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Drafts versus Auctions in the Indian Premier League

Tim B. Swartz

Abstract This paper examines the 2008 player auction used in the Indian Premier League (IPL). An argument is made that the auction was less than satisfactory and that future auctions be replaced by a draft where player salaries are determined by draft order. The salaries correspond to quantiles of a three-parameter lognormal distribution whose parameters are set according to team payroll constraints. The draft procedure is explored in the context of the IPL auction and in various sports including basketball, highland dance, golf, tennis, car racing and distance running.

Keywords: Auctions, Drafts, Lognormal distribution, Twenty20 cricket.

Tim Swartz is Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University, 8888

University Drive, Burnaby BC, Canada V5A1S6. Swartz has been partially supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. He thanks Golnar Zokai for help in obtaining datasets. He also thanks the Associate Editor and an anonymous referee for detailed comments that helped improve the manuscript.


In 2008, the Indian Premier League (IPL) was born. The 2008 IPL season involved 8 professional cricket teams, all based in India. In the IPL, teams play Twenty20 cricket, the most recent version of cricket which was introduced in 2003 in England. Twenty20 diers markedly from rst class and one-day cricket in that matches are completed in roughly 3.5 hours, a duration more in keeping with many professional team sports. As a form of limited overs cricket, Twenty20 cricket has two innings, each consisting of 10 wickets and 20 overs. Compared to one-day cricket with 50 overs, the reduced number of overs encourages aggressive batting and an exciting style of play. Although the World Cup of Twenty20 has been established and contested between international sides in 2007, 2009 and 2010, the IPL deserves much credit for generating widespread interest in Twenty20. To date, three successful IPL seasons have been completed (2008, 2009, 2010). Past IPL regular seasons have been short with two games played between each pair of teams, plus three playo matches for a total of 59 scheduled games. An IPL season typically begins in the spring (March or April) and is completed within six weeks time. The accelerated pace of the IPL season allows international players to return to their home country to resume training with their home nation. The accelerated pace of the season is also believed to keep fans riveted. In 2011, the IPL is expected to expand from 8 to 10 teams with franchises awarded to both Pune and Kochi. One of the fascinating features of the inaugural 2008 IPL season was the formation of the team rosters and the determination of player salaries. This was accomplished through a sequential English auction (Krishna 2010). Prior to the auction, players with an interest in playing in the IPL registered for the auction. Amongst the registrants, 77 were accepted by the IPL for inclusion on the auction list. In addition, the IPL set a base or reserve price for each player indicating the minimum salary for the player in the auction. The 2008 auction imposed various constraints unique to the IPL. For example, ve iconic players were identied and assigned to teams according to a regional aliation. The idea was that regional connections of star players to teams would generate increased interest in the IPL. The ve iconic players and their teams were Rahul Dravid (Bangalore), Sourav Ganguly

(Kolkata), Virender Sehwag (Delhi), Yuvraj Singh (Mohali) and Sachin Tendulkar (Mumbai). Further, the IPL required that each team with an iconic player must pay the iconic player a salary that is 15% higher than the highest auctioned salary on the team. Additionally, no team was allowed to exceed $5.0 million in total salary to players obtained in the auction including the iconic players. A lower bound of $3.5 million in salary was also required to help maintain a competitive balance in the league. A few other rules were imposed concerning the composition of teams based on players and their regional aliations. The purpose of the 2008 IPL auction was therefore twofold: the assignment of players to teams the determination of player salaries (1)

