Subodh Final Project Report
Subodh Final Project Report
Subodh Final Project Report
Prof. T. N. Ramakumar
Faculty Guide
IBS kochi
I hereby declare that this report on “Agency business model of
insurance companies competitive strategies” has been written
and prepared by me during the academic year 2008-2009.This
project was done under the able guidance and supervision of Prof.
T.N. Ramakumar, Faculty, ICFAI Business School and Mr. Suresh
Kumar V., DSM, SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd., Calicut in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the Master Of Business
Administration Degree course of the ICFAI Business School.
I also declare that this project is the result of my own effort and has
not been submitted to any other institution for the award of any
Degree or Diploma.
Place: Kochi
Subodh Gupta
If words are considered to be signs of gratitude then let these words convey
the very same
My sincere gratitude to SBI Life for providing me with an opportunity to
work with SBI Life and giving necessary directions on doing this project to
the best of my abilities.
I am highly indebted to Mr. Suresh Kumar V., Divisional Sales Manager
and company project guide, who has provided me with the necessary
information and also for the support extended out to me in the completion of
this report and his valuable suggestion and comments on bringing out this
report in the best way possible.
I also thank Prof. T. N. Ramakumar, ICFAI, Kochi, who has sincerely
supported me with the valuable insights into the completion of this project.
I am grateful to all faculty members of ICFAI, Kochi and my friends who
have helped me in the successful completion of this project.
I extend my hearfelt thanks to Mr. Sukumaran, territory manger, Mr. Sunil
K. Menon, unit manager, and Mr. Vinod P., unit manager, to help me
during this project.
Sr. No. Subjects Covered Pages
1. Project Proposed 9 - 11
1.1 Objective of the project
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Sampling
1.4 Limitations
2. Introduction 12 - 16
2.1 Definition of insurance
2.2 Functions of insurance
2.3 Definitions of life insurance
2.4 Role of life insurance
2.5 Importance of life insurance
3. Agency business model 17 - 19
3.1 Insurance agencies
3.2 Functions of agency manager
3.3 Operational work of insurance agency
4. Indian insurance industry 20 - 27
4.1 History
4.2 IRDA
4.3 Changing perception of customers
4.4 Changing face of Indian life insurance industry
4.5 Possibilities
5. Global insurance industry 28 - 29
6. Functioning of insurance industry 30 - 36
6.1 Insurer’s business model
6.2 Investment management
6.3 Key ratios and terms
6.4 Requirements of an insurance risk
6.5 Various types of insurance products
7. Insurance and economy 37 - 39
8. SBI Life insurance company 40 - 42
9. Distribution of insurance product 43 - 46
10. Effective marketing strategies for insurance 47 - 52
11. Competitors of SBI Life 53 - 62
12. Comparison of ULIP products 63 - 69
13. Questioner 70 - 71
14. Conclusions and findings 72 - 91
15. Recommendations 92
1. Project proposed
Agency business model of different insurance companies- competitive
Different agencies of different insurance companies are having some
strategies to survive in the market. Their strategies may be in the form of:
• How they target their customers.
• How they make their advisors active.
• How they make their operational and sales department effective.
• How they promote their employees.
• How they handle the conflict in agency.
about to penetrate the competitors of SBI life. Conclusion of this project can
give an idea of strategies of different companies which may be helpful to the
company. Now days all the insurance companies in India are trying to
establish themselves in the competitive market. They are introducing
innovative marketing strategies to survive in the market. Many other private
companies are looking to enter in the Indian insurance market .so it is very
essential to a company to innovate their marketing strategies in terms of
Research is totally based on primary data. Secondary data can be used only
for the reference. Research has been done by primary data collection, and
primary data has been collected by meeting with the branch and agency
manager of different insurance agencies and branches in Calicut. Data
collection has been done through by giving structured questioner. Research
has been done after 27 branch managers or agency manager. This study will
be based on judgment sampling and this research is skewed to organization
level. This is an exploratory type of research. And this research needs further
study also Research is a kind of pilot study.
Sample size has been taken by judgment sampling. Judgment sampling is a
process in which the selection of a unit, from the population is based on the
pre judgment. This research requires the survey of different insurance
agencies in Calicut city. So research concentrates on the branch or agency
manager of different insurance companies. So the selection of unit for this
research has been judged by the researcher. Sample size for this research is
• Time limitation
• Research has been done only in Calicut.
• Companies did not disclose their secrets data and strategies.
