September 21 Newsletter
September 21 Newsletter
September 21 Newsletter
Bradwell School of
Chicago, IL
September 21, 2015
Volume 3, Issue 3
Classroom Rules
If you can send any school
supplies (Kleenex, hand
sanitizer, pencils, dry erase
markers, crayons, glue sticks,
folders etc) that would be
greatly appreciated! Thank
you in advance for your help!
Every week students will learn five sight
words. Sight words are the most common
words in books. The ability to recognize,
spell, and write them quickly will make your
student a better reader and writer. We will
practice these words in the classroom, but
practice at home is important too. In your
students folder is a list a list of all the sight
words your student will be learning this
year. I cannot stress the importance of
practicing sight words at home enough.
Have students read them, write them and
spell them. The more practice the better!
School starts at 8:45. We leave the cafeteria
at 8:45, so if that is when your student is
arriving they are NOT eating breakfast. Last
week I had several students that did not get
a chance to eat breakfast because they
arrived too late. Please get them to school
by 8:30 so that they have time to eat.
Please make sure that your child is wearing
the appropriate uniform every day when
they come to school.
Homework will be sent home every night. It
should be completed and returned the next
Contact information: [email protected]
Leave a comment on the classroom website
or call the school ((773) 535-6600) and leave
a message for me.