Tutorial 2a Differentiate Between Digital Image and Resolution. (6 Marks)
Tutorial 2a Differentiate Between Digital Image and Resolution. (6 Marks)
Tutorial 2a Differentiate Between Digital Image and Resolution. (6 Marks)
Tutorial 2a
Question 1
Differentiate between digital image and resolution. (6 marks)
Every digital image can establish its The graphic depends on the actual size
coordinate system of the image on the output device
Graphic representation on the
This representation usually referred to
computer or printer with one or more
as a raster.
Question 2
Explain two formulae to calculate scale. (6 marks)
Scale = Scale =
Where; f = Focal length Where; ab = Measurement on the image
H = Altitude AB = Measurement on the ground
Question 3
The distance of road in the image is about 200 pixels, where the image was captured from
altitude 50 meters and the camera focal length is 25 millimeters. Determine the actual
distance of road and the Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) for the image. (6 marks)
Scale = = 200 25
= 0.025
400,000 50 Scale =
AB = 1 pixels = 1 m
Scale = 1 :2000
Question 4
With the aid of diagram, explain the position of conjugate principle point and principle point.
Why we need to these two points? (4 marks)
The purpose of line drawn connecting between the principal point and the conjugate point on the
next image is to identify the line of flight.
Question 5
Describe the relief displacement. If the displacement of the tower is 20mm, radial distance is
50mm and the image was taken from 70m altitude. Calculate the actual height of the tower
in meter. (8 marks)
Height of the object; h = h=
Where; d = displacement
h = 28m
H = Altitude above datum
r = Distance from principle point
Question 6
In your own words, explain the Digital Photogrammetric Workstation (DPW). (5 marks)
Digital Photogrammetric Workspace (DPW) is a working flow that use a hardware and software
designed to derive photogrammetric products from digital imagery using manual and automated
techniques. The advantages of digital photogrammetric is it can reduce the maintenance cost of
system and the size of the machine can considerably reduce. Additionally, the capacity storage and
access time can be adapted to store all the digital image on the computer and can be access any
time just by open the images. Moreover, this digital form can preserve the quality of the data since
in digital format the images would not go faded
Tutorial 2b
Question 1
Describe the concept of epipolar resampling. Use a diagram to support your answer.
(8 marks)
The visualization of stereoscopic model whose image have two different scale and orientations.
To calculate the homographic plane by making the optical axes of photos parallel between them
and perpendicular to the base. After the process two points of a line of the left image will have
their conjugate points of the right image
Question 2
State the factors that affect geometry quality in digital photogrammetry system. (4 marks)
Question 3
Why aerotriangulation is very important in digital photogrammetry? (5 marks)
Question 4
With the aid of diagram, explain the concept of overlapping stereopair. (6 marks)
A pair of photograph which has the same object or area of terrain is pictured but from different
views of perspective. It has 60% standard overlap and 25% side lap. This stereopair which allow
us to see in 3-Dimensional when viewing the same object simultaneously.
Question 5
What is stereoscopy? What are indicators that is used to measure a depth? (6 marks)
Question 6
Explain the theory of parallax. (5 marks)
Question 7
Name three instruments use to carry out stereoscopic viewing? (3 marks)
Question 8
List three example of stereoscope and differentiate each of them. (6 marks)
Question 9
What is floating mark? Describe the characteristic of floating mark. (6 marks)
Tutorial 2c
Question 1
Explain the basic steps in 2D conformal and affine transformation? (14 marks)
2D Conformal Transformation
Scale Change
Calculate distance for arbitrary and actual coordinate using scale formula S=ab/AB
Calculate distance on image (xa, ya, xb, yb) and actual (Ea, Eb, Na, Nb)
After the scaled coordinate system (X Y) is superimposed over the actual coordinate
system (EN), so the line will be coincides.
Next step to rotate the XY system to EN system
Final step in the coordinate transformation
The origin of the EN system to the origin of the EN system
The translation requires Te and Tn
Te = Ea-Ea = Eb-Eb
2D Affine Transformation
It is a slight modification of the 2D conformal coordinate transformation.