• Possibility of Error in data collection.
• Possibility of Error in analysis of data due to small sample size.
2. Introduction
The story of insurance is probably as old as the story of mankind. Tendency
of a human being to secure themselves against loss and disaster has been
from the starting of world. They sought to avert the evil consequences of fire
and flood and loss of life and were willing to make some sort of sacrifice in
order to achieve security. Though the concept of insurance is largely a
development of the recent past, particularly after the industrial era – past few
centuries – yet its beginnings date back almost 6000 years as per records.
• Marine
• Miscellaneous Insurance.
Insurance provides:
• Protection to investor.
• Accumulation of savings.
• Channeling these savings into sectors needing huge long term
Functions of insurance:
• Provide protection: The primary function of insurance is to provide
protection against future risk, accidents and uncertainty. Insurance
cannot check the happening of the risk, but can certainly provide for
the losses of risk. Insurance is actually a protection against economic
loss, by sharing the risk with others.
• Assessment of risk: Insurance determines the probable volume of
risk by evaluating various factors that give rise to risk. Risk is the
basis for determining the premium rate also.
• Risk free trade: Insurance promotes exports insurance, which makes
the foreign trade risk free with the help of different types of policies
under marine insurance cover.
Life insurance:
Life insurance is a contract under which the insurer (Insurance Company) in
Consideration of a premium paid undertakes to pay a fixed sum of money on
The death of the insured or on the expiry of a specified period of time
Whichever is earlier. In case of life insurance, the payment for life insurance
policy is certain. The Event insured against is sure to happen only the time
of its happening is not known. So life insurance is known as ‘Life
Assurance’. The subject matter of insurance is life of human being. Life
insurance provides risk coverage to the life of a person. On death of the
person insurance offers protection against loss of income and compensate
the titleholders of the policy.
• Life insurance as risk cover: - Insurance is all about risk cover and
protection of life. Insurance provides a unique sense of security that
no other form of invest can provide.
insurance is an important tool for the mobilization and investment of
small savings.
• Credit worthiness: - Life insurance policy can be used as a security
to raise loans. It improves the credit worthiness of business.
• Social Security: - Life insurance is important for the society as a
whole also. Life insurance enables a person to provide for education
and marriage of children and for construction of house. It helps a
person to make financial base for future.
• Tax Benefit: - Under the Income Tax Act, premium paid is allowed as
a deduction from the total income under section 80C.
Insurance is now governed by a blend of statutes, administrative agency
regulations, and court decisions. State statutes often control premium rates,
prevent unfair practices by insurers, and guard against the financial
insolvency of insurers to protect insureds.
Insurance agencies:
Insurance agency can be defined as a group of insurance agents or advisor.
These agents or advisors create a distribution channel to sell the different
insurance products. These advisors are the strongest distribution channel for
an insurance agency. An advisor or agent works as a third party or
intermediate between insurance company and customers. All the advisors in
an agency work as a team. Main work of insurance advisor or agent is to
promote and sell different insurance products of company.
Back office provider Regulatory
life insurance company came as Bombay mutual life insurance assurance.
Second company was Bharat insurance company came in 1896. After this
the united India in madras, national Indian and national insurance in
Calcutta and the co-operative assurance in Lahore were established in 1906.
To regulate Indian insurance business first insurance act came
in 1912 as life insurance company act and provident fund act. These acts
consist of premium rates tables and periodical valuations of companies. In
the first two decade of 20th century many life insurance companies were
started. So the insurance act came in 1938 to governing life and non life
insurance companies and to provide strict state control. In 1956 the life
insurance business in India was nationalized. In 1956 life insurance
corporation of India (LIC) was created to spreading life insurance much
more widely particularly in rural areas. In that year LIC had 5 zonal offices,
33 divisional offices and 212 branch offices. In 1957 the business of LIC of
sum assured of 200crores, 1000crores in 1970, and 7000crores in 1986.
application for registrations. Foreign companies were allowed ownership of
up to 26%. The Authority has the power to frame regulations under Section
114A of the Insurance Act, 1938 and has from 2000 onwards framed various
regulations ranging from registration of companies for carrying on insurance
business to protection of policyholders’ interests.
Role of IRDA:
• Protecting the interests of policyholders.
• Establishing guidelines for the operations of insurers, and brokers.
• Specifying the code of conduct, qualifications, and training for
insurance intermediaries and agents.
