Philippine Bar 2016 Syllabus
Philippine Bar 2016 Syllabus
Philippine Bar 2016 Syllabus
8. Delegated powers
9. Veto powers
10. Residual powers
11. Executive privilege
C. Rules of Succession
V. Judicial Department
A. Concepts
1. Judicial power
2. Judicial review
a) Operative fact doctrine
b) Moot questions
c) Political question doctrine
B. Safeguards of Judicial independence
C. Judicial restraint
D. Appointments to the Judiciary
E. Supreme Court
1. En banc and division cases
2. Procedural rule-making
3. Administrative supervision over lower courts
VI. Constitutional Commissions
A. Constitutional safeguards to ensure independence of commissions
B. Powers and functions of each commission
C. Prohibited offices and interests
D. Jurisdiction of each constitutional commission
E. Review of final orders, resolutions and decisions
1. Rendered in the exercise of quasi-judicial functions
2. Rendered in the exercise of administrative functions
H. Freedom of religion
1. Non-establishment clause
a) Concept and basis
b) Acts permitted and not permitted by the clause
c) Test
2. Free exercise clause
3. Tests
a) Clear and Present Danger Test
b) Compelling State Interest Test
c) Conscientious Objector Test
I. Liberty of abode and freedom of movement
1. Limitations
2. Right to travel
a) Watch-list and hold departure orders
3. Return to ones country
J. Right to information
1. Limitations
2. Publication of laws and regulations
3. Access to court records
4. Right to information relative to:
a) Government contract negotiations
b) Diplomatic negotiations
K. Right of association
L. Eminent domain
1. Concept
2. Expansive concept of public use
3. Just compensation
a) Determination
b) Effect of delay
4. Abandonment of intended use and right of repurchase
5. Miscellaneous application
M. Contract clause
1. Contemporary application of the contract clause
N. Legal assistance and free access to courts
O. Rights of suspects
1. Availability
2. Requisites
3. Waiver
P. Rights of the accused
1. Criminal due process
2. Bail
3. Presumption of innocence
4. Right to be heard
5. Assistance of counsel
6. Right to be informed
7. Right to speedy, impartial and public trial
8. Right of confrontation
9. Compulsory process
10. Trials in absentia
Q. Writ of habeas corpus
R. Writs of amparo, habeas data, and kalikasan
S. Self-incrimination clause
1. Scope and coverage
a) Foreign laws
2. Application
3. Immunity statutes
T. Involuntary servitude and political prisoners
U. Excessive fines and cruel and inhuman punishments
V. Non-imprisonment for debts
W. Double jeopardy
1. Requisites
2. Motions for reconsideration and appeals
3. Dismissal with consent of accused
X. Ex post facto laws and bills of attainder
VIII. Citizenship
A. Who are Filipino citizens
B. Modes of acquiring citizenship
F. Candidacy
1. Qualifications of candidates
2. Filing of certificates of candidacy
a) Effect of filing
b) Substitution of candidates
c) Ministerial duty of COMELEC to receive certificate
d) Nuisance candidates
e) Petition to deny or cancel certificates of candidacy
f) Effect of disqualification
g) Withdrawal of candidates
G. Campaign
1. Premature campaigning
2. Prohibited contributions
3. Lawful and prohibited election propaganda
4. Limitations on expenses
5. Statement of contributions and expenses
H. Board of Election Inspectors and Board of Canvassers
1. Composition
2. Powers
I. Remedies and jurisdiction in election law
1. Petition not to give due course to or cancel a certificate of candidacy
2. Petition for disqualification
3. Petition to declare failure of elections
4. Pre-proclamation controversy
5. Election protest
6. Quo warranto
J. Prosecution of election offenses (EXCLUDE: penal provisions)
1. Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines (B.P. Blg. 881 as amended)
2. Election Automation Law (R.A. No. 8436 as amended by R.A. No. 9369)
XII. Local Governments
A. Public corporations
1. Concept
a) Distinguished from government-owned or controlled corporations
2. Classifications
a) Quasi-corporations
b) Municipal corporations
B. Municipal corporations
1. Elements
2. Nature and functions
3. Requisites for creation, conversion, division, merger or dissolution
6. Conflicts of jurisdiction
J. Treatment of aliens
1. Extradition
a) Fundamental principles
b) Procedure
c) Distinguished from deportation
K. International Human Rights Law
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
3. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
L. International Humanitarian Law and neutrality
1. Categories of armed conflicts
a) International armed conflicts
b) Internal or non-international armed conflict
c) War of national liberation
2. Core international obligations of states in International Humanitarian Law
3. Principles of International Humanitarian Law
a) Treatment of civilians
b) Prisoners of war
4. Law on neutrality
M. Law of the sea
1. Baselines
2. Archipelagic states
a) Straight archipelagic baselines
b) Archipelagic waters
c) Archipelagic sea lanes passage
3. Internal waters
4. Territorial sea
5. Exclusive economic zone
6. Continental shelf
a) Extended continental shelf
7. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
N. Madrid Protocol and the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
O. International environmental law
1. Principle 21 of the Stockholm Declaration
P. International economic law
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law schools as a
course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that Bar candidates are
guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics, and
promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2016
Bar Examinations.
H. Separation Pay
I. Retirement Pay
a. Eligibility
b. Amount
c. Retirement benefits of workers paid by results
d. Retirement benefits of part-time workers
e. Taxability
J. Women Workers
a. Provisions against discrimination
b. Stipulation against marriage
c. Prohibited acts
d. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (R.A. No. 7877)
K. Employment of Minors (Labor Code and R.A. No. 7678, R.A. No. 9231)
L. Househelpers (Labor Code as amended by R.A. No. 7655, An Act Increasing the
Minimum Wage of Househelpers; see also Household Service under the Civil Code)
M. Employment of Homeworkers
N. Apprentices and Learners
O. Persons with disability (R.A. No. 7277, as amended by R.A. No. 9442)
a. Definition
b. Rights of persons with disability
c. Prohibition on discrimination against persons with disability
d. Incentives for employers
V. Management Prerogative
A. Discipline
B. Transfer of employees
C. Productivity standard
D. Grant of bonus
E. Change of working hours
F. Rules on Marriage between employees of competitor-employers
G. Post-employment ban; non-compete and confidentiality clauses
4. Beneficiaries
B. GSIS Law (R.A. No. 8291)
1. Coverage
2. Exclusions from coverage
3. Benefits
4. Beneficiaries
C. Limited Portability Law (R.A. No. 7699)
D. Employees compensation coverage and when compensable
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law schools as a
course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that Bar candidates are
guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics, and
promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2016
Bar Examinations.
