Dec 4 Newsletter 2015

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Park Elem en tar y

Tues. Dec. 15


Christmas Program Times:

K, 1st & 2nd - Arrive at 6pm. The
doors will not open before 6pm.
Concert starts at 6:30pm and will
finish around 7pm.
3rd, 4th & 5th Arrive at 7:15pm
Concert starts at 7:30pm and will
finish around 8pm.

Fri. Dec 18

Christmas Parties
check classroom
blogs for times.

Dec. 21-Jan. 3

Christmas Break

A Note from Mr.

Be the ONE- To make a
Dear Parents,

At Park Elementary we
strive to help each of our
students to be well-
rounded individuals who
are ready to be strong
contributing members of
society. We believe in
teaching the whole child
and our school-wide Be
the ONE theme is one
way that we are working
collectively to teach and
promote our students
social/emotional growth.

We recently ended the month of

November with an all-school
Park family meeting in which
we celebrated and highlighted
ways that our Park staff and
students are being the ONE to
help others.
At this assembly we recognized
Mrs. Gitlers and Ms. Uthes
classes for their volunteer work
during their Rake and Run in
which students, parents and
teachers raked the yards of our
Park neighbors in need. We
also highlighted the amount of
money that our 1st grade
classrooms raised for Project
Calvin (over $ 800) to help fund
the tuition for Calvin to attend a
quality school in Africa. We
also highlighted the winning
class for the PE Cares Can Drive
(Mrs. Gitlers class) and the
large amount of items that were
collected both at our school
and our school district.
These were all great tangible
examples for our Park students
to see how being the ONE
truly makes a difference for our
local and global communities.
If youd like to see some
pictures of these meaningful
experiences, please take a
minute to view the 2-minute

Have a wonderful weekend!

Brian Field

From the
We've just finished up
our PE C.A.R.E.S. Food
Drive. Altogether we had
2051 items for Park. Mrs.
Gitler's 3rd grade class
had the highest
classroom total with 217
items. They will receive a
bowling/pizza party in
appreciation of their
efforts. The total for all
the elementary schools
combined was 20,922
items! What a great
opportunity for our
students to be a part of!
Please remember to
send gym shoes every
day. I have told the
children it is their
responsibility, not mom's
or dad's, to make sure
they have their shoes for
PE, but any help moms
and dads can give in this
department is greatly
appreciated! I wish you
all a happy and healthy
holiday season! Thank
you for all you do for our
kids and our community!
-Mr. Beimers

FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 2015 PG.2


Please see the Hudsonville Community
Education link at the schools website at or call
669-7747, ext. #3 for information regarding all the
activities being offered.

Elementary Ski and

Snowboarding Club:
New for 2015-16. Pick up information in
the office.
Registration due December 9.

Win the Basket from Eagles

The high school store Eagles Landing
once again is donating a gift basket
to Park Elementary to be won by a
lucky Park Student. The basket
includes gift cards, Hudsonville
apparel, and other fun items. Park
will put every name in the pot to be
drawn the week
before Christmas
break. The basket
will be on display in
the office after
Thanksgiving if you
want to take a peek.
Good Luck!


*These activities and promotions are NOT sponsored by Hudsonville Public
Schools. Activities and promotions are posted as a service to the HPS

Western Michigan District Junior Team Tennis Winter 2016

Who: All juniors 18,14,12, and10 and under What: Junior Team
Tennis a great chance to play team matches with your friends (or
make new ones) When: Winter Indoor: January 8-March 13. Why:
To play compeDDve matches with friends with a chance to go to the
playoffs. It is a great addition to regular lessons and programs as
you are playing other players from outside your home town or club.
Cost: Just $5 league fee. You do not have to be a USTA
although it is suggested. Match fees are determined by the number
of players on your team at each match. Please contact Justin
Beckstrom if you have questions.
PTR Professional Tennis Director
Premier Athletic & Tennis Club
4250 Spartan Industrial Dr.
Grandville,Mi. 49418
616-538-4600 [email protected]
Snowmobile Safety Classes December 8 5pm - 8:30pm
Location | Spring Lake Library | 123 E Exchange Street | Spring
Lake Register | Call Lisa Donner | 616-846-5770 x 107 December
12 Time | 9am - 12pm Location | Allendale High School | 10760 68th
Avenue | Allendale Fee | $10 Register | Call Kelly Pratt |
616-892-5575 Class sizes are limited, so inquire today!
Hudsonville Little League Sign-Ups for Spring 2016 Season
Visit to register now!
Deadline is January 13
For questions: contact [email protected] or
leave message at 893-9313
On Saturday, December 5 come watch 14 Hudsonville Robotics
Teams compete at the 2015 West Michigan Holiday VEX
tournament. Event will be held from 9 am - 4 pm at Grandville
High School and will feature 96 local robotics teams competing for
qualifying state finals spots.

HPS Early Childhood Programs - Parent Information/Registration Night

for the 2016-2017 School Year and 2016 Summer Program
Information/Registration Night:
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 @ Early Childhood Center from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Early Childhood Center is located at: 5535 School Ave. (main entrance off Madison Ave.)
Programs include: 3 and 4 year old Preschool, Young Fives, Before/After School Care, Summer Care.
*This is a chance to gather information about the programs, meet staff, and visit the preschool classrooms. There is no
formal presentation; feel free to come anytime between 6:00-8:00 p.m. Children are welcome and activities will be
provided. For more information, please call Shellie or Holly at 616-797-0842.

Hudsonville Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age height, weight, marital status, handicap, disability, or limited English proficiency in any of its programs or
activities. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Personnel Director, Hudsonville Public Schools 3886 VanBuren, Hudsonville, MI 49426 (616) 669-174

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