Monday Math Star: Third Grade Math Stars #7

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Name_________________________ Date__________________

Third Grade Math Stars #7

Monday Math Star

Estimating makes subtraction easier! Make a chart to
show how you estimate a difference. Use one of the
sample problems (or both) in your own example on your

Tuesday Math Star

Practice mental math by playing Subtraction War.
Directions are attached.

Wednesday Math Star

Round each number to the greatest place and subtract.

Thursday Math Star
Write this number in standard form and word
form. Practice reading it, too!

Solve this problem. Show your work.. Circle the word

ABOUT to remind you that you are estimating the

Function Machine: -7
In Out
Subtraction War

Players: 2
Materials: Playing cards (Ace =1) – 9

Getting Started: Players divide cards evenly between

themselves. Each player turns over two cards and
subtracts the smaller number from the larger
number. The player with the smallest difference
gets all the cards. In the event of a tie (each
player has the same difference) WAR is declared.
Each player deals out three more cards face down
and then turns over two more cards. The smaller
card is subtracted from the larger. The player with
the smallest difference gets all the cards. Play
continues until one player has collected all of the

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