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The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference

To Patna

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna



Conceptual Perspective of the topic

Why to study market share and customer’s



Objective of the study.

Scope of the study.


Data needed

Sources of data.

Sample specification

Method of data collection

Analysis technique

Time span of the field work

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


Insurance is a social device where uncertain risks of

individuals may be combined in a group and thus made

more certain - small periodic contributions by the

individuals provide a found out of which those who suffer

losses may be reimbursed. In addition to being a means to

protect oneself, the insurance Industry is an efficient

conduit for the saving of people to be channeled towards

economic growth. In India, the Insurance Industry7 is more

than 150 years old. Today, it is monopolized by two PSU's

in their respective fields of life and General Insurance.

However, with the successful passage IRDA Bill through

both houses of parliament in December 1999 the sector has

been opened up to private players. This will provided

much. Needed impetus to the Industry and will improve the

quality of service and products and will also increase

employment opportunities. There are still some issues their

need to be sorted out, particularly with regard to the

status of intermediaries as envisaged by the Insurance

Regulatory Authority.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


It is a common notion that the study conducted during summer training

and submission of the report there upon is a formality that the summer

trainees have to go through to get M.B.A degree.

However, conducting a study only to present report does not sound

justifiable, there has to be some noble objectives to it. This objective in

every case is to gain full understanding of the problem under study and

make relevant comment upon them.

In the present case the researcher overall objective was to as much

information on LIC Company from different section of the market. The

researcher’s main objectives during the study were :

 To find out the market share of LIC co. respect to all other

insurance companies in some selected areas of Patna market.

 To identify various attributes of Life Insurance products.

 Find out the level of satisfaction of the buyers on different


 To identify strength weakness, opportunity and threats for LIC co.

 To make comparative study between LIC Policy and other major

players policies.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


The study was aimed at finding out the market share and satisfaction

level among different buyers of insurance products. The study was

conducted in the mithapur & Mahendru of Patna. The variable studied

were market share and customer satisfaction level with various

attributes of life insurance products. Project was done in the month of

June and July 2017.


Marketing research is a systematic gathering, recording and

analysis of data. During the course of conducting the study the

information was gathered mainly through primary source.


 How many persons own life insurance products?

 How many different life insurance products flood in the market?

 Satisfaction level prevailing among different buyer’s group.

 Rate of satisfaction on the basis of different features provided by

different companies in the market.



 A non-random convenience sampling from different job

profile/income group

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


 Newspapers

 Internet

 Magazines


Area surveyed : Mithapur, Gardanibagh, Krishna Apartment,

Boring road, Mahendru, Patna

Sample size : 100 respondents

The size of the sample was decided in accordance to convenience.


Interview schedule has been used to fetch information from respondents

to carry out in depth analysis for research finding.


The analysis technique used was percentage.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


The field work was carried out in a span of nearly 6 weeks.


2.1 An introduction to Insurance


2.2 Why it is superior to other forms of


2.3 who can buy Life Insurance Policy.

2.4 IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and

Development Authority)

2.5 About Life insurance Co. Ltd

2.6 About Insurance

7 Instutute
The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


Life insurance is a contract for a payment of a sum of money to the

person assured ( or to the person entitled to receive the same) on the

happening of the event insured against. Usually the contract provides

for the payment of the amount on the date of maturity or at a specific

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

date of periodic intervals or an unfortunate death, if it occurs earlier.

Among the things, the contract also provides for the payment of

premium periodically to the company by the assured. Life insurance in

universally acknowledged to be an institution which eliminates risk.

Substituting certainty for uncertainty and comes to timely aid of the

family in the unfortunate event of death or of total permanent

disability of the bread owner. By and large, life insurance is

civilization’s partial solution to financial uncertainties caused by

uncertain death.



Saving through life insurance greatened financial protections against

risk of death or policy holder. In life insurance, on death the full sum

assured is payable ( with bonus whichever applicable) whereas in

other savings schemes, only the amount saved ( with the interest ) is



The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Life insurance encourages “thrift”. Long savings can be made in a

relatively “painless” manner because of the easy installment facility

(premium can be paid through monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or

yearly installments).


Loan can be raised on endowment type and whole life policy as per

policy conditions on the sole security of a policy which has acquired a

paid up value. Besides a life insurance policy is also generally accepted

as a security for even a commercial laon/housing plans.


Tax relief in income tax is available for amount paid by way of

premiums for life insurance subjected to income tax rules under U/S

80c & 10(10D). Assesses can avail themselves of the provisions in the

law for tax relief. In such case the assured in effect pays a lower

premium for his insurance that he would have to pay otherwise.


A suitable insurance plan or a combination of different plans can be

taken to meet specific needs that are likely to arise in future, such as

children’s education, start-in-life of marriage provisions or even

periodical needs for cash over a predetermined stretch of time.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


Any person who has attained majority and is eligible to enter valid

contract can take out a life insurance policy for himself/herself and for

those in whom he/she has insurable interest. Policies can also be

taken out, subjected to certain conditions on the life of one’ spouse or

children. While underwriting proposals, factors such as state of health

of life to assured, the proponent’s income and other releant factors are

considered by the company.


The Business of insurance related to the protection of the

economic value of assets. There is a normally expected value of

assets. There is normally expected lifetime for an asset during which

time it is expected to perform. However ,if the assets get lost earlier,

being destroyed or made non functional, through an accident or other

unfortunate event, the owner and those deriving benefit there from

suffer. Insurance is an mechanism that helps to reduce such adverse



The mechanism of insurance is very simple. People who

are the exposed to the same risk come together and agree that if

anyone of the member good the loss to the person who lost.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

People facing common risks come together and make their small

contribution to a common fund. The contribution to be made by each

person is determined on the assumption that while it may not be

possible to tell beforehand , which person will suffer , it is possible to

tell on the basis of past experience , how many person , on an average

, may suffer .

There are 1000 person who are all aged 50 and healthy. It

is expected that out of these person may die during the year. If the

economic value of loss suffered by the family of each dying person is

taken to be Rs. 20,000/- the total loss would out to Rs. 2,00,000/- . If

each person of the group contributes Rs. 2000/- a year ,the common

fund would be Rs. 2,00,000/-. This w ould be enough to pay

Rs.20,000/- to pay Rs. 20,000/- to the family of each of the persons

who die. Thus the risks in cases of 10 persons are shared by 1000


The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


Natural Social risk Functional Technical Personal

risk risk risk risk
Floods Frauds Loss of Fire Death
profit explosion
Storm Strikes Liability Breakdown Sickness
Land slide Transit risk Process
Subsidence Theft Project risk
Earthquake Riots Contractual Failure of Injury
failure safety


The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Fundamental underlined principles of insurance state that in order for

a specific exposure or loss to be insurable that following criteria must

be met.

 A larger number of homogenous units (people, companies,

entities etc.) with a similar potential for loss or exposure must

be available for insurance. The law or large numbers.