The Family
Civil Law
VIII. Adoption
A. Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 (R.A. No. 8552)
1. Rule on Adoption (A.M. No. 02-6-02-SC )
2. R.A. No. 9523, entitled An Act Requiring Certification of the Department of
Social Welfare and Development to Declare a Child Legally Available for
Adoption as a Prerequisite for Adoption Proceedings x x x.]
B. Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995 (R.A. No. 8043)
[Exclude: Articles 183-188, 191-193 (Family Code)]
Emancipation (Arts. 234 and 236, Family Code, as amended by R.A. No. 6809
which lowered the age of majority)
Civil Law
Use of Surnames
Arts. 364-369, 369-380, Civil Code (other articles repealed by Family Code)
VIII. Usufruct
No prescription applicable
Elements of an Obligation
Classification of Obligations
Sources of Obligations
Extinguishment of Obligations
Essential Requisites
Kinds of Contracts
Defective Contracts
Effect of Contracts
Subject Matter
Civil Law
Civil Law
Transfer of Ownership
Documents of Title
Performance of Contract
General Provisions
Testamentary Succession
Contract of Partnership
Limited Partnership
Definition of Agency
Agency by Estoppel
Irrevocable Agency
Modes of Extinguishment
Void Compromise
Civil Law
Real Mortgage
Chattel Mortgage
Include: Act 1508
VIII. Quasi-contracts
Lease of Things
Torrens System
Regalian Doctrine
Citizenship Requirement
Original Registration
Civil Law
Subsequent Registration
Non-registrable Properties
Classification of Torts
The Tortfeasor
Proximate Cause
Legal Injury
Intentional Torts
VIII. Negligence
Strict Liability
Book II--Damages
General Considerations
Civil Law
Moral Damages
Nominal Damages
Liquidated Damages
Civil Law
Graduation of Damages
Miscellaneous Rules
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law schools as a
course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that Bar candidates are
guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics, and
promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2016
Bar Examinations.
I. General Principles of Taxation
A. Definition and concept of taxation
B. Nature of taxation
C. Characteristics of taxation
D. Power of taxation compared with other powers
1. Police power
2. Power of eminent domain
E. Purpose of taxation
1. Revenue-raising
2. Non-revenue/special or regulatory
F. Principles of sound tax system
1. Fiscal adequacy
2. Administrative feasibility
3. Theoretical justice
G. Theory and basis of taxation
1. Lifeblood theory
2. Necessity theory
3. Benefits-protection theory (Symbiotic relationship)
4. Jurisdiction over subject and objects
H. Doctrines in taxation
1. Prospectivity of tax laws
2. Imprescriptibility
3. Double taxation
a) Strict sense
b) Broad sense
c) Constitutionality of double taxation
d) Modes of eliminating double taxation
4. Escape from taxation
a) Shifting of tax burden
(i) Ways of shifting the tax burden
(ii) Taxes that can be shifted
(iii) Meaning of impact and incidence of taxation
b) Tax avoidance
c) Tax evasion
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
4. Refund
K. Definition, nature, and characteristics of taxes
L. Requisites of a valid tax
M. Tax as distinguished from other forms of exactions
1. Tariff
2. Toll
3. License fee
4. Special assessment
5. Debt
N. Kinds of taxes
1. As to object
a) Personal, capitation, or poll tax
b) Property tax
c) Privilege tax
2. As to burden or incidence
a) Direct
b) Indirect
3. As to tax rates
a) Specific
b) Ad valorem
c) Mixed
4. As to purposes
a) General or fiscal
b) Special, regulatory, or sumptuary
5. As to scope or authority to impose
a) National internal revenue taxes
b) Local real property tax, municipal tax
6. As to graduation
a) Progressive
b) Regressive
c) Proportionate
II. National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) of 1997, as amended
A. Income taxation
1. Income tax systems
a) Global tax system
b) Schedular tax system
c) Semi-schedular or semi-global tax system
2. Features of the Philippine income tax law
Law on Taxation
a) Direct tax
b) Progressive
c) Comprehensive
d) Semi-schedular or semi-global tax system
Criteria in imposing Philippine income tax
a) Citizenship principle
b) Residence principle
c) Source principle
Types of Philippine income tax
Taxable period
a) Calendar period
b) Fiscal period
c) Short period
Kinds of taxpayers
a) Individual taxpayers
(i) Citizens
(a) Resident citizens
(b) Non-resident citizens
(ii) Aliens
(a) Resident aliens
(b) Non-resident aliens
(1) Engaged in trade or business
(2) Not engaged in trade or business
(iii) Special class of individual employees
(a) Minimum wage earner
b) Corporations
(i) Domestic corporations
(ii) Foreign corporations
(a) Resident foreign corporations
(b) Non-resident foreign corporations
(iii) Joint venture and consortium
c) Partnerships
d) General professional partnerships
e) Estates and trusts
f) Co-ownerships
Income taxation
a) Definition
b) Nature
c) General principles
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
8. Income
a) Definition
b) Nature
c) When income is taxable
(i) Existence of income
(ii) Realization of income
(a) Tests of realization
(b) Actual vis--vis constructive receipt
(iii) Recognition of income
[Exclude: Methods of accounting]
d) Tests in determining whether income is earned for tax purposes
(i) Realization test
(ii) Claim of right doctrine or doctrine of ownership, command, or control
(iii) Economic benefit test, doctrine of proprietary interest
(iv) Severance test
(v) All events test
9. Gross income
a) Definition
b) Concept of income from whatever source derived
c) Gross income vis--vis net income vis--vis taxable income
d) Classification of income as to source
(i) Gross income and taxable income from sources within the Philippines
(ii) Gross income and taxable income from sources without the Philippines
(iii) Income partly within or partly without the Philippines
e) Sources of income subject to tax
(i) Compensation income
(ii) Fringe benefits
(a) Special treatment of fringe benefits
(b) Definition
(c) Taxable and non-taxable fringe benefits
(iii) Professional income
(iv) Income from business
(v) Income from dealings in property
(a) Types of properties
(1) Ordinary assets
(2) Capital assets
(b) Types of gains from dealings in property
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
(2) Dividends
(3) Services
(4) Rentals
(5) Royalties
(6) Sale of real property
(7) Sale of personal property
(8) Shares of stock of domestic corporation
(f) Situs of income taxation (see page 2 under inherent limitations,
(g) Exclusions from gross income
(1) Rationale for the exclusions
(2) Taxpayers who may avail of the exclusions
(3) Exclusions distinguished from deductions and tax credit
(4) Under the Constitution
(a) Income derived by the government or its political
subdivisions from the exercise of any essential governmental
(5) Under the Tax Code
(a) Proceeds of life insurance policies
(b) Return of premium paid
(c) Amounts received under life insurance, endowment or
annuity contracts
(d) Value of property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or
(e) Amount received through accident or health insurance
(f) Income exempt under tax treaty
(g) Retirement benefits, pensions, gratuities, etc.
