Reign of Terror Lesson Plan 0
Reign of Terror Lesson Plan 0
Reign of Terror Lesson Plan 0
Reign of Terror
that their goal was to make sure that the enemies of the French
Revolution (rich people both abroad and within France) did not roll
back the gains that had been achieved during the Revolution.
o Today, students will explore the motives of the Committee of Public
Safety and examine the question:
Was the main goal of the Committee of Public Safety to protect the
Revolution from its enemies?
2. Hand out Reign of Terror Textbook Excerpt and have students read and
complete guiding questions.
3. Review student answers to questions.
For Question 2, its important that students try to imagine why such
people would have been considered threatening to the Committee
of Public Safety. You might engage students in discussion of the
following question: Just because someone was an enemy of the
Reign of Terror
Decree Against Profiteers: Stewart, J.H. (1951). A Documentary survey of the French
Revolution, 46971. New York: Macmillan. Retrieved
October 5, 2012, from:
Law of Suspects: Duvergier, J-B. (1793). Collection complte des lois, dcrets,
ordonnances, rglements, avis du conseil d'tat . . . de 1788 a 1830
. . . , 2d ed., 110 vols. Paris. 6:17273. Retrieved October 5, 2012, from:
Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell (2006), pp.
Reign of Terror
Name of Government
National Assembly
Legislative Assembly
July 1792
National Convention
Sept. 1792
Reign of Terror
January 1793
Committee of Public
Safety takes over the
National Convention
July 1793
September 1793
July 1794
Reign of Terror
26 July 1793
1. Monopoly is a capital crime.
2. Those who keep out of circulation essential merchandise or
commodities without offering them for sale daily and publicly
are declared guilty of monopoly . . .
3. The essential commodities and merchandise are: bread, meat,
wine, grain, flour, vegetables, fruit, butter, vinegar, cider,
brandy, charcoal, tallow, wood, oil, soda, soap, salt, [etc.]
4. Those who have any of these commodities shall be required to
declare them and sell them . . .
5. One week from today, those who have not declared their goods
shall be considered monopolists, and, as such, punished with
death; their property shall be confiscated, and their
commodities or merchandise shall be placed on sale.
6. Those convicted of making false declarations likewise shall be
punished with death. Public officials who protect monopolists
shall also be punished with death.
capital: punishable by death
decree: an official order
monopoly: total control over something
municipality: local government
commodities: things that can be bought or sold
Reign of Terror
certificates of patriotism: proof of patriotism required to serve in military
migrs: people who leave their own country to settle in another, usually for
political reasons
Reign of Terror
2. Robespierre and his supporters created a new calendar. Why would they
want to wipe out every trace of Frances past?
Reign of Terror
3. (Close reading) What was the punishment for those who did not comply with
this law?
Reign of Terror
2. (Close reading) List two examples of people who would have been
considered suspects. Explain why the Committee of Public Safety would
have considered them suspects.
3. What might the leaders of the Committee of Public Safety have said to justify
this law?
Reign of Terror
The Committee of Public Safety was established to protect the Revolution from
its enemies. Based on the Decree Against Profiteers and the Law of Suspects,
do you think the Committee of Public Safety actually protected the Revolution
from its enemies?
Write a paragraph in the space below, using evidence from the documents to
support your claims.
Reign of Terror