Part 89 The Kingdom of Heaven, in Every Man!
Part 89 The Kingdom of Heaven, in Every Man!
Part 89 The Kingdom of Heaven, in Every Man!
are differences afoot & it will continue until we realise that the old 'in part' that we have held to for so
long must be completely obliterated. Our Great Father who loves each & every one of us, is in one way or
another arresting our attention, especially with those who have listening ears; He is constantly replacing
our old concepts with up to date new ones, of course with many this does not mean it will always come
easy. We must let go & move on!
With the subject of ''HE WAS A MURDERER FROM THE BEGINNING'' we must ask the
question & realise that when Cain slew Abel, what was the root cause? It was exactly the same cause &
deception of, ''And the Lord God said to the woman. What is this you have done? And the woman said,
The serpent beguiled (cheated, outwitted, and deceived) me, and I ate.'' Gen 3:13. Amp. This was of
course not a new thing it was once again shifting the blame from our very deceptive, yes our very own
true adversary our Saw-tawn. Anything else is really a scapegoat, an excuse or counterfeit for the real
truth; All else is in part or trying to mix the old with the new & it will not work. To find the identity of
''he was a murderer from the beginning'' we need to go no further than the identity of Eve herself who
tried to blame it on another. ''The serpent beguiled (cheated, outwitted, and deceived) me, and I ate.''
This is the religiosity & beguilement that has deceived man for so long, & that is finding a way of
putting the blame on another other than their own lowered false or mistaken identity. It is amazing the
lengths that some will go to in finding from the scripture itself a support to take away the blame from their
own Eve inspired snake, & that is his or her lowered self or mistaken identity. In the case of Cain or any
other murderer the real fallacy & deception is in the justifying & excusing to themselves the reason for it.
''The only devil from which men must be redeemed is self, the lower self. If man would find his devil
he must look within; his name is self. There are two selves; the higher and the lower self. The higher self
is human spirit clothed with soul, made in the form of God. The lower self is an illusion, and will pass
away; the higher self is God in man, and will not pass away. The higher self is the embodiment of truth; the
lower self is truth reversed, and so is falsehood manifest. The higher self is justice, mercy, love and right;
the lower self is what the higher self is not.'' Written by one with a caring heart!
Today & since the time of Eve many have been & are still always searching for a way to put the blame
on anything or something other than their lower natural man or their false identity which is the true
identity of the true culprit, our lower 'flesh man self' no matter how we try to cut it! This segment of
mixing the ''old with the new'' is a real part of the above title 'The Kingdom Of Heaven, In Every Man'
which is from above, from our HIGHER selves, that is within ourselves & is coming down from our very
own heaven-lies that lies within our own selves, which includes every man & is written by one who is
more than 'just interested'!
''For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered,
nor come into mind.'' Isa 65:17. American Standard.
graduate into the full experience of his TRUE identity, it would be eventually opened to man as already
mentioned that we shall be caught up in the spiritual clouds high places or 'ether' & realise our full
spiritual status & realise that ''you are gods'' theos = divine, & the realisation of his true status from the
very beginning shall happen & God shall suddenly ''come to His temple'' in a complete realisation that
Christ has truly come in His fullness within us, yes he man will have arisen in & to His full potential; So
be ready for Christ has come back to be glorified IN His saints. I would add & He is being glorified &
revealed even NOW!
''For I see Thy heavens, a work of Thy fingers, Moon and stars that Thou didst establish. What is man
that Thou rememberest him? The son of man that Thou inspectest him? And causest him to lack a little of
Godhead, And with honour and majesty compassest him.'' Psa 8:3-5. Youngs Literal.
''what is a mortal that you remember him or the Son of Man that you take care of him? You have
made him a little lower than yourself. You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him
rule what your hands created. You have put everything under his control:'' Psa 8:4-6. GOD'S WORD.
I again iterate that these two above verses are at present right now being overtaken, transmuted or
swallowed up by that which is being received by open hearts right now.
''In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a
place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that
where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know." John 14:2-4.
There is one thing that we must realise the kingdom is not coming, it is here with us right now, or more
importantly, it is within us, that it is within every man whether it is yet realised by men or not! .
''In My Father's house are many abodes; yet if not I would have told you, for I am going to make ready
a place for you." And if I should be going and making ready a place for you, I am coming again and I will
be taking you along to Myself, that where I am, you also may be." And where I am going you are aware,
and of the way you are aware." John 14:2-4. Concordant Literal.
Let it be known to all that Jesus has already fulfilled the promise of going to make ready, this happened
when He rose from the dead that''where I am, you also may be." This even now has already come & in a
part spiritual reality we are already there. The soon complete fulfilment is found in the next verse.