It is including different scale factors in x and y directions and nonorthogonality of the axis
Scale Change in X and Y
The difference between the conformal and affine transformations is differential scale
(between x and y axes)
Differential scale allows skewing and shearing
Correction of non-orthogonality
Correct the axis system to make it free from distortion
Question 2
What is the different between conformal and affine transformation after transformation
process? (4 marks)
Question 3
Describe Collinearity Equation and what are the conditions? (5 marks)
Object point (P), image point (p) and perspective center (O) all lie along a straight line
The exposure station, any object point and photo image this point, all of them lied in a
straight line in three dimensional
Question 4
List the factors influence departures from collinearity? (5 marks)
Lens distortion
Focal plane / film unflatness
Atmospheric refraction (only for aerial photography)
Errors in IO elements
Earth curvature (only for aerial photography & projection coordinates)
Question 5
Describe the concept of Coplanarity and its conditions? (5 marks)
Coplanarity is one point object can be seen on the image and another conjugate image of
stereopair image.
The two exposure station of a stereopair, any object point and conjugate image point on
two photos, all of them located in the same plane.
Tutorial 2d
Question 1
State the device used to measure photocoordinate in low and high accuracy. (4 marks)
Question 2
Distinguish two types of comparators. (6 marks)
Question 3
Determine the factors that cause systematic error in high accuracy device to measure
photocoordinate. (5 marks)
Question 4
Differentiate between collinearity and bundle principle. Use the aid of diagram to support
your answer. (6 marks)
Question 5
Define Bundle Adjustment. What are advantages of bundle adjustment? (10 marks)
Bundle adjustment is the problem of refining a visual reconstruction to produce jointly
optimal 3D structure and viewing parameter (camera pose and/or calibration) estimates.
Advantages: -
o Accuracy: Bundle adjustment gives precise and easily interpreted results because it
uses accurate statistical error models and supports a sound, well-developed quality
control methodology.
o Flexibility: Bundle adjustment gracefully handles a very wide variety of different
3D feature and camera types, scene types, information sources and error models.
o Efficiency: Mature bundle algorithms are comparatively efficient even on very
large problems. They use economical and rapidly convergent numerical methods
and make near optimal use of problem sparseness.
Question 6
What is image matching? (3 marks)
Image matching is the process of automatically identifying and measuring conjugate points
in two or more overlapping images.
Question 7
Differentiate between area-based matching, feature-based matching and relational
matching. (9 marks)
of matching Area-based Matching Relational Matching
Measure The similarity between
Correlation, Least
method Cost/benefit function two relational
Square Matching
Matching Based on relationship
entities Points, edges, lines, between objects
Grey levels
regions, structures (distances, angles,
Question 8
Describe the factors that can decrease the quality of image matching. (8 marks)
Distortion from scale difference
Rotational distortion
Relief distortion
Tutorial 2e
Question 1
Describe the advantages and disadvantages narrow and wide angle lens during image
acquisition from certain altitude. (8 marks)
Question 2
3D rotation plays an important role in photogrammetric image processing. Explain the 6
independent degree of freedom in 3D rotation. Use a diagram to support your answer.
(8 marks)
The plane that does photogrammetric mapping does three type of movement which is Roll, Pitch
and Yaw. These movement are translated into coordinated movement which can be calculated
using axis plane.
Any object in space has 6 independent degree of freedom, 3 position shifted along 3 mutually
perpendicular coordinate axes (X, Y, Z) and 3 rotation about the coordinate axis.
3D Rotation
Every light ray reaching the film surface during exposure, passed through camera lens and
considered as a single point exposure to the ground.
Question 4
What is the purpose of space resection? (2 marks)
The space resection for one stereopair and intersect the image rays to calculate the ground
coordinate of any point and applying the rotation matrix during the calculation.
Question 5
The image was taken from 100m altitude above terrain with the camera focal length 15mm.