 Losses must be definite and discreet in time and place

 Losses must be fortuitous, accidental in nature, unexpected and

beyond the control of the insured.

 Loss must be large enough to cause financial burden.

 Losses must be measurable and calculable, a monetary amount

must be determined for the loss.

 Past experience or a history of specific loss must exist to provide

a guide for actuaries to estimate frequencies, severity and costs

and determine fair rates.

 The cost of insurance must be affordable and should be a

fraction of the value of the insured item, and

 Individual and aggregate losses that may cause the downfall of

the insurer must not exist.


Although insurance in its present form has been brought to

India, Asia and Africa by British and other colonial powers, the concept

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

of collective co-operation to share a particular risk was as old as the

dawn of human civilization. India was a major trading power in ancient

times and some mention of devices of sharing of risk can be found in

ancient literature. For example, a ship was loaded with merchandise of

several traders( and not with that of single trader). In Mogul army a

life annuity was granted to the family on the demise of the sepoy

(against some regular contribution in the life time of the sepoy). The

‘joint family’ system in India was embodiment of basis concept of life



Life Insurance in its modern form came to India from England in

1818 with the formation of Oriental Life Insurance Company in

Calcutta mainly by Europeans to help widows of their kin. Later, due to

persuasion by one of its directors, Indians were also covered by the

company. By 1868, 285 companies were doing business of insurance

in India. Earlier these companies were governed by Indian Companies

Act, 1866. By 1870, 174 companies ceased to exist, when British

parliament enacted Insurance Act, 1870. These companies however,

insuring mainly European lives. Those Indians who were offered

insurance cover were treated as substandard lives and were accepted

with an extra premium of 15% to 20%.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


Pioneering efforts of reforms and social workers like Raja Ram

Mohan Roy, Dwarkanath. Tagore, Ramatam Lahiri, Rustomji Cowasji

and other led to entry of Indians in Insurance Company under the

name of “Bombay Life Assurance Society” started its operations in

1870, and started covering Indians lives at Standard rates. Later

“Oriental Govt. Security Life Assurance Co. “ was established in 1874,

with Sir Phirozshah Mehta as one of its founder directors and later

emerged as a leading Indian Insurance Company.


With the patriotic fervor of Non- Cooperation Movement (1919)

and Civil Disobedience Movement (1929), number of Indian

Companies entered the Insurance arena. Eminent figures in political

area like Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru openly encouraged

Indians to enter the fray. In 1914 there were only 44 companies; by

1940 this number grew to 195. Business in force during this period

from Rs. 22.44 crores to Rs. 340.03 crores (1628381 policies). Life

Fund steadily grew from Rs. 6.36 crores to 62.41 crores. In 1938, the

insurance business was heavily regulated by enactment of Insurance

Act. 1938(based on draft bill presented by Sir N.N. Sircar in Legislative

Assembly in January 1937).

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

From here onwards the growth of Life Insurance was steady,

except for a setback in 1947-48 due to aftermath of partition of India.

In 1948, there were 209 insurers, with 712.76 crores business in force

under 3016000 policies. The Life fund by then had grown to 150.39


IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority)

The Government of India has enacted the Right to Information Act,

2005 which has come into effect from October 13, 2005. The Right to

Information under this Act is meant to give to the citizens of India

access to information under control of public authorities to promote

transparency and accountability in these organizations. The Act, under

Sections 8 and 9, provides for certain categories of information to be

exempt from disclosure. The Insurance Regulatory and Development

Authority (IRDA) is a public authority as defined in the Right to

Information Act, 2005. As such, the Insurance Regulatory and

Development Authority is obliged to provide information to members

of public in accordance with the provisions of the said Act.

Access to the Information held by IRDA

The right to information includes access to the information which is

held by or under the control of any public authority and includes the

right to inspect the work, document, records, taking notes, extracts

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

or certified copies of documents / records and certified samples of the

materials and obtaining information which is also stored in electronic



The IRDA maintains an active website. The site is updated regularly

and all the information released by the IRDA is also simultaneously

made available on the website. The information published in public

domain include the following:


2. Information relating to Insurers/Reinsures, Agents Training

Institutes, Appointed Actuaries.

3. Information relating to Surveyors, Third Party Administrators,

Insurance Brokers, CorporateAgents

4. Information relating to Insurance Councils, Insurance Ombudsmen

5.Annual Report/IRDA Journal

6.Press Releases.

Complaints against Insurance Companies

IRDA has provided for a separate channel for lodging complaints

against deficiency of services rendered by Insurance Companies. If

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

you have a complaint/grievance against an insurance company for

poor quality of service rendered by any of its offices/branches,

please approach the Nodal Officer of the Insurance Company

concerned. In case you are not satisfied with the Insurance

Company’s response you may also file a complaint with the

Insurance Ombudsman in your State. The Insurance Ombudsman is

an independent office to provide speedy and cost effective resolution

of grievances to the customers. For more details on Insurance

Ombudsman Scheme and their contact numbers, please visit.

Complaints from Policyholders

Policyholders who have complaints against insurers are required to

first approach the Grievance/Customer Complaints Cell of the

concerned insurer. If they do not receive a response from insurer(s)

within a reasonable period of time or are dissatisfied with the response

of the company, they may approach the Grievance Cell of the IRDA.

Functions of IRDA

As it is the regulatory body of insurance so it has to done certain work

for the shake of insurance holder. The functions which are done by it

are thus:-

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

1 Procedure for registration. ---

(1) An applicant desiring to carry on insurance business in India shall

make a requisition for registration application in Form .

(2) An applicant, whose requisition for registration application has

been accepted by the Authority, shall make an application in Form for

grant of a certificate of registration.

2 Classes of insurance business for which requisition for

registration application may be made.—(1) An applicant shall

make a separate requisition for registration application under

regulation 3 for each class of business of insurance.

The classes of business of insurance for which requisition for

registration application may be made are :

(a) Life insurance business consisting of linked business, non-

linked business or both; or,

(b) general insurance business including health insurance

business (or health cover).

(3) Requisition for Registration Application.—An applicant shall

be eligible to apply for requisition if such applicant upon registration

will be an Indian insurance company.

4 Furnishing of further information and clarification, etc.--- The

Authority may require the applicant, which makes a requisition, to

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

furnish further information or clarification regarding the matters

relevant to consider the requisition for registration application.

6 Consideration of requisition for registration application. ---

The Authority on being satisfied that---

(1) The requisition in Form is complete in all respects and is

accompanied by all documents required there in;insurance business

including management of investments within its own organization;

7. Rejection of requisition for registration application- The

application can be rejected on the basis of the half filled application or

not ligibility of the applicant.

8. Action upon rejection of application for requisition.—An

applicant, requisition for registration application has been rejected,

may approach the Authority with a fresh request for registration

application after a period of two years from the date of rejection, with

a new set of promoters and or for a class of insurance business other

than the originally proposed one.