(h) Winnings, prizes, and awards, including those in sports
(6) Under special laws
(a) Personal Equity and Retirement Account
(h) Deductions from gross income
(1) General rules
(a) Deductions must be paid or incurred in connection with
the taxpayers trade, business or profession
(b) Deductions must be supported by adequate receipts or
invoices (except standard deduction)
(c) Additional requirement relating to withholding
(2) Return of capital (cost of sales or services)
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
(d) Losses
(1) Requisites for deductibility
(2) Other types of losses
(a) Capital losses
(b) Securities becoming worthless
(c) Losses on wash sales of stocks or securities
(d) Wagering losses
(e) Net Operating Loss Carry-Over (NOLCO)
(e) Bad debts
(1) Requisites for deductibility
(2) Effect of recovery of bad debts
(f) Depreciation
(1) Requisites for deductibility
(2) Methods of computing depreciation allowance
(a) Straight-line method
(b) Declining-balance method
(c) Sum-of-the-years-digit method
[Exclude: Computation of depreciation allowance]
(g) Charitable and other contributions
(1) Requisites for deductibility
(2) Amount that may be deducted
(h) Contributions to pension trusts
(1) Requisites for deductibility
(i) Deductions under special laws
(4) Optional standard deduction
(a) Individuals, except non-resident aliens
(b) Corporations, except non-resident foreign corporations
(c) Partnerships
(5) Personal and additional exemption (R.A. No. 9504, Minimum
Wage Earner Law)
(a) Basic personal exemptions
(b) Additional exemptions for taxpayer with dependents
(c) Status-at-the-end-of-the-year rule
(d) Exemptions claimed by non-resident aliens
(6) Items not deductible
(a) General rules
(b) Personal, living or family expenses
(c) Amount paid for new buildings or for permanent
improvements (capital expenditures)
(d) Amount expended in restoring property (major repairs)
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
(a) Interest from deposits and yield, or any other monetary benefit from
deposit substitutes and from trust funds and similar arrangements
and royalties
(b) Capital gains from the sale of shares of stock not traded in the stock
(c) Income derived under the expanded foreign currency deposit system
(d) Inter-corporate dividends
(e) Capital gains realized from the sale, exchange, or disposition of lands
and/or buildings
(ii) Passive income not subject to tax
d) Taxation of capital gains
(i) Income from sale of shares of stock
(ii) Income from the sale of real property situated in the Philippines
(iii) Income from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of other capital
e) Tax on proprietary educational institutions and hospitals
f) Tax on government-owned or controlled corporations, agencies or
14. Taxation of resident foreign corporations
a) General rule
b) With respect to their income from sources within the Philippines
c) Minimum Corporate Income Tax
d) Tax on certain income
(i) Interest from deposits and yield, or any other monetary benefit from
deposit substitutes, trust funds and similar arrangements and royalties
(ii) Income derived under the expanded foreign currency deposit system
(iii) Capital gains from sale of shares of stock not traded in the stock
(iv) Inter-corporate dividends
(i) International carrier
(ii) Offshore banking units
(iii) Branch profits remittances
(iv) Regional or area headquarters and regional operating
headquarters of multinational companies]
15. Taxation of non-resident foreign corporations
a) General rule
b) Tax on certain income
(i) Interest on foreign loans
(ii) Inter-corporate dividends
Law on Taxation
(iii) Capital gains from sale of shares of stock not traded in the stock
(i) Non-resident cinematographic film-owner, lessor or distributor
(ii) Non-resident owner or lessor of vessels chartered by Philippine
(iii) Non-resident owner or lessor of aircraft machineries and other
Improperly accumulated earnings of corporations
Exemption from tax on corporations
Taxation of partnerships
Taxation of general professional partnerships
Withholding tax
a) Concept
b) Kinds
(i) Withholding of final tax on certain incomes
(ii) Withholding of creditable tax at source
(i) Withholding of VAT
(ii) Filing of return and payment of taxes withheld
(iii) Final withholding tax at source
(iv) Creditable withholding tax
(v) Timing of withholding]
B. Estate tax
1. Basic principles
2. Definition
3. Nature
4. Purpose or object
5. Time and transfer of properties
6. Classification of decedent
7. Gross estate vis--vis net estate
8. Determination of gross estate and net estate
9. Composition of gross estate
10. Items to be included in gross estate
11. Deductions from estate
12. Exclusions from estate
13. Tax credit for estate taxes paid in a foreign country
14. Exemption of certain acquisitions and transmissions
15. Filing of notice of death
16. Estate tax return
Law on Taxation
C. Donors tax
1. Basic principles
2. Definition
3. Nature
4. Purpose or object
5. Requisites of valid donation
6. Transfers which may be constituted as donation
a) Sale/exchange/transfer of property for insufficient consideration
b) Condonation/remission of debt
7. Transfer for less than adequate and full consideration
8. Classification of donor
9. Determination of gross gift
10. Composition of gross gift
11. Valuation of gifts made in property
12. Tax credit for donors taxes paid in a foreign country
13. Exemptions of gifts from donors tax
14. Person liable
15. Tax basis
D. Value-Added Tax (VAT)
1. Concept
2. Characteristics/Elements of a VAT-Taxable transaction
3. Impact of tax
4. Incidence of tax
5. Tax credit method
6. Destination principle
7. Persons liable
8. VAT on sale of goods or properties
a) Requisites of taxability of sale of goods or properties
9. Zero-rated sales of goods or properties, and effectively zero-rated sales of goods
or properties
10. Transactions deemed sale
a) Transfer, use or consumption not in the course of business of
goods/properties originally intended for sale or use in the course of business
b) Distribution or transfer to shareholders, investors or creditors
c) Consignment of goods if actual sale not made within 60 days from date of
d) Retirement from or cessation of business with respect to inventories on hand
11. VAT exempt transactions
a) VAT exempt transactions, in general
12. Refund or tax credit of excess input tax
a) Who may claim for refund/apply for issuance of tax credit certificate
b) Period to file claim/apply for issuance of tax credit certificate
c) Manner of giving refund
d) Destination principle or cross-border doctrine
Law on Taxation
(i) Change or cessation of status as VAT-registered person
(ii) VAT on importation of goods
(iii) VAT on sale of service and use or lease of properties
(iv) Zero-rated sale of services
(v) Input tax and output tax, defined
(vi) Sources of input tax
(vii) Persons who can avail of input tax credit
(viii) Determination of output/input tax; VAT payable; excess input
tax credits
(ix) Substantiation of input tax credits
(x) Invoicing requirements
(xi) Filing of return and payment
(xii) Withholding of final VAT on sales to government]
