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Project Report ON: About Coca-Cola

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About Coca-Cola:-
Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines
internationally. The Coca-Cola Company claims that the beverage is sold in more than
200 countries.It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, Georgia, and is often
referred to simply as Coke (a now genericized trademark) or (in European and American
countries) as cola, pop, or in some parts of the U.S., soda. Originally intended as a patent
medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was
bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its
dominance of the world soft-drink market throughout the 20th century.

The company produces concentrate, which is then sold to licensed Coca-Cola bottlers
throughout the world. The bottlers, who hold territorially exclusive contracts with the
company, produce finished product in cans and bottles from the concentrate in combination
with filtered water and sweeteners. The bottlers then sell, distribute and merchandise Coca-
Cola to retail stores and vending machines. Such bottlers include Coca-Cola Enterprises,
which is the largest single Coca-Cola bottler in North America and western Europe. The
Coca-Cola Company also sells concentrate for soda fountains to major restaurants and
food service distributors.

Formula of coca-cola:- Published competitors say it contains sugar, caramel color,

caffeine, phosphoric acid, coca leaf, kola nut extract, lime extract, flavoring mixture,
vanilla and glycerin. Alleged syrup recipes vary greatly. The basic “cola” taste from Coca-
Cola and competing cola drinks comes mainly from vanilla and cinnamon; distinctive tastes
among various brands are the result of trace flavorings such as orange, lime and lemon and
spices such as nutmeg.

Coca-Cola in IndiA:-

Coca-Cola was the leading soft drink brand in India until 1977, when it left rather than
reveal its formula to the Government and reduce its equity stake as required under the Foreign
Regulation Act (FERA) which governed the operations of foreign companies in India. Coca-
Cola re-entered the Indian market on 26th October 1993 after a gap of 16 years, with its launch
in Agra. An agreement with the Parle Group gave the Company instant ownership of the top soft
drink brands of the nation. With access to 53 of Parle’s plants and a well set bottling network,
an excellent base for rapid introduction of the Company’s International brands was formed. The
Coca-Cola Company acquired soft drink brands like Thumps Up, Goldspot, Limca, Maaza,
which were floated by Parle, as these products had achieved a strong consumer base and formed
a strong brand image in Indian market during the re-entry of Coca-Cola in 1993.Thus these
products became a part of range of products of the Coca-Cola Company.

In the new liberalized and deregulated environment in 1993, Coca-Cola made its re-entry into
India through its 100% owned subsidiary, HCCBPL, the Indian bottling arm of the Coca-Cola
Company. However, this was based on numerous commitments and stipulations which the
Company agreed to implement in due course. One such major commitment was that, the
Hindustan Coca-Cola Holdings would divest 49% of its shareholding in favor of resident
shareholders by June 2002.



The plant of Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited located in

Raninagar Industrial Growth Centre on NH-31 near Jalpaiguri, is one of the
major bottling plants among the eight plants located in northern region of
India.The Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited has set up its plant
in Raninagar because of the availability of ground water, availability of labor
at comparatively lower cost, good environment condition and also the location
of the plant. The location of the plant not only provides good transport facility
since it is located on NH 31, but also the Raninagar plant is the supply line for
the whole eastern region and also for Nepal and Bhutan. This is very near to
Siliguri, which is no doubt one the most enthralling business places in Eastern
The Raninagar plant produces all the coca cola products except Maaza and
Kinley Soda. According to the survey done by the Hindustan Coca-Cola
Beverages Private Limited, the product ‘Sprite’ is their most popular brand.
Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited, Jalpaiguri unit in Raninagar
was also conferred the environment appreciation ce4toificate. The Chief
Minister presented the award at a seminar organized by the WB cleaner
production centre in collaboration with the population control board and the
Indian chamber of commerce.Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited
here in Raninagar produces soft drinks on returnable glass bottles i.e. RGB as
well as on pet bottles. In case RGB the company produces 200 ml and 300 ml
bottles, and in case of PET bottles the company produces 500 ml, 600 ml, and
1.5 lt bottles. The RGB are used for filling up of beverages again and again
after proper washing but on other hand PET bottle s are not used again for
filling up of beverages rather the raw materials of the PET bottles are recycled
and used for making different kinds of goods like T-shirt, toys etc.



MANUFACTURING UNIT OF HCCBPL :-The manufacturing unit of

HCCBPL, situated at Bidadi, is the third largest plant and one of the
bottling operations owned by the company. The Plant has one PET line
which has the capacity of yielding 209 bottles, per minute, two RGB
(Returnable glass bottles) lines which yields 600 bottles per minute each
and one Juice line which yield 155 bottles per minute. It caters to the whole
of South Karnataka through a network of more than 80 distributors. There
are three depots in Bangalore; North Depot, East Depot and Mega Depot.

Process of Production: If we start our discussion on production, then at first we

will find that the water they use for the production for the beverages is ground
water which they pumped from 330ft below the earth’s surface. This ground water
is treated and purify in a plant called WATER TREATMENT PLANT. This water
treatment plant can purify water at a rate of 10000 lt/hr.
First the water which is pumped from the bore-well is collected in a huge tank of
capacity 340x2 KL. This tank is known as RAW WATER TANK. Also there are six
inter connected huge tanks of capacity of 10000 lt each. At first, lime and
bleaching powder is mixed with water and it is filtered with a normal filter. After
that the filter water is passed through a micron filter where the particles having
size of 1U,2U & 3U (U=Micron) are completed removed. The filtration process is
not completed yet, the treated water is finally passed through a U.V filter. It used
to kill any kind of micro organization and bacteria present in the water. They also
give importance to the purification to the tanks where the water is kept and the
beverage is prepared. The process is called CIP (Cleaning in place). They adopt
five stages while cleaning it. At first, it is washed with chlorine water, then caustic
water (NaOH) is spread then this is washed with water, then the tanks are washed
with hot water and lastly with cold water.