9. Manner of calculation of twenty six per cent. equity capital

held by a foreign company.—

For the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, the

calculation of the holding of equity shares by a foreign company either

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

by itself or through its subsidiary companies or its nominees (hereafter

referred to as foreign investor) in the applicant company, shall be

made as under and shall be aggregate of:-

(a) The quantum of paid up equity share capital held by the foreign

company either by itself or through its subsidiary companies or

nominees in the applicant company;

(b) the quantum of paid up equity share capital held by other foreign

investors, non-resident Indians, overseas corporate bodies and

multinational agencies in the applicant company; and

10 Consideration of Application.- The Authority shall take into

account for considering the grant of certificate, all matters relating to

carrying on the business of insurance by the applicant.

11 Effect of rejection of application for registration.—An

applicant, whose application for registration has been rejected shall

not be entitled to a certificate:

An applicant may approach the Authority with a fresh request for

registration after a period of two years from the date of rejection, with

a new set of promoters and or for a class of insurance business other

than the originally proposed one.

12. Manner of payment of fee for registration.- The fee of rupees

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

fifty thousand for each class of business for registration shall be

remitted by a bank draft issued by any scheduled bank in favour of the

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority payable at New


13. Grant of certificate of registration.— The Authority, after

making such inquiry as it deems fit and on being satisfied that –

(a) The applicant is eligible, and in its opinion, is likely to meet

effectively its obligations imposed under the Act;

(b) The financial condition and the general character of management of

the applicant are sound;

14. An applicant granted a certificate of registration under the

Regulations shall commence insurance business for which he has been

authorized within 12 months of the date of registration.

Provided, however, that if the company feels that it will not be

able to commence the insurance business within the specified period of

12 months, it can before the time limit expires, seek an extension, by

a proper written application, to the Authority.

15. The Authority on receipt of the request referred to in Regulation

16. will examine it and communicate its decision in writing either

rejecting the request or granting it.

17. No extension of time shall be granted by the Authority beyond 24

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

months from the date of grant of registration

17 Manner of renewal of certificate. – (1) An insurer, who has

been granted a certificate under section 3 of the Act, shall make an

application in Form IRDA/R5 for the renewal of the certificate to the

Authority before the 31st day of December each year, and such an

application shall be accompanied by evidence of the payment of the

fee which shall be the higher of,---

a. fifty thousand rupees for each class of insurance business, and

b one-fifth of one per cent. of total gross premium written direct by

an insurer in India during the financial year preceding the year in

which the application for renewal of certificate is required to be made,

or rupees five crores, whichever is less; (and in the case of an insurer

carrying on solely re-insurance business, instead of the total gross

premium written direct in India, the total premium in respect of

facultative reinsurance accepted by him in India shall be taken into


18 Manner of payment of fee for renewal of certificate.- The fee

for renewal of certificate shall be paid to the account of Insurance

Regulatory and Development Authority with the Reserve Bank of India.

19 Issue of duplicate certificate.--The Authority may, on receipt

of fee of rupees five thousand, issue a duplicate certificate to an

insurer, if the insurer makes an application to the Authority.

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To Patna

Suspension of certificate.— Without prejudice to any penalty which

may be imposed or any action taken under the provisions of the Act,

the registration of an Indian insurance company or insurer who

conducts its business in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the


21 Manner of making order of suspension or cancellation of certificate.

—No order of suspension or cancellation shall be imposed except after

holding an enquiry in accordance with the procedure specified in these


22 Manner of holding enquiry before suspension or

cancellation.—For the purpose of holding an enquiry under


23 Show-cause notice and order.---On receipt of the report from

the enquiry officer, the Authority shall consider the same and if

considered necessary by it, issue a show-cause notice as to why a

penalty as it considers appropriate should not be imposed.

24 Effect of suspension or cancellation of certificate.--- On and

from the date of suspension or cancellation of the certificate, the

insurer shall cease to transact new insurance business:

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To Patna

25 Publication of order.--- The order of the Authority shall be

published in at least two daily newspapers in the area where the

insurer has his principal place of business.

26 Registration of existing insurers.—(1) Every insurer carrying

on insurance business in India before the commencement of the

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (41 of

1999) and requiring registration under the Act, shall make an

application, in Form IRDA/R2 for grant of certificate of registration,

within three months from the commencement of the Insurance

Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999).

27 Transitory Provisions.--- Every existing insurer shall be

required to comply with all the Regulations made by the Authority

from the date of their notice Provided that the Regulations made by

the Authority on the following subjects viz:-

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


The insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, IRDA for short,

has laid down that those who wish to become insurance agents will be

given licenses only after they complete a course of study and pass an

examination prescribed was to last 100 hours. The course, IC 33, was

prepared keeping in mind that requirement. In 2007, the period of

compulsory study has been reduced to 50 hours.

Press Release regarding IRDA (18/8/07)

In the last two- three years the unit linked product have become very

popular among customers and the share of this product in the total

portfolio of the life insurance companies has increased significantly.

The IRDA is keen to ensure that all unit linked products are

transparent and that customer form every walk of life can compare

features and charges across products and cross companies. The tulip

guidelines issued over the last year are the steps initiated by the

authority towards achieving this. As a continuation of the process we

have decided that actuarial funded products be phased out so that

products across companies could be compared and understood easily

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

by the customers.

Technically there is nothing wrong with the actuarial funded

products and they are not determined to the interests of the

policyholder. Further they have been approved by the IRDA.

Companies having actuarial funded products have been asked to

with draw them over a period of time. They can continue to sell the

products till then and customers and both existing and new, can

continue to enjoy the benefits of these products and have no reason to

fell concerned.

To reiterate, our objective is to remove complexity in all unit

linked products and ensure comparison across Tulips’ of all companies.

The existing or new customer who have purchased these products

need not worry under any circumstances as policy holder interests will

Protected by the insurance and the authority.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


In spite of phenomenal progress of LIC of India, especially in the

80s, the Government and the public at large were not quite satisfied

with it. By signing the GATT accord, the Government of India was

committed to opening of insurance sector to private sector, both local

and global operators. A committee under the chairmanship of Late

R.N. Malhotra (ex-Governor of RBI) was appointed by the Government

to look into all aspects of insurance industry in India. The committee,

too, opened that in its 40 years of existence, LIC has been able to

insure only 22% of the insurable population. Further, the monopoly

has resulted in lack of sensitivity to the policyholders. The Committee

felt that there was a greater scope ofor product innovation and service

improvement. The committee recommended a number of measures to

revamp LIC of India, GciC of India and its fourt subsidiaries. It also

rcommended allowing foreign insurance companies to operate in India

with an Indian partner. Finally the Lok Sabha has enacted the

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authorty Aat, 1999. Foreign

insurance companies under the Act. Can enter the Insurance sector in

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

nida only with an Indian Partner, as a joint parner , as a joint venture,

with a capital contrinution up to a maximum of 26% of the capital in

the joint venture.