• Promoting efficiency in the conduct of insurance business.
• Regulating the investment of funds by insurance companies.
• Specifying the percentage of business to be written by insurers in
rural sectors.
• Handling disputes between insurers and insurance intermediaries.
“Take-it-As-it-basis”. All that got changed with passage of IRDA act in
1999. New insurance companies have come into existence leading to open
competition and hence better products for customers.
Customers are looking at Insurance for covering Pure Risk now which I
have covered in my next section. Another good reason why we are seeing
quick changes in the buying behavior of Insurance from mere Investment to
risk mitigation is the cost of Replacement of Goods (ROG) or Cost of
Services (COS).
Now Indian customers are aware of insurance industry and insurance
products provided by companies. They have become more sensitive. They
would not accept any type of insurance product unless it fulfills their
requirements and needs. In historic day’s customers looking at insurance
products as a life cover which can provide security against any unacceptable
events, but now customers look at insurance products as an investment as
well as life cover. So today’s customers wants good return from the
insurance companies. The Indian customer’s forms the pivot of each
company’s strategy.
and maturity period bonuses but changed to greater return from the
investments. With the introduction of the unit linked insurance policies these
companies are investing the money in different investment instruments like
shares, bonds, debentures, government and other securities. People are
demanding for higher returns with the life risk cover and private companies
are giving 30-40% average growth per annum. These life-insurance
companies have every kind of policies suiting every need right from
financial needs of, marriage, giving birth and rearing up a child, his
education, meeting daily financial needs of life, pension solutions after
retirement. These companies have every aspects and needs of our life
covered along with the death-benefit.
• Growth of customer’s interest with an increasing demand for better
insurance products.
So it is clear that the face of life insurance in India is
changing, but with the changes come a host of challenges and it is only the
credible players with a long term vision and a robust business strategy that
will survive. Whatever the developments, the future and the opportunities in
this industry will surely be exciting.
Possibilities for insurance companies in India:
• Further deregulation of the market.
• Greater concern for the customers.
• Newer products and services.
• Competition and quality consciousness.
• Cost effective operations.
• Restructuring of the public sector.
• Consolidation of domestic insurance markets.
• Technology driven shift in product design.
• Actual operations and distribution.
• Convergence of financial services.
boom of the past few years led to demand for unit linked insurance
non-traditional competitors those are entering the retail market with new
approaches and through new channels.
India has a rapidly growing middle class and this section can afford
to buy insurance products. This shows the attraction that the Indian market
holds for foreign insurers who have been putting pressure on developing
countries as well as on India to open up its market.
Source: -
Insurers make money in two ways: (1) through underwriting, the processes
by which insurers select the risks to insure and decide how much in
premiums to charge for accepting those risks and (2) by investing the
premiums they collect from insured.
The most difficult aspect of the insurance business is the underwriting of
policies. Using a wide assortment of data, insurers predict the likelihood that
a claim will be made against their policies and price products accordingly.
To this end, insurers use actuarial science to quantify the risks they are
willing to assume and the premium they will charge to assume them. Data is
analyzed to fairly accurately project the rate of future claims based on a
given risk. Actuarial science uses statistics and probability to analyze the
risks associated with the range of perils covered, and these scientific
principles are used to determine an insurer's overall exposure. Upon
termination of a given policy, the amount of premium collected and the
investment gains thereon minus the amount paid out in claims is the insurer's
underwriting profit on that policy.
. Naturally, the “float” method is difficult to carry out in an economically
depressed period. Bear markets do cause insurers to shift away from
investments and to toughen up their underwriting standards. So a poor
economy generally means high insurance premiums. This tendency to swing
between profitable and unprofitable periods over time is commonly known
as the "underwriting" or insurance cycle.
Investment management:
Investment operations are often considered incidental to the business of
insurance, and have traditionally viewed as secondary to underwriting. In
the past risk management was the most important part of business, whereas
today the focus has shifted to fund management. Investment income is a
large component of insurance revenues, skilful and careful management of
funds. Insurance is a business of large numbers and generates huge amount
of funds over time. These funds arise out of policyholder funds in the case of
life insurance, and technical and free reserves in the non-life segments. Time
lag between the procurement of premium and the payment of claim provides
an interval during which the funds can be deployed to generate income.
Insurance companies are among the largest institutional investors in the
world. Assets managed by insurance companies are estimated to account for
over 40% of the world’s top ten asset managers.