''And according as we wear the image of the soilish, we should be wearing the image also of the
Celestial." 1Co 15:49. Concordant Literal. We should be wearing, partly present tense.
''And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.'' 1Co
15:49. American Standard Version.
I am going to make a statement here which even though it may not be popular among some, those to
whom it concerns would need to consider very carefully. (If any of us believe fully that the powers of good
& evil are meant to be opposing forces to us today, this is totally from the deceptive mind & in my opinion
is a delusion & these would most definitely need to reconsider their opinion & position!)
''Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created ALL things,
and for thy pleasure they are and were created.'' Rev 4:11. KJV. For His own pleasure 'good & evil'
were created.
To continue our thought; The principle of being lowered into disobedience that He may show His mercy
as in ''For God has consigned all men to disobedience, that he may have mercy upon all'' Rom 11:32.
Moffatt, is of course is in a similar category of ''The infinity of God eliminates all possibility of God ever
having created anything destructive to itself,'' inasmuch that they both may seem - without thought &
revelation - a seeming contradiction, & the man who looks only at the literal will find that he cannot
understand this reasoning for it goes completely against the natural reasoning of the natural man. If we
will but receive the higher reasoning of SPIRIT we can only wonderfully rejoice as in the following.
''What a fathomless wealth lies in the wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable his judgments!
How mysterious his methods! Who ever understood the thoughts of the Lord? Who has ever been his
counsellor? Who has first given to him and has to be repaid? ALL comes from him, all lives by him, all
ends in him. Glory to him for ever, Amen!'' Rom 11:33-36. Moffatt.
''Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unfathomable (inscrutable,
unsearchable) are His judgments (His decisions)! And how untraceable (mysterious, undiscoverable) are
His ways (His methods, His paths)! For who has known the mind of the Lord and who has understood
His thoughts, or who has [ever] been His counselor? [ Or who has first given God anything that he might
be paid back or that he could claim a recompense? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all
things. [For all things originate with Him and come from Him; all things live through Him, and all things
center in and tend to consummate and to end in Him.] To Him be glory forever! Amen (so be it).'' Rom
11:33-36. Amplified.
A further thought on this subject from another, ''When a person recognises God as infinite, omnipresent
life and then realises that all the evil that comes to his eyes and ears is only the projection of the belief in
two powers and is not a person or a condition, his fears drop away. He becomes quiet inside, and in that
stillness something takes place which cannot be described. He cannot see what it is, hear, taste, touch or
smell it. He merely knows that he is in a state of calm. That calm is the presence of the transcendental
Something that dissolves the erroneous pictures, it does not heal disease: there are none. It dissolves the
belief in good and evil, and when that is dissolved the person is no longer seeing ''through a glass
darkly.'' He is seeing ''face to face.'' Unquote.
In support to the above, I would also add. If sickness or disease were a reality, even in the natural
sense of the word it could never ever be healed or cured.
is not a thought from your redeemer, you have been ransomed, your guilt would be coming from either the
force of 'good verses evil' thoughts in the actions of others, which is condemnation, or from your own
guilt ridden natural man, thoughts which are not from your Loving Heavenly Father who has pronounced
you; Hear it NOT GUILTY, NOT GUILTY, NOT GUILTY! This is written to encourage those who
maybe are just taking a step forward in what God is now showing you in your deep inner self!
No one really lives until he has found something greater than himself; This something else is a force
other than his natural self, it is a force, a knowing that comes from within that he knows to be greater than
he has experienced thus far. This understanding will bring a dedication that will only come by the grace
of God. To date you may have desired it but that is a far as it went. This wonderful realisation comes
from the true self of us, to us, from the depths of our very being, when we turn within & realise. How do
we realise? ''Be still and know that I am God'' is one sure way of how we realise the purity & oneness
that we had with Him in the very beginning. Job 38:7. We would also add that we are in the presence of
God continually, we are going within constantly, He never leaves us so why should we think & act
otherwise. You have the right to be in the constant presence of all that you behold when you lift the lid
that is between the two Cheribum, the miraculous is within you, that Ark is depicting all that is within
you; For spiritual man himself is the very fulfilment of all that is the Mighty & Eternal. For in fact God
has truly erupted man from His very Own self Who is ETERNAL SPIRIT!
We Need To Be Dedicated By God Himself!
We must never take away the priority of the actions & grace of God which are by Himself Alone. We as
human beings of our own volition are not capable & could never ever choose God, as we have said there
may have been a desire there, but our knowing & especially in the revelation we are being given today is
ONLY by the dedication of God Himself & may God help us if we think otherwise. I for one can only
are actually ONE with. Which brings me to something that comes to mind very clearly & must now share
with you.