Since, 2000, around 30 companies have expressed interest in

entering the sector and many foreing and Indian companies have

arranced alliances. Whether the insurer old or new, private or public,

expanding the market will present challenges. A number of foreing

insurance companies have set up representative officers in India and

have also tied up with various asset management companies. They

have either signed MOUs with Indian companies or are trying to do the

same. Some have carried out extensive research on the Indian

insurance sector. Others have set up liaision offices. Up to 2009-10 28

companies have got license to do Life Insurance Business in India. As


1. LIC of India

2. HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd.

3. MAX New York Life Insurance Company Ltd.

4. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd.

5. Kotak Mahindra Old Mutual Life Insurance Ltd.

6. Birla Sun Life Insurance Company Ltd.

7. TATA AIG Life Insurance Company Ltd.

8. SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

9. ING Vaisya Life Insurance Company Ltd.

10. BAJAJ Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd.

11. MET Life India Insurance Company Ltd.

12. Future Genarali Life Insurance Company Ltd.

13. IDBI Forties Life Insurance Company Ltd.

14. AMP Sanmar Life Insurance Company Ltd.

15. AVIVA Life Insurance Company Ltd.

16. SAHARA India Insurance Company Ltd.

17. SHRI RAM Life Insurance Company Ltd.

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To Patna


The story of growth of Life Insurance in Asia and Africa follows

almost a similar pattern to than in India. Life Insurance in its modern

form was introduced by colonial powers in Asia and Africa. The

Insurance Industry in various countries went into the cycle of being in

private sector then nationalization and finally liberalization by way of

co-existence of private and public sector. Although there was a

laudable growth of Life Insurance in some pockets (e.g. Hong Kong,

Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan in Asia and South Africa in Africa), by

and large the Life Insurance coverage is not significant. Exception is,

of Japan where gross Life Insurance premium (361 billion dollars:

1998), spread as share of world market(129%), insurance

density(2857 dollars per capita) and highest in the world. About a

decade earlier, Life Insurance in China was negligible, however, of late

it is following a systematic policy of liberalization by allowing

multinationals to operate in costal towns and cities.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


The Insurance Institute of India (Regd.) formerly known as

Federation of Insurance Institutes (J.C. Setalvad Memorial)

(Regd.) was established in the year 1955, for the purpose of

promoting Insurance Education & Training in the country.

The Institute is a professional body serving the cause of the

Insurance Industry. The Institute conducts qualifying

examinations at three basic levels: Licentiate, Associateship

and Fellowship as also introductory examinations -

Inspectors and Certificate in Insurance Salesmanship. It

also organises tuition service both oral and postal.

It is the only professional insurance institute in India . It is a

charter member in the Institute of Global Insurance

Education (IGIE).(

The membership of the Institute is through local associated

Institutes. The Sri Lanka Insurance Institute, the Sri Lanka

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Insurance Academy and the R.I.C.B. Insurance Institute,

Bhutan are the affiliated Institutes outside India .


The membership of the Institute is through its local

Associated Institutes. There are at present 91 local

Associated Institutes spread all over the country. The

members of the local Associated Institutes and the Affiliated

Institutes automatically become the members of the

Institute. The Life Insurance Corporation of India and the

General Insurance Corporation of India , New India

Assurance, Oriental Insurance, National Insurance, and

United Insurance are corporate members.

Governing Body

The Governing Body of the Institute is its Council which

functions through its two Committees, the Administration

Committee and the Board of Education. The Board of

Education is the supreme body in all matters of education

and examinations

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


The Institute is headed by a Secretary-General, assisted by

Secretaries, Dy.Secretary, Asst. Secretaries, and Officers &


Object of this institute:

To run College and conduct examinations, oral and written,

in insurance theory and practice and related subjects for

awarding certificates, diplomas and degrees to those

interested in insurance.

To give oral and postal tuitions, prepare and supply reading

materials and similar other educative methods for

encouraging and assisting the study of any subject bearing

on any branch of insurance.

To offer scholarships, grants and prizes for research or any

other educational work bearing on insurance.

To ascertain the law and practice relating to ail matters

connected with insurance and to disseminate such

knowledge among those interested in insurance.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

The activities and programmes of the Institute, among

others, assist people in the insurance Industry, to acquire

the skills and expertise to meet the growing needs of

multiplicity of customers- the objective being to enhance

professional insurance service to the millions in this


3.1. Life Insurance Corporation of India

3.2. Company Profile in India

3.3. Partners

3.4. Why Choose LIC

3.5. Different Plans Offered By LIC

3.6. LIC Vision and Values

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

3.1 Life Insurance Corporation

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) was formed in September, 1956,

by an Act of Parliament, viz., Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956, with

capital contribution from the Government of India. The then Finance

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Minister, Shri C.D. Deshmukh, while piloting the bill, outlined the

objectives of LIC thus to conduct the business with the utmost economy,

and a spirit of trusteeship; to charge premium no higher than warranted

by strict actuarial considerations; to invest the funds for obtaining

maximum yield for the' policy holders consistent with safety of the

capital; to render prompt and efficient service to policy holders, thereby

making insurance widely popular. Since nationalization, LIC has built up

a vast network of 2,048 branches, 100 divisions and 7 zonal offices

spread over the country. The Life Insurance Corporation of India also'

transacts business abroad and has offices in Fiji, Mauritius and United

Kingdom. LIC is associated with joint ventures abroad in the field of

insurance, namely, Ken-India ,Assurance Company Limited, Nairobi;

United Oriental Assurance Company Limited, Kuala Lumpur and Life

Insurance Corporation (International) E.C. Bahrain. The Corporation has

registered a joint venture company in 26 th December, 2000 in Katmandu,

Nepal by the name of Life Insurance Corporation (Nepal) Limited in

collaboration with Vishal Group Limited, a local industrial Group. An off-

shore company L.I.C. (Mauritius) Off-shore Limited has also been set up

in 2001 to tap the African insurance market.

General Insurance:

General insurance business in the country was nationalized with effect

from 1st January, 1973 by the General Insurance Business

(Nationalization) Act, 1972. More than 100 non-life insurance companies

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

including branches of foreign companies operating within viz., the

National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance Company

Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd., and The United India

Insurance Company Ltd. with head offices at Calcutta, Bombay, New

Delhi and Madras, respectively. General Insurance Corporation (GIC)

which was the holding company of the four public sector general

insurance companies has since been delinked from the later and has

been approved as the "Indian Reinsurer" since 3 rd November 2000. The

share capital of GIC and that of the four companies are held by the

Government of India. All the five entities are Government companies

registered under the Companies Act, 1956. The general insurance

business has grown in spread and volume after nationalization. The four

companies have 2699 branch offices, 1360 divisional offices and 92

regional offices spread all over the country. GIC and its subsidiaries have

representation either directly through branches or agencies in 16

countries and through associate locally incorporated subsidiary

companies in 14 other countries. A wholly- owned subsidiary company of

GIC, i.e. Indian International Pvt. Ltd. is operating in Singapore and

there is a joint venture company, viz. Ken-India Assurance Ltd. in Kenya.

