Political AND International LAW: I. Preliminary Provisions and Basic Concepts
Political AND International LAW: I. Preliminary Provisions and Basic Concepts
Political AND International LAW: I. Preliminary Provisions and Basic Concepts
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Political and
International Law”. Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances,
and jurisprudence pertinent to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the
coverage of the 2019 Bar Examinations.
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D. Rules of succession
A. Common provisions
B. Powers and functions of the CSC, COMELEC, and COA
C. Composition and qualifications of members
D. Prohibited offices and interests
E. Review of final orders, resolutions, and decisions
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6. Commercial speech
7. Unprotected speech
H. Freedom of religion
1. Non-establishment and free-exercise clauses
2. Benevolent neutrality and conscientious objectors
3. Lemon and compelling state interest tests
I. Liberty of abode and right to travel
1. Scope and limitations
2. Watch-list and hold departure orders
J. Right to information
1. Scope and limitations
2. Publication of laws and regulations
K. Right of association
L. Eminent Domain
1. Concept of public use
2. Just compensation
3. Expropriation by local government units
M. Non-impairment of contracts
N. Free access to courts and adequate legal assistance
O. Custodial investigation rights
P. Rights of the accused
Q. Right to the speedy disposition of cases
R. Right against self-incrimination
S. Right against double jeopardy
T. Involuntary servitude
U. Right against excessive fines, and cruel and inhuman punishments
V. Non-imprisonment for debts
W. Ex post facto laws and bills of attainder
X. Writs of habeas corpus, kalikasan, habeas data, and amparo
A. Who are Filipino citizens
B. Modes of acquiring citizenship
C. Loss and re-acquisition of Philippine citizenship
D. Dual citizenship and dual allegiance
E. Foundlings
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A. Suffrage
1. Qualification and disqualification of voters
2. Registration and deactivation
3. Inclusion and exclusion proceedings
4. Local and overseas absentee voting
5. Detainee voting
B. Candidacy
1. Qualifications and disqualifications of candidates
2. Filing of certificates of candidacy
a. Effect of filing
b. Substitution and withdrawal of candidates
c. Nuisance candidates
d. Duties of the COMELEC
C. Remedies and jurisdiction
1. Petition to deny due course or cancel a certificate of candidacy
2. Petition for disqualification
3. Failure of election, call of special election
4. Pre-proclamation controversy
5. Election protest
6. Quo warranto
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6. Term limits
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2. Archipelagic states
3. Internal waters
4. Territorial sea
5. Contiguous zone
6. Exclusive economic zone
7. Continental shelf and extended continental shelf
8. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
N. Basic principles of International Environmental Law
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A. Basic policy on labor
B. Construction in favor of labor
C. Constitutional and Civil Code provisions relating to Labor Law
A. Recruitment and placement of local and migrant workers (Labor Code and RA
8042, as amended by RA 10022)
1. Illegal recruitment and other prohibited activities
a. Elements
b. Types of illegal recruitment
c. Illegal recruitment vs. estafa
2. Liability of local recruitment agency and foreign employer
a. Solidary liability
b. Theory of imputed knowledge
3. Termination of contract of migrant worker without just or valid cause
4. Ban on direct hiring
B. Employment of non-resident aliens
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a. Discrimination
b. Stipulation against marriage
c. Prohibited acts
d. Sexual harassment (RA 7877)
2. Minors (RA 7610, as amended by RA 9231)
3. Kasambahay (RA 10361)
4. Homeworkers
5. Night workers
6. Apprentices and learners
7. Persons with Disabilities
a. Discrimination
b. Incentives for employers
A. Right to self-organization
1. Coverage
2. Ineligibility of managerial employees; right of supervisory employees
3. Effect of inclusion as employees outside of the bargaining unit
4. Non-abridgement
B. Bargaining unit
C. Bargaining representative
D. Rights of labor organizations
1. Check off, assessments, and agency fees
2. Collective bargaining
E. Unfair Labor Practices
1. Nature, aspects
2. By employers
3. By labor organizations
F. Peaceful concerted activities
1. Strikes
2. Picketing
3. Lockouts
4. Assumption of jurisdiction by the DOLE Secretary
5. Injunctions
A. Employer-employee relationship
1. Tests to determine existence
2. Kinds of employment
a. Regular
b. Casual
c. Probationary
d. Project
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e. Seasonal
f. Fixed-term
g. Security guards
h. Floating status
3. Legitimate subcontracting vs. labor-only contracting
a. Elements
b. Trilateral relationship
c. Solidary liability
B. Termination by employer
1. Just causes
2. Authorized causes
3. Due process
a. Twin-notice requirement
b. Hearing
C. Termination by employee
1. Resignation versus constructive dismissal
D. Preventive Suspension
E. Reliefs from illegal dismissal
F. Money claims arising from employer-employee relationship
G. Retirement
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2019 Bar Examinations CIVIL LAW
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Civil Law”.
Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprudence
pertinent to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2019
Bar Examinations.
A. Effect and application of laws
B. Conflict of laws (Private International Law)
C. Human relations (Articles 19-22)
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2019 Bar Examinations CIVIL LAW
I. Support
J. Parental authority
K. Emancipation
L. Retroactivity of the Family Code
A. Classification of property
B. Ownership
1. In general
2. Rules on accession
3. Quieting of title
C. Co-ownership
D. Possession
1. Kinds of possession
2. Acquisition of possession
3. Effects of possession
E. Usufruct
1. In general
2. Rights and obligations of the usufructuary
3. Extinguishment
F. Easements
1. Modes of acquiring easements
2. Rights and obligations of the owners of the dominant and servient estates
3. Modes of extinguishment
4. Legal vs. voluntary easements
5. Kinds of legal easement
a. Relating to waters
b. Right of way
c. Light and view
G. Nuisance
H. Modes of acquiring ownership
1. Occupation
2. Donation
a. Nature
b. Persons who may give or receive a donation
c. Effects and limitations of donation
d. Revocation and reduction
3. Prescription
a. General provisions
b. Prescription of ownership and other real rights
c. Prescription of actions
A. General provisions
B. Testamentary succession
1. Wills
2. Institution of heirs
3. Substitution of heirs
4. Conditional testamentary dispositions and those with a term
5. Legitime
6. Disinheritance
7. Legacies and devises
C. Legal or intestate succession
1. General provisions; relationship and right of representation
2. Order of intestate succession
D. Provisions common to testate and intestate succession
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2019 Bar Examinations CIVIL LAW
1. Right of accretion
2. Capacity to succeed by will or by intestacy
3. Acceptance and repudiation of inheritance
4. Partition and distribution of the estate
A. Nature and form
1. Essential requisites
2. Perfection
3. Contract of sale vs. contract to sell
B. Capacity to buy or sell
C. Effects of the contract when the thing sold has been lost
D. Obligations of the vendor
E. Obligations of the vendee
F. Breach of contract
1. Remedies
2. Recto Law and Maceda Law
G. Extinguishment
1. In general
2. Pacto de retro sale
3. Equitable mortgage
H. Assignment of credits
A. General provisions
B. Rights and obligations of lessor
C. Rights and obligations of lessee
A. General provisions
B. Obligations of the partners
C. Dissolution and winding up
D. Limited partnership
A. Nature, form, and kinds
B. Obligations of the agent
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2019 Bar Examinations CIVIL LAW
A. Loan
B. Deposit
C. Guaranty and Suretyship
D. Antichresis
E. Real estate mortgage
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Taxation Law”.
Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprudence pertinent
to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2019 Bar
A. Power of taxation as distinguished from Police Power and Eminent Domain
B. Inherent and constitutional limitations of taxation
C. Requisites of a valid tax
D. Tax as distinguished from other forms of exactions
E. Kinds of taxes
F. Doctrines in taxation
1. Construction and interpretation of tax laws, rules, and regulations
2. Prospectivity of tax laws
3. Imprescriptibility of taxes
4. Double taxation
5. Escape from taxation
a. Shifting of tax burden
b. Tax avoidance
c. Tax evasion
6. Exemption from taxation
7. Equitable recoupment
8. Prohibition on compensation and set-off
9. Compromise and tax amnesty
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
b.Concept of income from whatever source derived
c.Gross income vs. net income vs. taxable income
d.Classification of income subject to tax
i. Compensation income
ii. Fringe benefits
iii. Professional income
iv. Income from business
v. Income from dealings in property
vi. Passive investment income
vii. Annuities, proceeds from life insurance or other types of
viii. Prizes and awards
ix. Pensions, retirement benefit or separation pay
x. Income from any source
e. Exclusions and exemptions
i. Rationale
ii. Taxpayers who may avail
iii. Distinguished from deductions and tax credits
4. Deductions from gross income
a. Concept as return of capital
b. Itemized deductions vs. Optional Standard Deduction
c. Items not deductible
5. Income tax on individuals
a. Resident citizens, non-resident citizens, and resident aliens