The size of object in the image is about 400 pixels and the actual size of the object is about
300cm. Calculate the ground sampling distance for the image. (6 marks)
Scale = Scale =
Where; f = Focal length Where; ab = Measurement on the image
H = Altitude AB = Measurement on the ground
Scale =
Scale = 1: 6666
= 1: 7000
400 15
300 100
1 pixels = 1.125x10-6 m
= 1.125x10-6 m x 7000
= 7.875x10-3 m
= 3.15 m
Question 6
The land has been measured using photogrammetric mapping. There are three coordinates
were extracted from the orthophoto. The surveyor needs to calculate the area of the land.
The images were captured from 100m altitude above terrain using 30mm focal length. The
coordinates as follows: - (20 marks)
Point 1 E420000m, N320000m
Point 2 E425000m, N350000m Scale =
Point 3 E435000m, N335000m
Area =
(3.75108 )
Tutorial 3a
Question 1
Discuss the concept of Aerial Triangulation. (5 marks)
Question 2
Define four basic information flows for analogue and analytical in object reconstruction
from imagery by stereopair. (8 marks)
Question 3
Why aerial triangulation is so important in photogrammetric works? (4 marks)
Usually it is more expensive to have people working out in the field, and it is also harder
work than what it is to do the work is an office.
Because of that different method has been developed to be able to reference a model with
as few ground control points as possible.
Aerial triangulation is able to measure several unknown points clearly visible in a stereo
The result get out of this is the coordinates in the reference system for all the new measured
Question 4
Aerial triangulation can be done using analogue and analytical methods. Differentiate
between analogue and analytical methods. (8 marks)
Tutorial 3b
Question 1
Describe three types of block adjustments (6 marks)
Independent Strips
o The strip adjustment can be based on photo or model coordinates.
Independent Stereopairs
o The determination of control points for the orientation of each individual
photogrammetric model
Bundle Adjustment
o the development and availability of modern computers the unfavorable error
propagation of analog photo strips was improved by the block adjustment
Question 2
Explain the benefits of aerial triangulation compared to field survey. (4 marks)
Question 3
Why sensory data from GPS/INS is very important in block bundle adjustment? (5 marks)
To define the coordinate of projection center
For the calculation of ground control point
Provide exterior parameter of bundle block adjustment (omega, phi, kappa)
Y sensory data
Question 4
Give an example how automatic aerial triangulation can help operators to speed up their
works. (5 marks)
Automatic aerial triangulation we mean methods that attempt to solve the task as a batch
It really does not increase computing cost significantly.
With little or no help from a human operator.
Multiple image matching
Tutorial 4
Question 1
Describe the Digital Surface Model and Digital Terrain Model. Use a diagram to support
your answer. (4 marks)
Cover everything on the earth surface including whole feature on the ground.
Represents a regular array of elevation points
Provides a digital representation of a portion of the earth's terrain
Question 2
Discuss four sources to produce Digital Terrain Model. (8 marks)
Question 3
Explain the semi-automatic and automatic methods in Digital Terrain Model production.
(4 marks)
points are selected from the left image and subsequently matched with corresponding
points in the right image.
Need an operator to do 3D stereoplotting
Question 4
List the factors that caused systematic errors during DTM production. (4 marks)
Tutorial 5
Question 1
What is Orthophoto? (2 marks)
Orthophoto is an aerial photograph that has been geometrically corrected or 'orthorectified' such
that the scale of the photograph is uniform and utilized in the same manner as a map.
Question 2
What is the role of orthophoto in GIS? (2 marks)
Question 3
How to produce an accurate orthophoto? (6 marks)
Question 4
Differentiate the characteristic of orthophoto and a map. (8 marks)
Orthophoto Factor Map
The features/object characteristic
Represent the image of the object Representation
is represents by symbols
Provide the real/true view of the
Only the selected features will be
terrain and complete with Features
produced using a symbol
many features
produced in a short
Time taken Takes long time to complete
The interpretation of the object is The interpretation can be done but
easy to perform which is Interpretation requires a lot of time to
based on image of the object interpret.
