Bond Strength of Mortar To Masonry Units: Standard Test Method For
Bond Strength of Mortar To Masonry Units: Standard Test Method For
Bond Strength of Mortar To Masonry Units: Standard Test Method For
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
C 952
(about 260 rpm) and resume mixing. Continue mixing for a 7. Air Content of Mortar
total of 2 min elapsed time starting from zero time. 7.1 Apparatus—Measure, straightedge, spatula, and other
4.2.6 Stop the mixer. Let the mortar stand in the bowl for 10 needed apparatus conforming to 18.1 of Specification C 91.
min with the bowl covered with a slotted lid, permitting the 7.2 Procedure:
paddle to remain in the mortar. Before placement of the lid 7.2.1 Preliminary—Place the mortar remaining in the mix-
within the first 15 s of the 10-min waiting period, quickly ing bowl after filling the suction cup for water retention test on
scrape down into the batch with a rubber scraper any mortar a mortar board and use for the fabrication of bond test
that may have collected on the side of the bowl. specimens. After mortar for bond test specimens has been
NOTE 2—If the mortar is one that tends to segregate and in which the taken from the board, determine the air content of the mortar
fines stick to the bottom of the bowl, the paddle may be temporarily remaining on the board.
removed and the scraper applied to the extreme bottom of the bowl to 7.2.2 Final—Determine the weight of 400 mL of mortar as
bring up such fines as may have adhered to the bowl bottom. specified in 20.1 of Specification C 91, except that the mortar
4.2.7 Remove the cover, change to No. 1 (slow) speed, and is not necessarily tempered to an initial flow of 110 %.
mix for 30 s. Add the remainder of the mixing water during the 7.3 Calculation—Calculate the air content of the mortar in
first part of this 30-s interval. Stop the mixer, change promptly accordance with Section 22 of Specification C 91, except that
to No. 2 (fast) speed, and finish by mixing for an additional 30 the specific gravity of the sand (value S2 in the equation) shall
s. be that of the sand used in the mortar.
5. Initial Flow of Mortar 8. Compressive Strength of Mortar
5.1 Apparatus—The flow table and flow mold shall con- 8.1 Apparatus—Specimen molds, tamper, trowel, and test-
form to the requirements of Specification C 230. ing machine conforming to 3.5, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 of Test
5.2 Procedure—Immediately after final mixing of the mor- Method C 109.
tar, determine the initial flow of mortar from the bowl in 8.2 Procedure—Preparation of specimen molds and mold-
accordance with 8.3 of Test Method C 109 excepting the ing of test specimens shall conform to Sections 7 and 8.4 of
reference to trial mortars at the end of that section. Discard that Method C 109. Fill the molds after determination of the weight
portion of the mortar used to determine the initial flow. of 400 mL of the mortar in accordance with 5.2.2 of this test
NOTE 3—The high flow of some mortars makes it advisable to drop the method.
table less than 25 drops before measuring the flow. When calculating the 8.3 Storage of Test Specimens—Store mortar cubes in
initial flow for 25 drops of such mortars, the measured flow should be accordance with 11.2.2 of Specification C 270.
increased by adding two percentage points of flow for each drop of the
6. Water Retention of Mortar
9. Apparatus
6.1 Apparatus—Water retention apparatus shall conform to
the requirements for the apparatus in Section 25 of Specifica- 9.1 Miscellaneous—Brass-covered mortar board 18 in. (457
tion C 91. mm) square, an 11-in. (279-mm) long mason’s trowel, labora-
6.2 Procedure—Immediately after measuring the initial tory trowel with straight edges, short handled spoon or scoop
flow, remix the mortar remaining in the bowl for 15 s; then of 1⁄4-cup (0.5-dm3) capacity, steel straightedge 10 in. (254
determine the flow after suction and the water retention of the mm) long, metal mold 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) deep with 35⁄8-in.
mortar in accordance with the requirements of Sections 28 and (92-mm) square opening beveled to slope of 0.08 (total 0.04),
29 of Specification C 91. splash board (Fig. 1) with handle 20 in. (508 mm) long and 3
in. (76 mm) wide.
NOTE 4—The number of drops of the flow table shall be the same as 9.2 Drop Hammer for crossed-brick couplets (Fig. 2, Table
that used to determine the initial flow and, excepting that the mortar is not
necessarily tempered to an initial flow of 110 % and that the mortar used
for determining the initial flow is discarded and not returned to mixing 9.3 Drop Hammer for block assemblies (Fig. 3).
bowl, the procedure shall be in accordance with the specified require- 9.4 Loading Jigs for crossed-brick couplets (Fig. 4).
ments. 9.5 Frames (Fig. 5) for testing block assemblies: upper
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frame fitted with ball bearing mounted 10 in. (254 mm) from 10.1.4 In each case, the initial rate of absorption of the brick
vertical axis of specimen for eccentric application of vertical shall be determined in accordance with Section 29 of Methods
load. Fig. . C 67. For 10.1.1, the brick used for couplets should include the
9.6 Torque Wrench. full range of absorption rates acceptable under the specifica-
10. Crossed-Brick Couplets tions. For 10.1.3, absorption rates of the brick should be limited
to a range of 15 g.
10.1 Brick—Test specimens consisting of crossed-brick
10.2 Construction of Test Specimens:
couplets may be used to determine:
10.1.1 Bond between specified brick and a specified mortar, 10.2.1 Dump the mortar remaining in mixing bowl after
10.1.2 Relative bond between different brick and a specified removal of the quantity needed for measurement of the initial
mortar, or flow and water retention on the mortar board and note its
10.1.3 Relative bond between a specified brick and different temperature.
mortars. 10.2.2 Center the mold on the lower brick of the couplet and
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lightly mix a small quantity of mortar on the board by turning NOTE 5—The method of making the specimens should ensure failure of
over with the spoon. the joint at the top of the mortar bed in the great majority of tests.
