RT Level I
RT Level I
RT Level I
Level I
Note - Example: Not part of the ASNT Questions
1. Although there may be other reasons for using calcium tungstate screens in industrial radiography, they are
most usually used to:
A. Improve definition and resolution in radiographic images
B. Improve contrast in radiographic images
C. Decrease exposure time
D. Make films respond to multimillion volt radiation
2. An excellent radiograph is obtained under given conditions of exposure with the film located at a distance
of 91 cm (36 in) from the target of the X-Ray tube. If the film is now placed only 46 cm (18 in) from the
target, and all exposure conditions except time are held constant, the new exposure time will be:
Longer by approximately 80 percent
Shorter by approximately 55 percent
Only abut 25 percent as long as the original exposure time
3. An excellent radiograph is obtained under given exposure conditions with a tube current of 5 mA and
exposure time of 12 minutes. If other conditions are not changed, what exposure time would be required if
the X-Ray tube current could be raised to 10 mA?
24 minutes
12 minutes
6 minutes
3 minutes
14. Movement, geometry, and screen contact are three factors that affect radiographic:
A. Contrast
B. Unsharpness
C. Reticulation
D. Density
15. The difference between the densities of two areas of a radiograph is called:
A. Radiographic contrast
B. Subject contrast
C. Film contrast
D. Definition
16. The most widely used unit of measurement for measuring the rate at which the output of a gamma ray
source decays is the:
A. Curie
B. Roentgen
C. Hal-life
D. MeV
17. Exposure to X-Rays or gamma rays:
A. May have a cumulative effect which must be considered
B. Will be beneficial since they build up an immunity to radiation poisoning
C. Will have no effect on human beings
D. Will have only a short-term effect on human tissues
18. Which does would be dangerous, if not fatal, if applied to the entire body in a short period of time?
A. 1.5 - 15R (4-38 X 10-4 C/kg)
B. 25 - 70 R
C. 200 800 R
D. All of the above doses would most likely be fatal
19. When doing gamma ray radiography with high-intensity emitters, the sources are best handled:
A. Directly by personnel equipped with special protective clothing
B. By remote handling equipment
C. Directly by personnel with special protective clothing except when radiographs are being made
D. By the same methods used for low-intensity emitters
20. If a film is placed in a developer solution and allowed to develop without any agitation:
A. The radiograph will not show proper contrast
B. It will be impossible to fix the radiograph permanently
C. There will be a general fogging condition over the entire radiograph
D. There will be a tendency for areas to affect each other
21. The selection of the proper type of film to be used for the X-Ray examination of a particular part depends
A. The thickness of the part
B. The material of the specimen
C. The voltage range of the available X-Ray machine
D. All of the above
37. If a piece of lead 13 mm (0.5 in) thick is placed in the path of a beam of radiation emanating from Co-60, it
will reduce the dose rate at a given location by:
A. One-third
B. One-quarter
C. One-half
D. Three-quarter
38. Excessive exposure of film to light prior to development of the film will most likely result in:
A. A foggy film
B. Poor definition
C. Streaks
D. Yellow stain
39. Reticulation resulting in a puckered or net-like film surface is probably caused by:
A. Crimping film after exposure
B. Sudden extreme temperature change while processing
C. Water or developer on unprocessed film
D. Excessive object-to-film distance
40. Frilling or loosening of the emulsion from the base of the film is most likely caused by:
A. Water or developer on unprocessed film
B. Low temperature of processing solutions
C. Developer solution contamination
D. Warm or exhausted fixer solution
41. If an exposure time of 60 seconds was necessary using a 1.2 m (4 ft) source-to-film for a particular
exposure, what time would be necessary if a 0.6 m (2 ft) source-to-film distance is used and all other
variables remain the same?