Returns on investments influence the premium rates and
bonuses and hence investment income will continue to be an important
component of insurance company profits. In life insurance, benefits from
insurance profits accrue directly to policy holders when it is passed on to
him in the form of a bonus. In non life insurance the benefits are indirect and
mostly by the creation of an investment portfolio. Investment income has to
compensate for underwriting results which are increasingly under pressure.
In the case of insurance, the difference between revenue and the expenses is
known as operating surplus.
Revenue =premium.
Expenses =sum of claims + commission payable on procurement of
business + operating expenses.
Operating surplus =revenue-expenses.
Net investment income includes income from trading in and holding stock
market securities including government securities, special deposits with the
central government, loans to several public utilities and service providers in
state government.
Insurance premium collected is converted in a pool of fund
then divided in to four expenses.
• To pay the expenses of the management.
• To pay agency commission.
• To pay for the claims.
• Surplus money will be invested in govt. securities.
Requirements of an insurance risk
Insurance normally insure only pure risks .However, not all pure risk is
insurable .certain requirements usually must be fulfilled before a pure risk
can be privately insured .From the view point of the insurer, there are ideally
six requirement of an insurable risk
existing pure risk .thus ,if you bet Rs 300 on a horse ,a new speculative
technique is created ,but if you pay Rs 300 to an insurer for fire insurance
,the risk of fire is already present and is transferred to the insurer by a
contract. No new risk is created by the transaction.
that are typically uninsurable ,such as protection against a decline in the
price agriculture products and raw materials.
• Term life insurance policies: This type of insurance covers risk
only during the selected term period. If the policy holder survives the
term, risk cover comes to an end. These types of policies are for those
people who are unable to pay larger premium required for endowment
and whole life policies. No surrender, loan or paid up values are in
such policies.
7. Insurance and economy
• Indian economy is growing in reference to global market. Business of
insurance with its unique features has a special place in Indian
• It is a highly specialized technical business and customer is the most
concern people in this business, therefore this business is able to spur
the growth of infrastructure and act as a catalyst in the overall
development of Indian economy.
• The high volumes in the insurance business help spread risk wider,
allowing a lowering of the rates of the premium to be charged and in
turn, raising profits. When there is a bigger base, the probabilities
become more predictable, and with system wide risks balanced out,
profits improve. This explains the current scenario of mergers,
acquisitions, and globalization of insurance.
• Insurance is a type of savings. Insurance is not only important for tax
benefits, but also for savings and for providing security. It can be
serving as an essential service which a welfare state must make
available to its people.
• Insurance play a crucial role in the commercial lives of nations and
act as the lubricants of economic activities. Insurance firms help to
spread the potentially financial consequences of risk among the large
number of entities, to mobilize and distribute savings for productive
use, facilitate investment, support and encourage external trade, and
protect economic entities against external risk.
Insurance and economic growth mutually influences each other. As the
economy grows, the living standards of people increase. As a consequence,
the demand for life insurance increases. As the assets of people and of
business enterprises increase in the growth process, the demand for general
insurance also increases. In fact, as the economy widens the demand for
new types of insurance products emerges. Insurance is no longer confined
to product markets; they also cover service industries. It is equally true that
growth itself is facilitated by insurance. A well-developed insurance sector
promotes economic growth by encouraging risk-taking. Risk is inherent in
all economic activities. Without some kind of cover against risk, some of
these activities will not be carried out at all. Also insurance and more
particularly life insurance is a mobilizer of long term savings and life
insurance companies are thus able to support infrastructure projects which
require long term funds. There is thus a mutually beneficial interaction
between insurance and economic growth. The low income levels of the vast
majority of population have been one of the factors inhibiting a faster
growth of insurance in India. To some extent this is also compounded by
certain attitudes to life. The economy has moved on to a higher growth path.
The average rate of growth of the economy in the last three years was 8.1
per cent. This strong growth will bring about significant changes in the
insurance industry.
to him, it is non-quantifiable risk that leads to profit. He wrote “It is a world
of change in which we live, and a world of uncertainty. We live only by
knowing something about the future; while the problems of life or of
conduct at least, arise from the fact that we know so little. This is as true of
business as of other spheres of activity”. The real management challenges
are uninsurable risks. In the case of insurable risks, risk is avoided at a cost.