A new wholly owned subsidiary called New India International Ltd., UK

has also been registered.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Whole Life with Profits Plan – 002


This plan is mainly devised to create an estate for the heirs of the

policyholder as the plan basically provides for payment of sum assured

plus bonuses on the death of the policyholder. However, considering the

increased longevity of the Indian population, the Corporation has

amended the above provision, thereby proving for payment of sum

assured plus bonuses in the form of maturity claim on completion of age

80 years or on expiry of term of 40 years from date of commencement of

the policy whichever is later.

The premiums under the policy are payable up to age 80 years of the

policyholder or for a term of 35 years whichever is later. If the payment of

premium ceases after 3 years, a paid-up policy for such reduced sum

assured will be automatically secured provided the reduced sum assured

exclusive of any attached bonus is not less than Rs.250/-. Such reduced

paid-up policy is not entitled to participate in the bonus declared

thereafter but the bonuses already declared on the policy will remain

attach, provided the policy is converted in to a paid-up policy after the

premiums are paid for 5 years.

Suitable For:

This policy is suitable for people of all ages who wish to protect their

families from financial crises that may occur owing to the policyholder's

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

premature death.



Sum assured plus accrued bonuses and the terminal bonuses, if any; on

the policyholder attaining age 80 years or on expiry of term of 40 years

from the date of commencement of the policy whichever is later.


Sum assured plus accrued bonuses and the terminal bonuses, if any, on

the death of the policyholder are paid to his/her nominees/heirs.



This is the best form of life assurance for family provision since it

enables the Life Assured to pay all the premiums during the ordinarily

vigorous and most productive years of life. He need not pay any premium

in the later stages of life if and when his conditions might become


With Profits Limited Payments Policies do not cease to participate in

profits after completion of the premium paying period but continue to

share in the periodical Bonus Distribution until the death of the Life

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


The Without-Profit option is available under Table no. 3. If the

policyholder pays at least 3 years' premiums and then discontinues

paying any more premiums, a reduced paid-up assurance policy comes

into force. Such a reduced paid-up Policy will not be entitled to

participate in the profits declared. Thereafter, but such Bonus as has

already been declared on the Policy will remain attached thereto. The

premium paying term under this plan is five years minimum and 55

years maximum.


Survival benefits

If the Life Assured survives the premium paying period and the policy

continues in full force, provided all premiums have been paid, but no

further premiums are required to be paid.

Death Benefits:
Sum Assured plus Bonuses accrued and vested in the policy.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna



 Moderate Premiums

 High bonus

 High liquidity

 Savings oriented

This policy not only makes provisions for the family of the Life Assured in

event of his early death but also assures a lump sum at a desired age.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

The lump sum can be reinvested to provide an annuity during the

remainder of his life or in any other way considered suitable at that time.

Premiums are usually payable for the selected term of years or until

death if it occurs during the term period.

Suitable For:

Being an endowment assurance policy, this plan is apt for people of all

ages and social groups who wish to protect their families from a financial

setback that may occur owing to their demise.

The amount assured if not paid by reason of his death earlier will

payable at the end of the endowment term where it can be invested in an

annuity provision for the rest of the policyholder's life or in any other way

he may think most suitable at that time.


Disability Benefit:

In case policy holder becomes totally and permanently disabled due to an

accident before reaching the age of 70 and the policy is in full force, he

will not be required to pay further premiums, (the Disability Benefit is

available in respect of the first Rs.20000 sum assured on anyone life)

and the policy will continue to be in force.

Accident Benefit:

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

By paying a small extra premium of Rs. l per Rs. 1000/- sum assured

per year he or his family are entitled to the following benefits on death or

permanent disability caused by accident. Even students above the age of

18 years can avail of this benefit.

Premium Stoppage:

If payment of premiums ceases after at least THREE years' premiums

have been paid , a free paid-up policy for a reduced sum assured will be

automatically secured provided the reduced sum assured, exclusive of

any attached bonus, is not less than Rs. 250/-. The reduced sum

assured will become payable on the event as stipulated in the policy.


Is there anything extra payable besides the sum assured at the time of

claim settlement? Yes, but only if it is a 'with profits' policy. Every year

the Life Insurance Corporation distributes its surplus among

policyholder to 'with profits' polices in the form of bonuses. Substantial

bonuses have been declared in the past after each valuation of policy



Survival benefits:

Payment of full Sum' Assured + Vested Bonus + Final Additional bonus,

if any.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Death Benefits:

Payment of full sum assured + Vested Bonus.

Plan Parameters:

Minimum Maximum

Entry Age (years) 12 65

Sum Assured (Rs.) 50000 no


Term (years) 5 55

Mode Of Payment Max Maturity Age Policy

loan available

Monthly, Quarterly, 75 years yes

Half Yearly, Yearly,

Salary Saving Scheme.



On Death during the Term of the Policy: Sum Assured

On Maturity : Nil


(A) Minimum age at entry : 18 years (completed)

(B) Maximum age at entry : 55 years (nearer birthday)

(C) Maximum age at maturity : 65 years

(D) Minimum Term : 5 years

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

(E) Maximum Term : 25 years

(F) Minimum Sum Assured : Rs. Five Lakh

(G) Maximum Sum Assured : Rs. Three Crore (Inclusive of all

term Assurance plans)

Note: The policy would be issued in multiples of Rs. one lakh for

Sum Assured above Rs. five lakh.

(H) Mode of Premium Payment: Yearly, Half- Yearly and Single


(G) Rebates:

 Sum Assured Rebate: NIL in case of regular premium policies

and Re. l Sum Assured for policies of Rs.25 lakh and above in

case of single premium policies.

 Mode Rebate : 1% of Annual premium for yearly mode and nil

for Half-Yearly mode.


The plan is available to Standard and Sub-standard lives (upto Class VI

EMR). This plan is also available to female lives (category I and II lives

only) and to physically handicapped persons subject to certain

conditions. Standard age proof will have to be submitted along with the

Proposal Form.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


 The policy will not acquire any paid-up value.

 No Surrender Value will be available under this plan.


A grace period of 15 days will be allowed for payment of yearly or half-

yearly premiums. If death occurs within this period and before the

payment of the premium then due, the policy will still be valid and the

Sum Assured paid after deduction of the said premium as also unpaid

premiums falling due before the next policy anniversary of the Policy. If

the premium is not paid before the expiry of the days of grace, the Policy

gets lapsed.


If the Policy has lapsed, it may be revived during the life time of the Life

Assured, but before the date of expiry of policy term, on submission of

proof of continued insurability to the satisfaction of the Corporation and

the payment of all the arrears of premium together with interest at such

rate as may be prevailing at the time of the payment. The corporation

reserves the right to accept or decline the revival of discontinued policy.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

The revival of the discontinued policy shall take effect only after the same

is approved by the Corporation and is specifically communicated to the

Life Assured. The cost of the Medical reports, including Special Reports,

if any, required for the purposes of revival of the policy, should be borne

by the Life Assured.


