Is 4031 (Part-13) Method of Physical Tests For Hydraulic Cem

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IS : 4031( Part 13 ) - 1888

( Reaffirmed 1995 )
Indian Standard

( First Revision )

UDC 666’942 : 666’946’5 : 620’193’19

@ Copyright 1988


NEW DELHI 110002

August 1988

In&m Standard

( First Revision )


0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part 13 ) ( First standard in 1968, a number of standards cover-
Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian ing the requirements of different equipment used
Standards on 22 April 1988, after the draft for testing of cement, a brief description of which
finalized by the Cement and Concrete Sectional was also covered in the standard, had been
Committee had been approved by the Civil published. In this revision, therefore, reference
Engineering Division Council. is given to different instrument specifications
deleting the description of the instruments, as it
0.2 Standard methods of testing cement are has been recognized that reproducible and
essential adjunct to the cement specifications repeatable test iesults can be obtained only with
This standard in different parts lays down the standard testing equipment capable of giving
procedure for the tests to evaluate the physical desired level of accuracy. This part ( Part 13 )
properties of different types of hydraulic cements. covers measurement of water retentivity of
The procedure for conducting chemical tests of masonry cement.
hydraulic cement is covered in IS : 4032-1985*.
0.3 Originally all the tests to evaluate the physical 0.4 For the purpose of deciding whether a
properties of hydraulic cements were covered in particular requirement of this standard is
one standard ; but for facilitating the use of this complied with, the final value, observed or
standard and future revisions, it has been decided calculated, expressing the result of a test or
to print the different tests as different parts of analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
the standard and, accordingly, this revised IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant
standard has been brought out in thirteen parts. places retained in the rounded off value should
This will also facilitate updating the individual be the same as that of the specified value in this
tests. Further since publication of the original standard.

%ethod of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revistd ).
(firsr revision ).


1.1 This standard ( Part 13 ) covers the proce- 3.1 The temperature of moulding room, dry
dure for measuring water retentivity of masonry materials and water shall be maintained at 27 f
cement. 2°C. The relative humidity of the laboratory
shall be 65 L- 5 percent.
2.1 The samples of the cement shall be taken in 4.1 Standard Sand - The standard sand to be
accordance with the requirements of IS : 3535- used in the preparation of mortar shall conform
1986* and the relevant standard specification for to IS : 650-1966*.
the type of cement being tested. The representative 5. APPARATUS
sample of the cement selected as above shall be
thoroughly mixed before testing. 5.1 The apparatus assembly for the water

*Methods of sampling hydraulic cement (first lSpecification for standard sand for testing of
revision ). cement (first revision ).

IS : 4031( Part 13 ) - 1!%8

retention test shall conform to IS : 10850-1984*. the mortar on the flow table to the mixing bowl,
and remix the entire batch for 15 s at medium
5.2 Balance - The balance used in weighing speed. Immediately after remixing of the
materials shall conform to the following require- mortar, fill the perforated dish with the pyrtar
ments : to slightly above the rim. Tamp the mortar I5
On balance in use, the permissible variation times with the tamper. Ten of the tamping
at a load of 2 000 g shall be & 2’0 g. The strokes shall be applied at approximately uniform
permissible variation on new balance shall be spacing adjacent to the rim of the dish and with
one-half of this value. The sensibility reci- the long axis of the tamping face held at right
procal shall be not greater than twice the angles to the radius of the dish. The remaining
permissible variation. five tamping strokes shall be applied at random
points distributed over the central area of the
NOTE 1 -The sensibility reciprocal is generally
defined as the change in load required to change the dish. The tamping pressure shall be just suffi-
position of rest of the indicatmg element or the cient to ensure filling of the dish. On comple-
elements of a non-automatic indicating scale a tion of the tamping, the top of the mortar should
definite amount at any load. extend slightly above the rim of the dish. Smooth
NOTE: 2 - Self-indicating balance with equivalent off the mortar by drawing the flat side of the
accuracy may also be used. straight edge ( with the leading edge slightly
raised ) across the top of the dish. Then cut off
5.3 Standard Weights the mortar to a plane surface flush with the rim
5.4 Planetary Mixer - Planetary mixer con- of the dish by drawing the straight edge with a
forming to IS : 10890-19847. sawing motion across the top of the dish in two
cutting strokes, starting each cut from near the
5.5 Flow Table and Accessories - Flow table centre of the dish. If the mortar is pulled away
and accessories conforming to 1s : 5512-1983$. from the side of the dish during the process of
drawing the straight edge across the dish, gently
5.6 Tamping Rod - Tamping rod conforming press the mortar back into contact with the side
to 6.1 (c, of IS : 10086-1982s. of the dish using the tamper.
6. PROCEDURE 6.3 Turn the stopcock to apply the vacuum to the
6.1 Adjust the mercury relief column so as to funnel. The time elapsed from the start of mix-
maintain a vacuum of 50 mm as measured on the ing the cement and water to the time of applying
manometer. Seat the perforated dish on the the vacuum shall not exceed 8 minutes. After
greased gasket of the funnel. Place a wetted suction for 60 s, quickly turn the stopcock to
filter paper in the bottom of the dish. Turn the expose the funnel to atmospheric pressure.
stopcock to apply the vacuum to the funnel and Immediately slide the perforated dish off from
check the apparatus for leaks and to determine the funnel, touch- it momentarily on a damp
that the required suction is obtained. Then turn cloth to remove droplets of water and set the
the stopcock to shut off the vacuum from the dish on the table. Then, using the bowl scraper,
funnel. plow and mix the mortar in the dish for 15 s.
Upon completion of mixing, place the mortar in
6.2 Mix the mortar consisting of one part of the flow mould and determine the flow. The
masonry cement and 3 parts of standard sand entire operation shall be carried out without
using the quantity of materials and the procedure interruption and as quickly as possible, and shall
given in 7 of IS : 4031 ( Part 7 1 - 1988 II to a be completed within an elapsed time of 11 min
consistency to give a flow of 110 f 5 percent. after the start of mixing the cement and wa&
Immediately after making the flow test, return ,for the first flow determination.

*Specification for apparatus for measurement of 7. CALCULATION

water retentivity of masonry cement.
flpecification for planetary mixer used in tests of 7.1 Calculate the water retention value for the
cement and poizolana. mortar as follows :
$3~ ecification for flow table for use in teats of
hydraulic cements and pozxolanic materials (firsr Water retention value = +
revision 1. 100
3 Spekfkation for moulds for use in tests of cement
and concrete. where
IIMethods of physical tests for hydraulic cement : A=flow after suction, and
Part 7 Determination of compressive strength of masonry
cement (first revision 1. B=flow immediately after mixing.

Reprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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