120 s
30 s
15 s
240 s
42. One of the general rules concerning the application of geometric principles of shadow formation to
radiography is:
A. The X-Rays should proceed from as large as focal spot as other considerations will allow
B. The film should be as far as possible from the object being radiographed
C. The distance between the anode and the material examined should always be as great as possible
D. All of the above
43. As a check on the adequacy of the radiographic technique, it is customary to place a standard test piece on
the source side of the specimen. This standard test piece is called a:
A. Reference plate
B. Lead screen
C. Penetrameter
D. Illuminator
52. When manually processing films, the purpose for sharply tapping hangers two or three times after the films
have been lowered into the developer is to:
A. Disperse unexposed silver grains on the film surface
B. Prevent frilling
C. Dislodge any air bubbles clinging to emulsion
D. Do all of the above
53. The activity of the developer solution is maintained stable by:
A. Constantly agitating it
B. Maintaining processing solutions with the recommended temperature range
C. Avoiding contamination from the wash bath
D. Adding replenisher
54. The purpose of fixation is:
A. To remove all the undeveloped silver salts of the emulsion
B. To leave the developed silver as a permanent image
C. To harden the gelatin
D. All of the above
55. For best results when manually processing film, solutions should be maintained with a temperature range
A. 18 to 24 C (65 to 75 F)
B. 65 to 75 C (149 to 167 F)
C. 24 to 29 C (75 to 85 F)
D. 75 to 85 C (167 to 185 F)
56. Water spots on films can be minimized by:
A. The rapid drying of wet film
B. Using a wetting agent solution
C. Using a fresh fixer solution
D. Cascading water during the rinse cycle
57. The small area in the X-Ray tube from which the radiation emanates is called the:
A. Diaphragm
B. Focal spot
C. Focusing cup
D. Cathode
58. The radiation quality of a gamma ray source is:
A. Determined by the size of the focal spot
B. Determined by the isotope involved
C. Varied by the operator
D. Greater in Ir-192 than in Co-60
59. The most common material used to provide protection against X-Rays is:
A. High-density brick
B. An alloy of 70 percent steel and 30 percent copper
C. Tungsten
D. Lead
12 mA-minutes
24 mA-minutes
3 mA-minutes
1.7 mA-minutes
62. Very short wavelength electromagnetic radiation produced when electrons travelling at high speeds collide
with matter is called:
A. X-Radiation
B. Beta radiation
C. Gamma radiation
D. None of the above
63. The exposure of personnel to X- and gamma radiation can be measured or monitored by means of:
A. Film badges
B. Dosimeters
C. Radiation exposure survey meters
D. All of the above
64. Assuming that a good radiograph is obtained at a setting of 10 mA in 40 s, how much time will be necessary
to obtain one equivalent radiograph if the milliamperage is changed to 5 mA (all other conditions remaining
20 s
10 s
80 s
160 s
65. A graph showing the relation between material thickness, kilovoltage, and exposure is called:
A. A bar chart
B. An exposure chart
C. A characteristic curve
D. An H&D curve
66. A graph which expresses the relationship between the logarithm of the exposure applied to a photographic
material and the resulting photographic density is called:
A. A bar chart
B. An exposure chart
C. The characteristic curve
D. A logarithmic chart
67. Short wavelength electromagnetic radiation produced during the disintegration of nuclei of radioactive
substances is called:
A. X-Radiation
B. Gamma radiation
C. Scatter radiation
D. Backscatter radiation
68. A photographic image recorded by the passage of X- or gamma rays through a specimen onto a film is
called a:
A. Fluoroscopic image
B. Radiograph
C. Isotopic reproduction
D. None of the above
69. The normal development time for manually processing X-Ray film is:
A. 12-18 minutes in processing solutions at 24 C (75 F)
B. 3-8 minutes in processing solution at 16 C (60 F)
C. 12-18 minutes in processing solutions at 68 C (154 F)
D. 5-8 minutes in processing solutions at 20 C (68 F)
70. In order to achieve uniformity of development over the area of an X-Ray film during manual processing:
A. The film should be placed in a dryer after being developed
B. The developer should be agitated by using mechanical stirrers or circulating pumps
C. The film should be agitated while in the developer
D. The film should be transferred directly from the developer to the fixer
71. When referring to a 2T or 4T hole in the ASTM penetrameter, the T refers to the:
A. Part thickness
B. Penetrameter thickness
C. Time of exposure
D. Time for developing
72. A sheet of lead with an opening cut in the shape of the part to be radiographed may be used to decrease
the effect of scattered radiation which undercuts the specimens. Such a device is called a:
A. Mask
B. Filter
C. Backscatter absorber
D. Lead foil screen
73. Two X-Ray machines operating at the same nominal kilovoltage and milliamperage settings:
A. Will produce the same intensities and qualities of radiation
B. Will produce the same intensities but may produce different qualities of radiation
C. Will produce the same qualities but may produce different intensities of radiation
D. May give not only different intensities but also different qualities of radiation
74. Fluoroscopy differs from radiography in that:
A. Fluoroscopy uses a much lower kilovoltage than radiography
B. Fluoroscopy is much more sensitive than radiography
C. The X-Ray image is observed visually on a fluorescent screen rater than recorded on film
D. Fluoroscopy permits examination of the thicker parts than does radiography
75. An advantage of the pocket dosimeter type of ionization chamber used to monitor radiation received by
personnel is:
A. It provides a permanent record of accumulated dosage
B. It provides an immediate indication of dosage
C. It is the most sensitive detector available
D. All of the above are advantages
76. The density difference between two selected portions of radiographic is known as:
A. Unsharpness
B. Radiographic contrast
C. Specific activity
D. Subject density
77. One requirement for keeping fluorescent screens in good condition is that they must:
A. Be cleaned with a lint-free cloth each time they are used
B. Not be exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation
C. Be mounted in a rigid container at all times
D. Not be exposed to caustic fumes
78. In making isotope exposure in an unshielded area, you find the dose rate 1.8 m (6 ft) from the source is
1,200 mR/h. What would be the dose rate at 7.3 m (24 ft)?
