Annual Goals-Examples

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Writing Annual Goals

Overview: Annual goals must include a condition, the performance and the criteria
specific to the childs present levels of performance.
Avoid using vague, indefinable terms in goals when targeting behavior or social skills, without
identifying the particular behavior (tantrums or inattention) or social skills (turn taking or eye
contact). Other words that might be red flags are:

Appropriate: Who knows what is appropriate?

Improve: To what level?
Make progress: How much progress? How will that be measured?
Increase/decrease: How much?
Acceptable grade-level: What does that mean?
Participate in: To what extent?



The condition segment

of an annual goal
represents the
circumstances under
which you will be
presenting information
or material to the
student so the skill they
are to perform can be
measured or observed.
It is sometime referred
to as the when given

The performance segment of the annual

goal represents the very specific skill or
observable behavior the student will be
expected to perform when the condition
presents itself.

When given ____

number of words,

(Student) will say the initial, middle and

ending sounds

With ___% accuracy in

___consecutive trial.

When given a narrative

or expository reading
passage at (students)
independent reading

(Student) will paraphrase figurative language

by highlighting words with multiple

With ___% accuracy in ___

consecutive trials graphed

(Student) will read aloud, with fluency, at a

rate of ___correct works per minute

With ___% accuracy in

___of ___trials.

These skills are identified on an individual

basis through developmental or functional
assessment. The skills identified should
link to the districts general curriculum and
content standards beginning at the student
current level of performance working
towards grade level content.

(Student) will raise his hand and wait to be

called upon

The criteria segment of the

annual goal represents how
the skill or behavior will be
measured. The criteria
must include how well
(accuracy) and how often
(consistency) the student
must perform the skill or
behavior in order to
consider it mastered.
The procedure codes you
document on the goal page
of the IEP represent what
will be used to gather or
measure the criteria.

When given a passage

at (students)
instructional level
When in a grocery

(Student) will produce the / s / v l sounds in

(Student) will add ___/25 sums to 10
(Student) will debit (subtract) money spent
and credit (add) money deposited to balance
the check book

For ___consecutive steps in

___of ___attempts over a
six week period.
For ___seconds in
___consecutive trials.

Following one verbal

When given a picture of
an object

(Student) will subtract two digit numbers with

no regrouping

With ___% accuracy in


When given a

(Student) uses the correct punctuation at the

end of sentences.

Before having an

(Student) will comply with a request with no

more than two verbal prompts

In one minute with __%

accuracy in __out of __

During class

(Student) will choose the sentence with

correct capitalization

Given the choice of four

proper nouns

(Student) will write the upper and lower case

letters in sequence with no reversals

When given a ____

grade math calculation
problem involving
addition and

(Student) will arrive to work on time

When given an

(Student) will make eye contact and respond


Given a choice to two


(Student) will calculate at least ___ correct

digits per four minute timing

When asked to write a


(Student) will solve three-digits divided by

two digits with a remainder

When given sentences

with no punctuation

(Student) will state the initial sound of each


When given a ___

grade reading

(Student) will state the __letter names and

__ letter sounds

(Student) will solve pencil and paper twodigit addition and subtraction calculations
with regrouping.


With no more than ___

errors for an accuracy rate
of ___% on ___
consecutive trials.

When completing a
written assignment

When given a list of

words and meanings
When shown four

(Student) will write a resume with correct

punctuation, grammar, and spelling
(Student) will write the numbers 1 through
25 with no omissions or number reversals
(Student) will sit at his desk and work for 10

Given a play clock

(Student) will go to his cool down space for

no longer than 10 minutes to gain control of
his frustrations

When asked to add a

number to zero

(Student) will answer five factual


When given a word

having duel meanings

(Student) will state the main idea and two


When in the community

grocery store

(Student) will predict what will happen next

in the story

When given a
curriculum-based letter
naming probe at the
kindergarten level

(Student) will read ___correct words per


When given a MAZE

passage at the ___
grade level...

(Student) will be able to state ___ correct

responses per three minute timing
(Student) will press on the switch to activate
TV, fan, or CD player with less than three
cues (prompt from the elbow)

When given a big mac


(Student) will scoop food and bring food to

mouth with 1 cue at the elbow

When spoon is placed

in students hand

(Student) will answer five factual


Given a list of ..

(Student) will state the main idea and two


After previewing a
Given a story problem
involving money

(Student) will predict what will happen next

in the story
(Student) will alphabetize the words
(Student) will point to the name


Given a name and a

phone book

(Student) will state the math operation to

(Student) will retell the story in sequence

Given a series of
(_____) numbers
When given a set of

Given a set of
Given a word bank

(Student) will stop and ask for help

(Student) will predict possible story
(Student) will ask questions
(Student) will state ___ pieces of important
information in a reading selection
(Student) will read for ___minutes without

When provided with a

reading passage, (level
determined by present
level of performance

(Student) will increase time spent on task

from ___minutes to ____minutes

After reading a

(Student) will use calculator to determine

correct change

(Student) will select coins and bills to match

amount needed

When provided a
reading selection


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