No Claims concession will be applicable to this Policy.


The policy can be back dated within the financial year. No dating back

interest shall be charged.


Survival benefits:

If one or both the lives survive to the maturity date, the sum assured,

along with the accumulated bonus, is payable.

Death Benefits:

In case either of the couple dies during the policy's term, two things

happen. One, LIC pays to the surviving spouse the full sum assured.

And, two, the policy continues on the life of the surviving partner without

him/her having to pay any further premiums, i.e. the life cover on the

survivor continues free of cost.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

The sum assured is again be payable on the death of the other partner in

case both the husband and wife were to die during the term of the policy.

Vested bonus would also be paid along with the sum assured on the

second death.


Universal Health Insurance Scheme

The Universal Health Insurance policy is available to groups of 100 or

more families. The policy provides for reimbursement of medical

expenses upto Rs.30000/- towards hospitalization floated amongst the

members of the family, death cover due to an accident for Rs.25000 to

the earning head of the family and compensation due to loss of earning

head of the family @ Rs.50/- per day upto a maximum of 15 days, after a

waiting period of three days, when the earning head of the family is

hospitalized. The premium under the policy is Rs.1! - Per day (Le.

Rs.365/-per annum) for an individual, Rs. 1.50 per day for a family of

five limited to spouse and children (i.e. Rs.548 per annum), and Rs.2/-

per day (i.e. Rs. 730 per annum) for covering dependent parents within

the overall family size of seven. A subsidy of Rs. 100 per year towards

annual premium for "Below Poverty Life" families is also provided under

the Scheme.

For purpose of this policy HOSPITAL means:

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

 Any Hospital/Nursing home registered with the local authorities and

under the supervision of a registered and qualified Medical


 Hospital, Nursing Home runs by Government.

 Enlisted hospitals run by NGOs/ Trusts/ selected private hospitals

with fixed schedule of charges.

 Hospitalization should be for a minimum period of 24 hours.

However, this time limit is not applied to some specific treatments and

also where due to technological advancement hospitalization for 24

hours may not be required.

Main Exclusions:

 All pre-existing diseases.

 Corrective, cosmetic or aesthetic dental surgery or treatment.

 Cost of spectacles, contact lens and hearing aid.

 Primarily diagnostic expenses not related to sickness/injury.

 Treatment for Pregnancy, Childbirth, Miscarriage, abortions etc.

Age Limitations:

This policy covers people between the age of 3 months to 65 years.

Floater Basis:

The benefit of family' will operate on floater basis i.e. the total

reimbursement of Rs. 30,000/- can be availed of individually or

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

collectively by members of the family.

Insurance plans:

As individuals it is inherent to differ. Each individual’s insurance needs

and requirements are different from that of the others. LIC’s Insurance

Plans are a policy that talk to you individually and gives the most

suitable options that can fit ones’ requirement.

Jeevan Anurag Komal Jeevan

CDA Endowment Vesting At
21 Marriage Endowment Or
CDA Endowment Vesting At Educational Annuity Plan
Jeevan Kishore Jeevan Chhaya
Child Career Plan Child Future Plan

Jeevan Aadhar
Jeevan Vishwas

The Endowment Assurance Policy

The Endowment Assurance Policy-Limited Payment
Jeevan Mitra(Double Cover Endowment Plan)
Jeevan Mitra(Triple Cover Endowment Plan)
Jeevan Anand
New Janaraksha Plan
Jeevan Amrit

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Jeevan Shree-I
Jeevan Pramukh

The Money Back Policy-20 Years

The Money Back Policy-25 Years
Jeevan Surabhi-15 Years
Jeevan Surabhi-20 Years
Jeevan Surabhi-25 Years
Jeevan Rekha (closed for sale)
Bima Bachat

Jeevan Bharati

The Whole Life Policy

The Whole Life Policy- Limited Payment
The Whole Life Policy- Single Premium
Jeevan Rekha (closed for sale)
Jeevan Anand
Jeevan Tarang

Two Year Temporary Assurance Policy

The Convertible Term Assurance Policy
Anmol Jeevan-I
Amulya Jeevan

Jeevan Saathi Mortgage Redemption

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Unit plans:
Unit plans are investment plans for those who realize the worth of hard-
earned money. These plans help you see your savings yield rich benefits
and help you save tax even if you don’t have consistent income.

 Jeevan plus
 Future plus
 Bima plus
 Market plus
 Money plus
 Profit plus
 Fortune plus

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

1. According to you, which have played a major role in the field

of life-insurance companies?

Pvt. Govt. Business Man

Employees Employees
LIC 10 13 10
HDFC 5 3 5
ICICI 3 3 4
Others 2 1 1

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


No. of Respondents


8 Pvt. Employees
Govt. Employees
6 Business Man


After analyzing this data it is found that from the given three respective
level of Pvt. Govt. and Business 10 out of 20 (30%), 13 out of 20 (39%)
and 10 out of 20 (30%) are in favour of LIC, while 5 out of 20 (15%), 3
out of 20 (9%) and 5 out of 20 (6%), 1 out of 20 (30%) and 1 out of 20
(30%) are in favour of other Pvt. Companies.

2. Which insurance companies have been successful to make

strong public base by advertisement?

Pvt. Govt. Business Man

Employees Employees
LIC 12 14 12
HDFC 3 2 4
ICICI 4 3 3
Others 1 1 1

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna



No. of Respondents

Pvt. Employees
Govt. Employees
6 Business Man


3. Which insurance company has gained massive public support

in the current fiscal year?

Pvt. Govt. Business Man

Employees Employees
LIC 12 14 10
HDFC 3 2 5
ICICI 3 2 4
Others 2 2 1

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna




Pvt. Employees
No. of Respondents

8 Govt. Employees
Business Man


From the above table, it is found that from the given three sector Private,
Govt. and Business 12 out of 20 (36%), 14 out of 20 (42%), 10 out of 20
(30%), are in the favour of LIC 3 out of 20 (9%), 2 out of 20 (6%) and 4
out of 20 (12%) are in favour of ICICI, whereas only 2 out of 20 (6%), 2
out of 20 (6%) 1 and out of 20 (3%) favour others company.

4. Do you think insurance policy is in the direction of public


Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

Yes 13 16 12
7 4 8

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna





No. of Respondents

8 No

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

The above table shows that from private sector 13 out of 20 (30%) agree
and 7 out of 20 (21%) disagree, from govt. sector 16 out of 20 (48%)
think it right but 4 out of 20 (12%) don’t thick it so and from business
man 12 out of 20 (36%) are in favour of the above statement but 8 out of
20 (24%) don’t favour it.

5. Is retirement bond or pension policy launched by the number

of private player as well as public sector Company in the
direction of secured old age?