E. Tax remedies under the NIRC
1. Taxpayers remedies
a) Assessment
(i) Concept of assessment
(a) Requisites for valid assessment
(b) Constructive methods of income determination
(c) Inventory method for income determination
(d) Jeopardy assessment
(e) Tax delinquency and tax deficiency
(ii) Power of the Commissioner to make assessments and prescribe additional
requirements for tax administration and enforcement
(a) Power of the Commissioner to obtain information, and to
summon/examine, and take testimony of persons
(iii) When assessment is made
(a) Prescriptive period for assessment
(1) False, fraudulent, and non-filing of returns
(b) Suspension of running of statute of limitations
(iv) General provisions on additions to the tax
(a) Civil penalties
(b) Interest
(c) Compromise penalties
(v) Assessment process
(a) Tax audit
(b) Notice of informal conference
(c) Issuance of preliminary assessment notice
(d) Exceptions to issuance of preliminary assessment notice
(e) Reply to preliminary assessment notice
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
c) Refund
(i) Grounds and requisites for refund
(ii) Requirements for refund as laid down by cases
(a) Necessity of written claim for refund
(b) Claim containing a categorical demand for reimbursement
(c) Filing of administrative claim for refund and the suit/proceeding
before the CTA within 2 years from date of payment regardless of
any supervening cause
(iii) Legal basis of tax refunds
(iv) Statutory basis for tax refund under the tax code
(a) Scope of claims for refund
(b) Necessity of proof for claim or refund
(c) Burden of proof for claim of refund
(d) Nature of erroneously-paid tax/illegally assessed collected
(e) Tax refund vis--vis tax credit
(f) Essential requisites for claim of refund
(v) Who may claim/apply for tax refund/tax credit
(a) Taxpayer/withholding agents of non-resident foreign corporation
(vi) Prescriptive period for recovery of tax erroneously or illegally collected
(vii) Other consideration affecting tax refunds
2. Government remedies
a) Administrative remedies
(i) Tax lien
(ii) Levy and sale of real property
(iii) Forfeiture of real property to the government for want of bidder
(iv) Further distraint and levy
(v) Suspension of business operation
(vi) Non-availability of injunction to restrain collection of tax
b) Judicial remedies
3. Statutory offenses and penalties
a) Civil penalties
(i) Surcharge
(ii) Interest
(a) In general
(b) Deficiency interest
(c) Delinquency interest
(d) Interest on extended payment
4. Compromise and abatement of taxes
a) Compromise
b) Abatement
F. Organization and Function of the Bureau of Internal Revenue
1. Rule-making authority of the Secretary of Finance
a) Authority of Secretary of Finance to promulgate rules and regulations
b) Specific provisions to be contained in rules and regulations
c) Non-retroactivity of rulings
2. Power of the Commissioner to suspend the business operation of a taxpayer
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
8. Taxpayers remedies
a) Periods of assessment and collection of local taxes, fees or charges
b) Protest of assessment
c) Claim for refund of tax credit for erroneously or illegally collected tax, fee or
9. Civil remedies by the LGU for collection of revenues
a) Local governments lien for delinquent taxes, fees or charges
b) Civil remedies, in general
(i) Administrative action
(ii) Judicial action
B. Real property taxation
1. Fundamental principles
2. Nature of real property tax
3. Imposition of real property tax
a) Power to levy real property tax
b) Exemption from real property tax
4. Appraisal and assessment of real property tax [CONCEPT ONLY]
5. Collection of real property tax
a) Date of accrual of real property tax and special levies
b) Collection of tax
(i) Collecting authority
(ii) Duty of assessor to furnish local treasurer with assessment rolls
(iii) Notice of time for collection of tax
c) Periods within which to collect real property tax
d) Special rules on payment
(i) Payment of real property tax in installments
(ii) Interests on unpaid real property tax
(iii) Condonation of real property tax
e) Remedies of LGUs for collection of real property tax
(i) Issuance of notice of delinquency for real property tax payment
(ii) Local governments lien
(iii) Remedies in general
(iv) Resale of real estate taken for taxes, fees or charges
(v) Further levy until full payment of amount due
6. Refund or credit of real property tax
a) Payment under protest
b) Repayment of excessive collections
7. Taxpayers remedies
a) Contesting an assessment of value of real property
(i) Appeal to the Local Board of Assessment Appeals
(ii) Appeal to the Central Board of Assessment Appeals
(iii) Effect of payment of tax
b. Payment of real property tax under protest
(i) File protest with local treasurer
(ii) Appeal to the Local Board of Assessment Appeals
(iii) Appeal to the Central Board of Assessment Appeals
(iv) Appeal to the CTA
(v) Appeal to the Supreme Court
Law on Taxation
Law on Taxation
I. Remedies
1. Government
a) Administrative/extrajudicial
(i) Search, seizure, forfeiture, arrest
b) Judicial
(i) Rules on appeal including jurisdiction
2. Taxpayer
a) Protest
b) Abandonment
c) Abatement and refund
V. Judicial Remedies (R.A. No. 1125, as amended, and the Revised Rules of the
Court of Tax Appeals)
A. Jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals
1. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over civil tax cases
a) Cases within the jurisdiction of the court en banc
b) Cases within the jurisdiction of the court in divisions
2. Criminal cases
a) Exclusive original jurisdiction
b) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases
B. Judicial procedures
1. Judicial action for collection of taxes
a) Internal revenue taxes
b) Local taxes
(i) Prescriptive period
2. Civil cases
a) Who may appeal, mode of appeal, effect of appeal
(i) Suspension of collection of tax
a) Injunction not available to restrain collection
(ii) Taking of evidence
(iii) Motion for reconsideration or new trial
b) Appeal to the CTA, en banc
c) Petition for review on certiorari to the Supreme Court
3. Criminal cases
a) Institution and prosecution of criminal actions
(i) Institution of civil action in criminal action
b) Appeal and period to appeal
(i) Solicitor General as counsel for the people and government officials
sued in their official capacity
c) Petition for review on certiorari to the Supreme Court
C. Taxpayers suit impugning the validity of tax measures or acts of taxing authorities
1. Taxpayers suit, defined
2. Distinguished from citizens suit
3. Requisites for challenging the constitutionality of a tax measure or act of taxing
a) Concept of locus standi as applied in taxation
b) Doctrine of transcendental importance
c) Ripeness for judicial determination
Law on Taxation
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law schools as a
course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that Bar candidates are
guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics, and
promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2016
Bar Examinations.