Now, it is well known that problems may exist with sequential auctions when there are dependencies between auction items (Krishna 2010). For example, suppose that a bidder has an interest in two adjacent lots that are auctioned sequentially where the bidders intention is to build a large hotel encompassing the two lots. In this case, a successful bid on exactly one of the lots is of little value since a large hotel cannot be built on a single lot. For this participant, the bidding ceiling on the rst lot depends on the unknown selling price of the second lot. Clearly, distortions in selling prices may exist with dependent auction items. In the 2008 IPL auction, dependencies existed amongst the auction items (ie. players). For example, a cricket team has complementary parts including bowlers, batsmen, wicketkeepers, and so on. And, there is a widespread feeling that distortions did exist in the 2008 IPL auction as players such as Mahendra Singh Doni was auctioned for $1.5 million in contrast to his reserve price of $400,000. On the other hand, Glenn McGrath surprisingly received no bid in the rst round of the auction, and eventually settled for his reserve price of $350,000. During the 2008 season, McGrath had an economy rate of 6.61, the fth best economy rate amongst players who had bowled at least 20 overs. Using regression techniques, Rastogi and Deodhar (2009) examine variables that may have played a role in determining the 2008 IPL auction prices. Karnik (2010) also considers the value of players using hedonic price models. Whereas simultaneous ascending auctions (Cramton 2006) and various combinatorial auctions (Krishna 2010) may be considered when multiple related objects are to be sold, these types of auctions tend to be far more complex than a sequential English auction. 3

With a full IPL auction again proposed for 2011, this paper argues for the use of a draft instead of an auction. The simplicity of a draft may be appealing to fans and the methods proposed here provide a theory-based approach for determining salaries. We note that there are no such general procedures in the various sports that utilize drafts. Suppose then that there are m teams and n eligible players where typically n is a multiple of m. A draft proceeds where the team drafting rst selects a player from the list of n eligible players, the team drafting second then chooses one of the remaining n 1 players, and so on, until the team drafting m-th selects one of the remaining n m + 1 players. In the second round of the draft, it is often viewed as fair to reverse the draft order such that the team drafting m-th in the rst round gets the next pick, the team drafting in position m 1 in the rst round gets the subsequent pick, and so on, until all players have been selected. There is a precedence for using drafts in professional team sports. Every year, the National Hockey League (NHL), the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Major League Baseball (MLB) hold drafts to select players who have been deemed eligible. The initial order of drafting is often related to a teams performance in the previous season with weak teams given preferential early draft picks. For the IPL, a randomization of draft order may be appropriate. Referring to the auction desiderata in (1), the assignment of players to teams in a draft is immediately accomplished. The question remains how to determine player salaries. In a draft, it is intuitive that salaries be assigned in a descending order according to draft position. In section 2, we propose a method of establishing salaries through the consideration of payroll constraints and the quantiles of lognormal distributions. In section 3, we explore the proposed draft procedure in the context of the IPL auction and the use of the three-parameter lognormal distribution in the various sports of basketball, highland dance, golf, tennis, car racing and distance running. For the IPL, we suggest that a simple draft procedure produces salaries that are in line with reality and that the approach is both conceptually and computationally simple. A discussion is provided in section 4. As a new league, there has not been a great deal of quantitative research related to the IPL. Some notable exceptions include the consideration of player performance (van Staden 2009; Petersen et al. 2008) and optimal team selection in Twenty20 cricket (Sharp et al. 2010). 4


In this section, we propose methodology based on a simple draft. We suggest that the draft provides an intuitive approach to assigning players to teams and provides salaries that are in line with true market values. Consider a randomly chosen cricketer from the population of eligible players in a future IPL draft. We imagine that such a player has trained for years and that his overall skill level S may be represented as S = aS +
1 2


where aS is the baseline skill level of an IPL player and there are underlying components

contributing to the cricketers incremental skill level. For example, we may have a very long list of components relating to agility, strength, speed, tness, throwing ability, health, etc. In (2), we have assumed that the eects are multiplicative. For example, a 1% increase in a particular component leads to a 1% increase in the cricketers incremental skill level. Referring to (2), for large N and under weak conditions involving the variances of the log( i ), the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) suggests that the distribution of log(
1 2


