Plot Line For Animal Farm

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1: Exposition

4: Falling Action

On Manor Farm, which is ran by Mr. Jones,

animals are mistreated and unhappy.

2: Rising Action

Old Major tells the animals about

his dream where the animals live
under their own control and
advises them to overthrow Mr.
2. Old Major dies three days later
and the animals come up with
3. The animals unexpectedly turn
against Mr. Jones and run him off
the farm.
4. The seven commandments are
written out by the pigs, who
learned to read and write.
5. Napoleon steals the milk while
the other animals are harvesting.
6. Snowball and Napoleon have
different views and argue during
the farm meetings.
7. Snowball creates committees to
help the other animals become
8. After two dogs give birth,
Napoleon takes the litters and
decides to teach them in
9. Squealer reassures the animals
when they find out the pigs are
eating the apples and drinking
the milk by saying that if the pigs
dont consume those things, Mr.
Jones will take over.
10. Mr. Jones and the neighboring
farmers unite to take back the
farm, but Snowballs quick
organization of defense results in
a win for the animals.


Once Snowball is gone, Squealer

tells the animals that Napoleon is
their new leader. Squealer also
explains how Snowball was a
traitor and a criminal.
2. Napoleon expresses his desire for
a windmill and Squealer says
how Napoleon was against it in
the beginning as a strategy
against Snowball.
3. The animals begin to make the
windmill. It takes a lot of work
and their rations are smaller than
4. Napoleon beings to trade with
5. The pigs begin to live in the
house and rumors spread about
the pigs sleeping in the beds.
When two animals check the
rules, the one about human beds
had been changed.
6. A storm destroys the windmill
and Napoleon says it was
sabotage by Snowball.
7. The animals begin to rebuild the
8. Napoleon has his dogs kill
animals who confess to
communicating with Snowball.
9. Another rule was changed on the
10. Mr. Frederick demolishes the
11. The pigs drink whiskey and
Squealer is caught changing a

12. Boxer gets hurt but keeps

11. Snowball thinks it is a good idea

working hard. It was told to the

animals that Boxer was being
sent to the doctor, but in reality
he was sent to the

to build a windmill and Napoleon


3: Climax
When the animals are about to vote either
for or against the windmill, Napoleon
makes a sound and dogs come in and
chase Snowball out.

5: Resolution
The pigs begin walking on two legs. When
the animals spy on the pigs when they are
with other farmers, they dont see a
difference between the humans and pigs.

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