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

Yes 15 18 13
5 2 7

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

No. of respondents

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

It is obvious from the above table that 15 out of 20 (45%), 18 out of 20

(54%) and 13 out of 20 (39%) from the given three think retirement bend
or pension policy a legitimate step in the direction of secure old age but 5
out 20 (15%), 2 out of 20 (6%) and 7 out 20 (21%) don’t agree with the
opinion of the majority class.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

6. Do you think that risk coverage factor included in Insurance

policy attracts general public towards the policy?

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

Yes 12 16 11
8 4 9




No. of respondents

10 Yes
8 No

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

From the above table it is found that 12 out of 20 (36%) from Private
sector 16 out of 20 (48%). From Govt. sector and 11 out of 20 (33%)
thinks risk coverage factor attractive but rest 8 out of 20 (24%), 4 out of
20 (12%) and 9 out 20 (27%) from the above them sector don’t think it so
encouraging towards saving trend whereas 3 out of 20 (9%), 2 out of 20
(6%) and 4 out of 20 (12%) don’t think it so.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

7. What according to you, the term plan that only covers risk and
doesn’t cover maturity benefit on survival at the end of the
term provides security cover over policy holders or a smart
way of accumulative money from policy holders?

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

Security Cover 11 15 12
9 5 8
Accumulative Money




No. of Respondents

8 Security Cover
Accumulative Money

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

It is obvious from the above data that 11 out of 20 (33%), from the Pvt.
Sector, 15 out of 20 (45%) from Govt. sector and 12 out of 20 (36%) think
term plan as a security cover but 9 out of 20 (27%), 5 out of 20 (15%)
and 8 out of 20 (24%) from the three respective group think it as a way of
accumulating money insurance company.

8. Do you think that the arrival of so many private companies in

this insurance sector envisage a lot of choice to policy holder?

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

Yes 16 18 16
4 2 4





No. of Respondents


Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

From analyzing the above data it is found that 16 out of 20 (48%) from
Pvt. Sector, 18 out of 20 (54%) from Govt. sector and 16 out of 20 (48%)
think that the arrival of private players envisage a lot of choice to policy
holder. But 4 out of 20 (12%), 2 out of 20 (6%) and 4 out of 20 (12%)
don’t think it so.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

9. Do you agree that customer-centricity and transparency are

the buzzwords for success in this evolving industry?

Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

Yes 18 20 19
2 - 1



No. of Respondents


Pvt. Sector Govt. Sector Business Man

From this above data, it is found the 18 out of 20 (54%) from Pvt. Sector
and 20 out of 20 (60%) from Govt. Sector 19 out of 20 (57%) from
Business men agree with this statement whereas only 2 out of 20 (6%)
from Pvt. Sector and 1 out of 20 (3%) from Business men do not agree
with this statement.

10. Distribution of Respondents According to Occupation

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


GOVT JOB 85 42
TOTAL 200 100

Out of 200 respondents 14% were retired,11% were private job holders,
42% were government job officials, 17% were students and 16% were

Fig :- 1 Respondent’s Occupation

11. Distribution Of Respondents According To Qualification


The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

INTER 22 11
TOTAL 200 100

Out of 200 respondents, 9% were matriculate, 11% were intermediate,

64% were graduate and 16% were post graduate.

Fig :- 2 Respondent’s Educational qualification

12. Distribution of Respondents According to Age


<30 years 26 13

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

30-40 38 19
40-50 91 46
50-60 17 9
>60 years 28 14
TOTAL 200 100

Out of 200 respondents, 13% were less than 30 years, 19% were between
30-40 years, 46% were between 40-50 years of age, 9% were in between
50-60 years of age and 14% were of more than 60 years of age.

Fig :- 3 Respondent’s Age

13. Distribution of Respondents According to Income


< 1 LAKH 20 10
1-3 LAKH 41 35.5
3-5 LAKH 71 31.5
>5 LAKH 68 23

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

TOTAL 200 100

Out of 200 respondents, 10% were from less than 1 lakh income group,
35.5% were from income group of (1-3 lakh), 31.5% were in the income
group of (3-5 lakh), and 23% were from more than 5 lakh per annum.

Fig :- 2 Respondent’s Income

14. Distribution of Respondents According to Marital Status


MARRIED 170 85
TOTAL 200 100

Out of 200 respondents, 85% were married while 15% were unmarried.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Fig :- 5 Respondent’s Marital Status

15. Distribution of Respondents According to Awareness level of


YES 119 59
NO 81 41
TOTAL 200 100

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Out of 200 respondents, 59% were aware of this company rest 41% were
not aware.

Fig :- 6 Respondent’s Awareness level about LIC

16. Distribution of Respondents According to Who Have Insurance



YES 154 77
NO 46 23
TOTAL 200 100

Out of 200 respondents, 77% were insured while 23% were not insured.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Fig :- 7 Respondent having Insurance Policy

17. Various Insurance Policy Holders

L.I.C. 114
LIC 16
HDFC SLIC(20) 14

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Out of 200 respondents, 154 being insured having 198 policies out of
which 57.6% were insured by L.I.C. 12.12% were insured by ICICI Prud
Life, 10% were insured by Bajaj Allianz, 8.08% were insured by H.D.F.C.
SLIC 2.02% by Birla Sunlife respectively.

Fig :- 8 Proportion of different life insurance companies



HIGHLY 1 6 0 0 0 7
SATISFIED 141 23 3 1 1 169
NEITHER 0 8 5 1 5 19
DISSATISFIED 2 1 0 0 0 3
HIGHLY 0 0 0 0 0 0

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

TOTAL 144 38 8 2 6 198

Out of 200 respondents, 154 were insured having 198 different

insurance products of which 7 were highly satisfied, 169 were satisfied,
19 were satisfied/dissatisfied, 3 were dissatisfied and none were highly
dissatisfied for the overall satisfaction level.

Fig :- 9 Respondent’s overall satisfaction level


The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


HIGHLY 12 0 4 0 0 16
SATISFIED 82 29 2 0 2 115
NEITHER 0 9 2 4 0 15
DISSATISFIED 50 0 0 2 0 52
HIGHLY 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 144 38 8 6 2 198

Fig :- 10.1 Respondent’s responses for agents services

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Out of 200 respondents 154 were insured having 198 insurance policies.
Out of them 16 were highly satisfied, 115 were satisfied, 15 were not
satisfied/dissatisfied, 52d were dissatisfied none were highly dissatisfied
in respect of Agent Services.RESPONSES BY


HIGHLY 0 0 0 0 0 0
SATISFIED 57 30 1 0 2 90
NEITHER 0 0 2 5 0 7
DISSATISFIED 87 8 5 1 0 101
HIGHLY 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 144 38 8 6 2 198
Out of 200 respondents, 154 were insured having 198 different
insurance policies of which none were found highly satisfied, 90 were
satisfied, and 7 were neither satisfied not dissatisfied and 101 were
dissatisfied and none were highly dissatisfied in respect of claims
settlement period respectively.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Fig :- 10.2 Responses for claim settlement period by respondent


HIGHLY 0 0 0 0 0 0
SATISFIED 11 28 7 3 2 51
NEITHER 0 0 1 3 0 4
DISSATISFIED 113 9 0 0 0 122
HIGHLY 20 1 0 0 0 21
TOTAL 144 38 8 6 2 198

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Fig :- 10.3 Responses for personal relation by respondents


HIGHLY 20 12 0 0 0 32
SATISFIED 93 20 7 3 2 125
NEITHER 0 4 1 2 0 7
DISSATISFIED 11 2 0 1 0 14
HIGHLY 20 0 0 0 0 20
TOTAL 144 38 8 6 2 198
Out of 200 respondents, 154 were insured having 198 different
insurance policies of which 32 were highly satisfied, 125 were satisfied, 7

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 14 were dissatisfied and 20 were

highly dissatisfied in the respect of return on investment respectively.