= log( 1 ) + log( 2 ) + + log(


is approximately normally distributed (see chapter 27 of Billingsley (1995)). Expressed in an equivalent form, the distribution of
1 2

is approximately lognormal according to

the standard two-parameter lognormal denition. Since salary may be thought of as a proxy for overall skill level, we therefore propose that IPL cricketers salaries arise from a threeparameter lognormal distribution. The three-parameter lognormal is of the form of a constant added to a two-parameter lognormal distribution. In fact, there is a long history of using lognormal distributions to successfully model incomes. Chapter 11 of Aitchison and Brown (1966) is devoted to the use of the lognormal distribution in a wide range of applications involving incomes. Consider then a random variable X Normal(, 2 ) such that Y = a + exp{X} has a three-parameter lognormal distribution with parameters a, and . Further, let v(q) be the q-th quantile of the standard Normal(0, 1) distribution (ie. q = (v(q)) where is the 5

distribution function of the standard normal). It follows that the q-th quantile of the threeparameter lognormal variable Y is a + exp { + v(q)} where v(q) is readily available from statistical software packages. Suppose that there are n players in an upcoming IPL draft involving m teams. Letting Yi denote the salary of the i-th player selected in the draft, based on (3), we suggest that Yi = a + exp { + vi } (4) (3)

where vi = v((n + 1 i)/(n + 1)). In (4), the salaries are in decreasing order according to draft position and are spaced such that there is equal probability between adjacent salaries. Equation (5) therefore provides a simple formula for determining IPL salaries. The sole remaining problem is the determination of the parameters a, and which characterize the three-parameter lognormal distribution. The determination of a, and ought to depend on the particular draft. For example, the salaries of iconic players need to be taken into account, and we note that the number of iconic players and their premium in salary (15% in 2008) may vary from draft to draft. The iconic players of 2008, Dravid, Ganguly, Sehwag, Singh and Tendulkar turn 37, 38, 33, 30 and 32 years of age respectively in 2011, and some of these cricketers may be reaching the end of their IPL careers. Also, there has been some discussion about teams retaining a few of their current players in 2011. If so, these players would be unavailable for drafting in 2011. Despite the dependence of a, and on the particular draft, we propose a general strategy for the determination of the parameters that may be modied in a given context. It is reasonable to assume that the IPL (or any sporting league) has an idea or requirement of minimum player salary, and we denote this quantity by smin . The minimum salary is assigned to the last player drafted. Similarly, we x the maximum salary smax and it is assigned to the rst player drafted. In the spirit of the IPL auction in 2008, it is also likely that the IPL impose a total salary obtained through a draft and we denote the salary limit by T . Using

(4), the three constraints are given by smin = a + exp { + vn } smax = a + exp { + v1 } T = na +
n i=1


exp { + vi } .

In the Appendix, we show that the solution of (5) in terms of a, and is straightforward. We note that the estimation procedure implies that the largest salary Y1 = smax and the smallest salary Yn = smin are always tted exactly.


In this section, we explore the use of the three-parameter lognormal distribution in various problems related to sport.


NBA Rookie Salaries

We rst consider a league where salaries are determined by draft order. In the 2010 NBA draft held June 24/2010, there were 30 teams involved in two rounds of drafting where NBA salaries are only guaranteed to players drafted in the rst round. Therefore, we consider only the rst round, and using previous notation, we have n = 30 and m = 30. The NBA draft salaries were determined by the NBAs collective bargaining agreement (CBA), and although it is unknown to us how the salaries were determined, it is safe to say that the lognormal distribution was not utilized. However, we take the view that the NBA salaries are reasonable, and we are interested in the comparison of the NBA salaries with salaries obtained using the lognormal methodology. The salaries are provided at www.hoopsworld.com/Story.asp?story id=9302. Examining the NBA salaries, we let X1 , . . . , X30 be the salaries determined by the CBA. We observe that the rst player selected was John Wall who was drafted by the Washington Wizards, and he received the maximum draft salary of smax = X1 = $4, 286, 900. The 30-th player selected was Lazar Hayward who through trades was also drafted by the Washington Wizards, and he received the minimum draft salary of smin = X30 = $850, 800. Using our methodology, we set $T = 51, 942, 000 corresponding to the total salary assigned to rst round 7