i. Inclusions and exclusions for taxation on compensation income
ii. Taxation of business income/income from practice of profession
iii. Taxation of passive income
iv. Taxation of capital gains
v. Capital asset vs. ordinary asset
b. Income tax on non-resident aliens engaged in trade or business
c. Income tax on non-resident aliens not engaged in trade or business
d. Individual taxpayers exempt from income tax
i. Senior citizens
ii. Minimum wage earners
iii. Exemptions granted under international agreements
6. Income tax on corporations
a. Income tax on domestic corporations and resident foreign corporations
i. Minimum Corporate Income Tax
ii. Branch Profit Remittance Tax
iii. Itemized deductions vs. Optional Standard Deductions
iv. Taxation of passive income
v. Taxation of capital gains
b. Income tax on non-resident foreign corporations
c. Income tax on special corporations
i. Proprietary educational institutions and hospitals
ii. Non-profit hospitals
iii. Government-owned or controlled corporations, agencies, or
iv. Domestic depository banks (foreign currency deposit units)
v. International carriers doing business in the Philippines
vi. Off-shore banking units
vii. Resident foreign depository banks (foreign currency deposit
viii. Regional or area headquarters and regional operating
headquarters of multinational companies
d. Improperly Accumulated Earnings Tax (IAET)
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
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2019 Bar Examinations TAXATION LAW
IV. JUDICIAL REMEDIES (RA 1125, as amended, and the Revised Rules of
the Court of Tax Appeals)
A. Court of Tax Appeals (CTA)
1. Exclusive original and appellate jurisdiction over civil cases
2. Exclusive original and appellate jurisdiction over criminal cases
B. Procedures
1. Filing of an action for collection of taxes
a. Internal revenue taxes
b. Local taxes
2. Civil cases
a. Who may appeal, mode of appeal, and effect of appeal
b. Suspension of collection of taxes
c. Injunction not available to restrain collection
3. Criminal cases
a. Institution and prosecution of criminal actions
b. Institution of civil action in criminal action
c. Period to appeal
4. Appeal to the CTA en banc
5. Petition for review on certiorari to the SC
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2019 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Mercantile
Law”. Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and
jurisprudence pertinent to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the
coverage of the 2019 Bar Examinations.
A. Common carriers
1. Concept
2. Common carrier vs. private carrier
3. Diligence required
B. Obligations and liabilities
1. Vigilance over goods
2. Safety of passengers
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2019 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
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2019 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
A. The New Central Bank Act (RA 7653, as amended by RA 11211)
1. Handling of banks in distress
a. Conservatorship
b. Closure
c. Receivership
d. Liquidation
B. Secrecy of bank deposits (RA 1405, as amended, and RA 6426, as amended)
1. Prohibited acts
2. Exceptions from coverage
3. Garnishment of deposits, including foreign deposits
C. General Banking Law of 2000 (RA 8791)
1. Nature of bank funds and bank deposits
2. Diligence required of banks
3. Prohibited transactions by bank directors and officers
D. Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation Act (RA 3591, as amended)
1. Maximum deposit insurance coverage
2. Meaning of insured deposit
3. Splitting of deposits
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2019 Bar Examinations MERCANTILE LAW
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2019 Bar Examinations CRIMINAL LAW
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Criminal Law”.
Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprudence
pertinent to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2019
Bar Examinations.
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2019 Bar Examinations CRIMINAL LAW
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2019 Bar Examinations REMEDIAL LAW
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Remedial Law”.
Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and jurisprudence
pertinent to these topics as of June 30, 2018 are examinable materials within the coverage of the 2019
Bar Examinations.
