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Park Elementary: A Note From Mrs. Heerema

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FRIDAY, JAN 25 2019

Park Elem en tar y

IMPORTANT DATES: A Note from Mrs. Heerema:
Dear Parents,
Tues. Feb 12 5th Gr to the Symphony
 Our February school theme focus is BE Caring.
Wed. Feb. 13 COUNT DAY! - please try The official definition of caring is showing
to not make appts. for your concern for and kindness to others. Our Park
child on this day students  and staff work hard to live caring lives at
school. They work hard to keep the question:
Fri. Feb 15 Free Popcorn Friday
"What can I do to make someone else’s day a little
Sat. Feb 16 Father/Daughter Bowling better or easier?" in the front of their minds.
Mar. 4-8 Change War Fundraiser - This is evidenced in many ways: students rush to
more info to come open the door for a visitor, a new student walks
down the hallway with a huge smile because she
Fri. Mar 8 Early Release 12:15 PM
made a new friend, a fifth grader offers to help a
March 19 & 21 Parent Teacher Conferences classmate with school work, a little boy escorts a
friend to the office to get some ice, second graders
March 19 & 21 Book Fair - BOGO invite a lonely student to join a group of kids on
the playground, kindergarteners develop caring
Fri. 28 - Apr. 7 Spring Break
reading partnerships, fourth and fifth graders
celebrate friendships during a lunch buddy outing
to the bowling alley. Teachers show up on snow
days to plan and ensure they are doing the most
they can for their students, they help Hand-to-
Hand deliver meals, they provide care packages,
hugs and smiles when life is difficult, they make
every student feel safe and cared for at school.
Park is a caring place.

Have a great weekend,

Music Notes:
I am so thankful to be the music teacher for Park Elementary. Since the Holiday Program, students have reviewed the performance and began
a new unit in each grade level. Lower elementary students are singing songs, playing games and doing dances. Third grade studies
instrument families, Fourth grade studies recorder, and Fifth grade studies Ukulele along with preparing for their Grand Rapids Symphony
trip on Tuesday, February 12.

• Fifth grade students need $5 for lunch at Pizza Ranch and should bring it to their classroom teacher Monday. 

• Fourth grade students need a recorder for every music class now. If you need to order one ($5) or borrow one, please let me
know. Students should store their recorder in their backpack so it is at school every day.

• Visit the Park Music Website: Click here. Click here for more detailed music news

Mr. Aaron Bouwman

[email protected]

Background Checks & Reservations for Valentine Parties!

Please do a background check if you will be visiting or volunteering in your child's classroom. We
are also requiring a reservation prior to class parties. Please let your child’s teacher know if you will be
attending. Here is the link to fill out a background check if you haven’t already. This includes
grandparents or anyone that attends! Thank you for your compliance.

PE Info:
• PE Apparel Sales will now go through February 11, 2019. Orders can be placed online at: bit.ly/2sr1x6M or can be
turned in to Mr. Beimers at school. If you have any questions about your online order, please contact Rebecca Fabiano at
616-669-1740 Ext. 3.
• Kids Heart Challenge fundraising for the American Heart Association will now go through February 28, 2019. Donations
can be made online and through the App! All student fundraising envelopes are due back to Mr. Beimers by February 20,
• Running Club information packets are being sent home next week with 3rd-5th graders that are interested in joining the
club. Registration forms are due back to Mr. Beimers by February 28, 2019.

PreK/Kindergarten Enrollment
Registration forms and additional information is available on our website or at any of the elementary buildings. If you
are unsure of what building your child will attend, call Robin at 669-1740, ext. 1.

The Hudsonville Athletic Boosters are presenting the GMB/ Eagle 5k " Brian Carlson Memorial Run" on March 23,
2019 at 9am. The event will take place at Hudsonville High School with the route running through the city of
Hudsonville. Each year, the Hudsonville Athletic Boosters seeks to supplement the athletics program with thousands
of dollars through various fundraising activities, including the GMB Eagle 5K, whose proceeds will go to athletic
scholarships. As an organization, we give ten $1000 scholarships a year to outstanding student-athletes who are
pursuing a college education. Be sure to sign up on line at www.classicrace.com or visit our
website www.hudsonville5k.com for more information and registration. Online registration only. Packet pickup and
late registration will be at Harvest Health March 22 from 4-6pm and race day morning from 7am to 8:50am.


Please see the Hudsonville Community Education link at the school’s website at www.hudsonvillepublicschools.org or call 669-7747, ext. #3
for information regarding all the activities being offered.

Hudsonville Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age height, weight, marital status, handicap, disability, or limited English proficiency in any of its programs or
activities. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Personnel Director, Hudsonville Public Schools 3886 VanBuren, Hudsonville, MI 49426 (616) 669-174

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