Study On Recent Trends in Online Shopping in India

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 2, February-2018 30

ISSN 2229-5518

Study on Recent Trends in Online Shopping in India

Abhishek Chilka Sandeep Chauhan
Research Scholar, MCA Research Scholar, MCA
Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career
Development and Research, Mumbai (MS), India Development and Research, Mumbai (MS), India

Abstract -- Online Shopping or internet shopping consists (650 million, 48% of population),
primarily of the distribution, buying, selling, marketing, the penetration of e-commerce is low compared to
advertising and servicing of products with the help of markets like the United States (266 million, 84%),
internet and other computer networks. India is witnessing or France (54 M, 81%), but is growing at an
the tremendous growth in online shopping. This paper
unprecedented rate, adding around 6 million new
entrants every month[3].In 2016, about 69 million
studies about recent scenario, recent trends in online
consumers purchased online and the number is expected
shopping in India. For example, the interested categories of to cross 100 million by 2017 with the rise of digital
product, preferred way to pay online. Today’s online natives, better infrastructure in terms of logistics,
shopping platforms provide many offers to consumers which broadband and Internet-ready devices to fuel the demand
attracts the consumers and drives their business. Along with in e-Commerce. In 2017, mobile commerce will become
that there are also problems in online shopping like quality, more important as most of the companies are shifting to
security etc. India’s online shopping market is constantly m-commerce. Mobile already accounts for 30-35% of
growing at good phase. e-commerce sales, and its share will jump to 45-50% by
2017," adds the report-commerce is big business and
Keywords -- Online shopping, digital payment, security getting bigger every day. Online shopping has been

embraced by Indians with close to 25-30 million adults
making a purchase via the internet in the last year. The
I. INTRODUCTION year 2017 will see or is seeing large scale growth in the
Indian e-commerce sector with increased participation
Online or Internet Shopping: It's a type of web based from people across the country [4]. India's e-commerce
business in which customers can purchase merchandise market is estimated to be USD 33 billion in the financial
or administrations straightforwardly from the vender year 2017 NASSCOM's latest estimates [5].This
utilizing a web program. Different words utilized for industry will continue to drive more employment
web based shopping are e-shopping, web shopping. opportunities and contribute towards creating more
Online Shopping was invented by Michael Aldrich in entrepreneurs through the e-commerce marketplace
the year 1979. In 1980, Redfin’s Office Transformation model, noted the study [4].
was propelled by him, which empowered the merchants,
suppliers, consumers and operator to interface with the
corporate framework over the web and portable 40
exchanges electronically [1] .In June 1999, K
Vaitheeswaran and five of his friends including V S 20 Revenue in
Sudhakar, Vipul Parekh, Hari Menon, V S Ramesh and 0 US Billion
Sundeep Thakran founded India's first online Dollars
departmental store. The website was
launched in September 1999 which then offered only Total
music CDs for sale. Between February and October Sales from 2009 to 2016
2000, the website introduced additional categories (Fig 1)
including books, movies, watches, and groceries [2]. The (Fig 1) represents total sales in online shopping
Today, online shopping has become the booming from 2009-2016.As we can see growth of sales
industry in India, some of market leader’s in India are constantly, from less than $ 5 billion dollars in 2009 to,, etc. $38 billion dollars in 2016.We can say online shopping
Trends: general direction in which something is in India is unstoppable [6].
developing or changing. Recent Trends in shopping can B. Leading online stores in India in 2016
be what type of categories products are on demand, who
are buying the more products male or female, as India is
marching towards digital payment the which is most Annual web sales in
preferred payment method in India. Companies million us dollars $437.7
SHOPPING $398.9 $258.7
A. Recent Online Shopping Statistics $198.3
India has an internet users base of about 450 million $175.7
as of July 2017, 40% of the population. Despite being
the second-largest userbase in world, only behind China $98.3
IJSER © 2018
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 2, February-2018 31
ISSN 2229-5518 $69.6 2015-16, which will go to 65-68% by the year $37.1 end [4]. $36.6 C. Most Interested people in shopping online $34.8 Male Female
(Fig 2) Number Of
76 24
In fig 2 we can see Amazon tops the chart with Purchases (in %)
$437.7 million followed by Flipkart $398.9 million, Average Order
Snapdeal by $258.7 etc [7]. 1430 1177
Value(in Rs)
(Fig 4)
From (Fig 4) it is concluded from table that 76%
C. Other Highlights male and 24% female purchases online.Which means
male purchases 3 times more than the female [8].
• [1] The market's largest segment is the segment
"Fashion" with a market volume of US$6,821m 3.4 The Most Preferred way by Indian customers to
in 2017[6]. pay online.

