Sidang Hamidah

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The influence of cartoon movies as the

media toward vocabulary mastery

for the eightth grade students of SMPN
2 Cinangka


Listiani Hamidah
Backgrou • The students felt hard to memorize
the unfamiliar word with the old
nd of method.
• The student felt bored and hard to
Problems learn English

• This study is focused on the media

Limitation cartoon movie to learn English
vocabulary and the effectiveness of
of using cartoon movie as media in
Problems teaching vocabulary in SMPN 2

Formulati • Is there any influence of cartoon

movie as media in teaching
on of vocabulary mastery at the eight
Problems grade of SMPN 2 Cinangka?
The Objective of the
 From the statement of the problem above the
researcher formulate the problems of this
research was to find out whether there is any
influence of cartoon movie as the media to
teach vocabulary for eight grade students.
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)
There is significant influence of carton movies
as the media to teach vocabulary.
Null Hypothesis (H0)
 There is no significant influence of carton
movies as the media to teach vocabulary.
According to Richards (2002:255), vocabulary is
the core component of language proficiency and
provides much of the basis for how well learners
speak, listen, read, and write.
Cartoon Movie
According to Wittich and Schuller (1953: 138)
cartoon is elicits great interest, builds
confidence. The humor in cartoon has great
benefits to stimulate students in teaching
learning process, such as: making students feel
relax and enjoyable in class; making students
paid attention to the story of cartoon movie.
Research Design
 This research used quantitative method as the
research method and true experimental design as the
research design.

Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

R O1 X O2
Movie as
R O3 - O1

(Sugiyono, 2010)
Research Population and
Population : The number of
population was 30 students per
Sample : The sample of this research
was students at eight grade of SMPN
2 Cinangka, were two classes; 8B as
the Experimental Class and 8A as
Control Class.
Cluster random sampling
Data Collecting Technique

To collect the data the researcher

used pre-test and post-test
which assigned to the control
class and experimental class.
The item that used in pre-test
was used 20 items multiple
The item that used in post-test
was used 20 items multiple
Validity and Reliability
Validity of the test : Arikunto

Reliability : Creswell (2012:159)

Data Analysis
  : Used graphical method
for normality of distribution test.

Homogeneity : Used Fcount formula

(Riduwan, 2012)
Fcount = BV

Hypothesis Testing : T-Test

Research Finding and
No Result Pre-test Post test
1 Mean 59.83 50.17 70,83 56.17
2 Min 45 30 50 40
3 Max 75 70 85 70
4 Standard 8.4 11.06 8.45 9. 4
Result of Validity and
 Validity :
From the data analysis, it was found that there
were fifty items of tryout test. The Forty items
was valid and ten items was invalid. After the
researcher got the data validity, the researcher
divided into two test: pre-test and post-test.
There was 20 items of pre-test and 20 items of

 Reliability : It could be seen from r table with

the 30 total respondences (df= n-1) 30-1 = 29.
It wasCalculated or 0.91540.845. It can be
concluded that the test was reliable.
Result of Normality Test
Result of Normality Test
Result of Homogeneity
Instrume Classes Variances Fcount Ftable
Pre-test Experimen 8.4 1.32 4.210
Control 11.06
Post-test Experimen 9.4 1.11
Control 8.45

Fcount< Ftable: the data is homogenous

Result of Hypothesis Testing
The following are the result of t-
Class N Mea Varianc Tcoun T
n e t table
Experimen 30 70.8 70.8333 34,98 2.00
tal 3
Control 30 56.1 56.1667
If it means that the null
hypothesis () is accepted.
 Conclusion:
Based on calculation of the hypothesis test, the result showed that t count(34.98)
is higher than ttable (2.00). The level of hypothesis test is 5% (0.05), d.f. =
(Nx+Ny-2) = 30+30-2 = 58, then ttableis 2.00. It means null hypothesis (Ho)
was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted. It means that there
was improvement of students’ vocabularies. It means there was improved
using cartoon media to teach vocabulary at the SMPN 2 Cinangka.
 Suggestion
a. For teachers
b. For students
c. For the other researcher
Thank You

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