Example Bip
Example Bip
Example Bip
Names and positions of those who developed this Behavior Intervention Plan:
Sara Rubocki
Annie Bradford
Karen Eiles
Ryan Patterson
Skill Deficit
Performance Deficit
Implementation Plan
Prevention Strategies: What changes in instruction, choices, environment, and so forth are needed to decrease or
prevent behavior(s) of concern?
1. Adults will use visuals with **** during instructional tasks to help make instruction meaningful.
2. **** will be taught direct instruction of social skills in a small group setting.
3. **** will be given a visual on a lanyard to ask for help.
1. **** will be provided a task list and earn a highly-preferred break choice.
2. **** will be taught to request a break appropriately. In-class breaks will be a lower preferred activity.
3. **** will be given a visual on a lanyard to request a five-minute lower preferred break in class. Aaron will also be
given a visual on a lanyard to ask for help.
4. **** will be taught direct instruction of social skills in a small group setting.
5. **** will have the opportunity to earn tickets for showing replacement behaviors throughout the day. Each ticket
earned can be exchanged for 3 minutes of a highly preferred break.
Who will be responsible for this action? Jackson Staff
1. Teach **** how to use a break card through modeling, role playing in multiple settings and with a variety of adults.
This should be done when he is not upset.
2. Break cards will be allowed with a lower preferred item in class for 5 minutes.
Who is teaching the replacement behavior? Jackson Staff
Monitoring Plan
Monitoring: complete the area(s) to be monitored
BIP Student Goal: State how progress toward meeting this goal will be measured and how often progress will be
Action: In 36 weeks given direct instruction in coping strategies, **** will reduce the number of
refusal/disruptive behaviors/incidents (as defined above) by 50% on 3 out of 4 weeks of data collection.
Who will be responsible for this action? Jackson Staff
When this action will be implemented: 1/7/2016
Frequency of monitoring? The information will be obtained every day and graphed weekly.
Alternative or Replacement Behavior: State the method, person responsible and frequency of monitoring of
replacement behavior success.
Action: **** will be observed for replacement behavior skills as he works on social skills training. A frequency of
replacement behaviors (asking for help/accepting criticism, etc and participating in instruction without disruptive
behavior) will be monitored through his check-in/check-out sheet and a replacement behavior count.
Who will be responsible for this action? Jackson Staff
When this action will be implemented: 1/7/2016
Frequency of monitoring? Daily monitoring of behavior and monthly review of skill instruction will be reviewed
for possible need for phase changes in instruction.
BIP Implementation: State the method, person responsible and frequency of monitoring the implementation of the
components outlined in this BIP.
Action: An implementation checklist will be used to monitor the components of the BIP. The general education
teacher is responsible for this but can ask for help from the school team members to complete (facilitator, AEA
staff, or another teacher). The team will use implementation data to help make changes as needed to the plan.
Who will be responsible for this action? Jackson Staff
When this action will be implemented: 1/7/2016
Frequency of monitoring? We will use this monthly checklist to ensure that we have the components in place.
If problem behaviors increase we may need to use the checklist more frequently.