We have quoted from the pen of Eric J, Watson in an earlier article. Now I have not been able to find
anything of his background, even so whatever he writes is completely unbiased & straight to the point with
no compromise. This is what he has to say on the deity of Christ. We insert this in support of our thought.
''In Titus 2:13, the K.J.V. translation leaves a loophole for those who deny the Deity of Christ. It reads,
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ.''
It could be argued that there is a distinction here between ''the great God,'' and Jesus Christ. But the literal
Greek translated word-for-word is . . . the appearance of the glory of the GREAT GOD AND SAVIOUR
OF US JESUS CHRIST.'' This can only mean that Jesus Christ is ''the great God and Saviour of us,'' or
in more English form, ''our great God and Saviour''. End Quote.
''waiting for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and savior of us Jesus
Anointed;'' Titus 2:13. Diaglott NT.
''looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,'' Titus
2:13. NKJV.
''in expectation of the fulfilment of our blessed hope--the Appearing in glory of our great God and
Saviour Jesus Christ;'' Titus 2:13. Weymouth New Testament.
that I may awaken him out of his sleep.'' John 11:11. Amp. He has come & we are in the throes of fully
Keep well in mind that this whole episode of Lazarus is a metaphor for the whole of mankind who are
or have been in an Adamic dream or sleeping sickness in the past. Listen to the words of Jesus, "His
sickness won't end in death. It will bring glory to God through His Son." ''This sickness is not to end in
death; but it is to honor God and to promote His glory''. Incidentally who is it that gets the Glory in all of
this, it is God through & IN His son. Where is His Son? IN every one of us & when we realise that our
only true spiritual identity is God in Christ Jesus, this is who you truly are & is your only true identity
you & I gain the very benefit because of the fact that His identity is our true identity, ''I and My Father
''As in Adam all die so in Christ shall ALL be made alive'' 1Cor 15:22b. '' But every man in his own
order, rank or time'' 1Cor 15:23a. What wonderful mighty things are in store for each of us.
build the old wastes, they will raise up the ruins of former times. And they will repair the waste cities, the
ruins of many generations. And strangers will stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the stranger
will be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But you will be named the priests of Jehovah; it will be said
of you, Ministers of our God; you will eat the riches of the nations, and you will revel in their glory.'' Isa
61:1-6. MKJV.
We again iterate an earlier quote by Rick Joyner, ''History testifies that each restoration of truth to the
Church is vulnerable to getting diluted or stamped out by the multitude.'' With anything that is perhaps
new or different we need to keep this quote well in mind. The subject of not dying or experiencing an
Enoch translation or anything that is toward the regaining & the realising of our original status of our
infinity in God is certainly a restoration of truth!
One thing that we must mention is that if I judge myself by myself alone, this is trouble personified. I
must reach out to increase my higher experience for more than I already have. We must learn to grow &
increase in God's progression for this day. A hungry heart will always bring its own rewards!
''Of course we shouldn't dare include ourselves in the same class as those who write their own
testimonials, or even to compare ourselves with them! All they are doing, of course, is to measure
themselves by their own standards or by comparisons within their own circle, and that doesn't make for
accurate estimation, you may be sure.'' 2 Cor 10 12-16. Phillips.
''For we do not dare to rank or compare ourselves with some of the ones commending themselves. But
they, measuring themselves among themselves, and comparing themselves to themselves, are not
perceptive.'' 2Co 10:12. MKJV.
The wineskin's really represent the perimeter of our capacity of spiritual understanding. Our perimeter
needs to be changed or enlarged. When Jesus said; ''And no one pours new wine into old wine-skins; if
he does, the fresh wine will burst the skins & it will be spilled & the skins will be ruined. But new wine
must be put into fresh wine-skins, And no one after drinking old wine immediately desires new wine, for
he says, The old is good or better.'' Lk 5:37-39. Amp.
Tradition according to STRONGS; is 'The living faith of dead ones'. Or the faith of those who have
gone before us. Traditionalism is; The dead faith of the living. Traditionalism or the old wine that Jesus
was referring to will keep us from advancing in God. To understand the message that the Spirit is revealing
today, there must be a radical CHANGE in our way of thinking. The new wine is not enough. We must
have NEW WINE-SKINS! Otherwise the new wine will burst or ruin the old skins. In other words a
mixture of the two will cause you to be confused, discouraged & dissatisfied. Remember a ''Double
minded man is unstable in all his ways'', also ''A house divided against itself will not stand.'' And you &
I are a dwelling place house-temple - of God. Jn 14:2. I hear someone say; I understand what you are
saying But what is the solution? I repeat NEW WINE-SKINS.
Trust that this finds you in the high fellowship of God & His blessings. To those who are open hearted &
are listening, blessings to you. There is always a higher place in God to be realised within. This is
something that is never ending.