8. SBI Life insurance
SBI Life insurance is a joint venture between the State Bank of India and
Cardiff SA of France. SBI Life insurance is registered with an authorized
capital of Rs 500 crore and a paid up capital of Rs 350 crores. SBI owns
74% of the total capital and Cardiff the remaining 26%. State Bank of India
enjoys the largest banking franchise in India. Along with its 7 Associate
Banks, SBI Group has the unrivalled strength of over 14,000 branches
across the country, the largest in the world.
the SBI Group as a platform for cross-selling insurance products along with
its numerous banking product packages such as housing loans, personal
loans and credit cards. SBI’s access to over 100 million accounts provides a
vibrant base to build insurance selling across every region and economic
strata in the country.
40% of the business. Other channels like Credit Life and Group Corporate
are also performing very well.
(1) Unit Linked products (1) Group Employee Benefit
• Horizon 11 Retirement Solutions
• Cap Assure Gratuity
• Unit Pus 11
• Cap Assure Superannuation
• Unit plus child Plan
• Cap Assure Leave
• Unit Plan Elite
(2) Pension Products
• Group Immediate Annuity
• Horizon 11 Pension
• SBI Life Golden Gratuity
• Unit Plus 11 Pension
Protection Plan
• Lifelong Pension • Sampoorn Suraksha
9. Distribution of insurance products
Insurance has to be sold the world over. The Touch point with the ultimate
customer is the distributor or the producer and the role played by them in
insurance markets is critical. It is the distributor who makes the difference in
terms of the quality of advice for choice of product, servicing of policy post
sale and settlement of claims. In the Indian market, with their distinct
cultural and social ethics, these conditions will play a major role in shaping
the distribution channels and their effectiveness. In today's scenario,
insurance companies must move from selling insurance to marketing an
essential financial product. The distributors have to become trusted financial
advisors for the clients and trusted business associates for the insurance
• Agents: Agents are the primary channel for distribution of
insurance. The public and private sector insurance companies have
their branches in almost all parts of the country and have attracted
local people to become their agents. Today's insurance agent has to
know which product will appeal to the customer, and also know his
competitor's products to be an effective salesman who can sell his
company, the product, and himself to the customer. To the average
customer, every new company is the same. Perceptions about the
public sector companies are also cemented in his mind. So an
insurance agent can play an important role to create a good image of
• Banks: Banks in India are all pervasive, especially the public sector
banks. Many insurance companies are selling their products through
banks. Companies which are bank owned, they are selling their
products through their parent bank. The public sector banks, with their
vast branch networks, are helpful to insurance companies. This
channel of selling insurance is known as Banc assurance.
ICICI prudential ICICI bank, bank of India, Citibank,
Allahabad bank, Federal bank, south
Indian bank, Punjab and Maharashtra
cooperative bank
SBI life State bank of India
Birla sun life Deutsche bank, Citibank, bank of
Rajasthan, Andhra bank
ING Vysya bank Vysya bank
Aviva life insurance ABN amro bank, canara bank
HDFC standard life Union bank, Indian bank
Met life Karnataka bank, j&k bank
• Internet: In this technological world internet is also a channel of
selling insurance. This can be as direct marketing.
Now the Indian consumer is knowledgeable and sensitive. Consumers are
increasingly more aware and are actively managing their financial affairs.
People are increasingly looking not just at products, but at integrated
financial solutions that can offer stability of returns along with total
protection. In view of this, the insurance managers need to understand more
about the details that go into the introduction of insurance products to make
it attractive in this competitive market. So now days an insurance manager
requires leadership, commitment, creativity, and flexibility. "Every family
in every village in the country should feel safe and secure". This vision
alone will help to bring the new ideas to the insurance manager.
• Insuring service quality.
• Effective pricing.
• Customer satisfaction research.
be tie clients to the company by customized combination of coverage, easy
payment plans, risk management advice, and convenient and quick claim
everyone is trying to put in the best efforts. There are marketing
strategies more for survival than growth. But the most important gift of
privatization is the introduction of customer-oriented services. Utmost
care is being taken to maximize customer satisfaction.
• Control over investment and operating costs: Control over
resources such as men, machines, and materials at each level of the
organization provides measures of efficiency of a unit as well as the
organization. Investment control and expense control are dealt
separately and the effectiveness of management’s’ decisions at various
levels is to be assessed separately
Effective strategies for insurance agents:
11. Competitors of SBI life insurance
ICICI prudential: ICICI prudential insurance is a joint venture of ICICI
bank and prudential plc a leading financial service group in the UK. Total
capital stands for Rs. 37.72 billion, with ICICI Bank holding a stake of 74%
and Prudential plc holding 26%. ICICI begin their operations in December
2000 after receiving approval from IRDA. Now ICICI prudential is having
over 1000 offices, over 270000 advisors and 21bancassurance partners.
