Chapter 12 Outline
Chapter 12 Outline
Chapter 12 Outline
- new economic & political power motivated them set out to dominate the world
Motives Driving the New Imperialism
imperialism: the domination by one country pf the political, economic, or cultural life of
another country or region
Europeans industrialized and grew stronger while other empires (e.g. asians) declined
A. especially the African states because of the damage of the slave trade
Western Advantages
strong economies
E. repeating rifles
F. warships
Resisting Imperialism
North Africa
East Africa
Southern Africa
early 1800s, Zulus emerged as a major force in Africa under the lead of Shaka
A. 1818 to 1828, waged relentless war and conquered nearby peoples
B. absorbed them into Zulu regiments by encouraging rivals to forget their differences
II. the conquests also set off mass migrations and wars in Africa
A. groups driven homeless migrated north & conquered other groups to establish their own
III. 1830s, Boers became a threat to the Zulus
A. a.k.a. Dutch farmers from the Cape Colony
1. which was taken by the British
2. had to migrate north
a) "Great Trek"
B. fighting broke out
1. Zulu spears got defeated by the Boer guns
2. lasted till the end of the century
II. through great rivers such as the Nile, the Niger, and the Congo
III. fascinated by the geography
IV. understood a little about the natives
V. went through lots of hardships while exploring
II. 1869, Henry Stanley, a journalist, trekked to Central Africa to find him
A. 1871, finally found him in today's Tanzania
Berlin Conference
joined to bolster the national image & further their economic growth & influence
Ethiopia Survives
ancient Christian kingdom managed to resist the colonization & kept its independence
II. divided up among royal princes who rules their own domains
III. late 1800s, Menelik II, a reforming ruler, modernized the country
A. hired European experts to plan modern roads & bridges
B. set up Western school system
C. imported latest weapons & European officers to train the army
IV. 1896, when Italy invaded, the Italians were defeated
A. a.k.a. the battle of Adowa
V. Ethiopia & Liberia were the only independent nations in Africa
II. some middle-class admire the Western ways & rejected their vulture
III. others valued their traditions & condemned Western societies
IV. early 1900s, Africans were forging nationalist movements to pursue self-determination &
Empires in Decline
1700s to 1800s, reform movements sprang up across Muslim regions in African & Asia
European Imperialism
other than internal decay, they faced powerful military & diplomacy threats from Western
II. 1830s, France wished to gain more land from them after taking Algeria
III. Russia wants to gain control of lands that allows them to access the Mediterranean Sea
A. Britain see this as a threat to their power there
IV. 1898, new German empire hoped to establish a Berlin-to-Baghdad railroad
Efforts to Westernize
late 1700s, Ottoman rulers seen the need for reforms with Western ideas
A. reorganized bureaucracy & system of tax collection
B. built railroads
C. improved education
D. trained a modern military
E. sent men to study western science & technology
1. returned with western political ideas
F. improved medical care
G. revitalized farming
II. insisted reforms were the only way to save the empire
III. 1908, overthrew the sultan
IV. before reforms, they were involved into the world war
Armenian Genocide
traditionally, Ottomans allowed minority nationalities to live in their own communities &
practice their own religion
II. 1858, French entrepreneur ordered a company to build the Suez Canal
III. Europeans gained power over the Ottomans by extending loans at high interest rates
IV. 1875, Egypt's ruler was unable to repay loans on the canal & other projects
A. sold his shares in the canal
1. bought by Britain
early 1600s, the company gained trading rights on the fringe of the Mughals
when Mughals were at their height, India was home to many cultures
Growing Discontent
An Unequal Partnership
better healthcare & increased food production led to rapid population growth
A. put strain on the food supply
1. farmlands were turned into growing cash crops instead of food
II. Others felt that the answer to change lay with their own religion
Indian Attitudes
Western Attitudes
II. most British knew little about them & dismissed Indian culture with contempt
Muslim League
Unequal Treaties
II. 1898, Guang Xi, emperor, launched the Hundred Day of Reform
A. new laws to modernize:
1. civil service exams
2. streamline government
3. new industries
B. affected:
1. schools
2. military
3. bureaucracy
III. conservatives soon rallied against it
A. emperor imprisoned
B. empress reasserted
Boxer Uprising
concessional made
A. conservatives started to support Westernization
1. admitted women to schools
2. stressed science & mathematics
3. students abroad to study
nationalism spread
A. wanted to strengthen government
Birth of a Republic
II. 1911, peasants, students, local warlords, court politicians toppled Qing Dynasty
III. December, Sun Yixian was named president
A. almost at war with itself & foreigners