Question 5
Give three possible applications using orthophoto product (6 marks)
1. Integration as an image layer in GIS use a base map or backdrop for data analysis
2. Background for data presentation
3. Data quality control through overlaying
4. Draping to create realistic 3D views
5. Generation of orthoimage maps
6. Combination with other data sets (TM + SPOT, SPOT + SAR)
7. Improved classification
8. Change detection
9. National map database
Tutorial 5b
Question 1
camera calibration and the output parameters after performing camera calibration. (16 marks)
a) Laboratory Method
i. Using Multicollimator
Photographing an array of targets whose relative positions are accurately knowns. Elements of interior
orientations are the determines by making precise measurement of the target images. Comparing their
actual images locations with the positions they should have occupied had the camera produced a perfect
perspective view.
Made a projection by direct measurement through the camera lens of precisely positioned grid points
located in the camera focal plane. Comparison are then made with the true projections to see its different
in these two projections.
Field calibration is a method of calibrating or fine tuning a camera at the same time a project being
processed. Every project must go through an optimization stage where the x, y and z position, camera
station position and angles are solved. Programs with advanced optimization can also tune camera
The stellar system such as stars or satellite are in their own positions and can be determined. By using this
method, the camera can be calibrate using a stellar since its have an own position for the time being, to
test the cameras degree of accuracy. This method required an advanced technology developed
instrument on order to carry out this calibration. The calibration can be accepted if the standard error of
the position of the star are less than 0.4 seconds.
Output Parameter
The construction of camera, the film and lens must be parallel. Calibration is needed when the positions
of the film and lens is not parallel to each other. If those two are not in parallel the effect of the image
will be distorted
The focal length that produces an overall mean distribution of lens distortion. After aerial camera
manufactured, the distance is set to correspond to the optical focal length of the lens as nearly possible.
The distortion that occurs along racial lines from the principal point. The distribution usually happens in a
direction inward, outward and towards from the center of the image. This type of distortion always
present even if the lens perfectly manufactured to design specifications.
d) Principal point
After the calibration, the principal point at the center of the image will be correctly at conjugate to the
next aerial photograph so that the line between principal point to the next will represent the flight line.
e) Affinity
Affinity is calibrated based on the scale factor in x and y direction and the axis system. The slight
modification of the 2d conformal coordinates transformation is change to its correct position.
Question 2
Orthophoto is very useful in many applications. Define the Orthophoto and give the advantage of
orthophoto with respect to its flexibility. (6 marks)
An orthophoto is an aerial photograph that has been geometrically corrected or 'orthorectified' such that
the scale of the photograph is uniform and utilized in the same manner as a map.
Question 3
Automatic aerial triangulation helps photogrammetric operators to conducts their work very efficiently.
Explain how automatic aerial triangulation can help photogrammetric operators. (10 marks)
Automatic aerial triangulation systems attempt to reduce the aerial triangulation problem to a batch
process, with little or no help of a human operator, except the measurement of control points. starting
from the objectives which include the determination of the exterior orientation parameters and a partial
reconstruction of the object space. it really does not increase computing cost significantly if hundreds of
points per image are matched. Automatic aerial triangulation resembles traditional methods, for example,
the major tasks of selecting, transferring, and measuring tie points remain as well as the block adjustment.
Question 4
Orientations play an important role in photogrammetric image processing. Discuss all orientations in
photogrammetric image processing. (6 marks)
Interior Orientation
The main purpose of interior orientation is to define the position of the perspective center and the
radial distortion curve.
Interior orientation which primarily consists pointing on the fiducial marks which can be done by
operator control or pattern matching method.
To obtain internal geometry (Camera Calibration): - Focal length, Principle point (x,y), Tangential lens
distortion (t1,t2), Radial lens distortion (k1,k2,k3), Affinity, Scale factor.
