Study of MIS in Infosys

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Study of MIS in Infosys

Kirti Patyal

Abstract: Infosys International Inc. has a solid

reputation as a business and information II. The MIS Department
technology consulting company. Infosys
International has been providing business and The Information Systems Department is
information technology consulting services to responsible for the coordination and strategic
our clients for over 20 years. This document is a planning of information system technology for
result of brief study about the information all departments under the Board of County
system used in the management of the industry. Commissioners. This includes management of a
multi-participant Geographic Information/Land
Management System (GIS), coordination and
I. Infosys support of the County's Project/Work
Management software, the enterprise based
Infosys Technologies Limited (Infosys), Oracle Business suite and the establishment of
incorporated on July 2, 1981, is a global progressive technical standards in an open
technology services firm that defines, designs system environment. The department is also
and delivers information technology (IT)- responsible for the installation and maintenance
enabled business solutions to its clients. The of telecommunication systems and network
Company provides end-to-end business solutions facilities used by the county enterprise.
that leverage technology for its clients, including
consulting, design, development, software re-
engineering, maintenance, systems integration,
package evaluation, and implementation and III. MIS: The Infosys Perspective
infrastructure management services. Whole of
the organization can be described as: 1. All organizational learning is leveraged
in delivering business advantage to the
1. Partners in building Information customer. As with MIS the organization
Infrastructure for the New Economy becomes easily approachable and
2. Among highest market capitalization transparent to customer.
among IT services 2. Every related person must have the full
3. companies on the NASDAQ backing of the organization’s information
4. Forbes’ list of “20 for 2000” behind him/her
5. SEI-CMM level 5 and ISO-9001 – Customer fronting
6. Global presence – Planning and decision-making
7. Over 8000 people strong, and growing – Internal customer service
8. 220+ clients including 32 new clients in Nothing but an effective MIS can do this.
Q1 FY 2001
IV. MIS Drivers in Infosys • Deploy IT infrastructure. To implement
MIS the whole system has to be made
1. Better quality because of better online.
information support and better decision • Ensure quality of content. The
making. information provided by the system must
2. Better Revenue Productivity (reuse, cycle be relevant and up to date.
time reduction, virtual teamwork). Every
person retains knowledge of inventory
and the products.
VII. Evolution of MIS at Infosys
3. Reduced Risk (diversify into new
technologies, domains, geographical
areas, services, resource MIS is supposed to start at 1992 at Infosys, when
interchangeability). Information about it became a body of knowledge by increase in
market trends, competitor activities is popularity. After that the progress just went on
readily available. and on.
4. Greater Market Awareness
5. Higher Revenue Growth. All of the 1992: Body of Knowledge
above factors will combine to increase 1993:
revenue. 1994:
1995: Technical bulletin, online learning
1996: Companywide Intranet (Sparsh)
1997: Marketing system, process assets,
1998: Project leaders’ toolkit
V. The MIS Vision
1999: People Knowledge Map, organization
By implementing MIS the Infosys wants to be an wide KM initiative
organization 2000: Integrated Kshop portal
− where every action is fully enabled by the
power of information; Various steps being taken by MIS
− which truly believes in leveraging management of Infosys:
knowledge for innovation;
− where every employee is empowered by
the information of every other employee; 1. Seminars and best practice sessions
− which is a globally respected information 2. Marketing systems
leader. 3. Process Assets & Capability Baselines
4. Body of Knowledge
5. On-line learning mechanisms
6. Odyssey
VI. MIS: Challenges in Infosys 7. Project Leader’s tool-kit
8. Sparsh: the company-wide intranet
• Promote a sharing culture. As through 9. Personal pages
MIS information of each person will be 10. Technical Bulletin Board
available to every other person. 11. People-Knowledge Map
• Build and sustain momentum. After the
huge efforts of implementing MIS the
organization must gain increased VIII. Information Content Types
To implement MIS information is classified as External Information Assets
following by the MIS management of Infosys:
• Glossary of business and Technical Terms
Internal Information Assets • Technology Summaries
• Online Journals & books
• Industry specific Information Assets • External White Papers and Reports
• Body of Knowledge • Technology and Business News
• Project Snapshot Documents • External FAQs etc.
• Internal White Papers & Reports
• Reusable Artifacts After collecting all such information it has to be
• Discussion Groups, Chat Sessions managed and must be placed where it fits. For
• Internal FAQs etc. this Infosys designed a content management
process whose block diagram is shown below:

Figure 1: Content management in Infosys

IX. MIS Deployment Architecture 3. Process for MIS effectiveness measures

–Personal interviews
The Process Architecture –surveys
4. Process for MIS benefits measurement
1. Processes to facilitate information
sharing and reuse To implement such processes the management
– process redesign designed the following technological
2. Process to ensure content quality and deployment architecture:
– reviewers and gurus
Figure 2: Technological deployment architecture of implementing MIS in Infosys

X. An Example
Infosys Technologies’ KM vision is to be an
organization where every action is fully enabled
KMS at Infosys
by the power of knowledge; which truly believes
in leveraging knowledge for innovation; where
Knowledge management is important to software every employee is empowered by the knowledge
engineering because organizations need more of every other employee; which is a globally
than just human capital to successfully distribute respected knowledge leader.
and use their employees' knowledge. Knowledge
might be inexpensive, but effectively using and For this Infosys designed a Knowledge Shop
managing is not. Portal whose one snapshot is given below:
Figure 3: Knowledge Shop Portal of Infosys.

The system provides information on the past,

XI. Conclusion present and project future and on relevant events
inside and outside the organization. It may be
When information systems are designed to defined as a planned and integrated system for
provide information needed for effective gathering relevant data, converting it in to right
decision making by managers, they are called information and supplying the same to the
management information systems. MIS is a concerned executives. The main purpose of MIS
formal system for providing management with is to provide the right information to the right
accurate and timely information necessary for people at the right time.
decision making.
XII. References
10.1109/MS.2002.1003455 [5] Anand K., “A study on MIS process and
application in banking sector and BPO
[2] companies,” South Asia University Mysore,
leid.4F5126859FEE439481EAF965189D36EF/e 2001.
[6] Waman S. Jawadekar, Management
[3] Information System- Text and Cases,” 4th ed.,
mnists/infosys-too-conservative 2010.

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