players. Using the proposed approach in section 2, we solve for the parameters a = 658, 473.60, = 13.6356 and = 0.7945. Substituting the parameters into (4), we then obtain the salaries Y1 , . . . , Y30 . In gure 1, we provide a Q-Q plot of (Xi , Yi ), i = 1, . . . , 30 which allows a comparison of the actual NBA rookie salaries with our proposed salaries. We observe considerable disagreement between the two salary scales. In particular, the NBA seems to have a more egalitarian approach as the dierences in salary between the early draft picks is not as great as with the lognormal quantiles. For example, the dierence in rookie salary between the rst and second draft pick is $451,300 compared to a dierence of $838,308 using the lognormal quantiles. NBA rookie salaries appear contradictory to the popular sentiment that the NBA is a league of stars, and that teams need superstars to succeed. With the exception of the Detroit Pistons in 2004, recent history in the NBA suggests that teams require star players in order to win championships.

1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000

lognormal salaries








NBA rookie salaries

Figure 1: Q-Q plot of NBA rookie salaries and quantiles obtained from the lognormal distribution together with the line y = x.


Highland Dance Points

Highland dance is a competive sport which combines both athleticism and artistry (Swartz 2007). In highland dance, competitors are judged and the top six competitors are awarded 8

points from rst place to sixth place with the remaining competitors receiving zero points. The points from rst through sixth are 88, 56, 38, 25, 16 and 10, respectively. We wish to compare the points awarded in highland dance with points obtained via the methodology of section 2 using lognormal quantiles. Accordingly, we set smin = 10, smax = 88 and T = 233 which yields lognormal parameter estimates a = 2.53, = 3.5168 and = 0.9263. Here, we might expect the t to be good as six points are t to a three-parameter family with the rst and last points tted exactly. In gure 2, we provide a Q-Q plot of the highland points with the lognormal quantiles and observe that the t is indeed good.

lognormal points









highland points

Figure 2: Q-Q plot of points awarded in highland dance and quantiles obtained from the lognormal distribution together with the line y = x.


PGA Prize Money

On the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) tour, there exists a standard approach for the determination of prize money (www.frankosport.us/golf/Purse/index.html#PM01) which has been in eect since 1979. Apart from the four Major tournaments, there are only a handful of exceptions to the standard approach. Consider then a tournament with a total purse of T = $5, 000, 000 and n = 70 corresponding to a 70-place purse. According to the standard approach for distributing prize money, we have smin = $10, 000 and a rst place prize of 9

smax = $900, 000 for winning the tournament. Using the methodology of section 2, we obtain the corresponding lognormal parameter estimates a = 9, 737.94, = 9.6339 and = 1.8522. In gure 3, we provide a Q-Q plot of the PGA prize money with the lognormal quantiles. In this case, we see that the t is reasonable. Unlike the NBA with guaranteed salaries, participation in the PGA tour is a cutthroat activity where players receive payment solely based on performance. In gure 3, the PGA recognizes the meaningful dierences between high nishing positions, and rewards players as such. For example the dierence in PGA prize money between rst place and second place is $900, 000 $540, 000 = $360, 000. With the lognormal quantiles, the dierence is a comparable $900, 000 $533, 431 = $366, 569.

lognormal prize money

0e+00 0e+00









PGA prize money

Figure 3: Q-Q plot of PGA prize money and quantiles obtained from the lognormal distribution together with the line y = x.


