Draft Instructions

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The Revolutionary Times- Draft Instructions

You are going back in time are going to report on different events that
occurred during the French Revolution. However, prior to reporting on the
events, you will be placed in one of the Three Estates (1st, 2nd, 3rd) .
Your job as a reporter is to write an article of the event you see unfold
through the eyes of your assigned estate. You will be working in groups
of 3 to complete your articles. This is a multi-day assignment that will
require you to do some research and develop an appropriate opinion within
each article your group write based on your assigned Estate. Below are
instructions to complete your draft:
Step One: Teacher will assign your groups, your groups Estate and
which events you will report on.
Step Two: Teacher will give you three Fact & Opinion handouts, one
for each event, that you will fill out as you are reading on your
assigned events.
Step Three: For your first assigned event to report, locate where it
is in your textbook and begin reading. Fill out one of your handouts
as you are reading. The handout will ask you to identify a detail of
your event that you want to include in your article and an opinion.
of the detail based on your assigned Estate. You may use your Three
Estates Graphic Organizer to help you determine your opinions.
Step Four: Begin drafting your article in Google Docs. Save your
draft for later as this is not your final product.
Step Five: Repeat Steps Three & Four for your 2nd and 3rd

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