September 21 Newsletter

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Bradwell School of
Chicago, IL
September 21, 2015
Volume 3, Issue 3

Ms. Madorskys Classroom Newsletter

School and Classroom News
Happy Monday families! Welcome to the
third week of the school year. I hope
everyone had a fun and relaxing weekend!
On Thursday, September 24, the school will
have an Open House from 5:00 pm-6:00
pm. You will spend 15 minutes in your
students ELA classroom (my classroom)
and 15 minutes in their math classroom
(Ms. Scotts classroom). You will also spend
15 minutes
in one of
for my
parents will
get to visit
the music
Then, at the
end of the
open house,
there will be
15 minutes for any other questions you may
have where you will be able to visit other
teachers and/or re-visit teachers you saw
earlier in the hour. I really hope you all can
make it! I would love to have the
opportunity to show you the classroom, give
you an example of an in-class work
assignment, and go through the Common
Core State Standards so that you know
exactly what your student needs to know
before their leave their current grade level.
In addition, I will be giving out information
about the classroom website, and if there is
time, showing you the classroom website as

Kindergarten ELA News

Last week in kindergarten we practicing retelling
nursery rhymes using the words first, next,
then, and last. Students had to order pictures
from the nursery rhymes correctly and glue them
in place. This is called retelling.
This week, students will continue retelling nursery
rhymes. Students will be drawing lines to match
the words first, next, then, and last to the
correct picture. Students will also practice with the
letters C, D, F, and H. Students will practice
writing the letters, identifying the capital and
lowercase, and at the end of the week they will be
sorting pictures based on the what letter they
start with. We tried this last week and
unfortunately it did not go very well (it took
students a long time to cut pictures so they did
not have a lot of time to complete their sort). This
week, I will have the pictures already cut out for
them so that they have enough time to complete
their sort.

First Grade ELA News

Just like last week, students will once again will be

filling out a graphic organizer to tell about the
characters, setting, and plot in a fable and a
folktale. It is important that students are
practicing this again and again to ensure that they
understand the different story elements and are
able to identify the story elements on their own.
We will also spend a lot of time on Thursday and
Friday practicing CVC phonics
skills. Students will be using
dry erase boards to write CVC
words. Students will also have
to identify which CVC words
match certain pictures. In
addition, students will start
writing their own stories.
Students will practicing making
sure that they have a capital
letter, punctuation, neat
handwriting and finger spaces.

Ms. Madorskys Classroom Newsletter Page 2

Classroom Rules

The rules in Room 123 are:

Follow directions the first time they are
Level 0 Voice (no talking) when the
teacher is talking.
Raise your hand to speak and wait to
be called on.
Stay in your area (do not get out of
your seat, up from the carpet, move
from the line, etc)
Keep hands, feet, and objects to
Please make sure that you review these
rules with your student so that they
understand the expectations. Students
that do not follow the rules will be
given a consequence. Students that
follow directions will receive rewards.
A behavior chart will be located in your
students folder. Every day I will make
a note of your students behavior.
Please ensure that you check it every
night. Students that end the day on
green (good day) will receive a sticker
for their sticker chart. Once they get to
numbers 13 and 26 on the sticker chart
they will get to go to the prize box.
Students on yellow, orange, or red will
not get a sticker. If your child ends the
day on one of those colors please make
sure that you talk to them about their
behavior so that it can be corrected for
the next school day.

If you can send any school
supplies (Kleenex, hand
sanitizer, pencils, dry erase
markers, crayons, glue sticks,
folders etc) that would be
greatly appreciated! Thank
you in advance for your help!

Every week students will learn five sight
words. Sight words are the most common
words in books. The ability to recognize,
spell, and write them quickly will make your
student a better reader and writer. We will
practice these words in the classroom, but
practice at home is important too. In your
students folder is a list a list of all the sight
words your student will be learning this
year. I cannot stress the importance of
practicing sight words at home enough.
Have students read them, write them and
spell them. The more practice the better!

Kindergarten sight words this

week are: he, are, on for, and
First grade sight words this week
are: live, most, me, back, and

School starts at 8:45. We leave the cafeteria
at 8:45, so if that is when your student is
arriving they are NOT eating breakfast. Last
week I had several students that did not get
a chance to eat breakfast because they
arrived too late. Please get them to school
by 8:30 so that they have time to eat.
Please make sure that your child is wearing
the appropriate uniform every day when
they come to school.
Homework will be sent home every night. It
should be completed and returned the next
Contact information: [email protected]
Leave a comment on the classroom website
or call the school ((773) 535-6600) and leave
a message for me.

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