2011 Australian Open Tennis Prize Money

The Australian Open is one of the four prestigious Grand Slam tennis tournaments contested each year. We focus on the singles events for 2011 where the prize money is the same for the men and the women (www.australianopen.com/en AU/event guide/prize money.html). In the singles events, there are n = 128 players who receive prize money. The winners receive smax = $Aus 2.2 million and those who compete but do not advance beyond the rst 10

round receive smin = $Aus 20,000. The total purse is T = $Aus 8.9 million. A distinguishing feature of the distribution of the prize money compared to the previous examples is that the prize money is clumped as opposed to strictly decreasing. More specically, set amounts are received for players eliminated in the rst round (64), the second round (32), the third round (16), the fourth round (8), the quarternals (4), the seminals (2), and for the runnerup (1) and the champion (1). In tting the lognormal distribution as described in the Appendix, we obtain. a = 19, 998.80, = 7.3879 and = 2.9776. In gure 4, we provide a Q-Q plot of the singles prize money with the lognormal quantiles. In this case, we see that the t is good, and this provides further evidence that the lognormal distribution is useful in the determination of awards in sport. The t would be even better if the proposed methodology took into account the clumping structure of prize money.

lognormal prize money









Australian Open tennis prize money

Figure 4: Q-Q plot of 2011 Australian Open prize money for singles and quantiles obtained from the lognormal distribution together with the line y = x.


Formula 1 Racing

Formula 1 (F1) car racing is the sport involving high performance cars travelling at speeds often in excess of 300 kilometres per hour. Formula 1 races are contested throughout the year in dierent international cities where the outcomes of races are of great importance to car 11

manufacturers. According to the 2010 Formula 1 rules, in a designated Grand Prix race, there may be 24 drivers where only the top n = 10 nishers receive Grand Prix points. The points are accumulated throughout the season and count towards the FIA (Fdration Internationale e e de lAutomobile) World Championships. From rst to tenth place, points in a Grand Prix event are allotted as follows: 25, 18, 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1. To implement the tting algorithm corresponding to the lognormal distribution, we therefore have smax = 25, smin = 1 and T = 101. In tting the three-parameter lognormal distribution, we obtained a = 5.497, = 2.6445 and = 0.5791. In gure 5, we provide a Q-Q plot of the Formula 1 points with the resultant lognormal quantiles. We observe excellent t.

lognormal points









Formula 1 points

Figure 5: Q-Q plot of Formula 1 points and quantiles obtained from the lognormal distribution together with the line y = x.


2010 Boston Marathon Prize Money

The Boston Marathon is the worlds oldest marathon which is held annually on the third monday in April. Prize money is awarded to the top n = 15 nishers in both the mens and womens divisions in a competition that attracts over 20,000 runners. 12

Beginning in 1986, cash prizes are relatively new to the Boston Marathon. The 2010 prize structure is given in table 1 where the total purse in both divisions is T = $353, 000 with smax = $150, 000 and smin = $1, 500. Clearly, it is more lucrative to be a rst-round NBA rookie than a top-ranked marathon runner. Finishing Position 1 2 3 4 5 Prize Finishing Prize Finishing Prize Money Position Money Position Money $150,000 6 $12,000 11 $2,600 $75,000 7 $9,000 12 $2,100 $40,000 8 $7,400 13 $1,800 $25,000 9 $5,700 14 $1,700 $15,000 10 $4,200 15 $1,500

Table 1: The prize structure for men and women in the 2010 Boston Marathon. In tting the three-parameter lognormal distribution, we obtained a = 1147.02, = 8.8886 and = 1.6479. In gure 6, we provide a Q-Q plot of the 2010 cash prizes with the resultant lognormal quantiles. We observe reasonable t suggesting that the Boston Marathon rewards its top nishers in a manner consistent with our theory.

lognormal prize money







Boston Marathon prize money

Figure 6: Q-Q plot of 2010 Boston Marathon prize money and quantiles obtained from the lognormal distribution together with the line y = x.



