The Dictionar Y: Reference Books

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Monday Friday Reference Books:

Meet the Dictionary
“Hello, I am the
Putting it all Together
Using a Dictionary Dictionar
dictionary, you can find
words that you do not
understand, if you just
Group Response: Working with
your group, answer the questions
look inside of me,” said A. List 5 ways to use a
the dictionary. dictionary.
“Remember, all my words 1._____________________________________
are in ABC order.” __2.___________________________________
Let’s Practice! 3______________________________________
Put the words listed below in _4.____________________________________
alphabetical order.
rainbow sailor trainer
peasant heading jealous
sustain refrain terrain B. How does a dictionary help
you to understand words?

1. 6.
C. How are words listed in a Name ________________
2. 7.
Date _________
D. What are guide words? # ____
3. 8. Standards: LA4ELAR3.d
Determines meaning of word and
word choices using a dictionary or
4. 9. thesaurus.
E. How does using the ELAR3.H Recognizes and uses
Dictionary help me to make
5. 10.
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Multiple Meanings Organize it!

Guide Words
Use what you’ve learned. Define This! 1. Write a tier 2 word from
Once you find a word in the your reading this week in
1. Look at the guide words
dictionary, you can read its the word box.
from a dictionary page. 2. Use clues from the text
2. Then look at words to list. meaning, or definition. and what you already
3. Put the words in the right Sometimes a word has know to write what you
order under the guide more than one meaning. think the word means.
words. 1. Using a dictionary find 3. Write the dictionary
Remember, the guide word on the the correct meaning of definition.
on the left is the first word on the each underlined words 4. How does this activity
page. The guide word on the right help you make sense of
is the last word on the page. in the sentence below.
the text?
pound 2. Read each sentence.
practical 3. Write the correct Word: What I think it means:
pound Sentences:
1. The student had a grip on
subjects and predicates.

Dictionary Definition: How does this finding

help me make sense of
The rainy day made the boy this text?
practical feel blue.
Word to List
prohibit progress
profuse program
progeny profusion

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