10.2.3 Half-fill the mold by sharply dashing into each NOTE 6—Reproducibility of test results may be improved by the
insertion of strips of high-density insulation board interlayers between the
corner and the center of the mold a small quantity of mortar
test specimen and test apparatus.
from the half-filled spoon. Note the time at start of a 1-min
interval. Apply additional mortar by heaping loosely with the 10.5 Calculation—Calculate the maximum tensile bond
spoon above the top of the mold. Strike off excess mortar with strength as follows:
the straightedge, starting on a diagonal across the mold and Tensile bond strength, T, psi ~or N/m2! 5 A/B (1)
working first to one corner and then to the opposite corner of
the mold. Remove the mold from the mortar bed. where:
10.2.4 At the end of the 1-min time interval, place the upper A 5 total applied load, lbf (or N), and
brick on the mortar bed in a crosswise direction to the lower B 5 cross-sectional area in bond, in.2(or m2).
brick. Place the frame of the hammer on the top brick with the
weight of the hammer held in the other hand. Drop the hammer 11. Concrete Block Assemblies
in a frame a distance of 11⁄2 in. (38 mm). 11.1 Block—Block used in test specimens shall conform to
10.2.5 Measure and record the extrusion of the mortar on the desired ASTM specification. The moisture condition of the
the top surface of the lower brick. Cut away extruded mortar block shall be as specified. In the absence of any other
from all four edges of the mortar bed. specified moisture condition, the block shall be conditioned to
10.3 Curing—Promptly enclose the test specimen within an have an equivalent relative humidity of not less than 50 %,
airtight covering. Keep covered for 7 days. Remove the cover determined in accordance with Test Method C 427.
and store until tested. Unless otherwise specified, the specimen 11.2 Construction of Test Specimens:
shall be stored in laboratory air at a relative humidity of at least 11.2.1 Position the bottom block of the assembly on a metal
50 %. pallet with the thickest part of the face shells upwards. Lightly
10.4 Testing—Center the specimen between the upper and turn over and remix the mortar on the board with a mason’s
lower tripods and place in the testing machine as shown in Fig. trowel.
6. Load the specimen at the rate of 600 lb (2.7 kN)/min or at 11.2.2 With a mason’s trowel and technique, apply mortar
a rate sufficient to cause failure in 1 to 2 min. Note and record to the top of the face shell that will be in the compressive face
maximum load and type of failure. of the specimen, when tested. The amount of mortar applied
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shall be sufficient to produce a bed joint of the desired NOTE 7—The consistency of the mortar, when made, and the amount of
thickness in the finished specimen (Note 7). In the absence of water used in the mortar shall have been adjusted to meet the requirements
any specified thickness, the bed joints in the finished specimen for the proper joint thickness of concrete block assemblies.
shall be of a nominal 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm) thickness. 11.2.3 Hold the splash board along the top of the opposite
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face shell (the shell that will be in the tensile face of the center of the upper block, holding the weight of the hammer in
specimen) and with the mason’s trowel lightly loaded, sharply the other hand. Drop the hammer in the tubular frame a
dash a thin bed of mortar on the top of this shell as shown in distance of 4 in. (102 mm). Remove the drop hammer. No
Fig. 7. Remove the splash board. Note the time for the start of further adjustment of the top block on its bed shall be made.
a 1-min interval. Load the trowel and build up the mortar bed 11.2.6 Measure and record the extrusion of mortar from the
by gently rolling or dropping a sufficient amount of additional faces of the specimen. Cut extruded mortar away with the
mortar. mason’s trowel. Tool the joints with a rounded iron.
11.2.4 At the end of the 1-min time interval, pick up and 11.3 Curing—Promptly enclose the specimen in an airtight
level the upper block of the assembly on the mortar beds by covering. Keep covered for 7 days. Remove the cover and store
bringing the block downward and forward to one end of the until tested. Unless otherwise specified, the specimen shall be
lower block. The upper block shall be placed with the thin edge stored in laboratory air at a relative humidity of at least 50 %.
of the face shells in the mortar. 11.4 Testing—Clamp the specimen in the lower and upper
11.2.5 Immediately position the drop hammer frame at the test frames by tightening the screws of the test frames with a
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torque wrench (see Fig. 8). Center the ball bearing on the upper where:
test frame in the testing machine. Apply a vertical load to the fg 5 flexural bond stress on gross area, psi (or N/m2)
specimen at the rate of 600 lbf (2.7 kN)/min or at a rate fn 5 flexural bond stress on net area, psi (or N/m2),
sufficient to cause failure in 1 to 2 min. x 5 lever arm of load about vertical axis of specimen, in.
11.5 Calculation—Calculate the maximum flexural bond (or m),
strength of the section for the gross and the net section of the P 5 applied load, lbf (or N),
specimen, taken normal to the face shells, as follows: c 5 distance from neutral axis to face of specimen, in. (or
fg 5 ~xPc/Ig! 2 ~P/Ag! (2)
Ig 5 moment of inertia of gross section, in.4 (or m4),
fn 5 ~xPc/In! 2 ~P/An!
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In 5 moment of inertia of net section, in.4(or m4), Coefficients of variation of 15 to 35 % are commonplace in
b 5 length of block, in. (or m), published investigations using the methods of this standard.
d 5 width of block, in. (or m),
t 5 minimum thickness of face shell, in. (or m), 13. Keywords
Ag 5 gross area of section 5 bd, in.2(or m2), and 13.1 band; concrete block; crossed brick couplet; mortar;
An 5 net area of section 5 2bt, in.2(or m2). masonry
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