IPL Salaries

We now return to the original problem of determining salaries in an IPL draft. Referring to the 2008 IPL auction and ignoring the ve iconic players, bids were received on 75 of the 77 registered players. The reserve prices and the winning auction bids are given in table 2. We therefore set n = 75. We also set smin = $100, 000 corresponding to the minimum auctioned salary bid on Chamara Silva (Hyderabad) and we set smax = $1, 500, 000 corresponding to the maximum auctioned salary bid on Mahendra Singh Dhoni (Chennai). The determination of the total salary T is less straightforward. Earlier, it was stated that each team was constrained by a maximum payroll of $5 million which might suggest T = 8($5, 000, 000) = $40, 000, 000. However, the total auctioned salaries for the teams (excluding the iconic players) was $36,780,000 and some of the teams exceeded the $5 million limit. The reason why some of the team auction totals exceeded the limit is because some players played only a portion of the IPL season, and the team payrolls were reduced proportionately. We prefer to deal with the auctioned bids rather than the reduced salaries as they better represent player worth over an entire IPL season. We therefore set T = $36, 780, 000 and obtain parameter estimates a = 41, 992.80, = 13.0561 and = 0.5368. At this stage, it is dicult to compare the proposed IPL draft with the actual auction that took place. Although we know the proposed draft salaries (see table 3), we do not know the players to whom the salaries ought to be assigned. To facilitate a comparison, consider the total of the reserve prices $15,255,000 assigned to the n = 75 cricketers in the 2008 IPL auction. The reserve prices greatly underestimate true market value as they are the minimum bidding prices for players. However, we do believe that there is information concerning player worth contained in the reserve prices, in the sense that the relative ordering of reserve prices provides insight into the relative ordering of player worth. We therefore calculate the correlation coecient between the auction prices and the corresponding reserve prices. The correlation is low (0.36), and this provides some evidence of distortion in auction prices. To provide some justication that the draft prices in table 3 are in line with market value, we calculate the correlation coecient between the reserve prices and the draft prices sorted according to the ordering in the reserve prices. Although the sorting gives an unfair advantage 14

to the draft procedure, we do note that the correlation is extremely high (0.98). To lessen the advantage, we take the sorted draft prices and mix them a little. Specically, we take consecutive groups of ve draft prices and reverse their order. The rationale is that the reserve prices exhibit roughly the correct ordering in market value but not exactly. In this case, the correlation is still reasonably high (0.67).


In theory, distorted bidding may arise in sequential English auctions involving complementary items. We have seen evidence of this phenomenom in the 2008 IPL auction, and we propose an alternative approach for the IPL in 2011. Specically, we propose a simple draft where players are assigned to teams according to the teams which draft them, and where salaries are set according to the quantiles of a three-parameter lognormal distribution. The draft and the determination of lognormal parameters is straightforward, and the motivation for the approach is based on the supposition of multiplicative components of skill and the application of the CLT. Even if the CLT motivation is not found to be compelling, the exibility of the three-parameter lognormal distribution facilitates modelling for a wide variety of distributional shapes. In various sports, we have demonstrated that the procedure produces results that are in line with current practice. Should the IPL wish to consider an auction, at the very least, the lognormal quantiles provide a starting point for assessing reasonable salaries. There are several idiosyncrasies of the IPL that may be incorporated in the draft. With iconic players, they may again be assigned to teams with salaries determined by lognormal quantiles. With p iconic players, it may be seen as fair to give each iconic player the average salary of the top p lognormal quantiles. Constraints on total payroll may also allow teams to undertake various strategies that are intuitive to the public. For example, a team may trade draft picks to another team. This could be sensible when the next best available player is a player whose position on the team is already adequately lled. A team may also choose to skip a draft pick if its payroll is too high or if comparable undrafted players may be obtained at lower prices. This practice corresponds to a player who receives no bids in an auction. Finally, there has been some dissatisfaction with rookie salaries in the NFL (Trotter 2010). 15

Whereas a rookie draft does exist in the NFL, the determination of salaries requires a negotiating process. It is clear that the methodology in this paper could be readily applied in the determination of a NFL rookie salary scale based on the existing NFL rookie draft. With the NFL collective bargaining agreement set to expire in March of 2011, the approach proposed in this paper may be worth investigating.


