Monthly Newsletter

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First Grade

February 2016

School Hours are from
8:25am-2:40 pm.
Wednesday- 8:25am2:40pm
Please make sure that your
student is picked up on

A note from the

continue to read

with your student for 20

minutes every day.
*Donations of snack are
highly encouraged. These
can include: crackers, dry
nut-free cereal, goldfish,

Upcoming Events
-February 11-12 Parent
Teacher Conferences days
-February 14th Valentines Day
-February 25-26 Rodeo Break
No School

This months focus

-I can read first grade words.
-I can read first grade books and
short stories.
-I can identify story elements
(characters, setting, problem,
solution) in make believe stories.
-I can write first grade sight &
vocabulary words.
-I can write several sentences that go
-I can draw pictures that match my
-I can check and fix spelling errors in
my writing.
-I can add and subtract within 20.
-I can make groups of tens and ones.
-I can use math drawings, number
, ten frames
and counting on (13, 14, 15) to
show my thinking.
Social Studies/Science
-I can understand the celebration of
Presidents Day.
-I can understand the celebration of
Valentines Day.
-I can understand the celebration of

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