Fig 10.4 Responses for return on investment by respondent

Table 10.5


HIGHLY 128 2 6 0 0 136
SATISFIED 16 31 2 4 2 55
NEITHER 0 5 0 2 0 7
DISSATISFIED 0 0 0 0 0 0
HIGHLY 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 144 38 8 6 2 198

Out of 200 respondents,154 were insured having 198 different insurance

policies of which 136 were highly satisfied, 55 were satisfied, 7 were
neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, none were dissatisfied or highly
dissatisfied in respect of risk coverage benefits.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

Fig 10.5 Responses for risk coverage benefit by respondents


The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


 Agent’s service of LIC India insurance ltd is comparatively strong

as 76% of its customer are satisfied with its agent services.

 Its also a good sign for the company where in the regards in the

claim settlement period is very higher 78%. It means 78% of

customers are satisfied by the way company is performing in this


 Financial consultant is maintaining strong personal relationship

with their customer. 73% of its customer is satisfied with its

personal relationship.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

 The return on investment is very high 84.2% of its customer is

satisfied with its return on investment.

 The risk coverage of LIC is comparatively higher 86% of its

customer were satisfied with its risk coverage.


 Despite the awareness level of 59% still of the respondent joint

know the working of the LIC in the insurance field .

 Being close rival of LIC and other and for dominant position

amoung private player LIC India insurance ltd should have

preformed better in the area of personal relationship with

customer and services performed by the agent.

 It can improve customer care service by agents .

 More branches in the patna & by resulting quality personal for

office & field service .

 The insurance market in patna is booming so LIC India

insurance ltd. Insurance has great opportunity to the market .

 People perception toward private insurance player has

drastically changed. Now, they are not apprehensive about their

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

operation . this provides a great opportunity to LIC India

insurance ltd attract potential customer.

 Presence of big player like HDFC & ICICI which have vast

resource, plus explanation plan of its operation branches of ICICI

is definitely a big threat for LIC .LIC India Insurance ltd will

have to tap more potential customer.

 Booming insurance sector in patna has attracted many private

players. This would definitely increase the competition for

market share in the insurance market . this is auther threat to

LIC India insurance co ltd.



The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


 There are numerous brands floating insurance policies in the

market. Out of them some important brands are LIC, SBI

Life, Prudential ICICI, BAJAJ Allianz, LIC etc.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

 During my study I found that most people had a life insurance

policy. I also found that different age groups have different

policy preferences.

One interesting

1. Awareness level of LIC was 89% i.e. 89 respondents out if 100

were aware about LIC India insurance co ltd.

2. Out of 100 respondent 72 were insured 99 different policies of

which 58 were of LIC India insurance co ltd .

3. The market share of LIC was 67.07%.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

4. 25% of LIC India insurance co ltd holder were highly satisfied

while 50% of them were satisfied and 25% were neither satisfied

nor dissatisfied regarding overall satisfaction level by

respondents .

5. people responses regarding “agents services ” of LIC India

insurance co ltd. Life Insurance weren’t found encouraging

.despite being a new private players 76% of respondents were

found satisfied by the agent services.

6. People response regarding “claim settlement period ” of LIC

India insurance co ltd were found good 78% were satisfied.

7. People perception regarding “return on investment” of LIC India

insurance co ltd was found appreciable (84.8% were found


8. People perception regarding “Personal relation ” of LIC were

found 73.6%

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

 LIC can do some serious workout for its brand awareness . For

this purose the company can pursue some effective promotional

scheme .

 It’s also necessary to say , LIC India insurance co ltd should

look at the expansion of its branches because the environment

of patna and mindset of panties are changing . So LIC India

insurance co ltd should changed also.

 Being a super brand in the insurance sector , LIC India insurance

co ltd insurance should come up with an innovative ideas for

tapping the local customer . It should also imrove the customer

and agents relationship.

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

 Customer meet programmed can be effective if it is implement

with keen interest .It’s not only for providing a sense of integrity

& sensibility to the customer but definitely attract large pool of

actual & potential customer.

 The LIC India insurance co ltd can give facility of giving loans at

subsidized rate from its financial institution to its insurance

clients . This all attract more potential customer.




The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna



1. Marketing Management : Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane

Twelfth edition (2007)
Person Prentice Hall

2. Marketing Research : G.C. Berry

Third edition (2007)
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


1. Economics Times
2. Business Standared
3. Business word (Sept. 17)
4. 4P’s Business Policy & Marketing (aug 17)
5. The Times Of India
6. Outlook Money (aug 17)


1. Name :MR/MRS………………………………………………………………………..

2. Gender: Male Female

3. Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Qualification:…………………………………………………………………………….
5. Occupation:……………………………………………………………………………….
6. Age Group (Yrs):
a. <30 b.30-40
C.40-50 d.50-60

7. Income Group (Annually in years)

a. 0-1 Lac b.1-3 Lac
c. 3-5 Lac d.>5 Lac

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna

8. Are you married?

a. Yes b. No

9. Do you use insurance services?

a. Yes b. No

10. Which type of insurance service you are using

a. Life Insurance b.General Insurance

11. Which insurance company are you using?

a. LIC b. ICICI Prudential
c. Bajaj Alliance d. LIC
e. HDFC standard f. Birla Sun life

12.Why you use this particular company for insurance

a. Better Service b. Quick & Prompt
c. Convenient premium amount
d. Wide range of products
13. Are you satisfied from present company
a. Yes b. No

14. If ‘no’ the reason for dissatisfaction is/are

a. Unawareness of different policy
b. Hostile Attitude of agent
c. Delay in getting claim
d. Vague payment of Premium Policy

15. Have you heard about met life India insurance company ltd.
a. Yes b. No

16. How you rate satisfaction on the basis of features and attributes
provided by different insurance companies.

Feature Highly Satisfied Neighter Dissatis Highly

/attributes satisfied satisfied fied disatisfied

The Study Of Policy And Plans Of LIC and Its Impact On Market Position With Reference
To Patna


Remarks :


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