We refer to the three constraints in (5) where our problem is to solve for a, and . Noting that vn = v1 , we rewrite the rst two equations in (5) as log(smin a) = v1 log(smax a) = + v1 . From (6), we obtain
1 = 2 log (smin a) + 1 log (smax a) 2


1 2v1


smax a smin a


We then substitute the two expressions from (7) into the third equation in (5). This leads to

T = na +

(smax a)(smin a)

smax a smin a

vi 2v1


Since (8) is a decreasing function of a for a < smin , the determination of a is computationally straightforward. We then substitute a back into (7) to obtain and .

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Player MS Dhoni A Symonds S Jayasuriya I Sharma I Pathan B Lee J Kallis RP Singh H Singh C Gayle R Uthappa R Sharma G Gambhir A Gilchrist K Sangakkara B McCullum A Morkel S Afridi J Oram M Kaif M Tiwari M Asif S Raina D Vettori S Sreesanth

Reserve Price 400 250 250 150 200 300 225 200 250 250 200 150 220 300 250 175 225 225 200 125 100 225 125 250 200

Win Bid 1500 1350 975 950 925 900 900 875 850 800 800 750 725 700 700 700 675 675 675 675 675 650 650 625 625

Player D Hussey M Muralitharan H Gibbs S Pollock D Karthik S Malik A Kumble C White G Smith M Jayawardene Y Pathan S Warne M Boucher Z Khan S Akhtar M Kartik R Ponting P Chawla M Hayden VVS Laxman G McGrath S Fleming M Hussey A Agarkar L Malinga

Reserve Price 100 250 250 200 200 300 250 100 250 250 100 450 200 200 250 200 335 125 225 150 350 350 250 200 200

Win Bid 625 600 575 550 525 500 500 500 475 475 475 450 450 450 425 425 400 400 375 375 350 350 350 350 350

Player N Bracken D Steyn P Patel AB de Villiers M Patel T Dilshan R Sarwan Y Khan F Maharoof J Sharma S Chanderpaul J Langer S Katich M Ntini C Vaas S Styris R Powar K Akmal W Jaer U Gul D Fernando L Bosman T Taibu N Zoysa C Silva

Reserve Price 225 150 150 200 100 150 225 225 150 100 200 200 200 200 200 175 150 150 150 150 150 150 125 100 100

Win Bid 325 325 325 300 275 250 225 225 225 225 200 200 200 200 200 175 170 150 150 150 150 150 125 110 100

Table 2: Reserve prices and winning bids in thousands of dollars for the 75 players in the 2008 IPL auction.


Draft Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Draft Draft Salary Order 1,500,000 26 1,282,290 27 1,159,607 28 1,074,429 29 1,009,313 30 956,660 31 912,483 32 874,434 33 841,015 34 811,214 35 784,313 36 759,787 37 737,242 38 716,370 39 696,930 40 678,728 41 661,608 42 645,438 43 630,110 44 615,532 45 601,627 46 588,327 47 575,575 48 563,319 49 551,516 50

Draft Salary 540,126 529,115 518,452 508,108 498,060 488,284 478,760 469,469 460,394 451,519 442,828 434,310 425,949 417,736 409,658 401,705 393,866 386,133 378,494 370,942 363,467 356,061 348,715 341,420 334,167

Draft Order 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

Draft Salary 326,949 319,755 312,577 305,402 298,223 291,029 283,806 276,541 269,221 261,828 254,344 246,748 239,014 231,112 223,006 214,651 205,989 196,946 187,421 177,273 166,291 154,143 140,239 123,357 100,000

Table 3: Salaries in dollars based on a draft corresponding to the 2008 IPL auction and the tting of the three-parameter lognormal distribution.


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