Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: January 17-20, 2014
Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: January 17-20, 2014
Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: January 17-20, 2014
1. Who among t he f ollowing has become t he f irst woman direct or of Nat ional
Police Academy? [A]Aruna Bahuguna [B]Shwet ha Bhandari [C]Chandrika
Kumari [D]Nivedit ha Singh
Aruna Bahuguna
Aruna Bahugan has been appoint ed as t he new chief of t he Hyderabad-based
Nat ional Police Academy. Bahuguna, a 1979-bat ch IPS of f icer, will be f irst
woman Direct or of t he 65-year-old inst it ut ion also known as t he Sardar
Vallabhbhai Pat el Nat ional Police Academy.
Show Answer 2. T he Union government has recent ly grant ed minorit y
st at us t o Jain communit y. T he t op t hree st at es wit h largest Jain populat ion in
t he count ry are ___? [A]Maharasht ra, Karnat aka, Madhya Pradesh
[B]Maharasht ra, Rajast han, Madhya Pradesh [C]Karnat aka, Rajast han,
Maharasht ra [D]Rajast han, Maharasht ra, Karnat aka
Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
Show Answer 3. Which among t he f ollowing drugmaker companies has
launched ant i-cancer drug CANMab, recent ly? [A]Dr. Reddy Laborat ories
[B]Biocon Limit ed [C]Roche Group [D]Ranbaxy Laborat ories
Biocon Limited
Biot echnology Company Biocon launched a new and cheaper drug t o t reat
met ast at ic breast cancer t hat aggressively spreads t o ot her part s of t he
body. Biocon which developed t he drug in associat ion wit h US f rugmaker
Mylan received t he approval f or CANMAb, t he biosimilar version of ant i-cancer
drug Hercept in.
Show Answer 4. T he Lupus is a medical condit ion arising f rom def iciency
of which among t he f ollowing ? [A]Prot ein [B]Vit amins [C]Immunit y [D]Mineral
Lupus is a name given t o a collect ion of aut oimmune diseases, in which t he
human immune syst em becomes hyperact ive and at t acks normal, healt hy
t issues. Sympt oms of t hese diseases can af f ect many dif f erent body
syst ems, including joint s, skin, kidney, blood cells, heart and lungs.
Show Answer 5. Park Geun-hye, who visit ed India recent ly, is a president of
which count ry? [A]Sout h Korea [B]Sout h Af rica [C]Nort h Korea [D]Singapore
South Korea
Park Geun-hye is t he elevent h and current President of Sout h Korea. She is
t he f irst woman t o be elect ed as President in Sout h Korea.
Show Answer 6. T he Nat ional Museum of India Cinema (NMIC) is t o come up
in_____? [A]Bangalore [B]New Delhi [C]Mumbai [D]Kolkat a
T he Nat ional Museum of India Cinema will open in Mumbai. Sit uat ed over a
6,000 square f eet area in Gulshan Mahal, a herit age building it will house an
int eract ive walkt hrough down memory lane of India cinema, now considered
t he biggest in world.
Show Answer 7. Which one of t he f ollowing st at ement s is t rue about
RoboEart h? [A]It is a worldwide web f or Robot s [B]A robot ic sat ellit e
launched t o st udy eart h [C]Milit ary robot mission developed by USA [D]Indias
f irst robot ic mission t o st udy eart h
It is a worldwide web f or Robots
RoboEart h is a world wide web f or robot s: a giant net work and dat abase
reposit ory where robot s can share inf ormat ion and learn f rom each ot her
about t heir behaviour and t heir environment . T he goal of RoboEart h is t o allow
robot ic syst ems t o benef it f rom t he experience of ot her robot s, paving t he
way f or rapid advances in machine cognit ion and behaviour, and ult imat ely, f or
more subt le and sophist icat ed human-machine int eract ion.
Show Answer 8. Who among t he f ollowing have won Best Act or and Act ress
award at 20t h Screen Award? [A]Farhan Akht ar, Kareena Kapur [B]Amir Khan,
Deepika Padukone [C]Farhan Akht ar, Deepika Padukone [D]Salman Khan,
Kat rina Kaif
Farhan Akhtar, Deepika Padukone
Farhan Akht ar and Deepika Padukone have won best act or and act ress
awards respect ively at 20t h Screen awards. Farhan Akht ar won t his award f or
his perf ormance in Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. Deepika Padukone won t his award f or
her st unning perf ormance in t he movie Ram Leela.
Show Answer 9. Which among t he f ollowing has become t he f irst t ea
plant at ion in t he count ry t o bag T rust t ea logo? [A]Went wort h Est at e
[B]Moongalar Est at e [C]Wallardie Est at e [D]Pat t umalay Est at e
Wentworth Estate
Went wort h Est at e of Harrison Malayalam Limit ed locat ed in Nilagiris dist rict
has become t he f irst t ea est at e in India t o be verif ied under t he India