Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: February 21-23, 2014
Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: February 21-23, 2014
Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: February 21-23, 2014
Odia became t he sixt h language of t he count ry t o get classical language
st at us af t er t he Union Cabinet conceded a long-pending demand f or put t ing it
in t he same league as Sanskrit , T amil, T elugu, Kannada and Malayalam. Odia
is billed as t he f irst language f rom t he Indo-Aryan linguist ic group and t he case
f or making it a classical language was also premised on t he f act t hat it has no
resemblance t o Hindi, Sanskrit , Bengali and T elugu. T he proposal was moved
by t he Cult ure Minist ry.
Show Answer 5. In which among t he f ollowing st at es India's f irst Minorit y
Cyber Village has been inaugurat ed, recent ly? [A]Kerala [B]Gujarat
[C]Rajast han [D]Madhya Pradesh
India's f irst Minorit y Cyber Village was inaugurat ed by t he Minist er f or Minorit y
Af f airs K Rehman Khan in "Chandoli" in Alwar dist rict of Rajast han. T he Cyber
village project will provide comput er educat ion t o people in t he age group of
15 t o 59. Inst it ut ion under t he project will be inst it ut ed in t he villages wit h
subst ant ial populat ion of minorit y.
Show Answer 6. T he Unit ed Nat ions' (UN) Int ernat ional Mot her Language
Day is observed on ___? [A]February 20 [B]February 22 [C]February 21
[D]February 18
February 21
T he Unit ed Nat ions' (UN) Int ernat ional Mot her Language Day annually
celebrat es language diversit y and variet y worldwide on February 21. It also
remembers event s such as t he killing of f our st udent s on February 21, 1952,
because t hey campaigned t o of f icially use t heir mot her language, Bengali, in
Show Answer 7. T he Nauradehi Wildlif e Sanct uary which is pot ent ial sit e
f or Cheet ah reint roduct ion is locat ed in which st at e? [A]Gujarat [B]Madhya
Pradesh [C]Assam [D]West Bengal
Madhya Pradesh
Nauradehi Wildlif e Sanct uary is locat ed in Madhya Pradesh. It is pot ent ial sit e
f or Cheet ah reint roduct ion in t he count ry.
Show Answer 8. Mat t eo Renzi has recent ly become t he youngest -ever
prime minist er f or which count ry? [A]Greece [B]It aly [C]Aust ria [D]Vienna
Show Answer 9. T he Int ernat ional Nort h-Sout h T ransport Corridor (INST C)
is a mult i-modal net work which would connect India t o _____? [A]Cent ral Asia
[B]Af rica [C]Europe [D]Sout h Asia
Central Asia
T he Int ernat ional Nort h-Sout h T ransport Corridor (INST C) is a mult i-modal
net work which would connect India t o Cent ral Asia t hrough Iran.
Show Answer 10. Venom GT which is recent ly making news, is a ____? [A]
Recent ly discovered most poisonous snake species [B]Worlds f ast est car
[C]A newly discovered comet [D]Worlds f ast est Bullet T rain
Worlds f astest car
Venom GT is t he worlds f ast est car wit h a t op speed of an incredible 435
kilomet res per hour. Venom beat t he previous best record of 431km/hr set by
Bugat t i Veyron Super Sport .
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