Tom Internshipplan

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Thomas R.

Oakland University, EA 701/702
Michigan Standard I Visionary Leadership
Goal #1 Develop my leadership skills and my knowledge of the school improvement process.
Activity I will serve as a member of our Continual School Improvement (CSI) team that is
responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating our schools plan to improve our
students reading, writing, and math abilities as measured by the state standardized test and other
district assessments.
Timeline I will serve on the CSI team throughout the duration of my internship and beyond.
Support Needed The district will provide some released time for CSI meetings. Our CSI chair
will be available to assist me. My mentor will serve as a resource for any additional released time
or clerical assistance.
Goal #2 - Develop my leadership skills and my knowledge of technology in the classroom.
Activity - I will facilitate a classroom tech tool presentation that will assist in teaching, learning,
and school improvement.
Timeline - This will be completed at least once during the two-year internship.
Support Needed - My mentor will serve as a sounding board for the quality and effectiveness of
the chosen tech tool prior to presenting.
Michigan Standard II Cultural & Instructional Leadership
Goal #1 Develop my mentoring abilities and contribute to the supportive culture of my school.
Activity I will serve as a mentor for one of our new teachers.
Timeline This will be a two-year commitment.
Support Needed The district will provide training for all new mentors and the principal will
have periodic, informal discussions with the mentors.
Goal #2 Develop my leadership abilities through facilitating all 5th grade PLC meetings.
Activity I will serve as the facilitator of our 5th grade PLC, leading all meetings and taking on
the role of lead teacher within the group.
Timeline While I place a two-year commitment on the role of facilitator (to allow others to
develop their leadership capacity), I find my role as lead teacher in the grade level to be endless.
Support Needed I will need the support of my grade-level team to place trust in me, as well as
my mentor to serve as a resource when I have questions pertaining to this goal.
Michigan Standard III - Managerial Leadership
Goal #1 Increase my knowledge of the behind-the-scenes work involved in the opening of
the school year.
Activities I will shadow my mentor prior to the start of school, attending administrative
meetings and observing the many preparations needed to open a school year. I will ask the head
secretary to share her knowledge and various to do lists with me.
Timeline These activities will occur in the week prior to the opening of school.

Support Needed My mentor will allow me to shadow him during designated, school opening
preparations and events.
Goal #2 - I will assist my mentor in the development of the school master schedule, ensuring all
teachers receive their contractual planning time.
Timeline - This will occur one to two weeks prior to the first day of school.
Support Needed - I will need the support of my mentor to ensure I am accounting for all
required elements of the master schedule. I will also need the support of our media consultant
since she helped develop the master schedule this past year.
Michigan Standard IV- Community Leadership
Goal #1 To collaborate with community members by communicating school information.
Activities I will facilitate a session at the 2015 Scotch School Parent Camp, as well as PTO
Timeline Parent Camp will occur again in the fall of 2015. I plan to attend a minimum of
three PTO meetings during the course of my two-year internship.
Support Needed I will use my mentor and the teacher responsible for bringing Parent Camp to
Scotch to help with how I can facilitate a session. I will speak with my mentor and our PTO
president to inform me of agendas for PTO meetings.
Goal #2 - To collaborate with community members by listening to their needs.
Activity - I will design a parent survey on Google Forms for my classroom parents as a form of
needs assessment, as well as a reflective tool for my practice.
Activity - I will assist my mentor in developing a needs assessment survey for our school
Timeline - I will complete my class parent survey in the winter of 2015. I will assist in a school
survey during the 2014-2015 or 2015-2016 school year.
Support Needed - I will need the support of my mentor as we develop, deliver, receive, tabulate,
and analyze the school parent community needs assessment survey.
Michigan Standard V- Ethical Leadership
Goal #1 To become more aware of legal actions that occur within a principalship, and how to
handle them correctly.
Activity I will discuss with my mentor situations in which he has been that some form of legal
action took place. I will help assist my mentor, when applicable, any future situations that may
Timeline I will complete the conversation with my mentor by the end of the 2014-2015 school
year. I will offer my support, when applicable, throughout the duration of the internship.
Support Needed I will need my mentor to offer his time to have such a discussion. I will also
need him to be open to the idea of including me in any future situations that may come up.
Goal #2 To be a member of West Bloomfield School Districts Social Justice Team.
Activity I will join our Social Justice Team, starting at the school level, and eventually
becoming at the district level.

Timeline I will join the Social Justice Team starting in the Fall of 2015.
Support Needed I will need the support and guidance of other school staff that are members
of the team.
Michigan Standard VI- Political Leadership
Goal #1 To take on a more active role within our school PTO.
Activity Attend two PTO meetings in the first semester and two PTO meetings in the second
semester of the 2015-2016 school year. I would like to help participate in decisions, planning,
and rollout of two different PTO sponsored activities during the school year.
Timeline This will take place during the 2015-2016 school year.
Support Needed I will need the support of the active PTO officers, as well as my mentor.
Goal #2 To maintain my role as Elementary Grievance Chair, Bargaining Team Member,
WBEA Executive Board Member, and WBEA school representative.
Activity I will continue in my current roles to help support the teachers in our district, and to
help ensure decisions that are made are in the best interest of our students, teachers, and district.
Timeline 2015-2016 school year
Support Needed I will need the support from our WBEA President and other executive
officers and bargaining team members.
Michigan Standard VII- Practicum Leadership
Goal #1 To take on a more active role in the running of our school building.
Activity Help run/organize various activities (i.e. safety drills, meetings, interviews, school
events, etc.).
Timeline I would like to assist in managing at least one activity in the first semester and one
activity in the second semester of the 2015-2016 school year.
Support Needed I will need the support of my mentor by not only helping me to plan and run
such an activity, but also to have the trust in me to do so.
Goal #2 To become a Teacher Leader (non-classroom teacher) at Scotch or at Scotch and
Gretchko combined.
Activity This position would take on the roles of an assistant principal without the district
needing to pay an administrative salary. Those roles could include: instructional leader, behavior
management, and other duties that could help support the principal.
Timeline I will need to advocate for such a position at the end of this school year and into the
summer for this to be a possibility for the 2015-2016 school year.
Support Needed I will need the support from my mentor (Principal of Scotch Elementary) and
the principal of Gretchko Elementary. They will need to emphasize to their superior the need for
such a position. I will also need to speak with our new Executive Director of Human Resources
that will be hired in the coming months. I will need to stress why the position is needed and why
I am a perfect candidate for such a position.

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