Tutoring Week 3

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Basic Information:

Session #: 5
October 19, 2015
Tutor: Monica Izzo
Tutees/Grade/s: Sebastian and Alan Second graders


Support for ELs: I will leave the book Does a Kangaroo have a Mother too?
Out on the table as the tutees work on their activity related to the story, so
that they can use visuals from the book to guide them. I will also model
before we do each activity and then do the activities with them as support.
My writing will be in big font and legible in order for them to read it clearly.
RICA connection: p.xvii introduction; common strategies for meeting
the needs of all learners; b) English learners and speakers of
nonstandard English; 5) modeling
Support for Learning Challenged Student: Hard of hearing, to ensure
the child gets the opportunity to learn I will sit right in front of the tutee and
read the story loudly and emphasizing each word pointing to the visuals so
that the child can understand what the story is about, I will also write down
key points such as the title, what its about, and how it relates to the
RICA connection: p.7 Competency 1, (5) engaging and motivating
students; (a) a stimulating learning environment that promotes success
Introduction: I will begin the session by asking the Alan if he remembers
what we did last week, and have him tell Sebastian since he wasnt there! I
will then introduce what we will be doing this week, and ask them to recall
the behavior expectations and if they are unsure I will remind them. I will
then play the link below to introduce the objective, before we get into the
book, so that the tutees have an idea of what to look for in the text.
Use legos and tape sight words to them, have students make sentences with legos


Description of Activities
Fill in rationale, standards, objective,
and procedure for each activity. List
possible questions, words to be used,

Titles of Books,
rs, Sources,

Read To

Rationale: We are doing this

Tablet x1
activity, so that we can focus on the
Does Kangaroo
standard/objective by finding two
syllable words with long vowels in the have a mother,


s or other

15 min

p. 8 Comp
1, (5)

text. Its connected to an assessment

from last week because we are using
text to connect to the objective. It
meets the learning needs of these
tutees because we are taking time to
decode two syllable words with long
vowels helping them become aware
of the sounds and what the words
look like making connections to
second grade standards.


students ;
(c) reading
aloud to

Clipboard & pen

CCSS: RF. 2.3 Know and apply gradelevel phonics and word analysis skills
in decoding words both in isolation
and in text. C) Decode regularly
spelled two-syllable words with long
Objective: Audience: Second grade
Behavior: Able to decode regularly
spelled two-syllable words with long
vowels. works in isolation and in text
Degree: with 90% accuracy
Procedure: After introduction and
watching the short video clip about
two-syllable words with long vowels,
tutees will remained seated across
from me and I will read aloud Does a
Kangaroo have a Mother too? ,
pausing to ask open ended questions
and pointing out two syllable words
with long vowels, asking them to
help me find them.


Rationale: We are doing this

activity to so that the tutees can
ask or answer questions about
what Ive said in order to clarify
comprehension, gather
additional information, or
deepen understanding of a topic
or issue.

Bright piece of
pink paper on
clipboard & black

15 min

Standard: SL. 2.3 Ask and

answer questions about what a
speaker says in order to clarify
comprehension, gather
additional information, or
deepen understanding of a topic
or issue.
Objective: Audience: Second grade
Behavior: Ask or answer questions
about decoding regularly spelled twosyllable words with long vowels in
order to clarify comprehension,
gather additional information, or
deepen understanding of a topic or
Degree: with 90% accuracy
Procedure: After we watch the
video and read the book I will
have a bright pink piece of paper
that has been folded in fours
with ay, -oa, -ea, and ai written
as the four headers. I will then
ask the tutees to recall any two
syllable words from the video or
text and then ask them what
header they believe it falls
under, after we find the right
answer I will write it under the
correct header.

Rationale: We are doing this

activity so the tutees have a
chance to write down (using the
pink piece of paper as a guide)
any words from it or anymore
they have on their own individual
pieces of bright paper (green
ea, yellow ay, orange oa, and
blue ai)

Bright piece of
pink paper with
words written on it
Four pieces of
paper (green ea,
yellow ay, orange
oa, and blue ai)

15 min

Standard: W. 2.4 With guidance

and support from adults,
produce writing which the
development and organization
are appropriate to task and

Pencil & erasers


Objective: Audience: Second

grade tutees
Behavior: Write regularly spelled
two-syllable words with long
vowels using the pink paper with
words we collaborated as a
group to find and place under
the write vowel.
Degree: with 90% accuracy
Procedure: After coming up with
regularly spelled two syllable
words with long vowels on pink
paper the tutees will then be
handed four pieces of paper each
(green ea, yellow ay, orange
oa, and blue ai) and write the
two syllable words with long
vowels individually


Rationale: we will be doing this

activity to practice for the
readers theatre in December, to
show parents, teachers, and
peers what we have learned
throughout our tutoring
Standard: L. 2.3 Use knowledge
of language and its
conversations when writing,
speaking, reading, or listening.
Objective: Audience: Second
grade tutees
Behavior: Able to demonstrate
their knowledge of language

One script
The giving Tree
(hard copy)

5-8 min

when speaking.
Degree: with 90% accuracy
Procedure: the tutees will read
from a script with me about the
story The Giving Tree. I have
highlighted each of our parts
with different color highlighter
(pink, green and yellow) and we
will read from one script as we
sit in a circle in order for none of
us to get lost.

Closing: (Review the tutoring session with the tutees and indicate what
they can expect next session. This should be no longer than 2-3 minutes.)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection/Notes: (Please type and attach comments to lesson plan)
See attached

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