Prospective: The Penguin Guide To Plain English

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The Penguin Guide to Plain English

Here the sense o f appropriateness w hich the w ord should convey is

absent. There is no issue o f propriety here. The w ord could be replaced
by carefully or keenly, or, better still, could be omitted.
We find a boarding school advising prospective parents to get in touch
w ith the school secretary. But a prospective parent is either a pregnant
w om an or the father o f her child. The w ord is out o f place here.
The message is meant, not for prospective parents, but for prospective
There is a point in the decay o f a w o rd s meaning at w hich the question
arises w hether the w ord is w orth using at all. Does it add anything?
She was the warmest, sweetest person you could ever meet, the proverbial
prostitute with the heart of gold.
N ow although there is no well-known proverb about a prostitute, we
recognize that the w ord here serves the purpose of conjuring up a certain
stereotype exploited in literature. But w hat is the result w hen the w ord
proverbial is dragged further from any anchorage?
You could have heard the proverbial pin drop as Kilbaha entered the arena
for the jump-ofF.
It requires no great mastery of the English language to be familiar w ith
the expression You could hear a pin drop. Not to be able to use it
w ithout annotating it as though attention needed to be drawn to its
hallowed position in our linguistic tradition is surely pretentious. It is
like talking of the thin end of the proverbial w edge or barking up the
proverbial tree.
The scenario is basically the plot of a stage play or film. The first person
to use the w ord outside its theatrical context showed some im agination
to inspired effect. The usage became fashionable. Over-use has now
diluted its significance. It is done to death.
Jane revels in major contracts, and starting from scratch is her ideal scenario.
The w ord gets applied to any sequence o f events. We even hear Getting

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