Then with the carbonated water, sugar, different kinds of government permitted flavored,
preservatives and if it is a colored drink then different colours are mixed to prepare the
beverage and it is stored in a safe place.

Again while producing the beverages the quality of the liquid is given importance and for that
they have a separate quality laboratory. In every half an hour two bottles are picked and the
authority checked the quality whether there are any lapses in the test or in the bottles or
anything. They have a machine called GAS VOLUME MACHINE which checks the pressure
and temperature, then the sugar concentration is checked in a machine called DENSITY
METER, two or three people take a sip of the liquid to be sure of the test. Lately, whether the
bottles are made properly or not is checked. For that the bottles is dipped in a liquid for 30
minutes to check the durability

While the production of the beverages is going on, on the other side, the
production of the PET bottles and its cleaning is also going on. But in case of
glass bottles only the beverage is filled into them as the bottle are made in some
other places.

In case of PET bottles the Raninagar plants buys the raw material on the bottle
from Hyderabad and Chennai and it is called perform. The send of raw material
into a machine called BOTTLE BLOWING MACHINE. There in temperature in 40
bar air pressure the small sized perform takes the shape of the bottles which we
used to see in the market as in the machine it moulds like a balloon. Then it comes
to the machine called RISER where the washing of the bottles are done.

The PET and RGB bottles are washed for 30 minutes through five steps:
 Washed with chlorine water.
 Caustic soda water.
 Caustic in washed out with pure treated water.
 Washed with hot & cold water.

Then the bottle is ready for the for the filling of the liquid. In the machine at a
time 600 glass bottles can be washed.

Now the bottle reaches the place where the liquid to be filled in them is kept.
An estimation number of the production department employees.


Inside the Around 100 4 Around 80
Plant =

Outside the
Plant = 17


Under the marketing things like sales distribution also come. As this Raninagar plant is one of
the biggest supply chain of eastern India, so naturally their sales is very much high. Like all the
big companies they also do the market survey in order selling less and why, what are
comparisons of their product with others and based on that what steps are to be taken. As from
their survey they found out that Maaza is more liked by children and aged people Thumps Up is
like by those who usually eat oily foods, and Sprite is the hot favorite among the teenaged and
the middle aged people. But they don’t run this survey by their own rather other corporate
houses, who have experience in this field do this for them and give various suggestions and
based on that they prepare their future course of action, As the cold drinks are mostly seasonal
products so mostly y their peak sales season is March to Puja when per day they have a demand
of 10000 cases while in winter just 1000 cases.

In order to increase the sales in the off seasons they adopt various new business plan like
decreasing the price a bit, or giving one product free with another, or giving prizes under ten
caps etc. But it varies from reason to reason. They have divided their sales into three parts,
 Primary: where they send the products to different whole sellers.
 Secondary: from whole sellers to different outlets.
 Tertiary: the end individual customer to buys and consume needs.
If we concentrate on the distribution we will find the same thing which we have in the sells like
at first, the products made then distributed to the various outlets. In order to keep their
authenticity if they find that in one of the outlets some products are not sold after the stipulated
time i.e., for the PET bottles, 2 months after manufactures and 6 months for glass bottles

The human resources or the employees are the assets to any organization. It is
upon them that the growth of the company depends. So they are given the prime
importance and Raninagar plant is no exception to it.
As the growth depends upon the performance of the employees, so the Raninagar
plant ensure that every employee must get the best training before starting their
work. In the lower level they are recruited as trainees. Some of them may not have
that much skill, which is ultimately needed so the higher authority at first tries to
identify the less skillful areas of the trainees. They called this process as skill gap
i.e. requires skill present skill. Like a person joining in a field of HR must have the
attitude to be jovial to others must have the capability to work in groups, then the
time management and sincerity the two most vital things must be always there.
Like all other organizations the authority of Raninagar also looks for this trait
before recruiting the trainees and one of them locking a bit they try to fill up the
gap. All this times they works are monitored very minutely and for their good work
every time they are appraised and based on them they are promoted for them. The
entire team leader comes under this. Again based on their good work they are
either promoted or given certain benefits and the process goes on this way
Fig: Employees structure in RANINAGAR plant


HCCBPL has a wide and well managed network of salesmen appointed for taking up the
responsibility of distribution of products to diverse parts of the cities. The distribution channels
are constructed in such a way that the demand of customers is fulfilled at the right place and the
right time when it is needed by them.

A typical distribution chain at HCCBPL would be:

Production  Plant Warehouse  Depot Warehouse  Distribution Warehouse  Retail

Stock Retail Shelf  Consumer
The customers of the Company are divided into different categories and different routes, and
every salesman is assigned to one particular route, which is to be followed by him on a daily
basis. A detailed and well organized distribution system contributes to the efficiency of the
salesmen. It also leads to low costs, higher sales and higher efficiency thereby leading to higher
profits to the firm.


After a visit of the total plant of Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages

Private Limited we can gives the conclusion that there should not be
any question about the quality of their product. We also came to know
TECHNIQUE. The growth depends upon the performance of the
employees so the Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited,
Raninagar plant ensure that every employee must get the best training
before starting their work. They segmented customers by their age,
choice etc, which is very important for any market survey. The
Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited Raninagar is very
much environment conscious too, as the Hindustan Coca-Cola
Beverages Private Limited’s Jalpaiguri unit in Raninagar was conferred
the Environment Appreciation Certificate.

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