ICICI Prudential was the first life insurer in India to receive a National
Insurer Financial Strength rating of AAA from Fitch ratings. ICICI
prudential is working on the base of five core values-
• Integrity
• Customer first
• Boundary less
• Ownership
• Passion
Key features:
• Providing an enabling environment to foster growth and learning
for employees.
Key features:
Banking Financial Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of
India under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.
Aviva life insurance: Aviva is UK’s largest and the world’s fifth largest
insurance Group. It is one of the leading providers of life and pensions
products to Europe and has substantial businesses elsewhere around the
world. Aviva has a joint venture of Dabur, one of India's oldest, and largest
Group of companies. And country's leading producer of traditional
healthcare products. In accordance with the government regulations Aviva
holds a 26 per cent stake in the joint venture and the Dabur group holds the
balance 74 per cent share. Aviva has 193 Branches in India (including rural
branches) supporting its distribution network. Through its Banc assurance
partner locations, Aviva products are available in more than 2,795 locations
across India. Aviva has a sales force of over 30000 financial planning
Key features:
• Through the “Financial Health Check” (FHC) Aviva’s sales force has
been able to establish its credibility in the market. The FHC is a free
service administered by the FPAs for a need-based analysis of the
customer’s long-term savings and insurance needs. Depending on the
life stage and earnings of the customer, the FHC assesses and
recommends the right insurance product for them.
• Introduced the concept of Banc assurance in India.
• Products to provide customers flexibility, transparency and value for
• Differentiation in fund management operations.
• Innovation
• Long term relationship
• Customer centered and result focused vision
• Creating high performance organization
• Working with integrity, fairness and financial prudence
• Partnering with internal and external customers
Max New York life insurance: Max New York Life Insurance Company
Ltd. is a joint venture between New York Life, a Fortune 100 company and
Max India Limited, one of India's leading multi-business corporations The
Company's paid up capital is Rs. 907.4 crore. Max New York life is working
on the base of six core values-
• Excellence,
• Honesty,
• Knowledge,
• Caring,
• Integrity
Key features:
• Max New York Life has adopted prudent financial practices to ensure
safety of policyholder's funds.
• Investing significantly in its training programme and each agent is
trained for 152 hours as opposed to the mandatory 100 hours
stipulated by the IRDA before beginning to sell in the marketplace.
• Using a five-pronged strategy to pursue alternative channels of
distribution which include the franchisee model, rural business, direct
sales force involving group insurance and telemarketing opportunities,
banc assurance and corporate alliances.
Bharti Axa life insurance: Bharti Axa life insurance is a joint venture
between Bharti, one of India’s leading business groups with interests in
telecom, agri business and retail, and Axa world leader in financial
protection and wealth management. The joint venture company has a 74%
stake from Bharti and 26% stake of Axa. The company started its operations
in December 2006. Now company is having over 5200 employees across
over 12 states in the country. Company is working on the base of five core
• Professionalism
• Innovation
• Team Spirit
• Pragmatism
• Integrity
Key features:
Tata AIG life insurance: Tata AIG Life Insurance Company Limited (Tata
AIG Life) is a joint venture company of the Tata Group and American
International Group, Inc. (AIG). The Tata Group holds 74 per cent stake in
the insurance venture with AIG holding the balance 26 percent. Tata AIG
Life provides insurance solutions to individuals and corporate. Tata AIG
Life Insurance Company started to operate its business in India on April 1,
2001. Tata AIG is having 3000 advisors all over India.
Key features:
Bajaj Allianz life insurance: Bajaj Allianz life insurance company ltd. Is a
joint venture of Allianz AG, one of the world’s largest insurance companies
and Bajaj auto, one of the biggest two and three wheeler manufacturing
companies in the world. Company is having over 440000 satisfied customers
in India. Company is having 550 branches across the country and over
60000 advisors.
Key features:
ING Vysya life insurance: ING Vysya Life Insurance Company Limited a
part of the ING group the world’s largest financial services provider entered
in the private life insurance industry in India in September 2001.ING Vysya
Life is currently present in 246 cities and has a network of over 300
branches, staffed by 7,000 employees and over 51,000 advisors, serving over
5.5 lakh customers. ING Vysya Life has a diversified distribution channels,.