75 mR/h
100 mR/h
200 mR/h
300 mR/h
300 mR/hr
600 mR/hr
100 mR/hr
2,700 mR/hr
111. To produce X-Rays, electrons are accelerated to a high velocity by an electrical field and then suddenly
stopped by a collision with a solid body. This body is called a:
A. Cathode
B. Filament
C. Target
D. Generator
112. The best X-Ray efficiency is produced with the target material has a:
A. Low atomic number
B. High atomic number
C. Low hardness
D. High harness
113. What is sometimes used to change the alternating current from the high voltage transformer to direct
current for the purpose of increasing the X-Ray machine output?
A. Rectifier
B. Cathode X-Ray tube
C. Gas X-Ray tube
D. Vacuum X-Ray tube
114. In X-radiography, the ability to penetrate the test object is governed by:
A. Source-to-film distance
B. Time
C. Kilovoltage
D. Milliamperage
115. Which of the following types of radiation is emitted by Co-60 and used in nondestructive testing?
A. Neutrons
B. Gamma rays
C. X-Rays
D. Alpha particles
116. The term to describe the loss of excess energy by the nucleus of radioactive atom is called:
A. Decay (disintegration)
B. Ionization
C. Scintillation
D. Activation
117. X-rays, gamma rays, and alpha particles all have one thing in common; they are all:
A. Particular radiations
B. Electromagnetic radiations
C. Microwave radiations
D. Ionizing radiations
118. The term used to express the number of curies of radioactivity per gram or ounce of source weight is:
A. Decay
B. Emissivity
C. Specific activity
D. Source output
119. Atoms, molecules, and various subatomic particles that carry either a positive or negative electrical charge
are called:
A. Photoelectrons
B. Photons
C. Ions
D. Compounds
120. Gamma and X-Radiation interact with matter and may be absorbed by:
A. Photoelectric absorption
B. Compton scattering
C. Pair production
D. All of the above
121. Approximately what percent of the original radioactivity is left after 6 half-lives?
A. 0.005
B. 10
C. 33.3
D. 2
122. The velocity of all electromagnetic radiation is:
A. 186,000 miles per second
B. 18,600 miles per second
C. 186,000 miles per second
D. 1,860 miles per second
123. The radiation intensity of a radioisotope:
A. Increases with time
B. Decreases with time
C. Is not affected as time elapses
D. None of the above
32. D
33. A
34. D
35. C
36. B
37. C
38. A
39. B
40. D
41. C
42. C
43. C
44. B
45. D
46. A
47. B
48. D
49. B
50. D
51. B
52. C
53. D
54. D
55. A
56. B
57. B
58. B
59. D
60. B
61. B
62. A
63. D
64. C
65. B
66. C
67. B
68. B
69. D
70. C
71. B
72. A
73. D
74. C
75. B
76. B
77. B
78. A
79. C
80. A
81. C
82. B
83. B
84. A
85. B
86. C
87. C
88. C
89. D
90. C
91. B
92. B
93. B
94. C
95. C
96. C
97. D
98. B
99. B
100. C
101. A
102. A
103. D
104. C
105. C
106. D
107. C
108. A
109. B
110. C
111. C
112. B
113. A
114. C
115. B
116. A
117. D
118. C
119. C
120. D
121. D
122. A
123. B