in
ering must send out a strong
the tournament with three titles but their
message that the world is multipo-
last win came 27 years ago in 1996.
lar, that it is rebalancing, and that
old ways cannot address new sit-
(Source: AIR/PIB)
Printed & Published by Anupama Bhatnagar, Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at D B Corp. Ltd, Plot No. 42-43, Sector-29,
Phase-II, Panipat, (Haryana)-132 103. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Senior Editor - Ambrish B. Kishore