I. Letters of Credit
A. Definition and Nature of Letter of Credit
B. Parties to a Letter of Credit
1. Rights and Obligations of Parties
C. Basic Principles of Letter of Credit
1. Doctrine of Independence
2. Fraud Exception Principle
3. Doctrine of Strict Compliance
Mercantile Law
3. Effect of Notice
4. Form of Notice
5. Waiver
6. Dispensation with Notice
7. Effect of Failure to Give Notice
K. Discharge of Negotiable Instrument
1. Discharge of Negotiable Instrument
2. Discharge of Parties Secondarily Liable
3. Right of Party Who Discharged Instrument
4. Renunciation by Holder
L. Material Alteration
1. Concept
2. Effect of Material Alteration
M. Acceptance
1. Definition
2. Manner
3. Time for Acceptance
4. Rules Governing Acceptance
N. Presentment for Acceptance
1. Time/Place/Manner of Presentment
2. Effect of Failure to Make Presentment
3. Dishonor by Non-Acceptance
O. Promissory Notes
P. Checks
1. Definition
2. Kinds
3. Presentment for Payment
a. Time
b. Effect of Delay
Mercantile Law
Mercantile Law
Mercantile Law
V. Transportation Laws
A. Common Carriers
1. Diligence Required of Common Carriers
2. Liabilities of Common Carriers
B. Vigilance over Goods
1. Exempting Causes
a. Requirement of Absence of Negligence
b. Absence of Delay
c. Due Diligence to Prevent or Lessen the Loss
2. Contributory Negligence
3. Duration of Liability
a. Delivery of Goods to Common Carrier
b. Actual or Constructive Delivery
c. Temporary Unloading or Storage
4. Stipulation for Limitation of Liability
a. Void Stipulations
b. Limitation of Liability to Fixed Amount
c. Limitation of Liability in Absence of Declaration of Greater Value
5. Liability for Baggage of Passengers
a. Checked-In Baggage
b. Baggage in Possession of Passengers
C. Safety of Passengers
1. Void Stipulations
2. Duration of Liability
a. Waiting for Carrier or Boarding of Carrier
b. Arrival at Destination
3. Liability for Acts of Others
a. Employees
b. Other Passengers and Strangers
4. Extent of Liability for Damages
D. Bill of Lading
1. Three-Fold Character
2. Delivery of Goods
a. Period of Delivery
b. Delivery Without Surrender of Bill of Lading
c. Refusal of Consignee to Take Delivery
3. Period for Filing Claims
4. Period for Filing Actions
E. Maritime Commerce
1. Charter Parties
a. Bareboat/Demise Charter
b. Time Charter
c. Voyage/Trip Charter
2. Liability of Ship Owners and Shipping Agents
a. Liability for Acts of Captain
b. Exceptions to Limited Liability
3. Accidents and Damages in Maritime Commerce
a. General Average
b. Collisions
4. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
a. Application
b. Notice of Loss or Damage
c. Period of Prescription
d. Limitation of Liability
F. The Warsaw Convention
1. Applicability
2. Limitation of Liability
a. Liability to Passengers
b. Liability for Checked Baggage
c. Liability for Handcarried Baggage
3. Willful Misconduct
Mercantile Law
B. Classes of Corporations
C. Nationality of Corporations
1. Place of Incorporation Test
2. Control Test
3. Grandfather Rule
D. Corporate Juridical Personality
1. Doctrine of Separate Juridical Personality
a. Liability for Torts and Crimes
b. Recovery of Moral Damages
2. Doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil
a. Grounds for Application of Doctrine
b. Test in Determining Applicability
E. Incorporation and Organization
1. Promoter
a. Liability of Promoter
b. Liability of Corporation for Promoters Contracts
2. Number and Qualifications of Incorporators
3. Corporate Name Limitations on Use of Corporate Name
4. Corporate Term
5. Minimum Capital Stock and Subscription Requirements
6. Articles of Incorporation
a. Nature and Function of Articles
b. Contents
c. Amendment
d. Non-Amenable Items
7. Registration and Issuance of Certificate of Incorporation
8. Adoption of By-Laws
a. Nature and Functions of By-Laws
b. Requisites of Valid By-Laws
c. Binding Effects
d. Amendment or Revision
F. Corporate Powers
1. General Powers, Theory of General Capacity
Mercantile Law
Mercantile Law
c. Management Contracts
12. Executive Committee
13. Meetings
a. Regular or Special
i. When and Where
ii. Notice
b. Who Presides
c. Quorum
d. Rule on Abstention
H. Stockholders and Members
1. Rights of a Stockholder and Members
a. Doctrine of Equality of Shares
2. Participation in Management
a. Proxy
b. Voting Trust
c. Cases When Stockholders Action is Required
i. By a Majority Vote
ii. By a Two-Thirds Vote
iii. By Cumulative Voting
3. Proprietary Rights
a. Right to Dividends
b. Right of Appraisal
c. Right to Inspect
d. Pre-Emptive Right
e. Right to Vote
f. Right to Dividends
g. Right of First Refusal
4. Remedial Rights
a. Individual Suit
b. Representative Suit
c. Derivative Suit
5. Obligation of a Stockholder
Mercantile Law
6. Meetings
a. Regular or Special
i. When and Where
ii. Notice
b. Who Calls the Meetings
c. Quorum
d. Minutes of the Meetings
I. Capital Structure
1. Subscription Agreements
2. Consideration for Stocks
3. Shares of Stock
a. Nature of Stock
b. Subscription Agreements
c. Consideration for Shares of Stock
d. Watered Stock
i. Definition
ii. Liability of Directors for Watered Stocks
iii. Trust Fund Doctrine for Liability for Watered Stocks
e. Situs of the Shares of Stock
f. Classes of Shares of Stock