A. Substantive law vs. remedial law
B. Rule-making power of the Supreme Court
C. Principle of judicial hierarchy
D. Doctrine of non-interference/judicial stability
A. Classification of jurisdiction
1. Original vs. appellate
2. General vs. special
3. Exclusive vs. concurrent
B. Doctrines of hierarchy of courts and continuity of jurisdiction
C. Jurisdiction of various Philippine courts
D. Aspects of jurisdiction
1. Jurisdiction over the parties
2. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
3. Jurisdiction over the issues
4. Jurisdiction over the res or the property in litigation
E. Jurisdiction vs. exercise of jurisdiction
F. Jurisdiction vs. venue
G. Jurisdiction over cases covered by Barangay Conciliation, Small Claims Cases,
and cases covered by Summary Procedure
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2019 Bar Examinations REMEDIAL LAW
I. Dismissal
1. Kinds
a. With prejudice vs. without prejudice
b. Dismissals which have an effect of an adjudication on the merits
2. Rule 17
J. Pre-trial (Rule 18)
K. Intervention (Rule 19)
L. Subpoena (Rule 21)
M. Computation of time (Rule 22)
N. Modes of discovery
1. Depositions (Rules 23 and 24)
2. Interrogatories to parties (Rule 25)
3. Admission by adverse party (Rule 26)
4. Production or inspection of documents or things (Rule 27)
5. Physical and mental examination of persons (Rule 28)
6. Refusal to comply with modes of discovery (Rule 29)
O. Trial (Rule 30)
P. Consolidation or severance (Rule 31)
Q. Demurrer to Evidence (Rule 33)
R. Judgments and final orders
1. Judgment on the pleadings (Rule 34)
2. Summary judgments (Rule 35)
3. Rendition and entry of judgments and final orders (Rule 36)
S. Post-judgment remedies
1. Motion for new trial or reconsideration
a. Rule 37
b. Remedy against denial and fresh-period rule
2. Appeals
a. Judgments and final orders subject to appeal
b. Matters not appealable; available remedies
c. Doctrine of finality/immutability of judgment
d. Modes of appeal from judgments or final orders of various courts
(Rules 40, 41, 42, 43, and 45)
i. Period of appeal
ii. Perfection of appeal
iii. Issues to be raised
e. Review of judgments or final orders of the COA, COMELEC,
CSC, and the Ombudsman
f. Review of judgments or final orders of quasi-judicial agencies
g. Dismissal, reinstatement, and withdrawal of appeal
3. Petition for relief from judgment (Rule 38)
4. Annulments of judgment (Rule 47)
5. Collateral attack on judgments
T. Execution, satisfaction, and effect of judgments (Rule 39)
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2019 Bar Examinations REMEDIAL LAW
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2019 Bar Examinations REMEDIAL LAW
A. General concepts
1. Proof vs. evidence
2. Burden of proof vs. burden of evidence
3. Equipoise rule
B. Admissibility
1. Requisites (Rule 128)
2. Exclusionary rules
3. Judicial notice and judicial admissions (Rule 129)
C. Object (Real) Evidence (Rule 130, A)
D. Documentary Evidence (Rule 130, B)
1. Definition
2. Best Evidence rule
3. Secondary evidence
4. Parol Evidence rule
5. Interpretation of documents
E. Testimonial Evidence (Rule 130, C)
1. Qualification of witnesses
2. Testimonial privilege
3. Admissions and confessions
4. Previous conduct as evidence
5. Testimonial knowledge
6. Hearsay and exceptions to the hearsay rule
7. Opinion rule
8. Character evidence
F. Burden of proof and presumptions (Rule 131)
G. Presentation of evidence (Rule 132)
1. Examination of witnesses
2. Authentication and proof of documents
3. Offer and objection
H. Judicial Affidavit Rule (A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC)
I. Weight and sufficiency of evidence (Rule 133)
J. Rules on Electronic Evidence (A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC)
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A. Practice of Law
1. Concept
2. Qualifications for admission to the Bar (Bar Matter No. 1153)
3. Continuing requirements for membership in the bar
4. Appearance of Non-Lawyers
a. Law student practice rule (Rule 138-A)
b. Non-lawyers in courts and/or administrative tribunals
c. Proceedings where lawyers are prohibited from appearing as
5. Prohibited practice of non-lawyers and appearance without authority
6. Public officials and the practice of law; prohibitions and disqualifications
7. The Lawyer’s Oath
B. Duties and responsibilities of a lawyer under the Code of Professional
1. To society (Canons 1 to 6)
2. To the legal profession
a. Canons 7 to 9
b. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (Rule 139-A)
i. Membership and dues
3. To the courts (Canons 10 to 13)
4. To the clients
a. Canons 14 to 22
b. Attorney’s fees
i. Acceptance fees
ii. Contingency fee arrangements
iii. Attorney’s liens
iv. Fees and controversies with clients
v. Quantum meruit
C. Suspension, disbarment and discipline of lawyers
1. Nature and characteristics of disciplinary actions against lawyers
2. Grounds
3. Proceedings (Rule 139-B, Rules of Court, as amended)
4. Recoverable amounts; intrinsically linked to professional engagement
D. Readmission to the Bar
1. Lawyers who have been suspended
2. Lawyers who have been disbarred
E. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (Bar Matter No. 850, as amended)
1. Requirements
2. Compliance
3. Exemptions
4. Sanctions
F. Notarial Practice (A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC, as amended)
1. Qualifications of a notary public
2. Term of office of a notary public
3. Powers and limitations
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4. Notarial Register
5. Jurisdiction of notary public and place of notarization
6. Competent evidence of identity
7. Sanctions
8. Relation to Code of Professional Responsibility
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