While Tied Agency remains the strongest channel, the Alternate Channels
business within ING Vysya Life is one of the fastest growing distribution
channels. ING Vysya Life has strengthened its position as the unparallel
leader in the life insurance industry in cooperative banks tie ups. The
company currently has tie ups with 130 cooperative banks across the
country. The Alternate Channels division has Banc assurance, ING Vysya
Bank, Corporate Agents and SMINCE. ING Vysya is working on the base of
five core values-
• Professionalism
• Entrepreneurial
• Trustworthy
• Approachable
• Caring
Birla sun life insurance: Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Limited
(BSLI) is a joint venture between the Aditya Birla Group and the Sun Life
Financial Services of Canada. It started operations in March 2001 after
receiving its registration license from IRDA in January 2001. Company is
having more than 45 branches across India.
Key features:
• Focus on unit linked insurance products supported with protection
products to maintain leadership in product innovation.
• Use of multi distribution channels- Direct Sales Force, Alternate
Channels and offering convenient channels of purchase to customers.
• Web-enabled IT systems for superior customer services and issuing
policies on the internet.
• High degree of transparency in all business practices and procedures.
• Working on operational Business Continuity Plan.
Source: -
Growth in premiums of different insurance companies:-
ICICI Prudential
Fund options- growth fund, balanced fund, income fund, and preserver.
allocation to equities- upto 100% in growth fund, upto 40% in balanced
fund, nil in income fund, 50% in preserver.
minimum premium- 20,000.
min/max age at entry- upto 65 years.
sum assured- annual premium*term/2.
fund management charges- 1.5% in growth fund, 1.0% in balanced fund,
.75% in income and preserver fund.
fixed monthly expenses- 60rs.
partial withdrawals- above one partial withdrawal 100 rs. charge per
charges on top ups- 1%.
switching charges- above 4 switches in a year 100 rs. Per switching.
switching charges- 2 free switches in a year, and 100 rs. Per switching.
fixed monthly expenses- 60 rs.
partial withdrawals allowed- above 4 partial withdrawals 100 rs. per
charges on top ups- 1%.
switching charges- above 4 switching 100 rs. per switching.
Max New York Life Insurance
fund options- growth fund, balanced fund, conservative fund, secure fund.
allocation to equities- 20 – 70% in growth fund, 10 – 40% in balanced
fund, 0 – 15% in conservative fund, 0% in secure fund.
minimum premium- 15,000.
min/max age at entry- 12 – 60 years.
sum assured- minimum sum assured 100,000 rs.
fund management charges- .90% - 1.25% of net assets in the fund.
fixed monthly expenses- 50 rs.
charges on top ups- nil.
switching charges- above 2 switching per year 500 rs. Per switching.
fixed monthly expenses- 40 rs.
partial withdrawals allowed- rs. 100 for every withdrawal.
charges on top ups- 2%.
switching charges- above 1 switching 100 rs. Per switching.
Insurer Market view Product focus Distribution Others
ICICI Market Pension and Significantly Significant
Prudential growth at healthy diversified capital
60%CAGR products likely with 40% requirement
in medium to grow given from non for maintain
term, target aging agency force, share in a
to maintain population and expanding high growth
share at 30% increasing life reach to non market, both
in private expectancy. metro areas. partners
segment. Product willing to
awareness is contribute,
slightly behind
LIC despite a
health could
comprise 3 –
5% of product
mix in 5 years.
HDFC Expect high Focus on Prefer own Breakeven
Standard life double digit regular offices versus not
insurance market premium franchisees, necessarily in
growth over products and higher focus next 18
next few higher on training months, it
years, steady persistency agents rather would
state not levels, group than hard sell, require
expected focus given rural focus capital even
flexibility in required but if FDI were
equity obstacles raised to
investment, include lack 49%.
competitive of bank
versus mutual infrastructure.
funds for
longer tenure
products given
lower amc
Bajaj Allianz Current Most products More focus Growth and
life industry homogeneous on smaller market share
insurance growth across players, towns, oriented
sustainable not much price greater strategy,
for next 7 – differentiation, emphasis on detarrifing
10 years, ULIPsales agency force would hit
target 10% unlikely to be expansion. non life
market share affected by segment
in next 5 recent adversely.
years regulations,
not much
threat from
mutual funds.