4. Payment of Balance of Subscription
a. Call by Board of Directors
b. Notice Requirement
c. Sale of Delinquent Shares
i. Effect of Delinquency
ii. Call by Resolution of the Board of Directors
iii. Notice of Sale
iv. Auction Sale and the Highest Bidder
5. Certificate of Stock
a. Nature of the Certificate
b. Uncertificated Shares
c. Negotiability
i. Requirements for Valid Transfer of Stocks
Mercantile Law
Mercantile Law
d. Issuance
i. Full Payment
ii. Payment Pro-Rata
e. Lost or Destroyed Certificates
6. Stock and Transfer Book
a. Contents
b. Who May Make Valid Entries
7. Disposition and Encumbrance of Shares
a. Allowable Restrictions on the Sale of Shares
b. Sale of Partially Paid Shares
c. Sale of a Portion of Shares Not Fully Paid
d. Sale of All of Shares Not Fully Paid
e. Sale of Fully Paid Shares
f. Requisites of a Valid Transfer
g. Involuntary Dealings with Shares
J. Dissolution and Liquidation
1. Modes of Dissolution
a. Voluntary
i. Where No Creditors Are Affected
ii. Where Creditors Are Affected
iii. By Shortening of Corporate Term
b. Involuntary
i. By Expiration of Corporate Term
ii. Failure to Organize and Commence Business Within 2 Years from
iii. Legislative Dissolution
iv. Dissolution by the SEC on Grounds under Existing Laws
2. Methods of Liquidation
a. By the Corporation Itself
b. Conveyance to a Trustee within a Three-Year Period
c. By Management Committee or Rehabilitation Receiver
d. Liquidation after Three Years
Mercantile Law
K. Other Corporations
1. Close Corporations
a. Characteristics of a Close Corporation
b. Validity of Restrictions on Transfer of Shares
c. Issuance or Transfer of Stock in Breach of Qualifying Conditions
d. When Board Meeting is Unnecessary or Improperly Held
e. Pre-Emptive Right
f. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation
g. Deadlocks
2. Non-Stock Corporations
a. Definition
b. Purposes
c. Treatment of Profits
d. Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution
3. Religious Corporations - Exclude
4. Foreign Corporations
a. Bases of Authority over Foreign Corporations
i. Consent
ii. Doctrine of Doing Business (related to definition under the Foreign
Investments Act, R.A. No. 7042)
b. Necessity of a License to Do Business
i. Requisites for Issuance of a License
ii. Resident Agent
c. Personality to Sue
d. Suability of Foreign Corporations
e. Instances When Unlicensed Foreign Corporations May Be Allowed to Sue
Isolated Transactions
f. Grounds for Revocation of License
L. Mergers and Consolidations
1. Definition and Concept
2. Constituent vs. Consolidated Corporation
3. Plan of Merger or Consolidation
4. Articles of Merger or Consolidation
5. Procedure
6. Effectivity
7. Limitations
8. Effects
Mercantile Law
Mercantile Law
a. Right to a Patent
b. First-to-File Rule
c. Inventions Created Pursuant to a Commission
d. Right of Priority
4. Grounds for Cancellation of a Patent
5. Remedy of the True and Actual Inventor
6. Rights Conferred by a Patent
7. Limitations of Patent Rights
a. Prior User
b. Use by the Government
8. Patent Infringement
a. Tests in Patent Infringement
i. Literal Infringement
ii. Doctrine of Equivalents
b. Defenses in Action for Infringement
9. Assignment and Transmission of Rights
1. Licensing (voluntary and compulsory)
2. Special laws]
C. Trademarks
1. Definition of Marks, Collective Marks, Trade Names
2. Acquisition of Ownership of Mark
3. Acquisition of Ownership of Trade Name
4. Non-Registrable Marks
5. Prior Use of Mark as a Requirement
6. Tests to Determine Confusing Similarity between Marks
a. Dominancy Test
b. Holistic Test
7. Well-Known Marks
8. Rights Conferred by Registration
9. Use by Third Parties of Names, etc. Similar to Registered Mark
10. Infringement and Remedies
a. Trademark Infringement
b. Damages
Mercantile Law
Mercantile Law
c. Requirement of Notice
11. Unfair Competition
12. Trade Names or Business Names
13. Collective Marks
D. Copyrights
1. Basic Principles, Sections 172.2, 175 and 181
2. Copyrightable Works
a. Original Works
b. Derivative Works
3. Non-Copyrightable Works
4. Rights of Copyright Owner
5. Rules on Ownership of Copyright
6. Limitations on Copyright
a. Doctrine of Fair Use
b. Copyright Infringement
E. Rules of Procedure for Intellectual Property Rights Cases (A.M. No. 10-3-10-SC)
X. Special Laws
A. The Chattel Mortgage Law and Real Estate Mortgage Law [Excluded and made
a part of Civil Law coverage]
B. Anti-Money Laundering Act (R.A. No. 9160, as amended by R.A. No. 9194)
1. Policy of the Law
2. Covered Institutions
3. Obligations of Covered Institutions
4. Covered Transactions
5. Suspicious Transactions
6. When Is Money Laundering Committed
7. Unlawful Activities or Predicate Crimes
8. Anti-Money Laundering Council
9. Functions
10. Freezing of Monetary Instrument or Property
11. Authority to Inquire Into Bank Deposits
Mercantile Law
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law
schools as a course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that
Bar candidates are guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics,
and promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage
of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
(i) Act Prohibiting the Imposition of Death Penalty in the Philippines (R.A. No.