Exterior Orientation
Question 5
Describe the systematic errors occur during digital terrain model (DTM) production. Provide the
corresponding error sources for each systematic error. (10 marks)
Inner orientation:
setting of orientation parameters, errors in aerial triangulation (deformations), ground controls (datum
shift), and earth curvature.
During sampling:
observational errors.
Question 6
A surveyor wants to estimate the area of cadastral lot using orthophoto. The triangular shape lot has
three sides namely side 1, side 2 and side 3. The ruler is used to measure the length for each side on the
orthophoto and the value for each side is 30cm, 25 cm and 40cm respectively. The aerial photographs
were taken from altitude 200m with cameras focal length 5mm. Calculate the actual area of cadastral
lot in hectare. (12 marks)
Scale =
0.005 30 cm = 12,000 m
Scale =
200 25 cm = 10,000 m
40 cm = 16,000 m
= 1: 40,000
Area = ( )( )( )
Where; 12,000+10,000+16,000
2 S = 19,000 m
Area = 59,924,953.307 m2
In hectare:
Tutorial 6
Question 1
Discuss the reason project planning is very important in photogrammetric work. (8 marks)
Planning the aerial photography
Planning the ground control point
Selecting the instruments and procedures necessary to achieve the desire result
Estimating costs and delivery schedules
Accuracy requirement
Question 2
Describe the characteristic of photo controls in photogrammetric work. (12 marks)
1. Location: Photo control points must be in the proper geometry location to accurately
reference the photogrammetry solution.
2. Identification: The identification of the photo control points on the aerial photographs is
critical. Extreme care should be exercised to make this identification accurate. The
surveyor should examine the photo control points using pocket or mirror stereoscope.
3. Control Point distribution: Number of control points. The absolute geometric amount of
photo control needed in each stereomodel is four points (manned aircraft photograph).
4. Types of objects selected: Natural objects or Human-made objects. The objects must be
clear in the photograph and can be identified on ground.
Question 3
Distinguish the pre-marked and post-marked control. (6 marks)
Pre-marked Factor Post-marked
Existing survey control can be
used, reducing the cost and A greater demand on the ground
manpower required survey time and resultant cost
Time to
Before flight After flight
establish GCP
Question 4
What are the factors that photogrammetrist considered during flight planning? (8 marks)
Condition of weather
When the target is in desirable condition
Know the exact location of project area
Stereoviewing necessary
How many photos required for covering the project area with desired scale and resolution
Time of image acquisition (10am 2pm)
Accuracy requirement
Question 5
List five geometric factors in flight planning. (5 marks)
Question 6
The aerial photographs were captured from altitude 500m above average terrain height with
the focal length 152.4mm. The standard format of aerial photograph 23cm is used in this task.
Calculate the percentage of overlap and side lap if the air base is about 250m and distance
between strips is 150m. (8 marks)
Scale =
Overlap Percentage = x 100
Where; f = Focal length Overlap Percentage = x 100
H = Altitude 920
= 72.826%
0.1524 = 73%
Scale =
Scale = 1: 3280.840
= 1: 4000
Side lap Percentage = x 100
Side lap Percentage = x 100
G = 23cm x 4000
= 92000 cm = 83.695%
= 920 m = 84%
Question 7
Define the main phases in topographic map production (5 marks)
Question 8
The aerial photographs were captured from altitude 300m above average terrain height with
the camera focal length 151mm and percentage of overlap and side lap 65% and 35%
respectively. The standard format of aerial photograph 23cm is used in this task. Calculate the
air base and distance between strips for this flight mission. (8 marks)
Scale =
Overlap Percentage = x 100
Where; f = Focal length
H = Altitude 460
65% = x 100
0.151 0.65 460
Scale = =
300 100 460
b = 457.01 m
Scale = 1: 1986.754
= 1: 2000
Side lap Percentage = x 100
35% = x 100
G = Format x scale 460
= 23cm x 2000 0.35 460
= 46000 cm =
100 460
= 460 m
w = 458.39 m