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Articles From General Knowledge Today: GK & Current Affairs: June 12, 13, 2014

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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: June 12, 13, 2014

2014- 06- 17 20:06:59 GKToday
1. Recent ly, India has become t he permanent signat ory of t he Washingt on
Accord. This accord is an int ernat ional accredit at ion agreement f or which
among t he f ollowing t ypes of educat ional degrees?
[A]Art s and Humanit ies
[B]Medical Science
[D]Social Sciences
Washingt on Accord is an int ernat ional accredit at ion agreement f or
prof essional engineering academic degrees, bet ween t he bodies responsible
f or accredit at ion in it s signat ory count ries. Est ablished in 1989, t he signat ories
as of 2014 are Aust ralia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong China, India,
Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Sout h
Af rica, Sri Lanka, Turkey, t he Unit ed Kingdom and t he Unit ed St at es. (f rom
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2. Khagen Mahant a was a f amous music composer and singer of which among
t he f ollowing languages?
Khagen Mahant a, who recent ly died was an Assamese singer and musician;
and was known as "Bihu Samrat " or "King of Bihu". He picked up Bihu songs
f rom t he rural areas and present ed t hem t o t he modern st age in his own
inimit able way. Bhupen Hazarika called him Bihu-samrat . Khagen's posit ion in
Assamese music is t hought t o be only next t o t he legendary Bhupen Hazarika.
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3. Which among t he f ollowing dams of India is world's second largest concret e
gravit y dam (by volume) ?
[A]Tehri Dam
[B]Met t ur Dam
[C]Sardar Sarovar Dam
[D]Polavaram Project
Sardar Sarovar Dam
Sardar Sarovar Dam near Nevagram in Gujarat is world's second largest
concret e gravit y dam (by volume) af t er Grand Coulee Dam in t he US and has
world's t hird largest spillway discharging capacit y. Gujarat Government
recent ly got f inal approval t o raise by about 17 met res t he height of Sardar
Sarovar dam t o 138 met ers. The dam, whose f oundat ion st one was laid by
Jawaharlal Nehru on April 5, 1961, was marred by cont roversies and agit at ions.
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4. In 2013, which among t he f ollowing commit t ees had submit t ed a report on
"ease of doing business"?
[A] M Damodaran Commit t ee
[B]K V Kamat h Commit t ee
[C]Anand Mahindra Commit t ee
[D]Y C Deveshwar Commit t ee
M Damodaran Committee
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5. The Unif ied Command was const it ut ed t o __:
[A]Prot ect t he land borders
[B]Prot ect t he coast al borders
[C]Cont rol t he Lef t Wing Ext remism
[D]Cont rol Money Laundering
Control the Lef t Wing Extremism
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6. Who among t he f ollowing is t he new CEO of Inf osys?
[A]N. S. Raghavan
[B]K Dinesh
[C]Ashok Arora
[D]Vishal Sikka
Vishal Sikka
Vishal Sikka, a f ormer SAP AG execut ive board member was on June 11
appoint ed as Inf osys' Chief Execut ive Of f icer and MD. Wit h his appoint ment ,
Sikka becomes t he f irst non-f ounder CEO of Inf osys. Sikka will t ake over f rom
S D Shibulal on August 1, 2014.
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7. Which among t he f ollowing sport smen is not relat ed t o shoot ing?
[A]Jit u Rai
[B]Abhinav Bindra
[C]Pooja Ghat kar
[D]Jayant a Talukdar
Jayanta Talukdar
Jayant a Talukdar is an archer. Rest t hree recent ly part icipat ed in World Cup
Shoot ing.
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8. The Kholongchu Hydropower Project is a joint vent ure project bet ween t he
t wo companies of India and __?
[B]Bhut an
In t he recent journey t o Bhut an, India's Prime Minist er Narendra Modi laid t he
f oundat ion st one of t he 600 mw Kholongchu Hydropower Project , which is a
joint vent ure project bet ween t he Indian and Bhut anese public sect or unit s
SJVNL and Druk Green Power Corporat ion. The const ruct ion of t he project ,
which is locat ed in Trashiyangt se in east ern Bhut an, will commence lat er in
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9. The All India coordinat ed Cot t on Improvement Project (AICCIP) of Indian
Council of Agricult ural Research is locat ed at __?
[C]Coimbat ore
Cent ral Inst it ut e f or Cot t on Research (CICR) is at Nagpur and All India
coordinat ed Cot t on Improvement Project (AICCIP) is at Coimbat ore.
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10. Which among t he f ollowing is world's largest Coconut producing count ry?
[C]Sri Lanka
Share of India in world product ion of coconut is 26.34% and is highest .
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