b) Purposes
c) Classification
d) Duration and Effect
e) Application
(i) Indeterminate Sentence Law (R.A. No. 4103, as amended)
(a) Application on the imposed sentence
(b) Coverage
(c) Conditions of parole
(ii) Three-fold rule
(iii) Subsidiary imprisonment
f) Execution and service
(i) Probation Law (P.D. 968, as amended by R.A. No. 10707)
(a) Definition of terms
(b) Purpose
(c) Grant of probation, manner and conditions
(d) Criteria of placing an offender on probation
(e) Disqualified offenders
(f) Period of probation
(g) Arrest of probationer
(h) Termination of probation; exception
see also: The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (R.A. No. 9165)
(ii) Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 (R.A. No. 9344); also
refer to Child and Youth Welfare Code (P.D. 603, as amended)
(a) Definition of child in conflict with the law
(b) Exemption from criminal liability
(c) Juvenile justice and welfare system
6. Modification and extinction of criminal liability
a) Prescription of crime; Prescription of Violations of Special Laws (Act. No. 3326)
b) Prescription of penalties
c) Pardon by offended party
d) Pardon by the Chief Executive
e) Amnesty
B. Book II (Articles 114-365, RPC) and specifically included Special Laws
1. Crimes Against National Security (Arts. 114-123)
a) Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery (P.D. 532)
(i) Definition of terms
(ii) Punishable acts
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
(i) Fencing
(a) Definition
(b) Presumption of fencing
(ii) Exception
(a) With clearance or permit to sell
b) Bouncing Checks Law (B.P. Blg. 22), plus Administrative Circular No. 12-2000
Re: Penalty for Violation of B.P. 22 and Administrative Circular No. 13-2001
Re: Clarification of Admin. Circular No. 12-2000; and P.D. No. 1689 (Increasing
the Penalty for Certain Forms of Swindling or Estafa)
(i) Punishable acts
(ii) Evidence of knowledge of insufficient funds
(iii) Preference of imposition of fine
c) Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972 (R.A. No. 6539), as amended by R.A. No. 7659
(i) Registration
(iii) Who are liable
(a) Duty of Collector of Customs
(b) Duty of importers, distributors and sellers
(c) Clearance and permit
(iv) Punishable acts
d) Human Security Act of 2007 (R.A. No. 9372)
(i) Punishable acts of terrorism
e) Anti-Arson Law (P.D. 1613)
(i) Punishable acts
11. Crimes Against Chastity (Articles 333-334, 336-346)
a) Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009 (R.A. No. 9995)
(i) Punishable acts
b) Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and
Discrimination Act (R.A. No. 7610, as amended)
(i) Child prostitution and other acts of abuse
(a) Punishable acts
(b) Compare prosecution for Acts of Lasciviousness under Art. 366, RPC
and R.A. No. 7610, as amended
(ii) Obscene publications and indecent shows
(a) Punishable acts
c) Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (R.A. No. 9208)
(i) Punishable acts
Criminal Law
d) Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (R.A. No. 9262)
(i) Punishable acts
12. Crimes Against Civil Status (Articles 347-352)
13. Crimes Against Honor (Articles 353-364)
a) Administrative Circular 08-2008 Re: Guidelines in the Observance of a
Rule of Preference in the Imposition of Penalties in Libel Cases
(i) Preference of imposition of fine
14. Criminal Negligence (Article 365)
a. Penalties for specific crimes
b. Special criminal laws not included in the above listing]
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law schools as a
course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that Bar candidates are
guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics, and
promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2016
Bar Examinations.
1. General Principles
1.1. Concept of remedial law
1.2. Substantive law vis--vis remedial law
1.3. Rule-making power of the Supreme Court
1.3.1 Limitations on the rule-making power of the Supreme Court
1.3.2. Power of the Supreme Court to amend and suspend procedural rules
1.4. Nature of Philippine courts
1.4.1. Meaning of a court
1.4.2. Court as distinguished from a judge
1.4.3. Classification of Philippine courts
1.4.4. Courts of original and appellate jurisdiction
1.4.5. Courts of general and special jurisdiction
1.4.6. Constitutional and statutory courts
1.4.7. Courts of law and equity
1.4.8. Principle of judicial hierarchy
1.4.9. Doctrine of non-interference or doctrine of judicial stability
2. Jurisdiction
2.1 Over the parties
2.1.1. How jurisdiction over the plaintiff is acquired
2.1.2. How jurisdiction over the defendant is acquired
2.2 Over the subject matter
2.2 1. Meaning of jurisdiction over the subject matter
2.2 2. Jurisdiction versus the exercise of jurisdiction
2.2 3. Error of jurisdiction as distinguished from error of judgment
2.2 4. How jurisdiction is conferred and determined
2.2 5. Doctrine of primary jurisdiction
2.2 6. Doctrine of adherence of jurisdiction
2.2 7. Objections to jurisdiction over the subject matter
2.2 8. Effect of estoppel on objections to jurisdiction
2.3. Over the issues
Remedial Law
Supreme Court
Court of Appeals
Court of Tax Appeals
Regional Trial Courts
Family Courts
Metropolitan Trial Courts/Municipal Trial Courts
Sharia Courts
2.6. Over small claims; cases covered by the Rules on Summary Procedure and
Barangay conciliation
2.7 Totality rule
3. Civil Procedure
3.1. Actions
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
4. Special Proceedings
4.1. Settlement of estate of deceased persons, venue and process
4.1. 1. Which court has jurisdiction
4.1. 2. Venue in judicial settlement of estate
4.1. 3. Extent of jurisdiction of probate court
4.1.4. Powers and duties of probate court
4.2. Summary settlement of estates
4.2.1. Extrajudicial settlement by agreement between heirs, when allowed
4.2.2. Two-year prescriptive period
4.2.3. Affidavit of self-adjudication by sole heir
4.2.4. Summary settlement of estates of small value, when allowed
4.2.5. Remedies of aggrieved parties after extrajudicial settlement of estate
4.3. Production and probate of will
4.3.1. Nature of probate proceeding
4.3.2. Who may petition for probate; persons entitled to notice
4.4. Allowance or disallowance of will
4.4. 1. Contents of petition for allowance of will
4.4. 2. Grounds for disallowing a will
4.4. 3. Reprobate
a) Requisites before a will proved abroad would be allowed in the
4.4.4. Effects of probate
4.5. Letters testamentary and of administration
4.5. 1. When and to whom letters of administration granted
4.5. 2. Order of preference
4.5. 3. Opposition to issuance of letters testamentary; simultaneous filing of
petition for administration
4.5. 4. Powers and duties of executors and administrators; restrictions on the
4.5. 5. Appointment of special administrator
4.5. 6. Grounds for removal of administrator
4.6. Claims against the estate
4.6.1. Time within which claims shall be filed; exceptions
4.6.2. Statute of non-claims
4.6.3. Claim of executor or administrator against the estate
Remedial Law
4.10. Escheat
4.10.1. When to file
4.10.2. Requisites for filing of petition
4.10.3. Remedy of respondent against petition; period for filing a claim
4.11. Guardianship
4.11.1. General powers and duties of guardians
4.11.2. Conditions of the bond of the guardian
