Sector: The Words To Be Used
Sector: The Words To Be Used
Sector: The Words To Be Used
up late in the m orning is his ideal scenario. Thus the original connotation
is dissipated.
Sector meaning a part or subdivision has a geometrical basis. It has been
m uch used in the expressions public sector and private sector, but it
is best not applied to groups o f hum an beings. There is nothing to be
gained from saying (rather ungrammatically) There is a sector o f the
police force w ho are racist instead o f Some policem en are racist. The
w ord is equally unhappily used in the following:
This scheme represents a new era in reproductive medicine and helps certain
sectors who before couldnt get treatment.
W hy not: . . . and helps certain people w ho before couldnt get
treatm ent?
In the case o f words such as concept we have seen how a technical term
may be taken over, quite usefully, for m ore general use, and then may
suffer a gradual loss o f definable meaning. This has begun to happen
w ith the w ord spectrum . Strictly it means the band o f colours into w hich
a prism resolves a beam of light. The image is useful, but we are beginning
to hear the w ord applied m ore and m ore widely w hen people w ant to
sum up a range o f attitudes. Speaking for social workers, someone says
Yet we deal w ith a spectrum o f em otional issues in the course o f our
w ork, where spectrum w ould be better replaced by range or variety.
The w ord them e is not perhaps a vivid w ord, but it is rich in association
w ith accounts o f symphonic movements in music and metaphorical
sequences in poetry.
But humiliation was the theme of Yeltsins position in those days.
If we w ant to say that Yeltsin was being humiliated, do we need to drag
in the w ord them e at all?
Here again is a forceful w ord w hich ought not to be employed so as to
weaken its connotation.