Birla sun life Target to be Currently only Agent It believes
insurance top in 5 unit linked productivity some
years products sold is an issue marginal
but group given their players could
linked part time br bought
products are nature, target out.
focus area for is 130
development. branches all
over India,
also will
leverage on
13. Questioner
IBS Kochi
Chakrampilly Towers Puthiya Road, NH-47 Bye Pass
Palarivattom, PO
Kochi 682025
Ph. 0484-2338823
Contact no.-
The following questionnaire is for the purpose of our research project as a part of
our MBA curriculum on ‘Marketing Strategy of different Insurance companies’. It
is assured from us that any information given by the company will not be disclosed
by any means. With this assurance I expect accurate data from company to help me
for my project.
6. How do you make them active?
(a)By increasing incentives
(b)By offering higher channel position
(c)By awarding non-cash prizes
(d)By giving training session
13. What is average total premium collection in your branch (in a month)
(a) <2 Cr. (b) 2-4 Cr. (c) 4-5 Cr. (d) >5 Cr.
14. Other useful activities which you do in agency (if any, please
14. Findings
Primary data has been collected by the survey of branch and agency
manager of different insurance companies in Calicut. sample size for this
research is 27.
Recruitment of advisors
Through advertisement
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Making advisors active: To get efficient work from their advisors
companies do some practices to make them active. some practices are-
1. By increasing incentives.
2. By offering higher channel position.
3. By awarding them non cash prizes.
4. By giving them training session.
Response Frequency Percent
yes 14 51.9
no 13 48.1
Total 27 100.0
So most of the companies are giving training session and awarding non cash
prizes to make their advisors active, some of the companies are increasing
incentives and offering higher channel position to make their advisors
Response Frequency Percent
yes 5 18.5
no 22 81.5
Total 27 100.0
So all the companies are promoting their unit linked products and some
companies are promoting rest of the products including unit linked products.
Type of products promoted
Endowment products
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
e Frequency Percent
yes 6 22.2
no 21 77.8
Total 27 100.0
e Frequency Percent
yes 20 74.1
no 7 25.9
Total 27 100.0
e Frequency Percent
yes 2 7.4
no 25 92.6
Total 27 100.0
e Frequency Percent
yes 5 18.5
no 22 81.5
Total 27 100.0
Baiss of product deployment
On customer need
Profit oriented
0 5 10 15 20 25
e Frequency Percent
yes 4 14.8
no 23 85.2
Total 27 100.0
e Frequency Percent
yes 13 48.1
no 14 51.9
Total 27 100.0
e Frequency Percent
yes 7 25.9
no 20 74.1
Total 27 100.0
e Frequency Percent
yes 17 63.0
no 10 37.0
Total 27 100.0
So most of the companies are giving better service quality and better pricing
to differentiate their products from their competitors.
Differentiation strategies
By pricing of product
By promotional activities
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
So almost all the companies are interacting with customers through direct
marketing and by telephonic contacts (creating database).
Mode of interaction with customers
Through advertisement
By telephonic contacts
Direct marketing
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Competitive strategies
By increasing periodicity of
Change in pricing
0 5 10 15 20 25
Premium collection:-
Premium Collection
Premium collected
0 5 10 15 20 25
Recruitment of advisors through personal reference and
making them active:-
By increasing incentives
By giving them higher channel position
By awarding non cash prizes
By giving them training session
Recruitment of advisors through advertisement and making
them active:-
By increasing incentives
By giving them higher channel position
By awarding non cash prizes
By giving them training session
Recruitment of advisors through walk in interviews and
making them active:-
4 4
By increasing incentives
By giving them higher channel position
By awarding non cash prizes
By giving them training session
15. Recommendations
• SBI Life should also promote the term and endowment insurance
products including ULIP products. Because these are basic insurance
products. Promote products as life insurance products not an as
investment products.
• Somewhat the brand name of SBI is harming the SBI Life insurance,
because most of the people are not happy with the service provide by
SBI bank, so it is necessary to change the mentality of the people that
SBI Life insurance is different from SBI bank. SBI Life should
promote their product features rather than promoting their brand
• SBI Life should sell their products through head of the villages or
through panchayat in villages. People in villages believe on the head
and panchayat so selling insurance will be easier in villages.
• SBI Life can introduce some special policies for the farmers to tap the
rural market, and pricing for these kinds of products should be less so
farmers can easily afford to take policies.
16. References