4.11.3. Rule on guardianship over minor
4.12. Adoption
4.12.1. Distinguish domestic adoption from inter-country adoption
4.12.2. Domestic Adoption Act
a) Effects of adoption
b) Instances when adoption may be rescinded
c) Effects of rescission of adoption
4.12.3. Inter-country adoption
a) When allowed
b) Functions of the RTC
c) Best interest of the minor standard
4.13. Writ of habeas corpus
4.13.1. Contents of the petition
4.13.2. Contents of the return
4.13.3. Distinguish peremptory writ from preliminary citation
4.13.4. When not proper/applicable
4.13.5. When writ disallowed/discharged
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Criminal Procedure
5.1. General matters
5.1.1. Distinguish jurisdiction over subject matter from jurisdiction over person of the
5.1.2. Requisites for exercise of criminal jurisdiction
5.1.3. Jurisdiction of criminal courts
5.1.4. When injunction may be issued to restrain criminal prosecution
5.2. Prosecution of offenses
5.2.1. Criminal actions, how instituted
5.2.2. Who may file them, crimes that cannot be prosecuted de officio
5.2.3. Criminal actions, when enjoined
5.2.4. Control of prosecution
5.2.5. Sufficiency of complaint or information
5.2.6. Designation of offense
5.2.7. Cause of the accusation
5.2.8. Duplicity of the offense; exception
5.2.9. Amendment or substitution of complaint or information
5.2.10. Venue of criminal actions
5.2.11. Intervention of offended party
5.3. Prosecution of civil action
5.3.1. Rule on implied institution of civil action with criminal action
5.3.2. When civil action may proceed independently
5.3.3. When separate civil action is suspended
5.3.4. Effect of death of the accused or convict on civil action
5.3.5. Prejudicial question
5.3.6. Rule on filing fees in civil action deemed instituted with the criminal action
5.4. Preliminary investigation
5.4.1. Nature of right
5.4.2. Purposes of preliminary investigation
5.4.3. Who may conduct determination of existence of probable cause
5.4.4. Resolution of investigation prosecutor
5.4.5. Review
5.4.6. When warrant of arrest may issue
5.4.7. Cases not requiring a preliminary investigation
5.4.8. Remedies of accused if there was no preliminary investigation
5.4.9. Inquest
5.5. Arrest
5.5.1. Arrest, how made
5.5.2. Arrest without warrant, when lawful
5.5.3. Method of arrest
Remedial Law
When a matter of right; exceptions
When a matter of discretion
Hearing of application for bail in capital offenses
Guidelines in fixing amount of bail
Bail when not required
Increase or reduction of bail
Forfeiture and cancellation of bail
Application not a bar to objections in illegal arrest, lack of or irregular
preliminary investigation
5.6.10. Hold departure order & Bureau of Immigration watchlist
Remedial Law
5.12. Judgment
5.12.1. Requisites of a judgment
5.12.2. Contents of judgment
5.12.3. Promulgation of judgment; instances of promulgation of judgment in absentia
5.12.4. When does judgment become final (four instances)
5.13. New trial or reconsideration
5.13.1. Grounds for new trial
5.13.2. Grounds for reconsideration
5.13.3. Requisites before a new trial may be granted on ground of newly-discovered
5.13.4. Effects of granting a new trial or reconsideration
5.13.5. Application of Neypes doctrine in criminal cases
5.14. Appeal
5.14.1. Effect of an appeal
5.14.2. Where to appeal
5.14.3. How appeal taken
5.14.4. Effect of appeal by any of several accused
5.14.5. Grounds for dismissal of appeal
5.15. Search and seizure
5.15.1. Nature of search warrant
5.15.2. Distinguish from warrant of arrest
5.15.3. Application for search warrant, where filed
5.15.4. Probable cause
5.15.5. Personal examination by judge of the applicant and witnesses
5.15.6. Particularity of place to be searched and things to be seized
5.15.7. Personal property to be seized
5.15.8. Exceptions to search warrant requirement
a) Search incidental to lawful arrest
b) Consented search
c) Search of moving vehicle
Remedial Law
6.1. General principles
6.1.1. Concept of evidence
6.1.2. Scope of the Rules on Evidence
6.1.3. Evidence in civil cases versus evidence in criminal cases
6.1.4. Proof versus evidence
6.1.5. Factum probans versus factum probandum
6.1.6. Admissibility of evidence
a) Requisites for admissibility of evidence
b) Relevance of evidence and collateral matters
c) Multiple admissibility
d) Conditional admissibility
e) Curative admissibility
f) Direct and circumstantial evidence
g) Positive and negative evidence
h) Competent and credible evidence
6.1.7. Burden of proof and burden of evidence
6.1.8. Presumptions
a) Conclusive presumptions
b) Disputable presumptions
6.1.9. Liberal construction of the rules of evidence
6.1.10. Quantum of evidence (weight and sufficiency of evidence)
a) Proof beyond reasonable doubt
b) Preponderance of evidence
c) Substantial evidence
d) Clear and convincing evidence
6.2. Judicial notice and judicial admissions
6.2.1. What need not be proved
6.2.2. Matters of judicial notice
a) Mandatory
b) Discretionary
6.2.3. Judicial admissions
a) Effect of judicial admissions
b) How judicial admissions may be contradicted
6.2.4. Judicial notice of foreign laws, law of nations and municipal ordinance
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
Cases covered
Subject matter for amicable settlement
When parties may directly go to court
Remedial Law
Remedial Law
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law schools as a
course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that Bar candidates are
guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics, and
promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2016
Bar Examinations.
g) Attorneys fees
(i) Acceptance fees
(ii) Contingency fee arrangements
(iii) Attorneys liens
(iv) Fees and controversies with clients
(v) Concepts of attorneys fees
(a) Ordinary concept
(b) Extraordinary concept
h) Preservation of clients confidences
(i) Prohibited disclosures and use
(ii) Disclosure, when allowed
i) Withdrawal of services
C. Suspension, disbarment and discipline of lawyers (Rule 139-B, Rules of Court)
1. Nature and characteristics of disciplinary actions against lawyers
a) Sui generis
b) Prescription
2. Grounds
3. Proceedings
4. Discipline of Filipino lawyers practicing abroad
D. Readmission to the Bar
1. Lawyers who have been suspended
2. Lawyers who have been disbarred
3. Lawyers who have been repatriated
E. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
Bar Matter 2012, Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service
F. Court Records and General Duties of Clerks and Stenographer (Rule 136)
G. Legal Fees (Rule 141)
1. Manner of payment
2. Fees in lien
3. Persons authorized to collect legal fees
H. Costs
1. Recovery of costs (Rule 142)
a) Prevailing party
b) Dismissed appeal or action
c) Frivolous appeal
d) False allegations
e) Non-appearance of witness
1. This listing of covered topics is not intended and should not be used by the law schools as a
course outline. This was drawn up for the limited purpose of ensuring that Bar candidates are
guided on the coverage of the 2016 Bar Examinations.
2. All Supreme Court decisions - pertinent to a given Bar subject and its listed topics, and
promulgated up to May 31, 2016 - are examinable materials within the coverage of the
2016 Bar Examinations.