• [2]User penetration is at 13.2 % in 2017 and is

expected to hit 23.9 % in 2022[6]. 100.00%
A. Most Demanded Products in India
Category Interest in %
Apparel 85% 0.00%

Mobile Phones 68%
Cosmetics 25%
Watches 75%
Artificial Jewelery 65%
(Fig 3)
In 2016, it demonstrated that a higher sum was being
spent all things considered for prevalent classifications, (Fig 5)
for example, attire by 85 for each penny, cell phones by The less preferred way is e-wallets with less than 5%
68 for each penny and beautifiers by 25 for each penny, followed by credit and debit cards with 21% and the
with regards to web based shopping. There was most preferred to pay online is COD with 71% [8].
additionally a noteworthy increment in spending on
classifications, for example, watches by 75 for every IV. DRIVERS OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN INDIA
penny and counterfeit adornments by 65 for every [1] Increased access to internet services has made it
penny. PC and purchaser gadgets, alongside clothing possible to make their purchase online. Better and faster
and embellishments, represent the greater part of India's 4g services have boosted the accessibility.
retail online business deals [4].
Abundant choices of shopping sites provide wide
B. Top 3 City Statistics of India range of products and services [9].
As per the findings of the joint study (Assocham
[2] Online shopping operates on a huge scale and
India), Bangalore has left behind all other cities in India
thus the products are offered at discounts.
shopping online in the year 2016. While Mumbai ranks
second, Delhi ranks third in their preference for online For e.g Amazon great Indian Festival, Flipkart’s Big
shopping. Billion days etc.
• In other cities like Bangalore, 69% of its [3] Behaviour of Indian Consumers has also changed
population chose to buy daily routine products over the years. Consumers are not only using internet for
through e-shopping in 2015-16, which will go booking their air, movie or railway tickets, but are
to 75% this year for apparel, gift articles, purchasing a number of other products such as mobiles,
magazines, home tools, toys, jewellery, beauty home décor, apparels, and electronics [9].
products & sporting goods categories.
[4] Busy Lives leave people with less time to visit
• Likewise, Mumbai share was 65% in the last markets, malls or other conventional stores. Online
year, which might go up another 70% in this shopping has made buying things very easy [10].
year for electronic gadgets, accessories,
[5] Online shopping these days provide various
apparel, gifts, computer peripherals, movies,
facilities such as exchange or return policy which are
hotel booking, home appliances, movie tickets,
very useful [11].
health & fitness products and apparel gift
certificates etc. [6] Marketers are using social platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, to promote their
• Delhi, 61% of its population chose to buy daily products which lead’s in consumer having more
routine products through e-shopping in
IJSER © 2018
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 2, February-2018 32
ISSN 2229-5518
information. This has increased online shopping as these enough to qualify for free shipping. And even when it is,
platforms are very famous. sometimes these shipping charges are added on each
[7] Special cashback policies offered by online individual product (if you’re buying multiple products of
shopping websites. course) and not the collective order [9].

[8] 24hrs Customer Care services by many shopping E. Lack of security

websites helps solving customer queries. As a result, Cyber security, or more precisely the lack of it, is
customer’s trust is gained. a major problem on the internet today. E-commerce sites
record important customer data like name, phone
[9] Better and safer online banking services helped in number, address, and bank details. If these sites don’t
gaining trust of consumers who earlier hesitated in implement stringent cyber security measures, your data
sharing their details with shopping online [9]. is at risk of falling into the wrong hands who can then
[10] Various pages on Facebook and Instagram wreak havoc on your bank account. Most of the big
offers stylish and latest clothing, foot wear, fashion players in online shopping certainly have the
accessories, bags, mobile accessories and various best-in-class security measures to protect their
products at affordable price which has made online customers’ details, but the same can’t be said about the
shopping famous among the young consumers [9]. countless smaller sites who may not have the expertise
to do so [11].
A. Quality issues
Online Shopping is a web based platform where
The most concerning issue while purchasing things people can buy products through electronic medium,
online is that you have no certification of an item's India’s online market is increasing year by year. India’s
quality. With the volume of merchandise web based total sales from 2009-2016 is $38 Billion dollars. Recent
business organizations handle nowadays, it can be very trends in online shopping in India are people are
troublesome for them to direct quality keeps an eye on spending high on apparels and mobile phones. Male in
every single one of the items they're offering. India purchase 3 times more than females. And Indian

Furthermore, the issue of getting the right size remains a consumers most preferred way to pay for online
genuine disadvantage for purchasing attire and footwear shopping is COD (Cash on Delivery). Attractive offers
on the web. Sizes change from brand to mark, and since from online shopping companies are attracting Indian
you can't experiment with the items previously getting consumers. While the quality, lack of security,
them, choosing the size is dependably a bet [9]. additional charges problems still exist. We can conclude
B. Delivery and logistics online shopping India is here to stay and will be
unstoppable in coming years.
One uncertainty that continually turns up while
shopping on the web is the point at which the request REFERENCES
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ISSN 2229-5518
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